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Chapter 636 Under the bed

The level of drum playing depends entirely on one's eyesight.

In the second-hand goods industry, vision, insight and knowledge are what you need.

In the past, there were so-called "hard drums" and "soft drums".

The former only buys jewelry, jade, gold and silver jewelry.

The latter buys and sells baskets of old furniture, clothes and other groceries.

Apart from the cost, the key difference lies in eyesight.

Even among "fine goods eaters", there are several categories: "red goods eaters" (gems), "green goods eaters" (jades), and "yellow and white goods eaters" (gold and silver jewelry).

"Those who eat rough goods" also include those who eat hardwood furniture and high-end furnishings, and those who eat ordinary furniture and clothing.

These more detailed distinctions, of course, all focus on the ability to discern.

To put it bluntly, in addition to eating scrap metal, newspapers, books, foreign bottles and other waste products, the threshold for entry into the industry is low, and they are not considered ordinary foreign practitioners.

As long as you are a long-brained person, not afraid of dirty smells, and can endure hardship and hard work, you can do anything.

Other people working in the second-hand goods industry often have to be more knowledgeable and more worldly-minded than ordinary people in order to be able to earn their jobs.

So to be honest, Ning Weimin really didn't have much confidence when faced with Kang Shude's rigorous examination today.

Don’t you still know how much his eyesight is?

In terms of professionalism, he only knows a little more about stamps and coins, and can be said to be an expert.

But whether his ability can be put to use today remains to be seen.

What he is good at is actually picking the best from the best and the best from the many.

What does that mean?

Just like by comparing the prices of calligraphy and painting, seal stones, porcelain, furniture, jade, jade, ivory, rhino horn and other categories on the market, he can determine the most cost-effective investment direction.

Just like among the items for sale in a cultural relic store, he can ensure that the porcelain he buys is the one with the greatest potential for appreciation in the future.

Or he could find the most valuable things from the things Sun Wufu gathered in the direction he specified.

Although it sounds very impressive, he can only achieve this because of the good market environment these days and his understanding of future market conditions.

Today, most of the houses are really shabby. It can be said that it is a tough battle to find gold in the sand, which requires a sharp eye and real ability.

Since he opened the Tan Palace, he has not been interested in studying antiques. Recently, his main business has been abandoned for a long time.

How can I have the confidence to defeat the master?

If we use an analogy, at this moment, he is just like Wei Xiaobao in "The Deer and the Cauldron" when he faced Chen Jinnan and had to test his martial arts.

If you feel really guilty inside, you just try to be calm on the outside.

All he wants is that he doesn't lose too badly and makes the old man angry.

As for the courtyard in Shan'er Hutong, he really didn't care. Didn't the old man make it very clear?

Anyway, there is no one else to entrust to him, everything will be his sooner or later.

In other words, even this Ma's garden will be...

Afraid of exposing his wolfish ambitions, Ning Weimin swallowed and couldn't think about it any more.

He rolled his eyes, looking for nice and cheap things to say.

"Master, let me first take a look at what's under the bed. At your age, I'm afraid of flashing your waist. You'd better take a look at the desk. I think the probability of having something good in there is relatively high."

But who is Kang Shude?

That is the master with bright eyes and no sand in his eyes.

How can it be so easy to fool?

"Don't do this yet."

The old man said with a straight face, "I appreciate your filial piety. But I won't take advantage of it. Whether it's under the bed or on the desk, let you have it. I won't touch it. Okay."

"If you want to compete with us, you have to be convinced. It's like playing chess. I have to give you a few pieces. Who makes me the master and you the apprentice?"

"But having said that, you don't want to be careless and get away with it. If your eyesight really hasn't improved, you won't be rewarded. Humph, let's see if I don't punish you by copying "Gegu Essentials" three times.


"Hey, hey," Ning Weimin responded repeatedly, he regretted this.

I almost didn't give myself a mouth, thinking why do I have to talk so much.

Come on, don’t waste your time, cheer up quickly and start searching for treasures seriously.

Even if you are a dog and see that the stars are all bright, you still have some level of clarity, and maybe you can really have good luck and come across something that suits your eyes.

Just like that, he took off his suit and hung it on the back of the chair. He also laid old newspapers on the floor, lay down and started to take out things.

When Kang Shude saw this, he went to the big closet and sorted out the things inside.

Not to mention, it’s really fun to do this.

Just as life is so rich and colorful, the things a family gathers are also diverse.

Ning Weimin pulled them out one by one from under the bed, including a scratch, a shoehorn, a leather tiger, a pamphlet on preventing gas poisoning, a book on how to grow flowers, a cut of shoelaces, a few wine bottles, and half a bang.

Jin Chan’s paper-cuts, New Year pictures rolled into a roll and then flattened, old calendars with beautiful landscape paintings...

The old man rummaged through the large wardrobe and found out one by one: shirts, autumn clothes, long johns, sweaters, woolen trousers, woolen hats, socks, rags, scarves, gloves, cotton coats, cotton trousers, cotton shoes, cotton sets, sheets, and quilt covers.

, pillow towel, pillow case, mat, two brand new soaps, a large pack of expired pills, a feather duster...

These things are just like the nature of the people in the capital: petty, diligent, inconspicuous, but practical.

In short, once the master and apprentice started working, they stopped talking and concentrated on their work.

Just when 80% to 90% of the area was cleared under the bed, Ning Weimin actually discovered something interesting.

In the dim light, he could see that there seemed to be two cardboard boxes in the dark place behind the bed.

He stretched out his hand and barely reached it.

The moment his fingertips touched the cardboard box, he felt stagnant and heavy.

This gave him even more hope, an unknown, and a longing.

So I got out of the bed, found a wooden stick outside, and began to use tools to pull out the things inside the bed.

As soon as I took out the first box, I couldn't wait to open it.

All I saw was a white patch, which turned out to be an old mosquito net.

After taking this thing out, there were still a few pairs of old shoes underneath, nothing else.

But Ning Weimin, who was already covered in dust and sweaty from being so busy, was not discouraged.

Because after the second box was pulled out, it was tightly sealed with tape, and it looked much more important than the first box.

After opening it this time, as expected, the things inside were different and finally related to culture.

It turned out to be five old notebooks.

If you look through it casually, you will find trivial matters and insights from the life of the original owner. Most of them are reading notes and work schedules.

In addition, there are many certificates and medals, ranging from graduation certificates, professional title certificates to honorary certificates.

But the most important thing is that at the bottom of these things, there is something tightly tied with newspapers and plastic ropes.

Ning Weimin knew there was a solution as soon as he picked it up, because the heavy hard object could be felt to be metal.

When I opened it this time, wow...

It really made him happy and he got what he wanted.

A large green patch of rust flashed through the newspaper, and underneath the green was a dark yellow tint.

Then I took it to a bright place and took a closer look. It turned out to be a pair of two-foot-tall wax hammers in the shape of cranes.

This is one of the five offerings before the Buddha. The crane holds a lotus flower in its mouth with a wax core in the flower.

When I weighed them in my hands, I was stunned. Each one was at least three kilograms.

If it were sold as scrap copper, it would probably be worth dozens of yuan!

Looking at the workmanship, although it is characteristic of the late Qing Dynasty, it cannot surpass that of Daoguang. It is not much cheaper in terms of age.

But the two eyes of the crane are inlaid with materials, and it has a special shape of standing on one leg.

I knew this must be an object specially customized by a wealthy family for the old lady's birthday.

Especially since they are a matching couple with Jackie Chan, they have nothing missing and nothing missing.

Ning Weimin conservatively estimated that this pair of copper wax solders would be worth one hundred and eighty or two hundred dollars as a single piece of copper.

This is still the official purchase price. If you want to sell it on the "ghost market", it is not impossible to sell it for 300.

To be honest, this thing mainly takes advantage of the cheaper material. Who makes porcelain not so valuable these days?

The only pity is that this thing is made of brass. It would be better if it was made of copper.

Ning Weimin felt so beautiful.

It was fate that I found this treasure under the bed.

Since I was sure that this pair of things could pass the master's test, I yelled like a villain and started to show off.

"Old man, come here quickly. See what good stuff I found?"

"Do you still remember the first two years when I went to Dabei Kiln? At first, I made a fortune from copper, and then I got a job by donating the bronze vessel. Now, I have found these pair of brass crane lanterns."

"Is this evil nature not evil? What does it mean? It means that people's fate is destined by heaven. I will make a prediction for myself. I am afraid that I will be destined to copperware in this life! This is called auspicious people having their own destiny.

Phase, the fortune carried in the womb."

Kang Shude allowed Ning Weimin to talk wildly. Although he took the pair of wax tools and looked at them carefully for a while, he really didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Finally, after I finished reading it, I just muttered one sentence, "Look at how beautiful it is for you. Oh, it's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse..."

I just put down my things and continued to work on my own.

Ning Weimin was in trouble. Since he didn't have enough real skills to back him up, he didn't dare to provoke the old man again.

So I had no choice but to take the pair of crane wax dowels and run outside the house to enjoy them by myself.

But things are still so bad.

Just when he took two small puffs of smoke, he looked at his initial harvest and thought about it happily.

These two things seem to be very suitable to be placed in the "Altar Palace". From now on, I can earn more income of five yuan in rent every month, when I can.

Kang Shude, who was in the house, also made a discovery in the big closet.

This chapter has been completed!
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