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Chapter 698 Comprehensive Cooperation

In September 1984, 28-year-old Nian Jing completed a very important transformation in his life.

Finally, I feel like I’m thirty.

The two children of the Jiang family are quietly adapting to their new positions and looking for development opportunities in new positions.

As the second generation of the Jiang family, their brothers and sisters have inherited their father's gene of being good at scheming, and everyone has an account in their mind.

It's just temporarily hidden under the surface of family harmony and family affection.

This month’s capital is actually the same.

From all walks of life and in all aspects, refreshing social news events appear frequently.

But the consequences of these prosperity are actually far more important than the events themselves.

Earlier this month, a female leader from the Ministry of Textile Industry went to Shandong to inspect work.

She is the minister who likes Quxiao the most.

Maybe I have been with the models for a long time and have been affected by them.

She changed her formal attire for this trip, wearing a golden tight-fitting flower gown and a flowing skirt.

For this reason, the scene caused an uproar. Not only were the reception officials dumbfounded, but many people came to watch in surprise.

However, this 52-year-old female leader expressed herself freely in public.

"Stimulating consumption is to stimulate production. Not only young people must dress up beautifully, but the elderly must also dress younger. They must emancipate their minds and wear beautiful fashions boldly. Don't look at the clothing of the 1980s from the perspective of the 1950s.

It’s a matter of dressing.”

Then the crowd couldn't help but applaud.

From then on, the daily attire of government officials, especially women, completely broke the old framework of blue, green and gray and always formal attire in terms of color and style.

On September 17, the first and second phases of the "Love China, Build the Great Wall" social sponsorship project were completed.

A "great man" inscribed this socially sponsored event.

As the foreign-funded enterprise with the largest donation, Pierre-Carton Company, Song Huagui was invited to attend the completion ceremony.

While participating in the celebration that day, she not only received the certificate of honor with her own hands, but also found the company's name on the monument and on the seventh platform of Badaling.

On September 20, the Beijing Sanyuan Overpass was completed and opened to traffic.

It consists of three overpasses, five trestles, and eight underground walkways.

But not long ago, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the first traffic jam occurred in the Chongwenmen area of ​​Beijing.

This unprecedented traffic jam is caused not only by the rapid increase in cars, but more importantly, by the increase in the number of bicycles.

This year, the national bicycle output reached 28.57 million units, an increase of 3.6% over the previous year.

More and more bicycle brands are beginning to promote their products through advertising.

In addition to the permanent brand and Phoenix brand, common brands in newspapers include Butterfly brand, Wuzhou brand, Golden Deer brand, Feiyu brand and Golden Lion brand.

Of the more than 800 traffic accidents that occurred in Beijing this month, at least half were related to bicycles.

No one could have imagined that this Chongwenmen traffic jam would become an epoch-making symbol for Beijing’s traffic management.

The process of disharmonious traffic in Beijing will begin from this point on for a long time, and the roads in Beijing will also begin the process of upgrading.

It was after this traffic jam that the Beijing Municipal Government and Traffic Control Department, which were under tremendous pressure, strengthened management measures.

It was decided to use a three-block structure when building streets in the future to allow bicycles and motor vehicles to travel separately.

When building overpasses, bicycles should also be fully considered.

On September 25, the expansion project of Liulichang Cultural Street in Beijing was completed, finally restoring the original appearance of the ancient cultural street.

The cultural relics store was finally able to move its three stores, Yunguzhai, Baoguzhai and Qingyuntang, which had been temporarily moved to Tiantan Park, back to Liulichang.

At the same time, six stores including Guanfuzhai, Moyuange, Yueyatang, Yunyuzhai, Cuizhenzhai and Zhenhuange that had been closed due to renovation construction were restored.

At this time, there were no other large-scale cultural and entertainment markets, handicraft markets, or even flea markets in Beijing.

For anything related to literature and entertainment, whether buying or selling, people have to come here.

Therefore, Liulichang has undoubtedly become a must-visit place for foreigners coming to Beijing, and it is also the main window for earning foreign exchange in the capital.

On September 26, the Chongwen District Planning and Economic Commission officially issued the "Project Proposal for the Establishment of a Sino-foreign Joint Venture Capital Amusement Park."

After research and consideration, the Chongwen District Government believes that building an amusement park near the middle lake of Longtan Lake Park can improve the quality of life of citizens and increase tax revenue for the country without destroying the greening.

As a result, the amusement park project jointly developed by Japan-China Joint Development Co., Ltd. and the Chongwen District Government was officially established.

People in Beijing will soon have the country's first amusement park featuring large-scale electric amusement projects.

However, this cooperation ultimately failed to fully meet the wishes of the district government.

This was something that the people who tried their best to promote this event did not expect.

On September 28, the Beijing Xuanwu Art Park and the North Park of Binhe Park were completed and opened to the public.

On the same day, at 2 o'clock in the morning, Sun Yanlin finished the last phalanx training in front of Tiananmen Square and returned to the airport at Shahe Airport to wait for the 35th National Day military parade to be held three days later.

That evening, the national TV station's "Jiuzhou Fangyuan" column launched a tribute film to showcase the achievements since the reform and opening up, with many songs of the new era interspersed in it.

Also on this day, the Olympic Council of Asia, held in Seoul, South Korea, passed a resolution by secret vote that the 11th Asian Games would be held in the capital of the Republic in September 1990.

So from then on, the capital began to countdown to hosting the Asian Games.

In the next six years, how to successfully organize the Asian Games and present the capital of the Republic to the world in its best light.

It has become a key task that the Beijing government and even the country’s top officials have repeatedly considered and paid attention to.

As for Ning Weimin, as the most evil being in this era, what he is best at is identifying the golden road leading to the future from seemingly clueless and connected events.

Therefore, he is different from everyone around him. He cannot stand by and watch indifferently. Instead, he is deeply affected by the current situation and social changes.

Almost everything mentioned above made him restless after the opening of Beishen Chu Banquet Hall.

For example, the news about female leaders in Shandong gave him inspiration about the explosion of women's clothing consumption.

So he temporarily adjusted the production strategy when the clothing factory on Meishi Street opened.

Not only did they decide to adjust the production volume of women's clothing to three times that of men's clothing.

Furthermore, I went to the Industrial and Commercial Department and registered another Champs Elysées as a women’s clothing brand.

It is planned to be produced simultaneously with his PARTYBOY men's clothing.

He actually has no worries about sales.

Because he has an advantage in terms of clothing styles, especially when such foreign brand clothing is put on the market, it is easy for them to pass off as imported goods.

Anyone who is in the clothing business is definitely willing to purchase goods and distribute them.

To be honest, originally he wanted to repeat the same trick and create a variant of "CHANLER".

But later I felt that I didn't know how long I would have to work in the clothing industry, and my boss was French, so it was hard to act too obscenely.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that given the current domestic situation, real French luxury brands are actually not as well-known among Chinese people as French scenic spots.

So we simply misappropriated the Champs Elysees Avenue in Paris, France, which connects the Louvre Museum and the Arc de Triomphe.

In this way, it not only shows more charm, but also captures the light of France.

And as a self-created brand, it seems to have more development potential.

In addition, taking into account the influence of the triumphant return of Olympic athletes and the factors that led to Beijing winning the bid for the 11th Asian Games.

Ning Weimin has determined that the “sportswear craze” that has been hanging up will not only not recede, but will intensify.

To this end, he bought several old machines from the Honglian Factory at half-sale and half-free prices, and planned to start making sportswear as soon as possible.

In this way, although the Meishi Street factory is not large in scale.

But in addition to dyeing and printing machines, sewing machines, cutting machines, buttonhole machines, button setting machines, lathes, and cutting machines are all available.

In addition to the lack of washing processes for making denim clothing and the need for special sewing machines and fabrics to make down jackets, the production of other types of clothing is no longer a problem.

Of course, sportswear also needs to follow the path of independent brands.

Ning Weimin played more aggressively in this field, and his methods of taking advantage were absolutely coquettish.

Although the brand he registered is called "CHINOISERIE" to reflect local feelings.

But the bully "Adidas" only had a clover LOGO these days, so he simply copied the "trislant brick" graphic LOGO launched by "Adidas" in 1990 as his own trademark.

At the same time, the spherical LOGO launched after the merger of "Adidas" and Salomon brands in 2002 was also registered.

Without the knowledge of the Germans, they copied their most classic CI designs and took away their most easily identifiable trademarks.

This guy's attacks are more stable, accurate, and ruthless than those of the Eight-Nation Alliance in the past. He saves a lot of design fees alone!

Secondly, in view of the giant panda rescue activities, as well as public welfare activities such as donating to the Olympic Games and "Love China, Build the Great Wall", it has gained a good reputation for Pierre Carton and has generated social benefits.

Ning Weimin's initiative to donate money to eight Go players competing in Japan also passed the test easily with Song Huagui.

Not only did Song Huagui not think he was reckless, but he admired his sensitivity to the current situation.

When the light turns green, it turns on, and it turns on even brighter.

The Beijing Amusement Park project was officially approved, which also brought another large order of 120,000 yuan to Beishen Chef on time.

Although there was a little quarrel with the customers at first, the problem was that the store was bullying customers.

Ning Weimin's Beishen Kitchen is the only palace-style banquet hall in the capital and has outstanding software and hardware conditions.

He actually forced the kid who wanted to treat him to obediently give the money back.

Then, Ning Weimin and the Temple of Heaven Garden began to vigorously promote comprehensive cooperation.

To be honest, after the completion of Liulichang, it is not very troublesome to take over the three stores of Yun Gu Zhai, Bao Gu Zhai and Qing Yuntang in Tiantan Park.

After all, in terms of business, Ning Weimin has already had a relatively close cooperation with the Temple of Heaven Garden on various handicrafts.

Now that the interests are tied together, the rules for cutting the cake have been established, and the principal supports Ning Weimin, what else is there to say?

Everyone in the Temple of Heaven Garden is aware and can just follow Ning Weimin's baton.

The trouble is several new revenue-increasing projects.

Most of the things Ning Weimin plans to do next are related to animals.

First of all, he planned to encircle a piece of land in the woods north of the West Tianmen of the park, build a bird and zoo, and raise some cute animals.

Like animals, feed some squirrels, rabbits, dogs, sheep, donkeys, and horses.

As for birds, you can raise some pigeons, chickens, ducks, parrots and peacocks.

what are the benefits?

To put it more noblely, it can satisfy the desire of people in the city to get close to animals.

Allow parents to engage in parent-child activities with their children in the park.

Even adding a new project of horse riding photography and horse riding circles.

To put it bluntly, you can sell tickets separately, and you can also receive money for feeding and taking photos with the animals.

This is a cost-effective thing.

But the garden is well circled, the space is ready, and the manpower is also ready.

You must know that many old employees of the Temple of Heaven Park have done breeding in the park in the past and are all experienced in feeding animals.

But for this project to be successful, it is not enough to rely on these alone. It is indeed inseparable from good park design and the development and sales of peripheral products.

How do contemporary people, especially in China, have this awareness?

Ning Weimin didn't want to just build a hut surrounded by a broken fence or a fence.

Just make some fake mushrooms, fake trees and flowers, and the landscape is complete.

His initial idea was to bring out the wild style as much as possible and maintain harmony with the original ecology of the woods.

Therefore, the materials can only be mainly stone and wood, plus glass.

At the same time, in order to attract popularity, it is best to set up a free children's activity area outside the park with paid items.

So that the children can be firmly tied here so that they don't want to leave once they come.

Just relying on things like swivel chairs, slides, swings, single and parallel bars, and cable suspension bridges is not enough.

It's found in every park, it's so common.

Ning Weimin's idea is to innovate as much as possible on the basis of maintaining these amusement equipment.

For example, a few artificial trees are "planted" on the ground, and then a large tree house is built, connected by a suspension bridge.

Therefore, he had to personally make careful calculations with environmental designers from the design institute, and repeatedly discuss safety issues and functional details.

There are also functional issues related to animal feeding.

The animal house in the bird garden, how to keep the bird house warm, how to clean it, how to move it around, and how to clean it.

I'm afraid we still need guidance and consultation from the Beijing Zoo, so Ning Weimin has to contact him first.

It’s even more difficult to make do with anything to sell.

Ning Weimin believes that in addition to ready-made insects and animals, there are cheap toys like bamboo dragonflies, parachutes, and bubble water.

Or add various animal-shaped plush toys and snacks.

But these things also need to be developed, designed and checked.

Who will come? I'm afraid he has to come.

Secondly, Ning Weimin also wanted to open a deer park independently of this bird and animal park.

This is not open, it is mainly for the catering service of Tan Palace.

It's going to get cold soon. In order to stabilize the golden sign of Tan Palace, Ning Weimin plans to have game this winter.

Of course, this does not mean eating wild animals.

In fact, the most important game eaten by the Manchu royal family was venison, and there were various dishes using venison as the main ingredient.

To put it bluntly, as long as the raw materials of venison are obtained, Ning Weimin will really upgrade the winter palace dishes to the level of imperial cuisine.

If you look at the Japanese, they just use a sharp knife to pierce the flesh, which is so enjoyable.

What's more, if we raise more deer in the future, there will be by-products such as antler and deer whip.

But having said that, if you want to do this, not only slaughtering, epidemic prevention, and breeding, but also a series of procedures are indispensable. You need to rely on connections to run it. Even the location is also a matter.

Deer are precious animals. If you draw the blood of one deer, several of them will die inexplicably.

Of course, it is best to have a house and shelter to spend the winter, but not just to live in a wild field.

Ning Weimin asked the director of the Temple of Heaven for a place. What did the director say?

Hey, this old man was so smart that he actually said that there was no other place but the former Temple of Heaven as the most suitable place for sacrifice.

As long as Ning Weimin can get the comrades from the special department to drive away the evil guests who occupied the house against the launch pad and refused to move.

The house was allocated to Ningwei residents, and the garden was willing to help repair it free of charge.

Look, isn't this a trap for yourself?

Ning Weimin regretted it when he saw that the director of the garden had also gone too far and used his own ideas to deal with him.

But after thinking about it, I had no choice but to swallow dryly.

I had to discuss with my security supervisors to make a knife for the old guy, the director.

Speaking of Gu Si'er and his wife coming to the Temple of Heaven to raise fish, that was the best thing they planned.

There is no need to spend much time in winter or summer. It is enough to build a few fish ponds to store fish.

In summer, children can be invited to play fishing outdoors, and they can set up stalls selling fish at the gate of Zhaigong all year round.

Where is the place?

At first Ning Weimin was scratching his head, but then he slapped his thigh and made a condition.

He promised the director of the Temple of Heaven to repair the Nan Shen Kitchen, so he brought the Nan Shen Kitchen back.

Of course, with so many houses, not all of them can be used to raise fish.

Ning Weimin thought about it, and he could set up a teahouse in other houses.

Then put the old books collected here for free reading by guests who come here to consume.

Isn’t it possible to make money and gain fame at the same time? Who says there can’t be the best of both worlds.

But at the same time, Ning Weimin still had to contact the "Polar Bear". He had to ask the ice cream workshop over there to make a Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest ice cream in the look he wanted.

That is to say, it will be the off-season soon, and people will not be able to take care of his things when they are not busy anymore.

So even if it's not the right season, he still has to run, which will take some energy out of him.

Thanks to Bian Jiangong for contacting me and helping me think through, otherwise this matter might not have been finalized.

In short, things like the Temple of Heaven are really messy. Such a slap in the face will definitely keep Ning Weimin busy for a while, and he will be no more relaxed than before the opening of Beishen Kitchen.

But the benefits are also visible.

Once these things are completed, there is no telling how much revenue it will increase for the Temple of Heaven Garden and how much benefit it will bring to Ning Weimin's private interests.

The key is that several people in the special department did not bother to keep their eyes on Ning Weimin because of this.

Even the two newly sent Japanese talents were all assigned by him to work around.

It is precisely because of this that Ning Weimin was able to take care of the stamp market at the same time. On the eve of National Day, he issued an order that would be called a magnitude 10 earthquake for all philatelic enthusiasts.

This chapter has been completed!
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