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Chapter 524: All Chinese and Foreign Countries

This banquet was fully recognized by the French guests.

Therefore, if you take a good inventory, you will know that Ning Weimin has gained too many benefits.

The first is the economic accounts.

The banquet for sixty people actually did not use many precious ingredients.

And as for the drinks, most of them are prepared by Pierre Carton from the wine inventory of the soon-to-open Maxim restaurant.

Ning Weimin only provided the northern rice wine "Jimo Old Wine" as an appetizer.

The comprehensive cost of food and drinks did not exceed one thousand yuan.

In addition to the remuneration of the two piano players in the restaurant, the labor, water, electricity, gas, and the loss of not receiving other guests at noon.

Counting all these together, it will not exceed two thousand yuan.

However, the settlement fee paid by Pierre Carton to "Tan Palace" was a full 10,000 yuan in foreign exchange coupons.

The master is quite generous.

The standard meal fee is 120 yuan per guest, and there is an additional 15% service charge.

Still, I was given a lot of extra money, specifically as an extra reward for the staff on the day.

This move not only showed that the big boss was quite satisfied, but also caused the single-day sales record of "Tan Palace" to skyrocket, soaring to two and a half times the previous level.

If you add in the business income from the afternoon and evening that day, the gross profit would be nearly 10,000 yuan, which shows the huge profits contained in high-end catering banquets.

It’s really promising and has unlimited potential!

What's more, not only did the restaurant make a lot of money, but Ning Weimin himself also benefited a lot.

Through this banquet, the orders placed by these French guests who were interested in material utensils and bionic porcelain, if added together, would amount to more than 6,000 yuan in foreign exchange coupons.

Since these temporary transactions were not within the business of the restaurant, they did not occur in the tourist shop in the Temple of Heaven Park.

Then no one except the producers can share the profits from Ning Weimin.

He was completely capable of using his left and right hands, and he was able to obtain more than 4,000 foreign exchange coupons with ease!

His hard work was really not in vain! Isn’t that beautiful?

But the greater benefit comes from fame and reputation.

Obviously, once the news of this banquet was released, "Tan Palace" once again attracted the public's attention, and its fame was inevitable.

And what’s different from last time is that this time the “Altar Palace” banquet had a higher level of guests, either people from the French Embassy or elites representing the French fashion circle and catering industry, and even foreign media reporters participated in the report.

So no matter Beijing Channel’s TV news or major newspapers, they will not be absent and must compete for this news.

What's more, the Republic and France are both big gourmet countries, so this incident vaguely contains the gimmick of competing and comparing Chinese and Western food.

Then the media participating in the report will be more interested and pay special attention to it.

Most of them take the initiative to put this news at the top and let it occupy an important time and page.

To be honest, the external publicity effect of this kind of news soft advertisement is surprisingly good.

Only one day later, Ning Weimin clearly noticed that there were more domestic individual customers coming to the restaurant, and they were all customers who came here because of the news.

Immediately afterwards, he also received calls from the Municipal Communications Office and CNOOC.

These two companies with astonishing backgrounds all wanted to entertain foreign guests and asked him about the details and charging standards for entertaining French people.

So after step-by-step negotiations, the restaurant soon confirmed that it had accepted the second banquet of a foreign nature.

Because CNOOC wanted to discuss cooperation with Amoco Oil Company, it decided to hold a small banquet for forty people at the "Tan Palace" a week later.

At a price of 5,000 yuan, the restaurant was required to provide catering services similar to those provided by the French to entertain fifteen British guests.

It didn't take long for even those factory directors who thought Ning Weimin was not interesting enough and never came back to visit again.

It's just for the sake of something new, and I want to try what kind of dish will make the French give a thumbs up.

Just like that, it seemed that suddenly, Tan Palace broke through its business bottleneck, and its average daily turnover climbed significantly.

It's a pity that Pierre Carton and his guests paid too much attention to the privacy of the banquet process.

After the banquet officially started, even the foreign reporters had to leave.

Therefore, the detailed process of this banquet and the contents of the dishes have not been disclosed to the public.

Otherwise, just because the French are so satisfied with their food, it’s almost bubbling with beauty.

This feast, which enhanced our country's prestige, was qualified to be reported by "Xinwen Lianbo" and became news that cheered up the people across the country.

But then again, it doesn't matter that "Tan Gong" was not on "Xinwen Lianbo" for a while.

Anyway, three days later, September 26, will be the official opening day of Maxim Restaurant.

A master personally participated in the opening ceremony. Considering that he is the leading representative of foreign investors in China, and that he came with a major cooperation project this time, it was impossible for the "Xinwen Lianbo" column team not to come and interview him.

Pierre Carton has always been very considerate of Ning Weimin and is willing to support him. This time he has earned enough face in Tan Palace.

Therefore, the master was very willing to help "Tan Palace" gain popularity. In the end, through some magic operations, he cleverly brought Ning Weimin along with him to share the benefits of being reported by the most authoritative "first column" of news in the Republic.

You know, Maxim Restaurant is the second authentic French restaurant in Beijing.

The interior decoration is magnificent, just like a real French palace.

Although a large number of oil paintings failed to pass the review at first.

Later, in order to open the business, we had to ask teachers and students from the Oil Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts to "wear" tops and skirts for the young ladies in the painting.

But in terms of style, class, fantasy, and luxury, it is still not comparable to the Jianguo Hotel Justin.

A meal in Maxim costs at least 150 yuan per person, making it the most expensive in Beijing.

Therefore, as a representative of "capitalist luxury", Maxim is not only a latecomer, but also directly defined as "the first Western restaurant in the country". This aspect is also the core focus of major media.

Therefore, in the interview with the reporter of "News Network", Ning Weimin's "Tan Palace" was used as a ready-made example of high-end Chinese restaurants, and Pierre Carton and Song Huagui took the initiative to talk to Maxim about it.

Detailed comparison.

In this way, on that day, Ning Weimin not only had the honor to be a special guest with the model team, but also became the first guests at the banquet hosted by Pierre Carton and Song Huagui.

And at seven o'clock in the evening, when the "News Network" program broadcast the opening of Maxim Restaurant, he also saw it with his own eyes. When Pierre Carton talked about "Tan Palace", he thought that he could own a share of a high-end Chinese restaurant.

, a shot showing pride and joy.

In this way, it is equivalent to the master himself "live broadcasting" for Ning Weimin, and the reputation of "Tan Palace" will naturally skyrocket again!

It became more and more popular, so popular that it almost caught fire!

Directly reflected in the turnover, "Tan Palace" has historically exceeded the 70% attendance rate, and the average daily turnover is enough to stabilize above the 10,000 yuan line.

It can be said that if it can maintain this level for a long time, Tangong is worthy of being a golden chicken with golden eggs. It can be recovered in one year, so the investment cost is not a problem.

But is this the peak moment of "Tan Gong"'s fame?

No, it is far from achieved.

In fact, starting from the banquet held to entertain the French, Ning Weimin and his "Tan Palace" began to become famous in the circle of European and American guests in the capital.

And as the publicity fermented, more and more European and American customers came to our door.

Almost every now and then, there will be a blond, blue-eyed, big-nosed customer, holding newspapers and magazines in their hands, telling Ning Weimin how the above introduced "Tan Palace".

A French food magazine wrote that it was particularly "exaggerated".

The author actually claimed, "If you want to do one hundred things in your life, one of them is to eat the palace dishes of 'Tan Palace'."

This bragging is too big!

Even Ning Weimin himself was embarrassed to brag like this!

But many people really believe it, and after tasting it, they talk about it and approve it very much.

Later, Ning Weimin was surprised to learn that the French person who wrote this article was actually the ambassador's wife.

The ambassador's wife was deeply impressed by Qianqing's first taste of Chinese food. After returning home, she published an article and submitted it to a French food magazine about her experience of tasting Chinese food.

Due to the special status of the ambassador's wife, this article naturally became a topic of chat among the embassies of various countries in China.

As a result, the reputation of "Tan Palace" quickly spread among European and American embassies in China.

It can be said that in the circles of European and American diplomats, "Tan Palace" is completely popular!

In this way, in the capital of the Republic, "Tan Palace" gradually became a legend and a signboard representing high-end Chinese food in the minds of foreigners.

Although in the eyes of many Chinese people, this is just a newly opened restaurant, and its qualifications are far inferior to the other two time-honored restaurants with palace flavor.

But for European and American diplomats, they are more willing to accept restaurants that celebrities have personally experienced and praised.

Both Pierre Carton’s statement and the ambassador’s wife’s article are enough to provide credibility guarantee for the quality of “Tan Palace” food.

From then on, the two-story building on Tiantan North Road began to receive more and more international friends with high status.

For example, the executive vice president of Standard Chartered Bank gave a signed Hong Kong dollar as a gift.

For example, the Italian Ministry of Finance official sent a model of the Tower of Pisa.

For example, boxing champion Ali served as a consultant for Beijing’s plan to enter the Olympic system.

Especially when these people arrive, they are often accompanied by a certain number of bodyguards, armed police, and people from the Public Security Bureau to protect them.

As a result, Tiantan North Road has become a very special area in Nancheng. The surrounding people often have the opportunity to look curiously at the entrance of "Tan Palace" marked with "Embassy (embassy)", "Armed Police" or various special signs.

Mysterious vehicle.

In word of mouth and various speculations among the people, this undoubtedly makes the background of "Tan Palace" appear mysterious and further improves its quality.

It is no exaggeration to say that for a long time, the operating performance of "Altar Palace" was much better than that of Maxim Restaurant, where Pierre Carton invested a lot of financial resources and efforts.

There's no way around it. Who makes "Tan Gong" a Chinese and foreign product?

The special attributes of Maxim's Restaurant mean that it can only rely solely on European and American customers for the time being.

This chapter has been completed!
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