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Chapter 666 Which one is more important?

Suddenly, Ning Weimin spoke.

"Oh, it's hot today. I'm sweating just sitting in the room with the fan on. Everyone drank a lot of hot tea. No wonder it's so hot."

Following him, he also made fun of District Chief Xu.

"Leader, do you think it's time to treat everyone to some cold drinks to calm down the anger?"

But his nonsense joke was perfectly timed.

Not only did it successfully shift the focus of the scene, but it also effectively relaxed the atmosphere.

"Yes, yes, it's hot. It's hot. It's better to have a cold drink."

District Chief Xu, who was already in a dilemma, immediately woke up and responded in a humorous manner.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, giving Ning Weimin a look of approval, and immediately turned around to make arrangements.

"Who is that... Xiao Wu, go to the cold drink stand at the door and buy some popsicle soda. Let everyone cool down."

As for Ning Weimin, his smile did not diminish. Instead, he followed the trend and persuaded the director of the Temple of Heaven to come.

"Director, look at our district director. He treats guests as he says. Where can you find a good leader who is so good at understanding the public sentiment? I really don't mean to flatter our district director. I think that even if you are not happy in your heart,

, you can’t attack anyone but us, District Chief Xu.”

"What we are today in Tan Palace is inseparable from the support and help of District Chief Xu. I think it was thanks to District Chief Xu that our loan was approved. The District Chief also helped us with publicity. For such a small thing, we won't have to worry about it.


"Besides, being angry is bad for your health, and it's not good for your own health. There are hundreds of people in the Temple of Heaven pointing at you, and you are the backbone of everyone. If you get sick, who else can they point at? Especially at this critical moment.

When the time comes, we will have to mess up the situation. You don’t want our efforts to be in vain, do you?”

Following him, he turned back to explain to District Chief Xu.

"Boss, I have to say a few words for the principal in front of you. First, I was able to drop what I was doing and come here on time this afternoon because of the principal's urging. He kept telling me on the way that I

Don’t just worry about yourself. You must pay attention to the district’s requirements and do your best to implement them.”

"Second, our work tasks this summer are relatively heavy. The banquet hall of Beishen Kitchen is ready to open. At the same time, we also plan to join forces to hold a summer book fair that can become large-scale and have a certain influence and can be held every year in the future.

. To be honest, I have been too busy recently. I am so young, I can’t stand it, and the director is over 50 years old, so it is inevitable that he can’t bear it.”

"So, today I just rushed to get together for everything. In fact, the principal's attitude towards the district meeting was very upright and he was definitely not negligent. He got angry just now. I think it was because of these words that he rushed

There was some misunderstanding, and the second reason is that he has been too busy with work recently and is exhausted. Your Excellency has a lot, so don't mind."

Everyone has self-esteem.

In fact, sometimes it doesn’t matter what you say. What matters is how you say it.

The conflict just now is the worst typical example.

Both parties in the negotiation ignored the dignity of the other party, which resulted in bad results.

Ning Weimin, who is well versed in human relations and sophistication, understands this.

So what he said in these scenes was that he was trying to save face for the district director and the principal.

What does it mean to prescribe the right medicine?

This is called prescribing the right medicine.

Naturally, it had the miraculous effect of rejuvenation, and the atmosphere at the scene was completely out of awkwardness.

"I don't mind. We are all old friends. We used to criticize each other. Why would we care about this? It doesn't matter. I can understand that everything happens for a reason. It's all for work."

District Chief Xu had steps under his feet and immediately made a magnanimous gesture.

Such a broad mind is a quality a leader should have.

"Old Xu, I'm sorry. I just said something unintentionally, and I was not talking about the situation and the person. In fact, if you think about it carefully, I directed all my pent-up dissatisfaction and resentment against you. This is not fair to you."

Although the director of the Temple of Heaven has a careless temperament, he can still take it up and let it go.

I am the kind of person who respects me as much as I respect others.

Then he got off the slope and expressed his apology to District Chief Xu.

In this way, the two of them are in harmony as before, and now only these people in the special department are isolated.

It seems that he has become a villain and needs to take responsibility for today's unpleasantness.

Under this situation, once Ning Weimin took advantage of the situation, he expressed his refusal.

So at least today, it is definitely difficult for the special department to achieve its expected goals and will definitely fail.

But the problem is that Ning Weimin knows what the future will look like, the great significance of this special department to the country, and what is the general trend.

How could he, who was so good at dealing with people and dealing with people, create a formidable enemy for himself?

So naturally I didn't forget to send a ladder to Director Duan.

"Director Duan, we meet for the first time today. It's a great honor. I say from the bottom of my heart that I respect your work and career. In fact, let alone a special department like yours. As long as people wearing your uniforms

, I admire them all very much. Because only when the country is stable and the society is stable, business can prosper and everyone can live and work in peace and contentment. In my opinion, the contribution of people wearing this uniform is very large and indispensable. Thanks to you, all of us

The safety of life and property has been effectively guaranteed..."

But I didn't expect that he was just showing off his flirtatious looks to a blind man, and it was all for nothing that he said how nice he was.

That director is not an easy person to get along with, and he doesn't accept this trick at all.

"But what? You are going to say the word 'but' next, right?"

Director Duan actually interrupted Ning Weimin with a sneer on his face.

His eyes showed a kind of displeasure and alienation towards him, and he even deliberately continued to ridicule Ning Weimin with words.

"Don't keep talking around and beating around the bush with me. I can't stand hypocrisy. What I want is real things. In front of me, you can speak like a lotus flower. It's useless to just say nice things.

Yes. I advise you to be straightforward and give me a clear attitude. Are you willing to cooperate with our work? Or are you unwilling? Do you agree to let us settle in the Tan Palace? Or do you not agree? Please answer now. Don't use nice words as balloons anymore.

Let’s blow it, it’s really blowing, I’m afraid we’ll both be embarrassed.”

There is no doubt that the underlying meaning of these words is that Director Duan believes that Ning Weimin lacks sincerity.

I don't know where his prejudice came from.

Anyway, he was so rude and didn't save any face for Ning Weimin.

Far inferior to the attitude towards the Service Bureau and the Director of the Temple of Heaven just now.

If you are a young and energetic person, you need to maintain your dignity and retort at this time.

The result will be similar to what happened to the director of the Temple of Heaven just now. He will definitely become more and more stalemate and will not agree with each other.

If you are a good-tempered person, you can endure such a squeeze and follow the other person's ideas to answer the question.

Then you will lose the initiative in negotiation, you will be considered by those present as lacking any backbone, and you will also be looked down upon by the other party.

If you are a naughty person, you will probably use Zuo Guyan's method of avoiding embarrassment by changing the topic.

However, this was just the shameless behavior shown by the other party, but it confirmed that the other party's contempt was justified.

Therefore, these coping methods are all wrong, and Ning Weimin would not choose any of them.

So what should we do?

After thinking for a moment, I tasted the temperament displayed by Director Duan, who was hot on the outside but cold on the inside, and hated flattery.

Ning Weimin remembered what his master had taught him: "Speak to the brave and rely on courage."

Decisively choose to face difficulties and show courage to argue with reason.

All the politeness that should have been expected was waived, and he didn't even bother to say the word "you".

"Director Duan, it's not that I'm trying to avoid the truth. There is indeed something wrong with the way you ask questions."

"What is the purpose of us all sitting together today? Isn't it to discuss how to cooperate with each other's work? Is it because you announce an order and we have to carry it out without compromise? No way."

"Well, since it's a discussion, there must be a process. We have to make concessions and be tolerant to each other in order to reach a consensus. By doing this, you are directly obliterating the process and seeking results. It makes me really embarrassed."

Director Duan could not refute Ning Weimin's words.

After a moment of silence, I felt a little unreasonable and my momentum was dampened.

"Well, what you said makes some sense. It seems that I am a little too impatient. So what do you think we can do to discuss this?"

Ning Weimin, however, did not stutter at all and responded decisively.

"Director Duan is a happy person, so I won't be polite. Just a superficial opinion, I want to see if we can reach an agreement before we can talk further. In fact, in my opinion, the fundamental purposes of both of us are not contradictory.

.We are currently entangled and have doubts about each other because we are worried that our work will restrict and affect each other. So I think that as long as we coordinate possible problems and try to understand each other, we can actually get along well.

, happy to cooperate. Do you agree with this?"

"The truth is correct, and this is what we want to see. But in actual work, it may be difficult to achieve an ideal balance. So I still have to emphasize that national security is above all else. If necessary, individual and collective interests

We still have to unconditionally obey the justice of the country. You must cooperate with our work wholeheartedly."

Although Director Duan agreed in words, in reality he was still a hard stone and left no room for bargaining.

In response, Ning Weimin also shook his head.

"I can only agree with this in a general direction. Frankly speaking, each of us is patriotic and we are all citizens of the Republic. If there is a critical moment when personal sacrifices are needed for the sake of the country, each of us will

Individuals will definitely make the right choice. But I think this situation definitely does not need to be like this every day, and it does not happen often in daily work and life. It is also not a choice that cannot be discounted at all or find a compromise. Usually

, there must be room for maneuver.”

Seeing that Director Duan was about to speak again, Ning Weimin did not give him a chance to interrupt him this time.

"Please listen to what I have to say first. Your work has difficulties and its importance is self-evident. We all understand this. But on the other hand, we also need your understanding. I'm afraid that your difficulties are

I don’t necessarily understand. They say that if you are not in your position, you will not seek to govern the country, but if we both want to cooperate smoothly, we must seek common ground while reserving differences and be more considerate of each other.”

"If Director Duan knew how the Temple of Heaven Park came to be and how difficult it was for so many years, I think Director Duan would understand the excitement of the director just now. As Director Duan, you are admirable for your dedication to your duties.

Similarly, the principal is also a good and responsible leader who cares about his employees. Director Duan may wish to think about it. The livelihood of hundreds of employees in the whole kindergarten depends on the principal. Faced with expectant faces holding medical expense reimbursement forms,

Employees, how can he open his mouth and ask those employees to sacrifice their egos? Not to mention it is a normal sacrifice."

"This is the focus issue we all face. Which of our two sides' work is more important? To be honest, both are important. To use an old saying, there is no distinction between high and low in revolutionary work. Our country has never said that,

We only need military security, not economic construction. These should be things that go hand in hand. They are even interdependent things. Security work is not only a prerequisite for the heavy development of economic and people's livelihood, but economic and people's livelihood is also the meaning of security work."

"Take us for example, the same is true. Isn't it because the Tan Palace and the Temple of Heaven have more passengers now, and the number of foreigners has increased exponentially, so it is necessary for Director Duan to come to us for control. That means,

The better we run the business, the more practical it will be to deploy control here. Right? On the other hand, if we run the business poorly, no one will want to come to the Temple of Heaven Park and Tan Palace. The director of the section is here to deploy control here.

Is it still necessary? Wouldn’t that be a waste of national resources? Am I right?”

The logic of this dialectic is more tenable, and it indeed speaks to the concerns of all Tan Gong investors.

The director of Tiantan, his secretary, Director Jin and Qiao Wanlin all had bright eyes and nodded frequently.

District Chief Xu, who was not only watching, showed recognition and appreciation for Ning Weimin.

Even Director Duan's subordinates looked puzzled, thinking deeply about Ning Weimin's words.

Only Director Duan took a deep breath, feeling somewhat heartbroken.

At this moment, he had a deeper understanding of Ning Weimin's power of words, and felt that he was still a little preconceived and underestimated this young man.

This chapter has been completed!
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