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Chapter 638 Mr. Luo

Ning Weimin's description at this time was the same as Mr. Luo in the cartoon "Jigong Fights Cricket".

I saw the little cricket conjured by Jigong bite the big rooster away.

It was a complete brain explosion and cognitive subversion!

His eyes were wide open and his mouth was wide open, wishing he could stuff an egg into it!

Kang Shude glanced at him and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth before he suppressed his smile.

Because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold myself back and would actually laugh, I stopped looking at him.

He just looked up at the sky, pretending to be a master, and taught him a lesson.

"Do you think my luck was pretty good back then? But I want to tell you, luck is so ethereal that it can't be counted. You have it if you have it, and you don't have it if you don't have it. Because in the end, doing this

Action, courage, knowledge, and vision are the foundation. Luck is just a partial representation of these things. It may even be just an illusion."

"A drum player must be knowledgeable. Otherwise, if he sees a treasure, he will probably mistake it for waste. If a drum player has no real knowledge in his belly, he will be afraid of 'eye-catching' anything he sees, and he will not dare to accept goods that he does not understand. Then God will give him a gift.

Opportunities to make a fortune will also be missed. If a drummer has no thirst for knowledge and does not seek a deeper understanding, he is just lucky and living his life in a muddle-headed manner. Then there will be no luck at all."

"Don't believe me, let me tell you something about the past. On August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered and the country was liberated. You know that? In the following months, the Japanese in the capital were burned down.

Like wasps, they were all eager to retreat back to their country, and they were busy and busy. Because the tickets were tight and they didn't wait for anyone, they left in a hurry. Many things could only be sold at low prices, which undoubtedly caused a shortage of second-hand goods in the short term.

During the golden period of the industry, all the snare drum players in the city became rich."

"There are even many things that cannot be sold at the moment. The Japanese can only pile them up at the street door with a white note saying 'free to take'. 'Free to take' is Japanese, and in our words it means 'take whatever you want'

.At that time, in many alleys where Japanese people lived, ordinary people came to 'pick up foreigners', and everyone took advantage of them."

"At that time, I was certainly the happiest. First of all, I could straighten my waist and be a good person. Looking at the arrogant Japanese in the past like rats crossing the street, I became panicked all day long, which relieved my anger. Secondly, I did make money. I did business every day.

There were so many things that I couldn't handle. During that time, I traveled to the Japanese garrison and cut the flesh of the Japanese all the time. Who made them defeated and wanted to escape back impatiently? Beat the Japanese's mourning drum, no

It’s not moral, but it makes you feel at ease.”

"I have to go early, and I catch up with the Japanese who are selling off their belongings. They are even stupid and deceitful. They can often buy excellent things for the price of three melons, two dates, and a pot of vinegar. If I go late,

Even if the Japanese have left, they can almost always pick up something so that they don’t return empty-handed.”

"At that time, I picked up a pile of large plates with the word 'Arita Yaki' written on them. It was a famous porcelain kiln in Japan, just like our Jingdezhen. I also 'held' two hair clippers, also from Japan.

Goods. Crack, click, push up the hair very quickly, without pinching the hair at all. But the most profitable time was when I participated in a live auction of a Japanese trading company. Purely based on my vision and knowledge, I made a lot of money."

"At that time, this trading company summoned several relatively powerful second-hand goods dealers to look at the goods for a clearance sale. Mr. Song also received the invitation. But because he had other important matters to discuss that day, he had to temporarily appoint me to represent him.

Attend. It should be said that this Japanese trading company is quite smart and wants us to compete with each other and sell it at a good price. But their mistake was that they misjudged the situation and did not understand our national conditions."

"You know, in the past, all walks of life were governed by guilds, and there were basic rules for how to operate. No one could violate it, otherwise they would be punished by the guild. The consequences would be much more serious than being fined by the industrial and commercial department today, and it can't be done

Well, there is nothing we can do. Originally, drummers have rules and regulations, and colleagues must 'join together' and deal with the cargo owner unanimously. So the Japanese want us to compete with each other and fight with each other, which is a wrong calculation."

"What's more, there was too much business to do at that time. It was too busy to handle, and there was no need to fight against each other among colleagues. As a result, the Japanese were particularly embarrassed at the scene. When a piece of goods was brought out, the prices were all upside down.

What does it mean to bid? That is to say, the first person to bid will definitely be the highest, and the others will bid lower and lower. The price will never be higher than the former. This method is used to force the Japanese to sell.

To the first person to bid."

"As for the people who bought the goods, they will never be the first to speak next time, and will give the opportunity to others to buy the goods. That's it, the old people with seniority come first, and the young people last. Everyone has to take a turn.

It will start again in this order."

"Even if there are large quantities of goods that are obviously very profitable, they can't be fought over. In this case, even if everyone wants it, there is still a tacit understanding among the same industry. As long as one person opens his mouth, the others who are interested in competing will not bid.

Yes. If you fight, you won’t fight. This is the code for everyone’s attitude.”

"The person who is the first to make a bid will understand that he cannot monopolize it, and then he will say that there is not enough funds. He will discuss with his colleagues on the spot how to jointly fund the bid. The investment will still be based on seniority and distributed in proportion. It is both friendly and polite, and it is extremely harmonious.

Only the Japanese are disappointed and dejected. They are destined to be disgraced."

"At the auction that day, because I was the youngest one, I naturally got the least benefit. This was understandable. But there happened to be a batch of unpopular new products that no one wanted at all. As a result, I picked up a big leak.

, and took advantage. They were a batch of teaching aids and displays related to natural science models, instruments, etc. There were also some specimens related to minerals, such as galcite and Lingya lead ore."

"At that time, even though the Japanese were vigorously preaching on the scene, 'This is great, there are people who can make a lot of money', hoping that second-hand dealers would invest in the purchase. But all the second-hand dealers on the scene only regarded it as a joke, and no one believed it at all.

. They were all afraid of getting it in their hands, so of course no one bid. I was not even willing to spend a dime. It was just me, because I once sold a purple gold wine glass to Professor Yan of Yenching University. I went to Yenching University with Mr. Song and saw it.

These things in the laboratory. Knowing that these things are valuable and in short supply in the university, I decisively took them."

"In this way, I made a fortune. I bought this batch of goods for one thousand yuan. Later, through Professor Yan, I resold it to Yenching University and earned more than twenty thousand yuan. It can be said that it is the best thing I have ever done in my life.

The sweet business was also the biggest business, and I even made more than all the other junk dealers that day. Tell me, is this luck? Or is it knowledge, vision and courage?"

"So I have to say, it's really thanks to the time when I bought those two wine glasses from a Russian woman. That business not only gave me knowledge and capital, but also gave me experience and knowledge.

I gained a lot of knowledge. If it hadn’t been for the previous one, I wouldn’t have been able to make the money for this last one. Today, I still can’t see the strangeness of these two chess pieces.”

"What's more, if I hadn't taken advantage of Japan's surrender, I quickly made a fortune in a short period of time. How could I have come up with the money to buy Ma's Garden in 1946? There was no Ma's Garden

, where did you get these two bronze cranes? Then tell me, is this your luck today? You are so embarrassed. A blind cat that encounters a dead mouse is also a good cat.

!To be arrogant is 'stinky'. I'm too lazy to beat you..."

Ning Weimin was completely stunned by the question.

The carefree and smug energy I had just now all flew away and dissipated.

At this time, he undoubtedly restored the scene at the end of the cartoon - singing a song and laughing, Mr. Luo became a big mute...

This chapter has been completed!
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