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Chapter 570 Golden Avenue

The situation is similar to that of the Meishi Street Sewing Club.

A few blocks away, the Langfang Toutiao Brocade Box Factory had a surprisingly bumper harvest before the end of this year.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon on January 24, we were in the office of the director of Jinxiao Factory.

Ji Denglai, the veteran accountant, showed the factory director and workshop director the summary of the accounts, cash income and sales accounts that had just been straightened out.

"Last year, our output value reached 470,000 yuan. We achieved an increase of 100,000 yuan, and the profit growth rate was even higher. The gross profit increased by more than 52,000 yuan compared with last year. The actual net profit for the year was more than 65,000 yuan..."

Director Bi and Director Zhang didn't even have time to look at it, so they only listened to the rough data reported by the old accounting director.

They couldn't help but be greatly moved, and they all shouted.

"Why so much! Output value increased by 21%! Net profit tripled?"

"Lao Ji, are you right? How is that possible?"

Director Bi really couldn't believe such good data and excitedly looked through the accounts to confirm.

Accountant Ji, however, swore to be the guarantee.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with the account. I checked it twice. Besides, the money is just sitting on our account. I was wrong, and the bank can't be wrong either. Don't worry..."

Director Zhang still believes in the old man’s business ability.

He didn't bother to check, and directly expressed his reassurance.

"Great. If this is true, it will be easier for us to explain to our superiors this year. We no longer need to be criticized by the bureau leaders, saying that our factory is holding back the Light Industry Bureau."

But then, he couldn't help but express doubts.

"It's just strange. I don't realize how busy I am? We workers don't seem to work overtime much..."

Seeing how incredible he was, Accountant Ji couldn't hold it back and was very happy.

"Are you still surprised? I am. I want to ask you, our sales volume of brocade boxes this year has dropped by 5% compared to last year, but how come our profits have gone up?"

"In addition, the silk figures are quite surprising. I can see from the books that the sales volume of silk figures this year has more than doubled compared to last year. Nearly 40,000 yuan was sold, and there is no backlog at all."

"In this way, after taking out the wages, labor insurance, coal and fire expenses, and medical expense reimbursement in the silk-making workshop, the net profit can be as high as more than 27,000 yuan."

"Hey, Lao Zhang, you won't say you don't know this, right? You are in charge of production, so you should be the only one who knows the best..."

Not to mention, Accountant Ji’s words were very inspiring to Director Zhang.

He patted his thigh and finally figured out what was going on.

"Hey, that's right, I just remembered it. It's all thanks to Manager Xiao Ning. At the beginning of this year, our factory's regular customers, Tongrentang and Gongmei Store, all reduced their orders a lot.

.Said superiors asked to increase profits, so they could only reduce costs and streamline packaging."

"At that time, I was still worried about how we would spend this year. Unexpectedly, manager Pierre Katonen actually went against their requirements. Just after the Spring Festival, he asked us if we could increase the lining of the brocade box.

Thicker and softer. I said it would cost more, but he said I’m not worried about the higher cost, as long as it can effectively prevent shocks and collisions, and the stuff is good.”

"If you want to say that this French company is very wealthy, it will be whatever price it quotes. Moreover, Manager Ning is very happy with his work. He didn't even eat a meal from us, so he had someone write a check. In this way, the profit of that brocade box is the highest

The past two."

"What's more, in September and October, Manager Ning placed two additional orders. They were all high-end goods. In addition to thickened brocade boxes, a lot of octagonal, hexagonal, and double-layer special-shaped brocade boxes were also ordered. Not only in

In terms of quantity, it has almost made up for the share we lost, and these jobs are quite profitable..."

"What about the silk man? What's going on over there?"

Director Bi couldn't help but ask. He had just read the accounts and noticed the abnormal sales of silk figures.

"I remember that the output of silk figures was not high. Didn't all the old masters say that it takes three days to make a big silk figure? And there are only seven people in the silk figure workshop. They can make a silk figure worth more than 10,000 yuan a year.

Not bad. Why did it suddenly reach 40,000?"

"Hey, this is what happened to the silk man..." Director Zhang swallowed, "Have you forgotten? Didn't we set up a training business for the 'Subdistrict Office' of Meishi Street? It was also brokered by Manager Ning. Later, Meishi Street

The streets and streets sent us a dozen unemployed young people. Now a few have left, leaving eleven people who can be considered to be able to learn. Although they have not left school at the moment, they can still do most of the rough work.

.Our old master, in addition to continuing to teach them how to do things, now specializes in doing detailed work. With this dozen of cooperation, the speed will be more than doubled..."

"...And we are not responsible for the wages of these apprentices..." Accountant Ji couldn't help but add something.

"Every month, the Temple of Heaven's Zhai Palace transfers 600 yuan to our account to pay for these children. The rest of the money is also used for their care and labor insurance."

Only then did the factory director figure out what was going on.

However, he did not show how happy he was, and instead said no more words for a long time.

In the silence, his mouth tightened strangely.

Director Zhang and the old accounting director both know the situation in the factory.

As long as they think about it carefully, it is not difficult for them to understand the contradictory mood of the factory director at this time.

"Are you a little reluctant to part with it?"

Director Zhang spoke first, "How about I go and discuss with Director Li from Meishi Street, let's just recruit all these kids as workers. Anyway, they also want to solve the unemployment problem in the street. Old Li should be willing to sell me this face."


"Yes, it's quite a bargain."

Accountant Ji followed closely and echoed, "Even if they all become full-time workers, it will only cost seven to eight thousand yuan in fees this year. The key is that these children must be able to work alone. Silk Ren's

It is very possible that the output can be doubled. Then it will cost another 40,000 yuan."

To say that Factory Director Bi was planning this, they really made their guess right.

But the problem is, after frowning and thinking for a while, Director Bi suddenly realized one of the key points.

I can only regretfully choose to give up.

"No, no. Have you ever thought about what Manager Xiao Ning's attitude would be? You just said that the money was given by Manager Xiao Ning, not Meishi Street. What are they trying to do? Obviously, they want to

We will completely take over this business in the future. Who told us to clearly express our unwillingness to expand in the first place? What can we say now? Not to mention that the money earned by Silk Talent is all dependent on their care. If Manager Xiaoning is not happy, we

Who will the goods be sold to?"

What Director Bi said was truly unexpected.

Director Zhang thought about it carefully and felt that there was still some room for change.

"Then can't we talk about it again now? In fact, what difference does it make if we do it or if Lao Li and the others do it? As long as we open our mouths, Manager Ning may agree."

"Forget it, stop making trouble."

Director Bi sighed in disinterest and had already made up his mind.

"Even if Manager Ning agrees, Director Li doesn't care. So what can I do? When I think of the gang above us, I no longer have such thoughts."

"Don't forget, this silk man is not an inherent business of our factory. It was assigned to us by the superiors back then. They treated these people as a burden and dumped them on us. They just bullied our factory for being small. You can knead it as much as you want.


"Now the silk business has become a lucrative business, and we see a bright future. If we really start this business, those people can't help but think so. If they are jealous, they will ask us to go back.

What will we do then?"

"So, if we go back on our word, we can only be villains. We offend others and ruin our own character. I'm just afraid that nothing will fall into place in the end, and both ends will not be settled. Why do we come?"

"Anyway, the old masters are retiring soon, so I think it's better to maintain the status quo. We should concentrate on developing the brocade box business, and the silk people are an unexpected sweetener. As long as we can make Manager Xiaoning happy and take more care of us, that's better than anything else.

,Yes or no?"

Director Zhang and Accountant Ji were convinced by Director Bi's reasoning. Of course they knew the moral character of those within the system.

Although Director Bi's decision is negative, it is indeed better than making someone else's wedding dress for free.

Accountant Ji soon thought of a more practical problem.

"Then factory director, what should we do with the profits we get? The factory has never had so much money, so we can't hand it all over."

Hearing this, Director Bi immediately became happy.

"You don't have to say that. We have tightened our belts in the past few years. We finally got rich in time for the new year. Why not be generous? In this way, I will ask the administration to make an announcement later. Let's first

All the medical expenses that everyone has saved up have been reimbursed. Then we will give everyone year-end bonuses."

Director Zhang listened and was so beautiful that he rubbed his hands together.

Lao Ji also smiled happily.

"Then if I dare to be happy, how much bonus can I get?"

"This... let's pay according to the maximum standard, 20 for workers and 30 for cadres. Then we will allocate some money to the administration and let them buy some rice, oil, eggs and so on. Let everyone be happy."

"Oh, that's great. I'll go to the administration and call Lao Liao here. If he knows, he will definitely be happy from ear to ear."

Director Zhang couldn't sit still after hearing this, so he took the initiative to call someone, hoping to put it into effect as soon as possible.

But it's not over yet, Director Bi has another idea.

"Hey, by the way, Lao Zhang, please wait a minute. Nowadays, everyone pays attention to wearing suits. Our factory can't follow this trend this year. Then there is a sewing club on Meishi Street, so we will look for them. I heard

, it was supported by Manager Xiao Ning, and even Pierre Carton recognized it, so the craftsmanship must be good. Why don’t you go say hello to Director Li? This way you can get closer to Lao Li and the others."

Of course Director Zhang was even more beautiful, he kept saying "good idea, wise leadership".

But Lao Ji took his position as the starting point, but he was a little hesitant.

"Director, if we are going to make suits again, we probably won't have much money left in our accounts. If we just hand over 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, will the bureau agree? Once they see how much we have in our accounts,

Profit, will you have any objections?"

Having said this, Director Zhang couldn't help but hesitate.

I feel that this suit does not necessarily have to be made, so as not to embarrass the factory director.

Unexpectedly, Director Bi didn't care at all. He waved his hand in a very free and easy manner.

"Don't think too much. If you have an opinion, just do it. What am I afraid of? I'm fifty-seven this year, how many more years can I continue to work?"

"In the past few years, I have seen that the factory has become more and more difficult. The workers have been scolding me behind my back for several years. Now that I finally have this opportunity, will I not let the workers miss my good son?"

"Okay, let's just play with the Lord of Hell and feel comfortable for a while. The only goal at the moment is to let everyone have a good year..."

Director Zhang and Accountant Ji had nothing to say.

Looking at Director Bi with gray hair, they suddenly felt a little unfamiliar.

In my memory, the factory director who was full of passion, worked hard to be the first in everything, held high the red flag, and led everyone to "surpass the United Kingdom and catch up with the United States" is no match for his name.

But I will still be moved by him.

Inexplicably touching.


The same situation happened in the yard of the Donghuashi Subdistrict Production Cooperative.

On this day, in front of all the employees of the production cooperative, Director Niu from the Donghua City Subdistrict Office not only announced the factory's annual results.

Moreover, he announced that next year he would officially turn the production cooperative into a street material factory and would recruit 20 more workers.

Finally, he also announced in accordance with Ning Weimin's request that everyone would receive a year-end bonus of no less than 50 yuan at the end of the year, and that all veteran employees would receive a salary increase next year.

Especially Chang Yuling, as the highest technical expert, his salary will be compared with that of an eighth-level technician in a large factory.

Which of these is not breaking news?

The workers in the production company were excited, and Chang Yuling was excited.

It can be said that the oscillation caused by these news is no less than a storm.

As long as they are from the production company, no matter whether they are old or young, male or female, they are no longer satisfied with applauding, they can't help but cheer.

Seeing these people start shouting and laughing uncontrollably in the applause, it's like they have collectively won a jackpot.

Even the foreign aid who came to do private work in the material factory was a little envious.

Yes, such a scene, even if it appears in movies and TV series, will give people the feeling of being overly exaggerated.

But it happens to be logical.

Just as sudden wealth can drive poor people crazy.

A job that allows people to live a stable life and a bright future with happy prospects.

It can also make the young people of this era who have suffered too much, suffered too many sins, and encountered obstacles everywhere after returning to the city without any success.

Director Niu, the protagonist who announced the news, suddenly felt that he couldn't bear to watch any more. This festive scene actually made him a little sad.

It reminded him of how young people and their families were so anxious to get angry.

I ran to the streets again and again, asking him to help me contact the people at work.

He even recalled the time when Sanyu was old and homeless, selling popsicles on the streets.

I remembered the longing look on the old lady's face when she always asked him if the streets could still produce grapes.

And he always makes the old man sigh with regret...

Fortunately, things have finally changed now. The young man named Ning Weimin has appeared like a savior and fundamentally changed everything.

They have even become the only manufacturer in Beijing that can produce Western food and wine sets and export them to France.

Even big hotels like the Capital Hotel and the Jianguo Hotel actually contacted them and considered ordering their glasses after learning about this incident.

Their production company's current business is enough to ensure a good life for these workers.

We will never close down due to financial problems and lack of sales again.

Director Niu couldn't help but cast his gaze into the distance.

At this time, the sun was already in the west, and the golden light seemed to be shining on the entire capital.

The entire factory, all the houses, all the people, even the old tree in the yard, looked like they were made of gold.

As a result, a golden spectacle was formed, making the air with temperatures as low as zero actually feel as warm as the harvest season.

It also reminded Director Niu of one of his favorite novels when he was a student - Haoran's "The Cotai Strip".

This chapter has been completed!
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