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Chapter 646 Addiction

Society is complex, and people's hearts are even more diverse, which is why there is such a wonderful world.

Just like the four words "a fortune with a fortune".

Ning Weimin, who opened Tan Gong Restaurant in Beijing, and Wang Dadong, who opened Orchid Flower Fast Food Restaurant in Tianjin, have two completely different interpretations with completely different applications.

Most people in this world have their own opinions on the definitions of "success" and "happiness" and how to pursue them.

This leads to different people’s attitudes towards life and different responses to difficulties.

We must admit that not everyone is like Ning Weimin, who has the awareness and conditions to take the initiative to slow down his life and spend more time with his loved ones.

In fact, most people are addicted to their own limitations and cannot understand themselves, let alone extricate themselves.

In fact, the harder you try to chase the goals you set, the farther away you will be from the results you want.

There is no way, this is the suffering of the mortal world, no one can get rid of it.

This thing is like the air we cannot live without every day, and the shadow attached behind the human body.

It is a part of human life...

Yin Yue is very busy these days.

She really caught up with the good times. This year, the whole country was turbulent and enthusiastic.

Due to the frequent introduction of favorable policies since the reform and opening up, the market has prospered rapidly and the number of self-employed individuals has also expanded rapidly.

By this year, the private economy had reached a certain level of discipline and had a wealth demonstration effect, leading to the first wave of overseas business after the founding of the Republic.

In the north, there is a popular saying - "One billion people, 900 million have fallen, and there are still 100 million who are looking for it."

In the south, state leaders decided to further open up coastal cities.

On May 4, the country announced that fourteen more coastal port cities starting from Bincheng in the north and ending in Beihai in the south would be open to the outside world.

One can imagine how much this will stimulate economic prosperity.

Even people who have always looked down upon the self-employed and held an iron rice bowl have inevitably been affected by the economic boom.

As prices rise day by day and there are more and more dazzling goodies, people's ideas begin to change subtly.

Not many people can still maintain the same aloofness and admiration for knowledge as they did in the past. They think that reading is the only quality that is inferior to anything else.

According to a survey conducted by "Youth Daily", among the most popular professions currently, taxi driver is the first, and scientists are at the bottom.

Under such circumstances, there are so many people who need money to do business that they are like crucian carp crossing the river.

The people's thirst for funds is like a bottomless black hole, no amount of money is enough.

However, the current banking system has a very high lending threshold for self-employed individuals, and time is the lifeblood of any business operation.

Therefore, for the sake of profit, self-employed individuals can only seek other methods.

This effect is magnified to Yin Yue, which means getting real money.

Don't forget that the Spring Festival has only been less than three months, and you only have half of the funds on hand to lend money.

But just like that, she actually made a lot of money.

The loan principal actually increased by 60%, and I earned 15,000, which almost caught up with last year's full loan profit.

In addition, it must be said that among all industries currently, the one that performs best is precisely the clothing industry.

That's total prosperity from the bottom up.

Whether it's jeans, Hong Kong shirts, and pastel green on self-employed tricycles, or foreign brand clothing flowing into the mainland through various "mysterious channels".

Whether it's mid-to-high-end ready-made clothes in state-owned stores or department stores, or famous state-owned tailoring stores like Hongdu, Zaocun, and Raymond, or time-honored brands like Ruifuxiang that specialize in fabrics.

As long as it has something to do with clothing, the sales volume of all items has increased dramatically, and there is no need to worry about selling.

As a result, many stores that were originally engaged in other industries became jealous and gradually switched to clothing.

Take Longfu Temple Street as an example. At the north entrance of the Yandian compound, there is a store that has been selling candies and children's toys since liberation. After the reform, it was originally engaged in catering and was changed into a clothing store during this period.

Later, seeing the prosperous business of the shop converted into a clothing store, watch shops, gold pen shops and repair shops with decades of business history on this street also followed suit and specialized in clothing.

This is the current market situation.

There is no doubt that the clothing industry has entered a real golden age.

As the first to enter the Republic and the only international brand in the country, Pierre-Carton Clothing is also the foreign-funded company that has benefited the most.

Even though people with corresponding spending power in China are only a minority group, due to the daily advertising behind "Xinwen Lianbo", this group can be enlarged to the whole country, which is really a lot.

In fact, even if the price has been adjusted twice and has risen to an average price of one thousand yuan, it still cannot stop people's pursuit and favor of Pierre Cardin.

People from all over the country who come to Beijing, as long as they have a certain financial strength, must find a specialty store and buy a pair of Pierre-Carton clothing, otherwise it will be as if they have not come to the capital.

Therefore, today's supply of Pierre-Carton has exceeded demand, and sales staff's commissions have generally increased.

Yin Yue, who was originally a gold medal seller, was able to earn twice as much as when she first opened the store without any effort at all.

As a result, if wages and sales commissions are included, her current wealth is approaching the 80,000 mark.

She can be described as a real little rich woman.

This also made her feel the charm of money games more deeply, and she became addicted to it.

In order to speed up making money, she decided to expand the loan limit accordingly and planned to lend out all the funds in her hand.

Because in her opinion, although it is inevitable to encounter difficulties in recovering funds in a timely manner.

But almost all repayments are deferred, and the interest is actually earned a lot more.

Generally speaking, firstly, her goal of lending money is to carefully select acquaintances.

The second reason is that it is so easy to make money in the clothing business now. No matter what is done, almost no one will lose.

Third, the monthly interest rate for lending is now as high as 20%. When writing a voucher, the total of principal and interest is also the figure.

The money she loaned out became a dead loan, and the probability of it being difficult to recover is extremely small. The overall risk is controllable.

Even if you lose your hand, you can quickly make it back through the flow of money without breaking your bones.

Just like on May 12th, there was a man who borrowed 5,000 yuan from her through someone else's introduction. After delaying her for half a month, she finally got a message asking her to get the money.

The address you left behind is very remote, it is actually in Haihutun outside Muxiyuan.

As a young girl, she was inevitably frightened, so she asked two young men in the alley to escort her.

They pedaled together and arrived outside Yongding Gate, not to mention the desolate scene.

The dilapidated bungalows beside the farmland are like piles of old and scattered building blocks.

The air was dirty, smelled like shit, and there seemed to be dust particles floating everywhere.

Finally, I found the yard of the owner who owed money, and after knocking on the door for a long time, he opened the door mysteriously.

When I walked in and took another look, the yard was filled with clothes in large nylon bags.

The other party didn't mention repaying the money, but opened several bags specifically for them, which were like treasure bags.

Pajamas, jacket, briefs, scarf, vest, overalls, football socks, women's canvas satchel, and a black tuxedo, everything is included.

These gadgets are novel in style, but few of them are new. They all emit the smell of damp dust and sanitary pellets, making the yard smelly.

After the boy who owed money explained, Yin Yue realized that these clothes were imported second-hand goods.

Maybe they can't be called second-hand goods, they're probably rags collected from garbage dumps, packed and smuggled in without enough time to sort them.

"How about it? You have many friends in the clothing business. Please introduce them to me. As long as I sell them, I won't lose anything to you."

"Ah? The reason why you came to me to co-write is for me to help you introduce business!"

Yin Yue was stunned for a moment and said dissatisfied.

The other party slapped his head and said, "Look at my memory, of course it's to pay you back."

After saying that, he went into the house and took out a bag wrapped in a plastic bag and handed it to Yin Yue.

"This is six thousand and five thousand. I'll lend you one and a half months, and I'll give you half a month's more interest. Is this the right number?"

The bag also smelled like smelly clothes and rotten shoes, but the money inside was correct.

Seeing Yin Yue's face softening as she counted the money, the boss started to persuade her along the way again.

"However, asking for your help is also one of my purposes. To be honest, if I can't trust you, I won't look for you. I know how to judge people. You are a cool person and you are a good friend. The key is to have a wide network and have friends all over the world.


"My small wholesale business is really very profitable. I only need one hundred for a pack like this, and any extra money will be yours. I just want you to be considerate to your friends, and you will cover whoever is in danger."

.Who in the clothing business doesn’t appreciate your kindness?”

"Really, really, I've got it right. If you can help me, I won't have to worry about selling my business. You won't have any trouble with this. You've seen the stuff here, they are all very fashionable stuff.

, 100% imported goods. As long as we take it back and clean it up, whoever buys it can easily earn a profit of 500 to 600 yuan. It is good for all of us..."

But Yin Yue didn't pay much attention to these touching words.

After she counted the money, she tore up the IOU as the other party and completed the financial handover.

Then she took the money away, went out with the two "bodyguards" behind her, and got on the bicycle again.

"I'll try my best to introduce you to this opportunity. Okay, goodbye..."

After saying that, he stopped paying attention to the other party, got on his bicycle and started walking on the road.

During the whole process, there was no smile on Yin Yue's face, and her perfunctory attitude was too obvious.

It made the other party look stiff and quite embarrassed.

The master muttered something unknown and stood there in a daze.

In fact, this matter is easy to explain, because Yin Yue is not guilty of it at all.

Although she also knew that this guy had some "supernatural powers" and the goods he got would definitely be easy to sell.

But firstly, I feel that these things are immoral, and secondly, I feel that there is a risk of violating the law.

Profits may not come as quickly as her lending, so why bother?

And on the contrary, it is precisely because these things are lucrative and risky that she cannot introduce them to her relationships.

You know, she is different from other people who lend money. It is not easy to accumulate such a stable customer base who knows everything and can trust each other.

If his client was really caught and fined for selling these things, wouldn’t all the money she lent be wasted?

On the other hand, if nothing happens and her clients are making a lot of money, they won't have to borrow money from her in the future.

She was simply sick, so she fed herself dichlorvos for a small profit.

She even decided that from now on, she would be completely separated from this boy and his introducer.

There will never be any financial transactions or loans involved.

But then again, Yin Yue's mentality exactly reflects the shortcomings of her loan business.

There are very few customers who meet her requirements and can rest assured.

The fear of risk makes her, who pursues stability, very different from other people who are engaged in lending, and directly limits the speed and scale of business development.

Others don't have enough money to borrow, so they try to find funds in various ways.

Even if you don't hesitate to "buy money" from others and lend it out at a higher interest rate, you have to let the money circulate and make money for yourself.

She is not, there is always a part of her funds lying idle.

The speed of finding customers could not keep up with the speed of her asset increase.

There is no way, the desire for safety and the desire to make money quickly seem to always be a mutually antagonistic contradiction, which is difficult to reconcile.

But it was such a coincidence that at noon on the same day, Yin Yue unexpectedly met an acquaintance from the past.

But it seems possible to help her solve the problem of idle funds and create another use for funds.

At that time, Yin Yue had just finished depositing money and was leaving with a deposit certificate worth 6,500 yuan from the counter.

As a result, I just turned around and was about to walk towards the door.

A woman in the queue behind her, just across from her, grabbed her arm.

"Oh, is it Yin Yue? It's really you..."

Although this woman's hair is permed and curled, she looks like a poodle.

But Yin Yue immediately remembered that this person was her middle school classmate Lin Xiaofen, nicknamed "Little Coal Heker".

At that time, Lin Xiaofen's family was very poor, mainly because there were many children in the family.

Her living standard is not even as good as that of Yin Yue who has lost her parents.

Because after all, the two pensions given by the two factories only cover the daily expenses of the three Yin Yue siblings and grandma.

Unlike Luo Xiaofen's family, her parents earn money to support six or seven children and take care of two elderly people.

So Luo Xiaofen often has to pick up coal cores and scrap paper after school.

When she first entered middle school, Yin Yue saw Lin Xiaofen pushing a flatbed cart with bearings as wheels and a basket of rotten paper on it, wandering around the school.

This girl always looks at the big-character posters that others have just put up. As long as no one is paying attention, she will hurriedly tear off the big-character posters and sell them as waste paper. Sometimes she even steals a few pieces of briquettes that people on the street put at the door.

Many high-status people were unlucky back then, but for people like Lin Xiaofen, it might still be good news.

Few people think that those big-character posters filled with nonsense actually support a lot of people.

At least Lin Xiaofen was able to improve her poor life to some extent by picking up scraps of paper after school.

But today, the poor girl from the past is obviously different.

In addition to perming her hair, carrying a leather bag, and wearing high-heeled sandals, she also painted her eyebrows and wore a long red dress that had just become a fashion label because of the recently released movie "The Red Dress on the Street."

Compared with Yin Yue, her dress is a bit vulgar, but based on the price of this outfit, it's really hard to tell the difference between the two.

This chapter has been completed!
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