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Chapter 632 Cheers to the Past

"Okay, we've been chatting for a long time, let's continue talking about the east room."

Realizing that he had gone in a big circle, Kang Shude immediately changed the topic back.

"These three rooms are where Mr. Song entertains guests. Mr. Song's behavior and style are actually similar to those of the Ma family. He is restrained and doesn't like to show off, so the furnishings in the east wing are also discreet."

"For example, in the bright room of the east wing, there are no calligraphy and paintings by famous artists at all, and all that are hung are Mr. Song's own handwriting. I still remember that there is a pair of fine-brush peonies hanging in the middle, which is taken from the title of the poem "Die Lian Hua". There is also a couplet on both sides. , but it’s a pity that I only remember the second couplet which is ‘Why should a room be elegant when the fragrance of flowers is not abundant’, but I can’t remember the first couplet.”

"Mr. Song's calligraphy is thin and unrestrained, and his paintings are elegant and meticulous. It is quite similar to the style of the Wangsun painter Pu Xinshe. Looking at Mr. Song's calligraphy and painting is a kind of enjoyment. It is more beautiful than drinking chicken soup. In my opinion , his calligraphy and paintings have to be sent to Liulichang, I'm afraid he can support his family by taking out commissions and receiving commissions."

"The same goes for furniture. Mr. Song is not like others who deliberately fill the hall with antique hardwood furniture to create an aura of wealth. He only placed three leather sofas and a wooden tea table in front of the east room. I just want to treat guests comfortably.”

"But chatterbox, what Mr. Song bought is the earliest and the best. They are all American goods imported by foreign companies. The radio can listen to the radio. Mr. Song put it in the east room of the main house for the convenience of understanding the outside world. Situation. Mr. Song placed the large-speaker gramophone in the bright room of the east wing because almost all people in those days were fond of Peking Opera and could not live without this kind of entertainment.

"Mr. Song himself can also sing Mei Pai Qing Yi. He has a good and generous voice, but his body is not good. Once when he sang "Visiting Mother in the Palace", he actually knocked the child down. So he laughed at himself as a 'radio star', which means He could only sing in private and could not go on stage. However, he was good at playing the huqin. Not only was his skill sufficient for formal occasions, he even attracted the attention of Mei Lanfang.

"The Ma family once held a party. Mr. Song came to the rescue temporarily and replaced a piano player who had played several plays in a row and his wrist was a bit injured. When he came on stage, Mei Lanfang, who had arrived late, was just sitting on the stage. Next. At that time, Mei Lanfang was looking for a piano player for his second aunt. Hearing Mr. Song’s piano skills, he was so impressed that he couldn’t help but wait in the audience to invite him. As a result, he made a joke and after some conversation, he realized that Mr. Song was just a piano player. I have a lot of money to play, so I had to hand it over and apologize."

"But Mr. Song's favorite opera is Mei Lanfang. Mr. Song bought a lot of Peking opera records, at least hundreds of them. Whenever he sees Mei Lanfang's records, he will definitely buy them. That means buying Beijing-style drums, then It was also because Wang Shaoqing accompanied Mei Lanfang, and there were elements borrowed from Beijing Yun Dagu in Anti-Erhuang's coloratura. So Mr. Song also played the piano along with Dagu records."

"On the other hand, Mr. Song did not own any of the records released by the Puppet Manchukuo record company in Changchun. First, it was because of the hatred of the country and the family. The Japanese abducted Puyi to be their puppet and wanted to split our country. Don't talk about Mr. Song. Angry, even many actors with integrity are unwilling to record. Secondly, the quality of the records recorded in Changchun is also very poor. After listening to it twice, it will be damaged and the magnet will fall off. That crap is even more deceptive than the stuff sold at the tiger stall. where."

"Ah, of course, since it is a low-key luxury, there won't be no treasures in this east wing room. Mr. Song can write and draw. This secondary room to the north is both a study and a studio. There is a place by the window.

A large red sandalwood painting table. There is a hardwood double chair on the east side of the painting table. On this red sandalwood painting table, Mr. Song painted one hundred and eight generals of the Water Margin. He taught me and his two children how to paint step by step.

And the price of this painting table may scare you, it was equivalent to sixteen of the best houses at the time."

"In this room in the south, there is a large Eight Immortals table, which is also made of rosewood. It is also inlaid with mother-of-pearl and is extremely exquisite. It is equivalent to another eight rooms. The two pieces of wood add up to twenty-four rooms. Counting each room.

800 yuan, which is almost 20,000 yuan. This is still the price in the 1920s."

"Later in 1946, because these two things were really difficult to take away, Mr. Song had no choice but to give up his love and exchanged things with Zhang Boju for a piece of Tang Yin's "Autumn Wind Seeking Hidden Picture" and a piece of "Water Moon Guanyin". Later Zhang Boju

This large painting table and the Eight Immortals table were donated to the Forbidden City. Now the Forbidden City displays these two tables, one is called the 'Ming Dynasty - Red Sandalwood Flat Head Table' and the other is the 'Early Qing Dynasty - Red Sandalwood Inlaid Shell Eight Immortals Table'.

After Kang Shude said these words, Mr. Song's temperament and style were established in Ning Weimin's heart.

The image of a businessman with a humorous nature, many hobbies, knowledge, talent, integrity, adaptability, and free and easy behavior seems to be standing in front of Ning Weimin.

It made him feel closer and more admirable to Mr. Song.

"Old man, I have to say that your life is miserable. But you are really lucky to meet such a noble man as Mr. Song!"

"It was such a chaotic era in the past. The average person who fled to the capital had a low chance of surviving! He would probably end up lying down and die on the streets!"

"That is, you, not only survived, but were brought to such a good place by Mr. Song, learned a lot of skills, and finally became the master of this place. This is a model of counterattack! Your experience is so inspiring.

Got it!"

"I really want to meet this Mr. Song, but unfortunately I don't even have a photo. Speaking of which, I have to thank him. Because if he hadn't made you successful, you wouldn't have taught me. Right?"

And his words made Kang Shude think about the past even more, and the old man sighed deeply after hearing this.

"Achievements? You are right. But I want to say that Mr. Song gave me far more than just a future and ability. He gave me so much! He gave me a home! A decent home!"

"Mr. Song has a gentle nature and is neither anxious nor annoyed when things happen. But he is extremely serious about learning. In the past, he taught me reading and arithmetic here. If I made a mistake, he would punish me with a ruler. But I learned well.

, he will be happier if he learns quickly. I caught his eye because I am diligent and studious and don’t like to talk too much.”

"When I was thirteen years old, I had been studying with Mr. Song for almost two years. I was considered to be a little talented, and I had finished the elementary school courses. In order to test my knowledge, Mr. Song specially found me the entrance examination papers of Yuying Middle School.

He was very happy. The next day he gave me a square white copper ink cartridge with four green official script characters 'excellent results' engraved on it."

"Also, when I was fourteen years old, Mr. Song's Japanese wife specially made silver chopsticks and spoons to celebrate Mr. Song's son Hoshigaki entering school. This made their daughter Chunzi very envious and cried.

The mother felt sorry for her daughter, so she discussed with Mr. Song and wanted to give her daughter a supplementary share. Not only did Mr. Song agree, but he actually decided to give me a share as well."

"Mr. Song said that I am his disciple and I am no longer helpless, so I should be treated as such by my family. In this way, I enjoy the same treatment as Mr. Song's two children. Our chopsticks are named "1,

2,3" are marked, and the handle of the spoon also has our respective names, which are marked with 'star, spring, virtue'..."

"His Japanese wife was equally kind to me. When the cherry blossoms bloomed every New Year and March, she would make many cherry blossom-shaped pastries and share them with her children and me. One winter I was sick, and Japan

My wife also specially made Japanese steamed buns for me. She said that in her hometown, children would eat this to get better when they are sick. It was so hot and tasted like soybean soup! I was sweating all over after drinking it...

"Wei Min, do you know? My favorite thing is summer. Because when summer comes, in the evening, everyone will enjoy the cool air in the courtyard. Mr. Lan loves to tell ancient stories. Mr. Song also loves to tell stories. Tell me one of them.

Let me tell you one thing. I can often talk about it until almost midnight and my interest does not diminish. Every time the Japanese wife comes out to dissuade me and says that we can talk about it tomorrow, then I go back to the room to sleep. Later, we were even called "" by the Jiang family who rented next door because of this.

The title of "Evil Radio Station"..."

"One year before the Beginning of Autumn, Mr. Song's and I's two children were deceived by the family's nanny, Tian Ma. She said that she had seen the leaves turn over on the Beginning of Autumn, and told us, 'At the Beginning of Autumn, if you brush them, they will turn over.

The leaves on the trees were all turned over. It was the beginning of autumn at 2:30 in the afternoon, less than an hour away. I, Hoshigaki and Haruko eagerly waited for this spectacle. Until 4 or 5 in the afternoon, except for

Except for the gentle breeze passing by and the slight movement of the leaves, there is nothing different from usual days..."

"By the way, Mr. Song and his wife are both gourmet experts. Mr. Song is good at making yellow croaker, and his wife likes to make Sukiyaki. Their children can also cook. Chunzi is only a few years old, and he can still grab a handful of radishes.

Let's have a 'red and green' shoot with cucumber cubes..."

Kang Shude kept talking, although the more he talked, the more logically he became confused and his eyes were confused and confused.

But in his mouth, every bit of his old life came back to life clearly.

How could Ning Weimin not understand the old man's mood?

Life is like a dream, bustling things fade away, people grow old and the scenery grows old.

Who knows whether things will prosper or not, both now and in the past.

The old man has been holding back for too long. He is reminiscing about the past, reuniting with old friends, and toasting to the past.

This chapter has been completed!
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