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Chapter 559 A small probability event

The wind outside is like a knife, and it seems to be able to blow into the cracks of people's bones.

After Ning Weimin went downstairs, he almost ran into the jeep and turned on the heating.

It was so late at night, and it was several degrees below zero, so his coat was no longer of much use.

So when I got in the car, not only was my body freezing, but my hands were also a little stiff from the cold.

But the more troublesome things are yet to come.

To be honest, even if he didn't drink, it would not be easy for him to drive away smoothly at this time.

Because there are no real estate companies these days.

Even though this is the most core residential area in Beijing, it lacks management and is still a mess downstairs.

There are shallow holes that have been dug out and forgotten to be filled in, and there are also many residents' sundries placed haphazardly against the walls downstairs.

More importantly, at nightfall, most of the residents in the building have returned home, and all their bicycles have been returned.

There can be more than a thousand bicycles in one building, almost all of them randomly placed downstairs.

As a result, the terrain is quite complex.

For Ning Weimin to drive the car out, it was no less difficult than breaking through the ecstasy formation.

In fact, when he was reversing the wheel, he made the mistake of focusing on one thing at the expense of the other.

At that time, he only paid attention to how to avoid the bicycle.

I'm afraid that if I hit the bicycle, it will fall over and cause a huge disaster.

As a result, I didn't expect that when the wheels were straightening, someone was not paying attention and the oil separation was not coordinated properly, causing the vehicle speed to increase.

Instead, it hit the trash can downstairs with a "boom" sound.

That was a green tin trash can, and it was quite full. You can imagine how heavy it was.

Just this broken trash can was knocked backwards, well, the domino effect appeared!

He also knocked over some junk that someone had temporarily stored downstairs.

Now this is really going to cost my life!

Ning Weimin looked through the car window at a broken desk, where the pile of clutter that had been piled high collapsed.

There's a roar! A begging!

The wooden boards, bamboo baskets, and cardboard boxes all tilted and fell off the broken desk!

There's nothing wrong with that. You have to be kind.

Under such circumstances, as the perpetrator, Ning Weimin certainly couldn't just pretend that nothing was wrong and just walk away.

He had to go down and take a look, maybe tidy up.

If the owner hears the noise and comes out to ask questions, he must apologize and give a good explanation.

This is called quality.

But who would have thought, something even more shocking is yet to come.

Ning Weimin had just opened the car door when he heard a soft groan from the pile of scattered rags.

It was so dark that he couldn't see clearly, so he could only conclude that it hit someone!

He didn't dare to delay any longer and hurried over in a few steps.

Sure enough, a man in a cotton coat was kneeling on the ground, holding his head and groaning.

However, this was nothing. Waiting for him to go up and pull the injured man up and help him stand up from the pile of rubbish.

It was the most evil situation that really made him dumbfounded.

Ning Weimin thought as soon as he passed by, Huh? Why does this person look familiar?

Why does this look...look...so like Jiang Hui's "twenty-four filial piety" husband?

Huh? No...it's not like that, it's Nian Jing!

Even though the man in front of Ning Weimin was beaten to an extremely miserable state, his forehead was bleeding, and he could only lean against the wall.

But the dim light from the street lamp illuminated this man's gray cheek, and Ning Weimin was still able to confirm Nian Jing's identity.

At that time, he felt a "boom" in his head and was stunned!

But then, before the shock passed, he was surrounded by fear again, and his scalp felt numb.

Because he immediately realized that such a very unlikely thing could actually happen to him!

Nian Jing's appearance here cannot be a pure coincidence!

There is no such trick in the world!

Then an uncontrollable anger arose spontaneously, and he asked as if he was angry.

"What the hell are you doing hiding here? Why are you sneaking around?"

On the other hand, Nian Jing didn't know whether it was because he was injured or because he felt guilty when facing Ning Weimin, but his expression was quite stunning.

With a bleak look on his face and twitching at the corners of his mouth, it took him a long time to finally stammer out a sentence.

"Don't...don't get me wrong, I...I'm here for Jiang Hui."

Ning Weimin sneered and became even more annoyed.

"Misunderstanding? Jiang Hui is upstairs, why don't you go up?"

Nian Jing's face showed a deep pain, and he seemed to be talking to himself in confusion.

"Me? Why should I go up there? Where do I have the qualifications? Any of you can come to this place, but I can't."

"What do you mean?"

"This means I'm a fucking idiot! I'm a loser! I'm living a miserable life!"

This sound was filled with suppressed anger, a completely uncontrollable explosion.

But after that, Nian Jing became depressed again, and even two tears fell from his eyes.

His head suddenly lowered, unwilling to look at Ning Weimin again.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. Please believe me, I don't mean anything against you. I went upstairs just now, and you are a good person."

"I'm hiding here. I just don't want you to see me. Let's see if Jiang Hui takes your car home. I didn't expect such an accident to happen."

"Li Zhong, I'm here just to block that bastard Li Zhong! He thought I didn't know anything and made me look like a fool!"

"I want to kill this beast Li Zhong! One day, sooner or later, I will definitely kill him..."

Nothing more needs to be said.

Although for Ning Weimin, it was another strong psychological shock.

But as a man, he can easily figure out the whole story from another man's hatred and curse.

Especially since he had just experienced Jiang Hui's "bold" side.

Ning Weimin was almost certain that this was probably a clichéd story similar to "The Plum in the Golden Vase".

Although Nian Jing is not ugly, he is like Wu Dalang who sells cooking cakes and was given an eco-friendly hat by his wife.

And the "high official of Ximen" is probably Li Zhong, who was doing nothing all day long and was able to break into Nian Jing's family.

What's more, despite Nian Jing's extremely angry appearance, he is also a loser who only sheds tears.

Killing someone was just a way of expressing his helplessness, and this kid definitely didn't have the guts.

It can even be concluded that he didn't even dare to hide in the dark and beat Li Zhongyi.

Because the master who is willing to tell such a thing to his mouth will not actually implement it.

It is absolutely wise to say that a dog that bites should not bark. It is a rough statement but not a rough statement.

"Are you okay? Look at the blood on your head..."

Only when Ning Weimin was truly sure that it would not affect him in any way did he care about Nian Jing's injury.

Nian Jing touched his forehead, then shook his head with a dejected face.

"It should be fine. It's probably just a cut. The other thing is...the clothes are torn."

"I'm sorry, it all depends on me. I will compensate you."

"No, no, I don't mean that. I only ask you one thing, please don't tell anyone else about this..."

"Don't worry, I won't spread other people's gossip. I will keep my mouth shut."

"Then...then thank you."

"But what are you going to do now? Go to the hospital? Or? Do you need me to accompany you there?"

"No, no, I can't go up. That would be troublesome. I, I'll leave right now. Before Li Zhong comes back..."

Ning Weimin was completely speechless.

If Nian Jing was really his brother, he would definitely give Nian Jing a big mouth at this time.

We have already reached this point, yet we still haven't taken any real action to change anything.

Instead, he tried to escape tremblingly, like a complete coward.

Do you just want to leave your wife behind? Leave it to Li Zhong?

A husband went so far as to hide from an adulterer.

That’s it, is he still a man?

He still wants to be a Phoenix Legend!

He is worthy of being a grass chicken.

There is no other explanation except that the extravagant desire to climb high and the marriage with a huge gap in status poisoned Nian Jing.

If a man doesn’t want to work hard on his own to make progress.

I am reluctant to live dependent on my in-laws now, and I am unwilling to give up the temptation of struggling for twenty years less.

Then the only choice is to compromise and become a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle".

But having said that, for such a wife, what else can Nian Jing expect from her?

Can this woman still take care of the housework and have children for him?

Could this woman still have sincere plans for him?

This is obviously ridiculous.

This chapter has been completed!
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