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Chapter 527 Core Interests

Although the success of "Tan Palace" allowed Ning Weimin to greatly ease his relationship with Song Huagui, he finally gained the respect of his colleagues at the head office and put down the worry of being liquidated by the head office.

He was even surprised to find a stable way of making money by directly exporting "OEM" products overseas.

But he also realizes very clearly that the land in Temple of Heaven Park is his basic base.

After the completion of Beishen Kitchen, the "Tan Palace Phase II" that will continue to be renovated is his core interest.

I want to accomplish this big thing and achieve this great goal.

It is inseparable from the connections and power support of the District Service Bureau, and it is also inseparable from the rich cultural assets that the Temple of Heaven Garden can provide.

Even if you want to keep the real power in your hands for a long time and enjoy the current detached treatment,

We must always rely on the support and trust given by the Temple of Heaven Park and the District Service Bureau.

In view of this, Ning Weimin naturally had to pay more attention to these two partners than to the human relations of the head office.

As for the interests of these two partners, what do they want?

No one knows it better than him.

Considering the current situation.

The good thing is that since the opening of "Tan Palace", the business situation is much more optimistic than previously expected.

It has only been profitable in the first month, and the reputation of "Tan Gong" has been completely established, fully gaining widespread recognition from Chinese and foreign people.

And as word of mouth grows, more and more high-level and distinguished guests are coming.

"Tan Palace" has already qualified for comparison with Maxim Restaurant.

It has successfully established an image of high-end palace cuisine with an international reputation and a sense of fashion.

As a result, the two well-established palace cuisine restaurants are no longer enough, and there is a trend of "the wave behind will be beaten to death on the beach by the wave in front".

Although this is an exciting and surprising result, a large part of it comes from the boosting bonus praised by Pierre Catton.

But having said that, the icing on the cake must also be strong enough.

Judging from the specific market response, almost all the guests who have spent money at "Tan Palace" are very satisfied with the decoration and the quality of the food here, and all give positive praise.

Even the service quality and consumption level issues that may have been points minus points have basically passed the test.

This means that this operating model is successful.

The healthy operation of "Altar Palace" is inevitable, but it is just a little faster than the original rhythm.

And this undoubtedly completely shattered all the remaining doubts of all partners about Ning Weimin's ability.

Whether we should continue to expand operations and deepen cooperation has become an undisputed question.

But conversely, the not-so-good aspect is that Ning Weimin fulfilled his performance promises at a speed beyond imagination and in a blockbuster way.

This greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

It can be said that almost overnight, this kid owned a restaurant that made a lot of money every day, and he responded to everything and enjoyed unlimited success.

It is impossible for other partners to not have additional ideas.

It is inevitable that there will be a psychological gap, or even uncontrollable suspicion, which will lead to doubts about whether one's own interests can be guaranteed and realized...

People are selfish. Who would feel better just watching others enjoy themselves and be famous?

This is why some people say, "We share hardships and hardships, and we share wealth and prosperity."

So at this time, in order to continue to maintain the stability of the team and the pleasure of getting along, Ning Weimin must try his best to dispel everyone's doubts and show his generosity.

Again, the benefit does not lie in the amount, but in the balance.

At the end of September, to be precise, the day before the National Day, when the first month's operating results were calculated.

Ning Weimin, who has always dealt with things appropriately, took the initiative to invite all the important figures from the two partners and held the first performance briefing meeting in the private room of Tan Palace.

"...This month, the total net profit from upstairs and downstairs is about 30,000 yuan. It seems a little less, but this is the first month we opened. And this month, we only made a real profit for half of the month.

.This figure actually successfully made up for half a month's deficit and left the remaining balance."

"The current business situation can be said to be getting better and better. First of all, the dim sum shop is sold out every day, and the gross profit is relatively fixed, about one thousand two hundred and three per day. Of course, if the number of pastry chefs is increased, this aspect will

There is still room for improvement. But after all, dim sum shops are just a convenience business and are not our main source of profit, so we can only shelve this matter for now."

"As for the palace cuisine on the second floor, which is the main business, although the occupancy rate is only 60-70%, the momentum of continuous growth is obvious, and more and more customers are coming here. I have paid attention in the past two days, and the proportion of repeat customers is about the same.

Already one-third. The current daily turnover can be maintained at around 9,000 yuan, and the gross profit of 6,000 yuan is completely guaranteed."

"In addition, the banquets that have been agreed for tomorrow's National Day include three official tables at noon and four informal banquet tables in the evening. The total turnover is almost 8,000. There are also six tables for banquets at the city communication office ten days later.

The price is appropriately discounted, 4,000 yuan. This is a special situation. But it is still profitable."

“One particularly good phenomenon is that now the ratio of domestic guests to foreign guests is almost six to four, and holiday turnover has been equal to that of banquets on working days. We have a minimum turnover no matter whether working days or holidays.

.There is no need for customers to rely solely on public funds for consumption.”

"In short, even based on the current operating conditions, as long as we maintain healthy operation, conservative estimates will allow us to achieve a gross profit of 150,000 yuan and a net profit of 100,000 yuan next month. As for my goal, it is to achieve the goal of

The monthly net profit will be increased to 150,000 yuan, and we will see if it can reach 200,000 yuan in the first half of next year..."

Sitting in the middle of the private room, facing the audience who were holding teacups or smoking cigarettes and whispering to each other.

Ning Weimin was also holding a tea cup in one hand, while he was comparing the data sheets spread out in front of him, and talking.

On the big round table in front of him, there were not only sixteen plates of dazzling table dishes, but also two bright yellow and pastel teapots.

A whole carton of freshly unwrapped Chinese cigarettes was thrown on the table, and almost everyone took a box and placed it in front of each other.

All this shows that this is not a solemn formal meeting, but more like a fancy feast.

In fact, this is normal, this is the trend these days.

Besides, the data is so gratifying. Who has ever heard that one can earn so much in the first month of opening a restaurant?

Only a table full of delicious food and fine wine can better highlight the positive meaning of "a good start".

In fact, after everyone heard the rough data, they couldn't control their excitement.

Especially Qiao Wanlin, who was the first to exclaim, "No way, we can recover all the costs in one year?"

The deputy director of Tiantan also expressed disbelief, "Oh my god, you can make up the maintenance fee of Beishen Kitchen in a month or two!"

Then there were some echoes.

"Manager Ning is amazing..."

"It's amazing..."

However, Ning Weimin just smiled and didn't pay much attention to everyone's excited expressions.

Instead, at his signal, Zhang Shihui started the second procedure.

First he picked up his purse from under the table, and then took out two thick brown paper bags.

Finally, Zhang Shihui placed one in front of Director Jin of the District Service Bureau and the director of the Temple of Heaven Park.

"This is the consumption voucher for October. Each of our families is worth 10,000 yuan. Please take it back and distribute it among your two leaders."

Ning Weimin's words made everyone present even more stunned.

Not only Director Jin and Qiao Wanlin looked at each other in confusion.

The director of Tiantan also looked at the secretary and deputy secretary, as if he wanted to ask for their opinions.

Should I receive such a benefit? Is it appropriate to accept such a huge gift?

In fact, it’s not that everyone has not confiscated the consumer coupons and got them when they opened.

The main reason is that I didn’t expect that not only would this thing be paid on a monthly basis, but it could also be upgraded. This time I was given such a large sum of money.

"Weimin, this...you gave me a little too much, didn't you? Last month, it was only a few hundred yuan per person, wasn't it?"

Qiao Wanlin is the closest to Ning Weimin, so it is normal for him to be the first to raise questions on behalf of everyone.

Ning Weimin smiled again and said lightly.

"There are no outsiders, so I will tell you the truth. I feel a little wronged by the consumption coupons last month. The main reason is that I didn't know what to do when I sent them to you. I don't know whether I am losing money or making a profit."

"It's different this time. I know how to make money. I made the decision considering the actual business situation. I still say the same thing, we have our own restaurant, we can't eat and we have to spend our own money, right?"

"As for whether it's too much? In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that these consumption coupons cannot really be equivalent to money. According to our restaurant's consumption level, ten thousand yuan is actually three thousand yuan at most. Everyone will share this money.

It's only a few hundred yuan per person, so it can't cover any major issues. At most, it can help everyone with toothpaste and solve the problem of lighting up the cigarette bar."

As he spoke, Ning Weimin stood up and refilled tea for everyone.

"This is not considered corruption. Don't we all need to try food in order to attract customers to the restaurant? I have also prepared 20,000 consumer vouchers for our various related households. This is all for the prosperity of the restaurant's business...


These words were said by him in a serious manner, which made them even more comedic.

Director Jin took the lead and laughed, and others followed suit.

Everyone thinks about it, a restaurant that can earn 100,000 yuan a month, what’s the point of eating a few thousand yuan? Not much?

What's more, if you don't eat it yourself, outsiders will have to eat it, so why not eat it?

Just like that, the laughter was over and the coupons were collected.

At this moment, everyone was actually eager to start the dinner, and they all thought it was nothing important.

We began to discuss the restaurant’s future prospects in a relaxed manner.

However, Ning Weimin's next words were like a ground-shattering sound, completely shocking everyone.

"Dear leaders, I have another suggestion. The second batch of loans given to us by the bank is a full one million. We might as well use half of it to buy a car..."

Everyone raised their heads almost instantly and stared into Ning Weimin's eyes.

"Buy a car? Spend half a million?" Qiao Wanlin exclaimed again.

"Yes, the interest rate is low anyway. Judging from the current business conditions, there is nothing that can't be paid for. If you don't use it in vain, it's better to buy it sooner than later..." Ning Weimin didn't seem to be joking at all.

The air in the private room was almost solid, and the atmosphere was quite solemn.

It was as if Ning Weimin who said this was like an antelope on the African grassland, being targeted by many carnivorous animals.

There is no doubt that if there is something that people of a certain status care about most these days, it must be cars.

Because this thing is the hardest to get, if you don’t have enough level, don’t even think about it.

Directors of many ministries and commissions still have to ride bicycles to work.

As long as you can go out in a car, you can show your superiority to others. No one does not respect those who have the power to make cars.

Especially for the leadership team of the Temple of Heaven Park, they had never dared to think about it.

But just because they saw Ning Weimin's pickup truck with their own eyes, they had second thoughts.

But even so, they never thought they could achieve their goal so quickly. It was unbelievable for a moment, and they felt like they were living in a dream...

Director Jin is calmer.

Because he knows that he is not blessed to enjoy it, and such great benefits can only be given to his immediate boss.

But after all, it is beneficial to my career, and it is very possible to get an old car to use, and it will not be in vain.

Naturally, I also want to ask clearly.

"Do you really want to buy a car? How to buy it? What car to buy?"

"This is what I think. Our restaurant is a joint venture and has a tax-free quota, so it is naturally the most cost-effective to buy an imported car. Toyota Crown, the latest Japanese car, one for each of the District Service Bureau and Tiantan, here at 'Tan Palace'

There was also a demand for hauling goods, so I bought another Jeep and a pickup truck for the restaurant to use. I calculated that almost half a million would be enough. When Beishen Kitchen is repaired, the restaurant can still earn hundreds of thousands without delaying the business below.


Following Ning Weimin's explanation, everyone present started to look forward to it.

Everyone's faces were glowing red, even Zhang Shihui's.

Because he knew very well that one of the jeep and pickup truck that Ning Weimin mentioned was just for him.

As long as he stays here wholeheartedly to help Ning Weimin, he can realize his long-awaited car dream.

"Importing a Crown? Isn't it too much? If it's so eye-catching...should I switch to a domestic car...not to mention what if the restaurant's business goes bad..."

The director of the Temple of Heaven is somewhat concerned.

Ning Weimin said firmly, "In fact, domestic cars are not cheap, and their performance is definitely not as good as Japanese imported cars. On the other hand, buying imported cars is like making money. Didn't I just say that we are tax-free as a joint venture?

. Then if you buy it and sell it, you can actually make tens of thousands. If we don’t take advantage of it, it will make people laugh."

"It's not like a restaurant. I know in my heart that business must be good business. People who come to eat here are not just for eating, but also to show their status. There is no semicolon to show off their taste and level.

, no matter how you maintain the prosperity for one or two years, it won’t be a problem, and it will never stop working all of a sudden.”

"So I think it's better to buy a Crown, not only for the sake of face and comfort, but also to match the level of our restaurant. If we buy a domestic car, I'm afraid others will underestimate our strength."

"I know you don't want to make it public, but the problem is that this car bears the name of our restaurant. It is a fixed asset of 'Tan Palace'. It does not belong to the Temple of Heaven. It doesn't matter how you use it. Just say 'borrowed' and others will be fine."

No matter how jealous you are, you can't say anything."

"There's just one thing. If we buy a car, at least half a year's profit from the restaurant can't be used elsewhere. I have to save it for the second phase of the 'Tan Palace'. I have to explain this in advance..."

No matter in the eyes of the principal or Director Jin.

Ning Weimin is simply considerate of everything.

He is so good at talking and thinking about others, so naturally this idea won't be a big problem.

What's more, an imported Crown car is such a huge temptation that it's completely impossible to refuse.

As a result, both of them couldn't help but blush, and after swallowing uncontrollably, they each nodded and accepted the good thing that came to their door.

Suddenly, there was an uproar at the table. Others present were also excited that the car purchase was finalized, and then they started whispering.

But it's strange to say that the fact that something I've been thinking about for a long time is fulfilled makes me even more uneasy.

For example, Director Jin didn't listen to Qiao Wanlin's rainbow fart. After thinking about it, he suddenly couldn't help but say it to Ning Weimin again.

"Manager Xiao Ning, I'm not afraid of anything now. I'm just afraid that you will be transferred. Your company won't do this, right?"

The director of Tiantan was reminded and couldn't help being surprised. He didn't bother to respond to his subordinate's flattery and raised his head.

"Yes, will you be promoted? As I said, I won't let you go until the restaurant business is finished! We will be tied together. Then don't blame me for blocking your future!


As a popular fried chicken, Ning Weimin immediately laughed heartily, "No, definitely not..."

This chapter has been completed!
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