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Chapter 679 Hearing

In fact, just randomly excerpt some of the hearing notes of Director Duan and his subordinates.

You can almost take it from point to point, and truly experience the complicated and unspeakable feelings of all the "airborne personnel" of special departments.

For example, on June 28, 1984, around 15:00 in the afternoon, we were in the men's room on the second floor of Tan Gong Restaurant.

This is what Yang Guang heard about a conversation between a new employee and an old employee at the restaurant.

"...Hey, Brother Wang, we both have a rest tomorrow. After get off work today, how about I invite you to watch the video? There is a new video studio over there in our house. There are also loudspeakers at the door, and there are people all over the street. You can hear the crackling sounds of fighting coming from inside, and you can watch the all-night show for two yuan..."

"Forget it, Xiao Li, I know that kind of video hall, which is everywhere on the streets now. But it's dirty and smelly inside, and it's completely dark. It smells only of smoke and sweat. The so-called projection hall is actually just a big color TV

There is smoke everywhere and melon seed shells everywhere. It’s such a hot day, why don’t you go there and watch videos without sleeping? You’ll be spoiled after a night! If you don’t go, don’t go...”

"Oh, Brother Wang, you are too particular, aren't you? As long as the movie is good-looking. I see what's written on the outside is 'hot gun fight movie', 'costume martial arts super blockbuster', 'peach murder', 'headless female corpse'

'Such as that. Listen to it, how exciting it is! It's definitely much better than "Baby Knight" and "The Good Housewife" shown in the cinema."

"Is this good enough? You guys are too deceptive. Let me also tell you that truly good movies don't rely on gimmicks, but rely on big stars and good scripts. Do you know Hu Yinmeng? Do you know Lin Fengjiao? Yes.

Do you know Xu Guanjie? Do you know Jackie Chan? If you don’t write your name under the title of the movie in the video room, you are deliberately deceiving you. It’s nothing more than using crappy movies from the outside to fool you, and they are all old tapes that have been ripped and played countless times. Watch

You can't even see clearly. If you really want to watch the video, you might as well go to my house. Come to me tomorrow and play two videos for you to open your eyes. I have videos from Hong Kong and Taiwan, Japan, Europe and the United States, kung fu, etc.

You can choose from everything from police and robbers to romance. How about you keep the money you have to buy cigarettes..."

"Ah? Brother Wang, why...you...you still have a video recorder at home!"

"Well, I just bought it last month, Panasonic G10..."

"Buy...bought it? I heard that it cost four thousand yuan..."

"Hey, what's the matter? Of course, as a new intern, you don't know many things yet. Let me put it this way, our Tan Palace is different from other places. In the whole capital, no matter the hotel or restaurant, all

There is no one who works in the catering industry, including the Beijing Hotel, no one can compare with us, we have the highest income and the best benefits here. Do you understand?"

"You know, you know, how can you not know this kind of thing? I came here just because our salary is high. Once our internship period is over and we are transferred to third-level workers, our salary will be eighty, and we can almost fuck my dad.

Brother Wang, your first-level worker’s salary is 180, which is basically equivalent to the director of my dad’s factory. By the way, I forgot to say happy birthday to you. I heard that as soon as Beishen Chef’s banquet department opened, Mr.

The employees have to be upgraded in place. The foreman's salary is only 240. Brother Wang, if you get 60 more per month, you can catch up with the income of an ordinary family of three..."

"Haha, you kid, you know the salary situation clearly enough. But Xiao Li, you still only know one part. Let's put it this way, the best thing about our place is not actually the high salary, but the unlimited bonus. Trading.

The better, the more money we get, and the bonus can even be more than the salary. You can tell me, when I am usually busy, the performance bonus plus the savings bonus, the bonus is 200 yuan. The busiest month is May, October

In the past month, there have been bonuses of 400 yuan a month. If not for this, how could I have saved up for a year to buy a video recorder? A family of three? You still said it was less..."

"Ah, just one year...no...can the bonus really be so high? Is it really unlimited? I've never heard of it..."

"So, you are lucky enough to be chosen to work here. First of all, you have to thank Mr. Ning. Thanks to Mr. Ning for taking the lead in this palace, we can earn this money. Otherwise, just dream about it.

Okay. Two, you really have to study hard and work hard. If you are serious, you have to learn a foreign language, especially Japanese. Three, you have to know how to cherish such a good job. Follow the rules, don't be lazy, don't make mistakes.

, the rewards here are heavy, and the punishments are also heavy. Do you hear me? As long as you don't cheat, do things carelessly, and stay in our palace. I estimate that you can earn a video recorder by yourself in a year at most.

It’s not difficult to come…”

For another example, at 12:30 noon on July 2, 1984, in the toilet at the west gate of the Temple of Heaven, Sun Ran also heard such a conversation among the employees of the Temple of Heaven.

"...Hey, let me tell you, did you watch the TV news yesterday? The miner who published the marriage notice in the magazine, named Zhu or something, actually found a wife. And she is a beautiful girl from Shanghai..."

"After reading it, this boy's advertising fee in the newspaper was well spent. But let me tell you, that woman is really careless. Who can't find someone with such good personal conditions? She has to run all the way.

Go to Jiaozuo and find a sooty guy who's less than 1.7 meters tall. He won't have mental problems, right?"

"I don't think that's the case. The key point is that the miner was so shameless that he dared to say hello, but he met this girl who was probably in some kind of trouble, and that's why he ate swan meat. Do you think, if it wasn't like this? This girl would have done something wrong.

She traveled all the way from Shanghai to Shanghai, and she got married within a few days of going there. How could she be emotionally involved? I think the most likely possibility is that there is something wrong with the girl’s family. If she doesn’t have any conflicts with her family, I’ll wait for her.

He ran out because he couldn't get down..."

"Hey, that's right, it makes sense. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. But let me tell you, this woman is still at a huge loss. What's the point of marrying such a person? The place is not good, and the person is not good enough. The woman said it was a bad idea.

He is an honest person, but there are many honest people, and he can be the breadwinner. It’s a lifelong thing, so why don’t you risk being stupid? Why not come here and meet a few young men in our greening team. I’ll just choose whatever you want.

Even one of them is better than that miner. At least the work is not dangerous. She married in the capital. This is called a good man without a good wife, and a lazy man marrying a slut."

"Hey, look at you, Lao He, you are worried about those bachelors you formed again. I think you are going to become their father. God is destined to know the fate of people. Who is a couple with whom, Yue Lao has already

It’s planned…”

"That's what I said, but the people in our group are all in their thirties, and they can't find a partner. They are distracted every day. After get off work, they either drink or play cards. They are not interested in working at work, and they can't even scold or talk too much. I can't help but become anxious after saying a few words, just like a red-eyed buffalo calf. If you were their team leader, would you not be anxious?"

"Hey, why on earth is that? Ours is a big company after all. The salary is higher than other parks, and they don't look like crooked melons and jujubes. Why haven't the personal problems been solved?


"Hey, if you want to talk about the first few years, it was really because of poverty. There was no bonus, and I relied on the dead salary every month. Even the reimbursement of medical expenses took three and a half months. But later on, we Zhaigong

It was rented to Pierre Carton. Since the arrival of manager Xiao Ning, we have held sculpture exhibitions and garden parties, which has completely increased our ticket income. That will be much better. But the problem is that new troubles have come again.

These guys are looking at the girls from Zhai Palace every day, and ordinary people can’t even look down on them..."

"Oh, I understand, co-authoring is just fancy. I just want to choose the right one."

"Isn't that right? Those girls in Zhai Palace are all like flowers and butterflies, just like the people in the paintings. How can they be worthy of ordinary people? Have you not seen how many people visit Zhai Palace Cafe every day? Those

Aren’t these young people who act like dogs and don’t care about spending money just here for these girls? Come to think of it, how much do the girls in Zhai Palace earn? They are employees of foreign-funded enterprises. Although they are not iron rice bowls, their salary is only

He can hold up to the three people in our park."

"Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. You have to talk about them, don't be so unrealistic. The people in the paintings are not just living things. And there's no need to just stare at what's in front of you. You still have to look for them outside.

Wouldn't it be great if you could find a teacher, nurse, cultural center, etc.? Why don't you also ask them to post a marriage notice?"

"Hey, don't tell me. They are all rich and powerful, but they really can't spend money to advertise to find a wife for fear of being embarrassed. But the girls outside are actually not that easy to find.

They are also picking it up. It seems that they have been on blind dates countless times. The ones with better conditions either don't like us doing greening because they like to sweat and are covered in mud. It's also that they are older and sunburned. They are also worried about manual labor.

After a long time, they will fall ill in the future. Although the salary and bonus are higher, they are only ten or twenty more than the average person every month. They can't buy all the home appliances for a house. They look down on those with poor conditions and always take advantage of each other.

Compared with the girls in the Zhai Palace. In fact, to put it bluntly, these guys have high hearts and eyes, and they will never be as good as they are."

"Well, I really understand now. But when it comes to it, foreign-funded enterprises are really honey pots. Look at what Manager Naning does, whether it's a restaurant or a vegetarian palace. No matter where you go, you can earn more. No matter the girl

He's still a young man, very handsome and energetic. People like them don't have to worry about finding a partner."

"Isn't that right? What do you mean by the days when people are superior to others? Look at others and you will know that your life has been in vain. If they have difficulty finding a partner, how can others still live? In addition to the monthly guarantee of bonuses and wages,

Even their work clothes, labor protection supplies, and shoes and socks are not cheap. To put it bluntly, after entering the Tan Palace or Zhai Palace, you don’t have to worry about the partner. It’s not others who pick you, but you who pick others. Now you only need Tan Palace.

Gong Yi is recruiting workers. Who in our Temple of Heaven doesn’t want to introduce someone he knows? It’s a pity that they only want men this time. My niece is also in bad luck and won’t be able to catch up..."

"Hey, it's almost done. Don't keep nagging like this. Comparing people with others is a waste, and comparing goods with goods has to be thrown away. After all, no matter how nice other people's homes are, they are not our own homes after all. By the way, I am too

Let me tell you a good thing. According to our principal’s office, if this book fair is successful, our principal has decided to give bonuses to everyone based on the standard of Tan Palace. I heard that each person will receive at least 100 yuan. This will cost

Forming a regular pattern will mean that our income will directly double, and our Temple of Heaven will also become a nest of blessings. I think the personal problems of your greening team will not be so difficult to solve by then..."

"Ah? Are you serious? You can't! We are state-owned, so we don't pay like this. If we really want to do this, then our superiors shouldn't be jealous. The villain will attack and follow the instructions of his superiors.

The director may have to wear glass shoes, which will be very unlucky..."

"Then I don't know, but I heard that Manager Ning of Tan Palace gave the director an idea, and it seems that he will not be held accountable by his superiors. Anyway, the money will be given for sure. Then you will see...


"Oh, if you say that, then I feel a little confident. There is really nothing that Manager Xiao Ning can't do. However, this matter is enough to make people feel panicked. It is obviously the benefit created by ourselves.

, Hey, even if you have money, you won’t be allowed to pay it. It’s a bastard’s ass—the rules. If you look at the Rentan Palace, it is not state-owned, so you don’t have to pay attention to the instructions from your superiors. You can pay as many bonuses as you want.”

"Isn't that right? I can see it now. Our iron rice bowl is actually not as good as other people's contract workers. The principle of big pot rice is that you can't starve you to death and you can't eat enough to support you. If it weren't for us, we also have a good garden that is not subject to management.

"Sir, there are so many rules and regulations binding us, it's hard for everyone to live a good life for a few days..."

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