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Chapter 684 Sweet Career

Time soon entered August, and the book market was in full swing. Not only did the passenger flow not decrease, but the temperature continued to rise.

The maximum passenger flow is approaching 140,000 people per day.

Considering that the Tan Palace Beishen Chu Banquet Hall is about to open soon, a lot of work will definitely be added to the Temple of Heaven Garden.

In addition, the book market has been busy for such a long time, and the staff at the Temple of Heaven Garden feel somewhat exhausted both physically and mentally.

So Ning Weimin suggested that the Temple of Heaven Garden should give grassroots workers a shot in the arm to cheer everyone up.

This idea is exactly what the director wants.

Seeing the park's accounts showing how much money was being made every day, the director, who had long felt sorry for his employees, readily agreed without any hesitation.

So there is the following scene...

August 6, 1984, Rose Garden of Temple of Heaven Park.

A middle-aged man carrying a tea vat and wearing denim overalls walked leisurely and contentedly into the greening team's territory.

Then he stood in a large field of flowers and shouted at the twenty workers who were working hard with sweat dripping from their necks.

"Hey, there's something I need to inform you at short notice! Everyone, listen up. After the park closes today, don't leave in a hurry..."

Unexpectedly, there was an outpouring of complaints.

"I'm talking about Team Leader He, what's the mission sent by the superiors? Look at this hot weather, he really doesn't know the sufferings of the people, and he is very capable of ordering people..."

"Oh, you are really good at keeping track of the clock. It's already past five in the afternoon, and you'll be off work in an hour at most. You're still giving us extra work at short notice...

"That's right, I've already made an agreement with everyone about the movie at seven o'clock in the evening. Well, this time the person doesn't even need to meet, they just have to blow out the lamp and pull out the wax..."

"Here, team leader, you also feel sorry for our brothers. Working this summer is already hard. We are not like the cleaning team who are busy with the book market. We get bonuses every day and can earn extra money by selling waste paper.

You can't help us fight for one day. Why don't you do it again tomorrow?"

It should be said that the emotional rebound was indeed quite large.

Team leader He's situation is a bit like a stone falling into a latrine, arousing public outrage.

What's strange is that here, Team Leader He is very tough on these young workers who are all thick, dark, and have a straight temper.

Instead of giving me a soft word and comforting her, she even responded tit-for-tat and scolded her.

"Hey, you bastards! What's going on? You're all having an affair and want to rebel! I'm also telling you, if you don't want to do it, get out of here!"

"Don't you envy the cleaning team? Okay, if you want to go, tell us in person, and I will transfer it to you later."

"But let me put my words here. Soon, the asparagus in our small forest to the west will be available for Tan Palace to cook."

"There are also flowers grown in the greenhouse. In a few days, they will be almost ready to be supplied to Tan Palace, Zhai Palace and Maxim Restaurant for daily use according to Manager Ning's request. That's a steady flow of money."

"You have to think carefully about whether to stay or go. Don't let the time come when you leave and think the greening team is good. If you want to come back, there's no way."

Don't tell me, these aggressive words actually work.

The truth is obvious, things are changing.

Just when you see a thief eating meat, you can't help but think about the thief being beaten.

As a result, the boys who were blustering just now stopped showing their teeth and their hair was smooth.

Everyone either kept silent or laughed and continued digging the ground with their pickaxe.

The leader of the team quickly apologized and offered a cigarette to Team Leader He.

"He Boss, He Boss, don't be angry. You can't be like us. Come on, take a bag..."

He struck a match in his hand and lit it, and without any delay, he kept saying nice things.

"To tell you the truth, my brothers are really tired today, and they can't help but complain. But you can see the progress, it's obvious that there is no work, and I will definitely not let you down. We are all your soldiers.

How can I still refuse to listen to your orders? When it comes to foreignness, there must be no such thing! We are born as members of our greening team, and we die as the ghosts of the greening team! Brothers, is this right?"

There was an immediate loud response from behind, which made Team Leader He smile a little and take two puffs of cigarette.

"You guys are a bunch of bastards. You're so angry that you won't pay for it with your life. What a bastard. If I become your leader, I will lose twenty years of my life."

"Do you know what's the most irritating thing about you? Let me tell you, you just don't let me finish what I have to say, so you make a scene!"

"Who told you that I came here to ask you to work overtime? I mentioned the word 'overtime'. That's a good thing! Do you know?"

"What a bunch of damn idiots. If you count each one of them, none of you have any brains! You were born to have a life of hardship and exhaustion!"

To say this, the scolding is really harsh.

Not to mention that Team Leader He pointed his finger at the workers’ heads and cursed them one by one.

Just looking at it literally, it already means a bit of a curse and involves insulting one's personality.

But things in the world are still so weird.

Sometimes, words coming out of people's mouths cannot be understood directly.

Good words may be scolding, but scolding is actually good words.

Such a bloody rebuke made a group of workers smile and feel relieved.

"Team leader, we were wrong. What's the good thing? Please tell me quickly..."

"That's right, we have no brains, we just don't understand, we are really wrong. Leader, please tell me..."

"Team Leader He, is it the superior who wants to give us a wife?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Amid a burst of informal laughter, Team Leader He could no longer vent his anger on these bastards and finally began to announce his true intention.

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business. After getting off work soon, we will go to our tourist store next to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests to collect benefits. Everyone has a share. There are a few things to pay attention to. First, you must be there before seven o'clock.

"Secondly, you have to line up, don't get wet with sweat and embarrass me again..."

Of course giving out welfare is a good thing, these guys were happy to hear it.

But the problem is that there is something really fishy about this place that distributes benefits.

Since then, no one has ever gone to a travel shop to receive benefits.

Logically speaking, shouldn't the trade union send people to distribute the goods in the office area of ​​Beimen?

Finally, someone couldn't bear their curiosity and interrupted Team Leader He.

"He Boss, what are you getting? Why did you go to a tourist store to get it?"

"I said you can't be patient and let me speak slowly? If you interrupt like this, if I forget to mention something important and something goes wrong, it will be yours and mine?"

"Oh, I'm talking about the leader. Why don't you just give me something? How big a deal is it? It's worth treating me like you are so arrogant."

"Okay, then I'll tell you. What are you sending? Grapes."

But when the answer was revealed, it almost brought grief to the whole country.

"Ah! Material... material... grape material! What do we need that thing for?"

"What? Then why not give away real grapes? I said our director would give us this as a bonus, aren't we crazy?"

"That's right, what kind of bullshit welfare is this? You don't have to eat or drink!"

However, this time, when he saw his workers yelling at each other, Team Leader He's reaction was even more abnormal.

Not only was he not angry, he was extremely patient and kind.

He looked at them coldly for a while and then spoke calmly.

"What's wrong? You don't want it? Well, if you don't want it anymore, you can give it to me."

"Hey, it's just you. You just said you wanted real grapes. Can't I trade with you for ten kilograms of grapes? No, twenty kilograms, XJ mare's milk grapes!"

"And you, the one who said it was bullshit welfare! You also offer me a price and sell me your share. I don't mind it..."

But don't mention it, the more friendly and generous Team Leader He is, the more these guys get upset.

At this time, everyone realized that something was wrong, and they all became dull and deflated.

No one dared to start a fight anymore, and all the courage they had just now was gone.

If you don't say otherwise, you are a bitch.

In the end, the little boss came forward to wipe their butts, giving each of them a gourd on the back of their head and offering them a cigarette.

Only then did Team Leader He calm down.

"Look, look, what am I saying? Do you have to interrupt me? Don't let me say it. It's nothing! I should let you all suffer a big loss! Alas! To put it bluntly, I am a soft-hearted person.

I'm a kind person so I won't take advantage of you, do you understand?"

Then he waved his hand, pretending to be magnanimous, and turned a corner, which really revealed the key point.

"Listen carefully. In view of the fact that the administrative departments at all levels in our park are living a hard life, and the spirit of the superiors does not allow us to issue excessive bonuses. Therefore, our director has considered and weighed again and again, and finally agreed with Tan Palace.

Manager Ning has come up with a good idea to bring some benefits to our employees."

"What's the solution? Our garden management will come forward and not give out bonuses, but give out in kind. In fact, we give out grapes in containers to everyone, and what we want is not to eat or drink. Once the superiors get involved, what is this called? Let us digest the backlog of products internally.

.Give employees more cultural pursuits and artistic taste.”

"But once the things are in our hands, the superiors have no control over how to deal with them. All you have to do is hold the grape container, cross the road, and send it to the Tan Palace at the north gate. There is a dedicated person at the reception desk on the first floor of the restaurant.

.As long as it is intact, you can exchange it for money directly..."

Wow! This unconstrained and whimsical move of "building plank roads openly and constructing warehouses secretly" simply shocked everyone.

No one thought that this seemingly strict system and the iron law that could not be loosened could be circumvented so easily.

However, no one had time to think about it in detail.

Because the issue I'm more concerned about is...

"How much does it cost? How much can we exchange for it if we send it over?"

"Don't think about good things. That thing is selling for 158 yuan each. Of course it's impossible to give it to everyone at the selling price!"

"How much is that? Three... is there thirty? It would be great if there were forty..."

"Haha, look at your little achievements. Are you satisfied with this? Guess it's too much! It's still higher than your monthly salary!"

"Ah? It can't be sixty...it can't be seventy, can it?"

"Okay, let me tell you directly! One hundred and twenty yuan! The cost price for our park to temporarily get the goods from Manager Ning is one hundred and twenty yuan! Okay? Are you satisfied with this number?"

Oh my god! One hundred and two! This is great!

This is two full months’ salary for each of them!

In their understanding, no state-owned enterprise has such a generous leader!

Dare to take over 100 notes to give bonuses to ordinary employees.

Are you still dissatisfied?

The dozen or so workers suddenly turned into kowtow-headed insects like chickens pecking at rice.

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't help but surround Team Leader He at the scene.

If the little boss hadn't intervened in time, stopped everyone, and said that Team Leader He had a bad heart.

These boys almost shouted "Long live" and threw the team leader into the sky as if they were watching a football game.

But to be honest, there is really no one in this bunch of people who is smart enough and really understands.

Even Team Leader He, who came to announce the news, couldn't do it. They calculated all the accounts and couldn't figure out how to calculate them.

Facts have proved that compared with them, only the business group with the best understanding of grapes are truly smart.

As early as the first time I got this information, someone from the business team asked about it.

"Boss, how about I ask for something instead of money?"

"This... is fine. But why not change it into money? This thing can only be displayed at home for viewing!"

"Hey, I think this thing is rare. I still remember that last year, a single string of ornaments sold for 108, and this year it went up to 158. But it's still selling like this.

Out of stock. Everything has gone up in price these days, but I can’t see anything rising as fast as this grape hopper. Besides, I like it quite a bit, and there’s no need to spend money in a hurry at home, so I might as well take it back and put it on display.

Who knows, what the price of this thing will be next year. Maybe I won’t be able to buy it even if I want to spend money in the future..."

As a result, because of this idea, among the forty-one members of the business group, less than ten people were really willing to convert this benefit into cash. This is the gap.

But no matter what, all the employees of the Temple of Heaven Park were very happy after the park closed for the day.

Because in addition to everyone being able to get unprecedented huge bonuses, they also learned another good thing.

That is to respond to the city government's call to enrich people's night life and cooperate with the city government's initiative to open night markets.

On behalf of Zhai Gong, Ning Weimin purchased a movie projector and an outdoor screen and presented them to the Tiantan Garden Trade Union.

Then starting from next Monday until the National Day, the Temple of Heaven Park will send workers from the trade union to show open-air movies to nearby residents for free at the entrance of the park.

On the nights of January, Wednesday, and Friday, there was an empty place outside the west gate.

On the nights of Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the venue at the east gate is empty.

This means that employees living around the Temple of Heaven Park will not only be able to enjoy the benefits of free movies every day.

And there will definitely be priority to watch movies in the front staff area.

What else can anyone say?

While waiting in line to receive the things, I listened to the sky-breaking background music playing from the loudspeaker in the garden - "Sweet seeds, sweet seeds, infinitely good, sweet songs, sweet songs..."

Everyone feels like they have fallen into a honeypot.

It is under the leadership’s wise decision-making that we are engaged in a sweet career.

This chapter has been completed!
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