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Chapter 602 Renewing the relationship

As time enters March, the financial industry in Beijing has reached a historically important node.

On March 3, 1984, the Beijing City Government forwarded the "Request for Instructions on the Reform of the Beijing Banking System".

The decision of the upper levels of the country on the reform of the banking system has announced the following major events.

1. Designate the Beijing Branch of the People's Bank of China as the city's institution specialized in performing the functions of the central bank.

Second, the industrial and commercial credit and savings business originally handled by the People's Bank of China will be handed over to the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which was just established on New Year's Day this year.

3. The Beijing Branch handles rural financial business and business entrusted by the People's Bank of China and other professional banks, and the leadership and management of the city's credit cooperatives is handed over to the Agricultural Bank of China.

Fourth, establish the Beijing City Branch of the National People's Insurance Company and implement independent operations.

5. The work of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange is placed under the leadership of the People's Bank of China.

For a time, the city's relevant agencies and units, as well as large, medium and small enterprises, all started busy and adjusting their financial work.

In this era when office conditions are far from modern, almost all accountants in the capital are reduced to working overtime.

Even the Meishi Street Sewing Co., Ltd. and the Donghua City Material Production Co., Ltd. are not immune.

It also has a certain impact on ordinary people. The People's Bank of China deposit certificates that everyone was used to in the past have also begun to gradually change the prefix "Industrial and Commercial Bank of China".

As for the "Industrial and Commercial Bank of China" business department that was changed from the original People's Bank of China business department, that's because many companies are anxious to complete their work quickly.

When replacing the deposit certificate for a private account, you also need to fill it out and stamp it again, which makes it crowded and chaotic.

However, at this time, for Ning Weimin, the stamp hype he had been manipulating had entered a period of calm.

For the first time, he took advantage of the sales momentum of the Year of the Rat zodiac ticket Worker's Body, and then speculated higher.

It cost tens of thousands of yuan to push the zodiac ticket for the Year of the Rat to a full page price of 15 yuan.

Although compared to his purchase price, the increase of 50% does not seem to be too much.

But the problem is that a single move can affect the whole body. If the influence of this magnitude spreads to other zodiac stamps, the consequences can be considerable.

As a result, the pig ticket has become 2.5 yuan, the dog ticket has reached 9 yuan, the chicken ticket has reached 20 yuan, and the monkey ticket has almost reached the 100 yuan mark.

The current market situation is that there are more and more stamp sellers at the door of the Peace Arch, and many of them are new to the business because of the zodiac stamps.

Because it is easy to make money from zodiac tickets, they can earn more than ten or twenty yuan by just flipping them around every day.

As a result, zodiac tickets are becoming more and more popular.

No matter what kind of zodiac ticket, as long as it appears, someone will definitely take it. It's just a matter of the number of transactions.

And this is Ning Weimin's purpose.

In the early stages of a bull market, stamps should not rise too much.

In essence, it just serves to stimulate transactions and bring more "leeks" to the market.

Because stamps are not stocks after all, although they can skyrocket by several times or ten times, the inherent conditions determine that the turnover rate of such tickets is too low.

If the foundation is not well laid and there are not enough people who can benefit from it as a foundation.

Then there will be no one to take over, so how can we make a profit?

Therefore, considering that this stamp bull market will last for at least a year, and the current market launch is only limited to a corner of the capital.

Naturally, Ning Weimin had to take his time and start cultivating the public's habit of speculating on stamps as stocks and guide this trend.

To put it bluntly, this is the fishing stage, and it’s time for him to let go and take a breather.

To this end, he gave a price range and left all follow-up work to Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao.

Let them keep an eye on the market, buy low and sell high, and then go back to other things.

What are you busy with?

The first was business. Ning Weimin began to prepare to officially launch the interior decoration project of the second phase of the "Tan Palace" Beishen Kitchen as planned.

All he has to do is select a decoration design plan, negotiate prices with many services, and then sign a new supply and service contract.

The second is a private matter, that is, Ning Weimin is also preparing to get Kang Shude's Ma's Garden back.

In fact, this matter started from the meal Ning Weimin arranged at Jiang Hui. When he learned about the capital's policy on clearing out private houses from the "house settlement office" Meng Yi, he wanted to take action.

But then I thought about it.

It’s the Spring Festival soon, no!

It is obviously inappropriate to discuss this kind of thing at this time.

People's workplaces are preparing to work for the end of the year, and ordinary people's homes are also preparing for a busy New Year.

At this time, if you go to someone's house to discuss vacating a room, won't you become a pestilence that comes to your door?

Who can treat you well? It would be strange if things can be done smoothly, so I can only endure it for the time being.

However, it would be beneficial to postpone this matter for a while.

That is deceptive, so that Ning Weimin can hide the fox's tail and appear that he is not very eager.

In this case, whether he seeks help from Meng Yi, the "house settlement officer", or negotiates with those who occupy the house, it would be better to talk.

Don't let others regard you as a fat sheep that can be slaughtered if you take advantage of it.

No, in order to implement the private housing policy, the first thing Ning Weimin did was to contact the two parties.

He wanted to organize a dinner party at the "Tan Palace" and invite the people who were most needed in this matter to have a meal first.

For this meal, he invited the deputy section chief of the Dongcheng District Housing Management Bureau who Qiao Wanlin had introduced to him.

There is also the director of the Majia Garden Housing Management Office who I met through this deputy section chief.

Long ago, when he first learned that Kang Shude had such a large property, Ning Weimin had already contacted these two people once in order to find a way to get the house back for the old man.

They are the most directly responsible persons.

So even though the matter didn't work out at that time, Ning Weimin still gave each person a digital watch.

If we want to get things done this time, it's only natural that we have to renew the relationship between the two.

Even if the person is not willing to do this favor anymore, it is still polite to at least say hello before doing things.

Otherwise it would be too abrupt and easily off-putting.

If you really meet a petty master and have a grudge over this matter, it is not allowed to try to manipulate you secretly.

A man like Ning Weimin would never make such a mistake.

On the other side, he invited Meng Yi, whom he met through Jiang Hui and Li Zhong.

Ning Weimin confessed to Meng Yi on the phone that he wanted to invite some friends from the housing management department to dinner for the purpose of clearing out his private house.

There may be some specific policy questions that she needs to help answer.

Ask him if he can come to accompany me and if he is willing to get to know more people within the system.

Meng Yi thought about it and realized that this was a good thing for him.

What's more, the place where guests are invited is the "Altar Palace", which is now so famous that I can't even afford to go there.

So I agreed without saying a word, feeling quite proud.

I went to the appointment alone that day, and after meeting.

I am very grateful to Ning Weimin, calling him "Brother Ning" every time.

Little did he know that he had become a tool invisibly, completely changing the other two guests' feelings towards Ning Weimin.

In fact, if you think about it from the perspective of the other two people, the last time Ning Weimin came to see them, they were the "little receptionists" of the Chongwenmen Hotel.

Now, he has transformed and is already driving a car and wearing a "crotchless" suit costing a thousand dollars.

And he is also the leader of the "Tan Palace" restaurant, which is as luxurious as a palace.

There is also this little guy from the Housing Management Bureau who is doing his bidding.

In their hearts, they all felt that Ning Weimin's current background was unknown.

If people ask them to come and have this meal, they are bound to win and it also gives them face.

Therefore, under the influence of this "dihua", the deputy section chief and the director no longer have any thoughts to make a difference.

Not only did they all begin to condescend to call Ning Weimin "Mr. Ning".

Moreover, the issues discussed are very practical.

They told Ning Weimin that the state had specially allocated a batch of houses to solve the problem of private housing vacancies.

It's just that the number is too small to guarantee the placement of all employees, so they can only try to be as thorough as possible.

Ning Weimin looked at the words and expressions and naturally saw what these two people were thinking.

I know that these two have become the fish I have hooked myself on.

He was also happy with it.

So during this meal, he wanted to laugh but couldn't, and it was very hard to persuade him to drink.

Although there was not much talk about the house afterwards, he followed the trend and specially ordered his subordinates to bring the good food to the house.

The lavish splendidness of the "official banquet" completely shocked the three guests.

Then the rest of the matter will naturally be easy to talk about, and we understand each other completely.

In the end, when Ning Weimin sent a few people away, he only gave each of them two good cigarettes, plus a "Tan Palace" consumption coupon of 200 yuan per person.

It has achieved far better results than the last time I sent an electronic watch.

This is the real benefit of his changed status.

Not only can you do things for yourself with public honors, but you can also make money for yourself from the cigarettes you give away.

Even the nature of asking for help has changed, and the price he pays has become less.

Others will fully respect him when they face him, and they must acknowledge his feelings and help him willingly.

This once again fully proves how correct he was in choosing the "depending on others" approach to career development.

This chapter has been completed!
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