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Chapter 593 Carnival

From the window, I looked at the crowds inside and outside the Workers' Stadium, where the game was taking place in excitement.

The general manager of the philatelic company was stunned for a long time before he managed to calm down.

He whispered to his men, "Get the security team leader quickly."

When I said this, my voice was shaking a little.

For no other reason than that he knew very well that such a thing would not fail to attract the attention of newspaper reporters.

Just for this Year of the Rat zodiac stamp, the leader of the Postal Department has repeatedly emphasized the need to provide good service, and he has also issued a military order.

It's a good thing now that things are happening like this.

If this is reported, the superior will definitely think that the service is not in place, and he will definitely bear the corresponding responsibility.

Second, deep down in his heart, he actually sympathizes with these postal fans.

Human hearts are made of flesh, and everyone comes here from all directions early in the morning.

In such a cold weather, some people even came from places as far away as Yungang, Shijingshan, Daxing, Changping, and Tongzhou.

Is it easy?

From his personal perspective, he can actually understand the anxiety of postal fans.

Just for this reason, he wanted to let everyone in so that everyone could take a good look at the stamps piled up in the warehouse.

That's more than 40,000 editions, worth nearly 300,000 stamps.

Even if these people stick to the maximum purchase limit and buy, it is enough.

He believed that as long as these people saw the commotion outside, they would feel at ease.

But the problem is that this is unrealistic and objective conditions do not allow it.

Everything must be done according to the rules, and only by following the rules can things be done well.

If everyone is put in at once, it will be absolutely perfect. Just wait for the hard work.

What's the use of fussing?

The more it becomes noisy and chaotic, the more chaotic it becomes, the less likely it is to start selling stamps.

Fortunately, regarding this problem, the security team leader who came quickly was quite experienced and had the ability to deal with temporary emergencies.

As soon as I arrived, I gave the manager some peace-of-mind pills and came up with an idea that sounded pretty reliable.

The security team leader claimed that he had sent all members of the security team to the queue to maintain order.

In fact, as long as the inside is stable, there will be no chaos outside.

But now it would be best if the manager could come forward in person to explain the actual situation and appease the stamp fans who are waiting in line to buy stamps.

If we can ensure that everyone can buy stamps, the panic situation will definitely disappear and people will be able to settle down quickly.

"Is it really okay? Can they believe it if I just say it without any basis? If I don't talk to them, they will become even more noisy."

The manager had never encountered this kind of situation before, so he was a little worried.

The security team leader showed no hesitation at all and nodded in assurance.

"Of course, please don't worry, leader. You represent our head office, and your job is to guarantee, so of course you have credibility. They are not here to cause trouble, but to buy stamps. It's like the manager of a department store.

Before the business started, I came out and told the people outside who were clamoring to buy color TVs that they were guaranteed to be in stock. Just wait patiently and abide by the order. Do you think people believe it?"

The security team leader hesitated at all and did not provide guarantee.

The manager pondered for a moment and finally agreed to the idea.

But he added another sentence.

"We cannot take it lightly, and the situation must not escalate any further!"

The security team leader also patted his chest again.

"Don't worry, I'll go with you. With me by your side, if there is any problem, I will take measures."

Just like that, the security team leader accompanied the manager out to negotiate terms with everyone.

Whether inside the stadium or outside.

The content of the negotiations between the two parties is generally the same.

"Everyone, please calm down..."

"We will definitely calm down, as long as we can buy zodiac stamps!"

"Our philatelic company understands everyone..."

“We understand the post office too!”

"Then please abide by the order, line up the queue, and don't stop people! As the manager of the Hepingmen Sales Department of the philatelic company, I assure you that everyone present today will definitely be able to buy the zodiac stamps for the Year of the Rat. The stamps in our library

It’s enough. Please believe me..."

"Great, we believe you!"

Unfortunately, different voices often appear, and disharmony is inevitable.

"Who said there is no problem! Why are only people with stamp collection certificates allowed to buy them? They are all stamps issued by the state. Are those of us without certificates second-class citizens? Why can't we buy them?"

"This comrade, we published it clearly in the newspaper..."

"Then I don't care. I am a rat. Logically speaking, I have more power to buy than other people. Is my money not money? People like me who have just started collecting stamps haven't had time to apply yet.

People who collect stamp certificates are not considered philatelists?"

"If you have any requests, please tell me clearly..."

"I just want to buy stamps. Even if I can't buy a full page of stamps, I can buy a lot of them. If not, a single stamp will do! You can't let me go all the way and come back empty-handed...


"Okay, I know it's not easy for everyone who came here today. I can understand you. Just like this, let's not give up single coins. I make the decision. Anyone who comes here today without a stamp card will

People can buy a double sheet, is that okay? Now please maintain order and line up..."

"no problem!"

It must be said that the reason why leaders are leaders is that they are different from ordinary people.

The first difference is the strict enforcement of regulations.

The second difference is that the regulations are implemented without losing flexibility.

Just like now, due to the situation on the scene and in order to comply with public opinion, the manager of the philatelic company suddenly doubled the bottom line of the other party's request to buy one.

This really worked wonders immediately.

The host who was full of resistance just now was ecstatic and immediately became disciplined.

But this is not the end, because human greed has no limits.

This man was satisfied, but before he finished speaking, countless voices came out from the crowd.

"Manager, please sell us some more. My father is paralyzed and can't come here to queue. I don't have a certificate, so I don't have a certificate, but buying two for him is not too much, right? Can't you sell me a four-party couplet?"

"That's right, my grandpa is too old and can't come. I also want to buy the Sifang couplet..."

Everyone listened and whispered among themselves.

Some people think it's enough.

Some people are still complaining, "There are still too few double sheets! Why should we have four-way sheets?"

This remark was immediately condemned by the security team leader.

He made a decisive decision and spoke loudly.

"Comrades, please be considerate of us. Our manager promised that this is enough. This is already in violation of the orders of our superiors. At least we can let everyone buy a double copy. If you are still not satisfied, we really can't guarantee it.

Everyone present can buy stamps! Please understand each other!"

Only in this way can we truly pass the test.

It was only then that there was a burst of cheers and applause from the crowd.

The big manager and the security team leader secretly wiped their hands with cold sweat and left the scene, feeling their hearts fall back into their stomachs.

And the big manager’s words were not in vain after all.

Order is in order.

Although the time was delayed to 9:35, it was a little late.

But the Year of the Rat zodiac stamps are finally on sale.

Although it was a cold day, there were too many people queuing up, and their winter coats were always too thin, the fans showed a positive spirit.

Everyone was extremely happy to endure and persevere in the cold wind.

If not for anything else, just because the stamp collectors in the Worker's Gym poked their heads out and looked forward, and they could always see people who had bought stamps coming out with a smile on their face.

When stamp collectors outside the venue saw people who were happy to buy stamps come out, the queue behind them continued to lengthen.

In addition, people without stamp stamps actually bought the double sheet and walked out, which completely verified the promise made by the big manager just now in public.

So everyone in line was happy.

In the hearts of postal fans, this day is another sacred day and their carnival!

Of course, if everything goes smoothly from now on, everyone will strictly abide by the order.

Buying stamps and taking them home in a nonchalant manner would be too divorced from real life.

Because there is another detail that is not difficult to guess. In this quite rare big scene, opportunists who want to take advantage of it will not be short-changed.

After all, the stamp trade had not been interrupted during the "movement" period, and private money and goods transactions had continued for several years.

The daily trading volume and scale of the "small market" at the entrance of the Philatelic Corporation has long surpassed the "Dongdan Park" where those who sell food stamps gather, and even surpasses the scalpers who "speculate in foreign exchange" at the Friendship Store. It is currently the largest in Beijing.

speculative market.

What came into being were the stamp dealers who relied on this stamp trade.

And it has to be said that stamp dealers in 1984 were no longer the same as they were back then.

They have evolved from "paramecium" to "small fish and shrimp". They have some internal access and have several thousand yuan of funds to operate.

Although it is not as good as the serious self-employed people working in the south, it is still better than the others. It is not difficult to easily earn 1,800 yuan a month.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are considered rich people.

Therefore, many stamp dealers are no longer amateurs, but have become professionals.

Either he took a long leave from his employer, or he simply didn't have a job, and just eating stamps was enough to live a comfortable life.

It was these people who were later recruited by the government and formed the basic team of postal merchants in the capital.

So around ten o'clock, when the situation inside and outside the stadium normalized, these stamp dealers took advantage of the lax security personnel and started to make trouble.

In the Workers' Stadium, some people began to come out of the queue and strolled slowly at the end of the queue.

When people in the queue passed by this boy, they would hear him whispering, "Stamps, stamps, do you want to buy the Year of the Rat zodiac stamp? I have it, I have it..."

There are also people who focus on those who have already purchased stamps.

As they come out, look for those who are not interested.

"Do you have a stamp certificate? No? Oh, I just bought two, right? Do you still want to buy one? If you want, come to me..."

At the gate outside the Workers' Stadium, similar solicitations were even more blatant.

Because after all, there are still people inside who are in charge, and things should be done more secretly, while the outside is a place of complete freedom.

Similar solicitations for business are everywhere.

Postman, "Hey, man! Let's talk!"

"Huh? Did you admit it wrong?" The postal fans waiting in line were confused by the sudden conversation.

Stamp dealer, "Hey, we don't know each other, but we can get to know each other after chatting! Anyway, we are here for the stamps. Hey, do you have a stamp collection certificate?"

"Yes, I came here from Liuliqiao just to buy a full-page ticket. Unfortunately, today the bus broke down and got on the road. That broken bus made me get up early to catch the late market."

"Then I don't even need to ask you. You must be anxious because you are waiting so far in line. Do you think you can buy stamps by yourself?"

The stamp fan said seriously, "You should be able to buy it, although I came late. But just now the leaders of the Philatelic Corporation came out to guarantee it!"

The postal dealer curled his lips and shook his head, "I don't think so. Look how many people are waiting in line in front of you? That's tens of thousands of people! If you can buy it, how long will it take to wait in line? Three or four hours.

Okay, see you in the afternoon..."

The postal fan was demoralized by what he said and immediately sighed.

"That's true. I guess I'll get in today. But what can I do? I can only persist, otherwise it will be in vain."

The postal dealer followed suit and said, "How about I help you solve the problem? I have it. How about selling it to you?"

The fan opened his mouth wide. "What did you say? You have it in your hand? That's great."

The postal dealer immediately looked around, and when the person wasn't paying attention, he opened his bag and held a large hard-cover album in front of the person's eyes, showing it to the postal fan.

Inside are many zodiac stamps for the Year of the Rat, including single stamps, quadruple stamps, and at least twenty or thirty full-page stamps.

The postal fan was shocked. "How could you buy so many...could it be fake?"

The postal dealer's integrity was in crisis. He was deeply stimulated and furious, "Hey, you are talking nonsense! What did you just say? Fake? Is it possible? It's all true. This is January 5th.

, we got up at two o'clock in the morning and went to the Peace Arch Philatelic Corporation to queue up to buy it. I took out one for you to see. It's in very good condition. If you don't believe it, we can find a post office when we get there and let people take a look.


The stamp dealer's behavior completely shocked the stamp fans.

"Then...that's not necessary! How much does the full page cost?"

The postal dealer responded with a straight face.

"Ten dollars!"

The postal fan was startled and it took him a long time to react.

"What, ten yuan for a full edition? That's almost doubled! You might as well just grab the money!..."

"What do you mean by robbing money? If you really want to buy it, you can make a counter-offer." The postal dealer asked with a sullen face, "Then let me tell you, how much does it cost?"

"Seven yuan per edition at most! I can buy you two editions. I'll give you fourteen!" the postal fan said righteously, showing off the style of a wealthy businessman.

"Haha, you have a good idea. You want two editions at this price. Isn't it enough for you to take advantage of me? Eighteen. I'll just wait and see if you buy more." The postal dealer was unwilling to give up.

"No, fifteen, this is the upper limit, it can't be higher." The postal fan shook his head.

"I'm used to the price of three, which is sixteen yuan." The postal dealer showed an angry look. "Then it's only seventeen yuan."

Unexpectedly, the postal dealer dropped the price by another two yuan.

"If you make it cheaper, this edition will only cost 6.4 yuan. You won't make enough money."

"What are you talking about? This is my hard-earned money, okay? Can you think about how it feels to wait for a few hours with the temperature today? It was still dark when I queued, and it was much colder than under the sun."

"Okay." At the critical moment, the stamp fan was impressed by the magnitude of the price reduction, but was afraid of really annoying the stamp dealer.

So he took advantage of the situation and hit the hammer, "Deal!"

After the transaction is completed, postal fans will feel a sense of satisfaction in their hearts.

Happiness is the greatest virtue of post fans.

Satisfaction is a common expression of their virtue.

I happily left with the full-page ticket, and I was extremely glad that I saved a lot of trouble today.

However, the stamp dealer lit up a cigarette happily, feeling proud of his intelligence and superb acting skills.

I said it in my heart, you idiot! You think everyone is like you, but I still queue up to buy it myself!

Come on, if you insist on holding on to fifteen yuan, I will sell you. Who makes you weak-willed? You deserve it.

In this way, speculative behavior continues to be performed.

So gradually, chaos inside and outside the already calm and orderly stadium began.

The reason for this is that some ticket sellers have an unreasonable attitude and have conflicts with buyers when negotiating prices.

It is also possible that after they sold the stamps, they took the opportunity to take over the original positions of some buyers, and wanted to continue buying stamps at low prices and reselling them, causing dissatisfaction among the people behind them.

But just as the security personnel became nervous, anxious to maintain order due to the new commotion.

Little did they know that the most violent storm of the day was already brewing.

Even this time, even the ticket dealers were coerced into it, and they couldn't help but go crazy about it.

Because around 10:30, no matter the north gate or the east gate of the Gongti.

Some people held up a sign outside the iron fence and openly bought tickets for the Year of the Rat.

The price written on it is simply appalling, ten yuan per edition!

This chapter has been completed!
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