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Chapter 573 One Size Fits All

The old masters of the Palace Lantern Factory were dissatisfied with the younger generations in the factory, thinking that the successors they brought out had forgotten their roots.

But to be honest, these young people in the factory are a little unfair.

Because society is developing and times are developing.

Of course, everything must develop and progress in line with this environment.

Human thoughts will inevitably be affected by changes in the environment of the times, and will gradually become different from the past.

In fact, it’s not that their apprentices are unwilling to work, it’s not that they don’t love the factory and don’t have the spirit of dedication.

Otherwise, we would not even be in the current bottleneck period of technology research and development.

It’s just that as a social person, in an increasingly materialistic social environment.

If they don't pay attention to reality, remain philistine and selfish, then life will become more and more difficult.

To put it bluntly, I just had no choice but to let the environment force me.

If they wanted to break out of the small circle of the Palace Lantern Factory, they would actually look very valuable and lovely.

What's more, the Palace Lantern Factory has leaders like Hu Kuanfu and Xu Pingzhi who attach great importance to traditional craftsmanship, and there is no breeding ground for "forgetting the roots".

In fact, true forgetfulness often does not happen to people who overcome difficulties and face adversity.

On the contrary, it is more likely to happen to those who seem to be relaxed and comfortable and living a good life.

How else to put it, live in sorrow and die in happiness?

On January 24, in the conference room of the state-owned Jingcheng Material Factory.

The slogan "Welcome Old Workers to Retire" is hung prominently in front of the wall in white letters on a red background.

In addition to the factory director and secretary, there was a row of retired workers wearing flowers sitting on the rostrum.

There are rows of artificial leather chairs below. In the front row are the middle-level leaders of the factory, and behind them are the apprentices of these retired workers.

The representative of the retired masters was Master Jiang Sanchang, who has been in the industry since he was twelve years old and has been playing the role of cooker for forty-five years.

He is the first direct descendant of the "Chiang family" among the "four gates" of the capital's material and utensil shop - "Jiang (Wenliang), Wang (Fuchang), Zhao (Jiuzhen), and Yue (Ziyuan)".

He played "Twelve Zodiac Signs", "Sealing of Marquises" and "Eight Immortals Celebrating Birthday" before liberation.

Because of its vivid image and bright colors, it was bought out by Tung Kee Pearl Flower Shop in Dong'an Market with a large sum of money and took over all sales.

Nowadays, there are very few people left in the craftsmanship trade in the capital who can do fine work of cooking birds, beasts and portraying historical figures.

The most famous work of Master Chiang's life was in 1978, at the request of the embassy of a friendly neighbor, he made the 1.75-meter-high bonsai "Magnolia" for their leader named Jin to celebrate his 65th birthday.


This work is made of flowers made of water chestnut. Each pot has fifty flowers and fifteen flower buds.

The most unique part is that Master Jiang uses the air-blowing technique to make flower buds and leaves openings, which can store spices and release bursts of fragrance.

There is no precedent for this in the production of material utensils. Just by this hand, this work has reached the level of a national treasure handed down from generation to generation.

Moreover, Master Jiang also worked hard on the changes in color shades, sizes, and tenderness of the flowers, leaves, and roots.

The bottom of the flower plant breaks the previous convention of only paving white sand, and is matched with rocks, flowers and grass to highlight the lush leaves and branches of the magnolia.

The ambassadors of friendly neighbors were particularly pleased with this work.

Later, on behalf of the leader named Jin and his wife, he wrote a special letter of thanks to Jingcheng Special Art Company and Jingcheng Material Factory.

But such an old master-level craftsman encountered a disguised form of "early layoff".

Qingqing Jingcheng Material Factory needs to expand not only its R&D team, but also its production capacity and modern equipment.

However, the space in the factory is limited, so the traditional material blowing workshop was requisitioned.

In this way, Master Jiang, who is only fifty-seven years old this year, and several other senior masters in the same workshop who are over fifty-five years old, are all "one size fits all". The factory counts them as sixty years old and requires them to retire early.


For this reason, Master Jiang and others had not gone to the factory leaders to argue and express their dissatisfaction.

He said they could still work for several more years and hoped the factory could recover their lives.

But although the factory leaders were polite and considerate to them, the old workers, in this matter they just patiently appeased them, repeatedly persuaded them, and refused to give in.

The reasons given by factory leaders seem to be very good.

First of all, from the perspective of the manufacturer, high-end products with traditional feeders are completely unprofitable.

Due to domestic demand, very few Gongmei Buildings can be sold.

In terms of foreign trade, Teyi Company controls and monopolizes the channels, and the purchase price is extremely low.

Even now, even the country is focusing on economic construction, and the need for political tasks is also decreasing.

The foreign affairs department has not placed an order with the Jingcheng Material Factory for several years.

Therefore, in recent years, almost all the things made by the master craftsmen have been displayed in the factory, occupying several warehouses.

Even if there are political tasks in the future and it is necessary to send national gifts, those things will be enough.

Secondly, looking at the categories of modern industrial production in the factory, they are getting stronger day by day.

Whether it is hairpins, beads, or practical lamps, they are extremely popular because of their low prices and are purchased in large quantities by customers from other places.

Small potted flowers, machine-die-cast imitation jade beasts and figures, and keychains with pictures of scenic spots also cater to the needs of domestic consumers with low spending power and have become relatively popular types of tourism products.

What's more, the Beijing Material Products Factory established an artificial amber test team in November 1981. Although it has been in the experimental stage so far, it has repeatedly achieved technological breakthroughs.

In the near future, it is almost a visible fact that plexiglass or unsaturated resin can be used to imitate the color of natural amber and processed into insect key pendants and paperweights.

In this way, the production of traditional feeders, especially the production of traditional high-end feeders.

For the Beijing Materials Factory, it has been completely reduced to a situation where it has no practical significance and will be replaced by new technologies sooner or later.

In fact, the traditional blowing workshop has not had a new employee for several years.

Even old employees keep applying to transfer to other workshops.

Since the workshop is doomed to have no future, why not close it down early and replace it with a more advanced industrial mass production model?

Finally, several old masters worked hard at the Jingcheng Material Factory, but they were old after all.

Nowadays, it is too dangerous to engage in traditional blowing industry.

Even if the factory considers their safety and health, there is no need for them to work so hard anymore.

In the words of the factory leaders, the old master craftsmen, the tool blowing workshop, and traditional techniques have all fulfilled their historical mission.

Things that are not advanced are destined to be submerged by the torrent of history.

It is completely meaningless to force oneself to preserve or even protect. It is a retrogression of history.

If something is really good, how can it decline?

History is the best ruler to verify the true value of something.

As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Masters have worked hard for half their lives, so they might as well retire early and go home to enjoy their old age.

If you are worried that after retirement, according to policy regulations, your salary will be reduced to only 80% of the original salary.

It doesn't matter, the factory will not give you less money.

Then we can pay everyone the amount of their original salary until they are sixty years old.

In short, as long as the old masters are willing to quit and give up their space, it will be their greatest contribution to the factory.

Needless to say, the final result was that the clumsy-tongued old craftsmen were completely defeated in front of those who relied on their words.

As the saying goes, an arm cannot twist a thigh. Since the masters are carrying the factory's bowls, they must obey the factory's management.

Even if they are nostalgic for the factory, they cannot disobey the arrangements.

This is the real reason why they are sitting on this podium today.

This chapter has been completed!
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