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Chapter 620: Windfall from Heaven

April 1984 was actually a very lively month.

In addition to the emergence of small public servants on the streets of this city, more and more foreigners playing cotton, and Beishen Kitchen in the Temple of Heaven Park building the most high-end palace cuisine restaurant in the capital.

There are many things that are quietly changing, affecting the lives of people in the capital.

For example, pancake fruit, as a fashionable food introduced from Tianjin to the capital, began to appear on the streets of the capital early in the morning.

And with prices ranging from 25 cents to 30 cents, it has become a new star in breakfast.

Although the hands of these pancake makers are very good, and the pancakes at this time are not crispy, only fried dough sticks.

Their bean noodles are also not pure, and they even use sesame seeds instead of peppercorns.

However, the people in the capital were not very dissatisfied with this.

In fact, this kind of heretical pancake, which would definitely be regarded as a "cult" by Jinmen people, is actually very popular and sought after.

After all, people in the capital are still very unfamiliar with this kind of food, so they are so confused.

What's more, in the minds of most people in the capital, food from other places should be a little more expensive than local food in the capital.

Driven by the drive of "taste something new", as long as this kind of pancake cart transformed from a flat-bed three-wheel appears on the street.

Seeing the words "Jinmen Authentic" and "Jianbing Guozi" posted on red paper on the glass inlaid with a white wooden frame always attracts many people to queue up.

As a result, making pancakes became a popular business and became the first breakfast item to be sold out every day.

And with the advantages of high returns, low costs, and low technical barriers, it has naturally become the best choice for many unemployed young people who are eager to make money and are new to the business world.

In addition, on the 10th of this month, the additional saplings from the capital city that were sent to Tokyo, Japan, arrived in Tokyo.

Two thousand large mountain cherry saplings sent to the capital by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government were also planted in Yuyuantan.

It is precisely because of this that every spring from now on, in the Yuyuantan Park in the capital, the people of the capital can also enjoy the beautiful scenery like a sea of ​​pink when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

The more popular imported products come from the port city.

On April 20, Beijing’s first Western-style fast food restaurant, Yili Fast Food Restaurant, a collaboration between Beijing Yili Food Factory and Hong Kong City Feng Bingfen Catering Service Company, officially opened in Xirongxian Hutong at the south entrance of Xidan, Beijing.

"Beijing Evening News" also wrote an exclusive interview. After the newspaper was published that day, people in the capital flocked to it to taste hamburgers and ham sandwiches.

Music, Western food, and light lighting, all the most fashionable things at the time, immediately captured people's hearts.

As a result, the 150-square-meter Yili fast food restaurant has been packed with customers almost every day since the day it opened.

Probably because they are easily receptive to new things, most of their customers are fashionably dressed college students, people from the literary and artistic circles, sports circles and the press.

The daily turnover is as high as six to seven thousand yuan.

Although this level of money-making is still far behind the "Orchid Flower Fast Food Restaurant" in Jinmen.

But in terms of the consumption level at that time, compared with other enterprises in the catering industry in Beijing of the same scale, it was already a business miracle.

However, the two major events that happened this month and really had a profound impact on people's lives have nothing to do with eating, drinking and having fun.

First, on April 6, the country officially issued the "Trial Regulations on Resident Identity Cards of the Republic" and began to implement the ID card system.

It stipulates that all citizens residing in the territory of the Republic, except for special cases such as active military personnel, should apply for an identity card.

The registration items of the resident ID card include name, gender, ethnicity, date of birth, address and validity period.

It can be used as proof of citizenship when it comes to citizens’ political, economic and social life and other rights and interests.

Ning Weimin wanted to welcome this with both hands.

Because before the implementation of the resident ID card system, the only thing that proved the validity of citizenship was the "Household Registration Book".

It's too inconvenient to use for running errands.

Although a letter of introduction can be issued, it does not have legal effect.

It can only be used within a specific range and is easily counterfeited.

It is also very troublesome and time-consuming to verify.

In turn, the introduction of the resident ID card system is not only easy to carry, but also makes things much more convenient and safer for ordinary people.

Ning Weimin took care of this matter as soon as he knew the news.

Sure enough, it immediately made the ongoing procedures of buying and selling real estate, vacating private homes, and receiving compensation much easier.

It has greatly improved the efficiency of relevant departments.

At least on his side, having both an ID card and a household registration book can save him a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, if you have to point to the user interface to handle anything, it would be too much of a delay.

Second, from April 2 to 6, a working meeting on rectifying the “work-for-do” personnel work was officially held in Beijing.

The term "work for work" is actually a product of a special era that focused on politics.

Workers' work, cadres' work.

In short, some people are exercising the functions or powers of cadres as workers.

This meeting first affirmed the achievements of some people and believed that if they meet the conditions, they can officially transfer to work.

At the same time, it also pointed out that some people do not meet the qualifications of cadres and are not qualified for management work. In principle, they must return to their positions as workers.

Finally, it was clearly stated that terms such as "work for work" should no longer be used in the future, which is tantamount to officially announcing that this system has entered history.

There is no doubt that the interests and destiny of many people are closely connected and closely related to this meeting.

According to statistics, by the end of June 1983, there were more than 115,800 "work-for-work" personnel in the capital owned by the whole city.

Therefore, as soon as the decision was made at this meeting, every unit in the capital was in chaos.

Some units falsely report the number of cadres, and some employ people to intercede and commit fraud.

For example, over-reporting years of experience, providing false certificates, and false academic qualifications.

However, more units, in accordance with the requirements of their superiors, must conduct cultural examinations for transfer personnel, and carefully review the test scores.

So although on the surface, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with Ning Weimin.

But in fact, for both Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui, it was a good opportunity given to them by God to make a fortune.

Don’t forget, our country is a humane society.

When encountering such a major event that affects fate and future, who wouldn't want to remove the word "generation" and get a formal cadre establishment?

And because our country has a large population, resources and opportunities, it has always been a situation where there are more wolves and less meat.

Those who have been working in cadre positions for a period of time will do whatever it takes, and even do whatever it takes.

Then think about it, these hundreds of thousands of people will generate such a huge demand for gifts.

It doesn't really matter who they send it to, how they send it, or whether it can be done.

The important thing is that they need to buy a lot of good cigarettes and good wine, and some people will never kill just one person in order to be safe and increase the probability of success.

On the other hand, if the cadres collect it, it will not be a small number. What should I do if the tobacco and alcohol are dirty? I will definitely have to send it to Ning Weimin.

If it goes back and forth like this, don't say any more.

Huiminyan Hotel only needs to occupy 1% of the gift-giving needs of these hundreds of thousands of people.

That's a big order of more than ten to two hundred thousand yuan, which is enough for them to enjoy themselves.

In fact, the effect was really immediate.

In the middle of this month, Ning Weimin had just settled the matter in Ma's Garden.

Zhang Shihui no longer cared about being petty.

He had no choice but to run back to the Huimin Cigarette Hotel to help Sister Tan. He was so busy with the tobacco and alcohol business that he was on his back.

It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of busy method is more deadly than the Spring Festival peak season.

Because the incident happened suddenly, many people were so excited that they rushed to seek medical treatment at any expense.

But the busier Zhang Shihui gets, the more beautiful she becomes, because the price of high-end tobacco and alcohol is faster than that of postage stamps, and it’s so profitable.

At this time, he really didn't care much about whether Ning Weimin took him with him or not.

Take Moutai as an example. It was purchased from the Sugar Industry Tobacco and Liquor Company through dumping. At a second-grade wholesale price, a bottle costs fourteen and a half yuan.

This sale was at a high premium in the market, all due to hoarding and bargaining.

It is said that thirty is what it is, and fifty is also what it is.

As for repurchasing it, no matter how generous it is, the most it will cost is sixteen yuan at the official price in the store.

Therefore, it is an ambush to say that the profit is doubled when one sells and one buys.

A profit of 200%, just a couple of bucks, that’s the minimum!

Needless to say, in Zhang Shihui's opinion.

In the whole world, apart from things that are not allowed by law, there is no legal business, and there is nothing more profitable than the tobacco, alcohol and gifts he is now handling!

Who else does he envy?

He doesn’t envy anyone anymore!

Others should envy him!

However, what makes Zhang Shihui a little depressed is that the more he gets rich, the more Ning Weimin has to hold him back.

He has only been beautiful for a few days, what a guy!

Ning Weimin actually opened his mouth and asked him to exchange 100,000 yuan, urgently needed!

Hearing this number, he was immediately stunned!

There are some in the store, but once the money is taken away, there will only be ten or twenty thousand in cash, which affects the plan to make a fortune.

This chapter has been completed!
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