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Chapter 655 Three Germans

The food is served quickly.

Almost instantly, the waiter brought what they ordered.

The pasta placed in front of Xiao Zhong was not placed in a bowl, but on a plate.

The marinade poured on top is tomato beef sauce, and some cheese powder is sprinkled on it.

The three colors of yellow, red and white are stacked one on top of another, making Xiao Zhong stunned.

He had always thought that noodles were nothing more than soup noodles, fried soybean noodles, braised noodles and sesame sauce noodles, but he had never thought that there were such weird-looking noodles and such inexplicable braised noodles in the world.

But the smell is tangy and the color is bright, it seems pretty good.

Unfortunately, the cutlery the waiter brought next to the plate was a fork.

Xiao Zhong thought hard and didn't know how to use this thing to eat noodles.

"Man, do you have chopsticks?"

"Sorry, no, our German restaurant only has knives, forks and spoons."

Xiao Zhong's face turned red. He didn't dare to ask any more questions, nor did he dare to act rashly.

He just rubbed his two sweaty hands under the table.

The "Supo" ordered by Kang Shude was served in a small white porcelain soup bowl, which was far less affordable than the large bowl given in Chinese restaurants.

Moreover, this thing is still a semi-solidified liquid with a milky white surface color.

In addition to exuding a light milky fragrance, there are also some green mince sprinkled on top.

It also looks strange.

What makes Bi Xiao Zhong stronger is that the waiter gave Kang Shude a spoon, which anyone can use.

And there are some slices of bread that go with the soup, which are also placed on small white porcelain plates.

This is also in line with Kang Shude’s imagination of Western food.

However, due to the restraint in his temperament, he still did not rush to taste it, and wanted to wait until the waiter left before everyone could eat together.

As for what Li Li ordered, that is what really surprised people.

What the waiter placed in front of him were two large cups of ice cream that were as big as a small snow mountain.

One is white, the other is yellow, and there is a mini German flag on each.

Just looking at the cold frost on the cup makes people feel cold.

Not only Kang Shude and Xiao Zhong looked dumbfounded.

Li Li himself was even more frightened and trembled.

"This...this...is this?"

The waiter responded, "You ordered milk ice cream and vanilla ice cream."

Li Li continued to stutter and repeat the words that were so unfamiliar to him, still in disbelief.

"Ice...ice...cream? I...I ordered this?"

The waiter then opened the foreign language MENU to the place where Li Li had just pulled it, and pointed it out to Li Li.

"These are the two you just ordered."

Li Li was dejected and could only admit defeat.

"Okay, I get it..."

After saying that, he took a small spoon and took a big mouthful, grinning from the ice.

The embarrassed look made Xiao Zhong and Kang Shude both lower their heads, and they almost couldn't help but laugh.

Li Lideng felt embarrassed immediately.

He was probably a little unwilling to suffer this loss, and also wanted to find fault to express his anger.

He tapped the rim of the cup with a small spoon and picked out the flag on the ice cream.

"Hey, hey, I said, why did you insert such a thing into me? Is it edible?"

The waiter said, "This is the German flag. It is the decoration on the ice cream. It cannot be eaten."

Li Lideng seemed to understand immediately.

"Since it is decoration, why not put a flower? Why not put a birthday girl, Magu or other hanging figures? It looks festive and auspicious, and it is also clear at a glance. You have to make such a weird paper flag.

It’s like the trick of bringing funeral paper to people’s mouths. It’s better to bring a bowl of hot water.”

The waiter replied, "We are a German restaurant, and the ice cream is only served with the German flag. This is the boss's request, and it is also the custom of Shilin."

He probably saw that Li Li was quite capable of messing around.

The waiter didn't want to say anything more because he couldn't afford to offend him, so he quickly turned around and left.

But the problem is that Li Li then remembered that the thing he ordered was still the same.

He probably thought that having a drink of wine would keep him warmer, and he looked expectant again.

Immediately shouted towards the waiter's back.

"Xiaoer, don't leave, come back here!"

The waiter immediately ran over and asked if he had any other instructions.

Li Li asked carelessly.

"Hey, where's the foreign wine I wanted? Why hasn't it been served yet?"

"Please sit still, we have sent someone to get it for you and will be here soon."

Just as he was talking, the wine arrived.

Another waiter brought a large cup of steaming, black stuff with a layer of white foam on it, and placed it in front of Li Li.

"This...I ordered this too? What is this?"

Li Li couldn't help but feel like he was about to get angry and start a lawsuit.

Xiao Zhong and Kang Shude were also dumbfounded.

They all thought, no way! Is this wine? Why is it also cold?

Kang Shude had more knowledge and helped Li Li ask the waiter.

"Isn't this wrong? There are bubbles in it. It looks like Dutch water to me..."

But the waiter insisted.

"Sir, that's right. This is the specialty wine we only have here, a dark beer from Munich, Germany. Didn't you guys see that there is foam on it? Dutch water only has bubbles, but not such thick white foam."

The waiter finished speaking and left again.

Li Li had no choice but to take a sip of the dark beer and immediately pushed it away.

Not only could he not stand the temperature, he also couldn't stand the steamy, spicy, and bitter taste.

This time, the facial features were simply misaligned, and I couldn't help but curse with resentment.

"All the people in Jinmen are green-skinned, not a single red-faced one, even the foreigners who open restaurants. Damn it, do you think he is sincere..."

Xiao Zhong said something fair, "Who can you rely on? This is called suffering for yourself..."

It should be said that Xiao Zhong and Kang Shude's first experience with Western food was quite good.

The taste of Italian macaroni and cream of mushroom soup both surprised them, giving them an unprecedented taste bud experience.

Except for the strong milky smell of "Supo", Kang Shude felt a little tired after eating it and didn't finish it.

Xiao Zhong also had a fork that didn't fit well in his hand. He looked at other tables imitating others to use forks to roll noodles and eat them, feeling like a bear playing with a fork.

I can't fault it anymore.

And the most important thing is that all the dishes they want are hot and not uncomfortable to eat.

Unlike Li Li, everything he ate and drank was ice-cold, as if he had fallen into a hole in the ice.

Take one bite and shiver, take another bite and shiver again...

When Kang Shude and Xiao Zhong were almost done eating, he ate one of the two ice creams that Li Li asked for.

The large glass of dark beer and a serving of vanilla ice cream were basically untouched.

Kang Shude felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked Li Li to order another one.

Li Li, who was already in a pretentious state, was naturally overjoyed.

However, just as he was touching the menu, Xiao Zhong pressed it and turned around and said Kang Shude.

"You're too spoiled to him, aren't you encouraging him to be greedy? We have to teach this kid a lesson."

He turned to Li Li and said, "You also bought those things with money. The things here are so expensive, who will feed them if you don't eat them? Otherwise, you will pay for them today..."

Kang Shude couldn't bear to be cruel, so he interceded for Li Li and Xiao Zhong.

"Don't argue with him. You didn't look at him, and your face turned green. You also know that unlike us, he ate sesame cakes and fried dough sticks, and he didn't have anything to warm his stomach at all. It's such a winter, don't stop

I'm sick after eating a foreign meal. I can't explain it to Mr. Li when I go back. Forget it, let him order another one. If he can't eat it, we'll share it."

In this way, Xiao Zhong showed his dignity and said to Li Li, "You kid, if you want to be well-off, you have to rely on me. If you don't eat, I will forcefully stuff these into your mouth."

Li Li learned his lesson this time and stopped ordering randomly from the foreign language menu. He honestly picked up the Chinese menu and studied it.

After studying for a long time, he said, "Then I'll order some stir-fried dishes. Can we also try the stir-fried dishes here?"

Seeing that neither Kang Shude nor Xiao Zhong had any objections, he banged the table and shouted again.

"Xiaoer, where is the person?"

This Zijing uncle's enthusiasm immediately attracted the attention of the whole audience and forced the waiter to jog over again.

But what is the result?

After a while, the waiter followed his order and brought him another oversized ice cream topped with chocolate sauce, with a small German flag on top.

This time Li Li couldn't stand it anymore, especially the surprised looks that Xiao Zhong and Kang Shude looked at him.

Feeling aggrieved and angry, he clenched his fists and protested at the waiter.

"You went to the wrong school! You went to the wrong school! You must have gone to the wrong school! I didn't want this!"

The waiter was still very calm, opened the Chinese menu, and calmly confronted him face to face.

"Look, is this what you ordered just now?"

"That's right."

"That's right, this is the Lysander you want."

"Ah? This...isn't this stir-fried? You clearly have the word 'stir-fried' written on it..."

"You misunderstood. Cha Kou Lai is a unique Western sweet, with this kind of black sauce. Sande and ice cream are almost the same thing, but the texture is softer."

"No, no. What's going on with your menu? Why do everything on it have the same flavor?"

"That's not the case. Mainly, all the food you ordered is cold food."

"Do you have any tea? Is it hot? There must be some, right?"

"Yes. On the Chinese menu, we have Canada-Africa. And on the foreign menu, we have BLACE TEA, MILK TEA, HOT COCO..."

"Okay, what are you talking about next? Can you give me a Chinese name?"

"I'm sorry, those names that don't have Chinese names yet, no one has picked them up yet. That's why we don't use the Chinese menu."

The waiter's arguments made Li Li completely lose his temper.

Looking around at the tables next to him, Li immediately saw a woman sitting at one table with her little fingers raised and sipping the contents of her cup in small sips.

He pointed at the woman and said, "Just bring me a pot of foreign tea like hers."

The waiter said, "That's Jiafei. Here, Jiafei doesn't matter whether it's a cup or a pot."

"Then have a cup. It needs to be hot. The hotter the better."

The waiter asked again, "Do you want more milk and sugar?"

"You put everything aside for me."

Then, as soon as the waiter left, Li Li explained to Kang Shude and Xiao Zhong.

"Don't say anything. Can't I just pay for it? I really need to drink something hot, otherwise my stomach won't be able to bear it..."

This time, Xiao Zhong and Kang Shude were both understanding. They looked at him sympathetically and did not say a word.

After a while, the waiter placed a delicate small cup on a plate in front of Li Li. There was more than half a cup of brown liquid in it.

Li Li looked at the table next to him, and he couldn't help but want to be more serious.

"Is this Garfield? Why is it light in color? The table next to it is dark! Have you watered it down?"

The waiter said, "This is with milk, sir. Didn't you just order milk and sugar?"

Li Li was speechless again and simply raised his neck, pouring all the coffee into his stomach as if drinking Chinese medicine soup.

The waiter asked, "Do you want anything else?"

At this time, Li Li seemed to have heard the most terrifying words, covering his mouth and waving his hands.

"Don't, don't bother, settle the accounts with us quickly. I finally understand it now. You guys, Shilin, are violating me."

The waiter turned over the bill on the table and said, "One creamy mushroom soupe, one pasta, one glass of milk ice cream, one cup of vanilla ice cream, one cup of Munich black beer, and one order of stir-fried Kushner."

, a cup of hot coffee, including service charge, is nine dollars in total, sir."

Not to mention Li Li this time, even Xiao Zhong's legs felt a little weak when he heard it.

As a patrol policeman, his monthly salary was only eight yuan, so he couldn't help but speak.

"Nine yuan, why don't you want a hundred? Let's eat shabu-shabu and go to Shundong to order two tables, but we can't eat for nine yuan!"

The waiter turned to Xiao Zhong and said, "There are prices on them. We clearly mark the prices, sir."

Kang Shude was no better than those two students. He knew that whatever he said here would only embarrass himself, so he quickly paid the bill.

Stand up, put on your hat and scarf, grab your things and leave.

However, before leaving, Li Li pinched all the small flags on the three cold dishes.

Shaking at the waiter as if to show off.

"This belongs to us. These flags and these food are the same thing."

The waiter said, "AS YOU LIKE IT."

Li Li glared, "What's the matter? Is it okay? Just talk!"

It was already this time, so there was no need for the waiter to provoke him any more, and he immediately became respectful.

"As you wish."

After leaving Qi Shilin, Li Li abandoned Kang Shude and Xiao Zhong and ran straight to a breakfast stall diagonally across the road.

Then he munched on sesame seed cakes and drank hot soy milk.

It's so hot that you can breathe in it, warm and hearty.

The hawker who set up the stall saw him coming out of Qishilin and looked at him very fresh.

"You are always in Xiaobailou, have you eaten or not?"

Li Li took out three national flags from his arms and waved them in his hands.

"Of course I did. I ate three Germans today!"

Note: 1 Dutch water is the name of soda when it first entered China.

2. Flat-hanging people. In the old days, noodle shops often coiled the noodles sold into peach-shaped "longevity noodles", and then inserted old longevity stars or Magu figures on the top, which were cut, tied and framed by silk yarn. This is the Beijing Silk People.

The most common Dalu product is the "flat hanging man".

This chapter has been completed!
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