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Chapter 703 Evil Dragon

This is an era in which information transmission methods are quite backward.

The news that the five hundred rat stamps entered the postal market could only be spread by word of mouth.

Not to mention that many people were unable to learn the news in time. Even if they knew the news, it would take time to get a piece of the pie, adjust people, and raise money!

How could it be too late?

So this goes along with the old saying.

Opportunities are often only given to those who prepare in advance and those who are capable.

People like Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen are undoubtedly the very enviable lucky ones in today's postal market.

Not only did they meet at the right time, but they also brought a lot of money with them. When they heard the news, they immediately went over with Old Fengtou.

Not surprisingly, they will be able to share this big pie falling from the sky.

Unfortunately, sometimes, things need to be viewed from both sides.

It has to be said that in the speculative market, there are actually as many traps as luck.

Sometimes, the two are even the same thing.

To put it bluntly, no matter what chip, it is essentially like a fruit that is red, big, smooth and cute on the outside, but is eaten by insects on the inside.

Everyone feels good when they compete with each other.

But once the game of beating the drum and passing the flowers is over, who will actually get the fruit in the end, and it will no longer be possible to resell it at a high price, and then you will know the quality of the fruit.

Once you take a bite, you will find nothing but mold and rot, and only insects. How can you reason with this?

Looking back afterwards, I'm afraid I can only attribute it to my own greed as a result of the random flowers becoming more attractive.

Therefore, the danger of this game is actually a bit like many people running to a treasure mountain guarded by an evil dragon to pick up treasures.

While the dragon is still awake, everyone can do whatever they want.

But if the beast once awakens.

Even if you are a big business owner, you still need a pair of good legs to run fast. You must run away without looking back.

As long as there is a little hesitation and attachment, you may end up with no bones left.

In particular, the evil dragon guarding the treasure mountain can also disguise itself, throw out bait, continue to pretend to be asleep after waking up, and will deliberately reveal the most precious treasure under its claws...

This makes this game even more dangerous!

In fact, many people in the postal market were eagerly scrambling for the five hundred rat stamps.

Ning Weimin and the executives of Pierre Cardon had just gone out for lunch and returned to the Xuanwumen Hotel together, planning to go to the guest room to continue drinking tea and chatting.

Although these guys are not in the market at all, any stamp collectors would shudder if they heard their extremely relaxed conversation.

Because they don't pay attention to the people in the postal market at all, and they treat everyone as a piece of meat in their mouth.

If you chat casually and bring it out, it will have the insidious effect of "eating people without spitting out their bones".

"Xiao Gu, you have such a plastic body. You can even knock down a foreign girl, so how can you marry a foreign wife? Even if you marry a foreign wife, you won't be able to deal with her. Isn't this your ideal? You should exercise.

Now that you’re exercising, you have to fight for your ideals, and you can’t just talk about it.”

"Oh, our manager Sha is really unexpected. He is as light as a swallow. He is only a member of the Lian family."

Before the conversation started, when the group entered room 606, they all made fun of the two colleagues.

This also needs to be mentioned.

Fortunately, just now when they were waiting for the elevator downstairs, they collectively bumped into a peep show.

There was actually a pair of "foreign mandarin ducks" in love holding and "gnawing" in the elevator, and they were so selfless.

So as soon as the elevator door opened, these people were stunned.

The young man and woman were also embarrassed by this.

Especially the woman, who couldn't bear the gaze of so many men, almost lowered her head and covered her face and ran away.

How tall is the foreigner? The woman is also 1.7 meters tall.

Unfortunately, Xiao Gu, who was near the middle of the elevator door, was bumped into by the blonde girl.

He immediately covered his arms and leaned against the wall with his teeth bared.

The foreign guy kept saying "sorry" and then quickly chased after the girl.

When he was about to leave the hotel gate, he almost hit Manager Sha who had just walked into the hotel behind a group of people because he was going too fast.

But no one expected that at the critical moment, Manager Sha's big-bellied body could nimbly avoid it.

I have to say that among experts among the people, people really cannot be judged by appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.

For this reason, Manager Sha is different from Xiao Gu who was embarrassed by being squeezed out.

Even he laughed out loud and was happy to make such a joke with everyone.

"I am the combination of obesity and dexterity, the miracle of China."

Now even Ning Weimin almost burst out laughing and joined in the fun.

"Yes, you are a businessman from China. For ordinary people, the fatter they are, the clumsier they are, but for businessmen, the fatter they are, the more flexible they are."

"Haha, according to your theory, business can replace sports?"

"Yes, of course. Doing business not only exercises wisdom, but also exercises physical fitness. This is the attractiveness of business."

"Brother, please pull me down. The biggest temptation for me in business is not exercise but money. Because in terms of making money, there is no industry that is easier and faster than doing business."

Manager Sha said frankly, then landed on the sofa and sighed.

"These days are called good days. Our country just opened up a little late. Otherwise, we brothers would have been mixed up long ago! And they are definitely no worse than those Hong Kong businessmen! Don't watch anything in those TV series and movies.

Millionaire! What’s so great about it? As long as the policy remains unchanged, we will all become millionaires in ten years!”

This remark resonated with everyone, and many people gave Manager Sha a thumbs up.

"That's right! Well said! There is a realm!"

However, Ning Weimin was unwilling to agree.

"No, no, this is somewhat biased. Manager Sha, I'm not trying to make excuses. Although I admit that money is very tempting. Making money is the most primitive and basic motivation for businessmen. But we must completely

This is the starting point and the destination of life. On the contrary, it just proves that we are not free from worries about material things, and we are not yet at the highest state."

"There is a foreign man named Malos who summarizes life needs into five levels. From low to high, they are the physiological needs of food, clothing and health, the sense of security of stable life, and then the social needs of being respected and self-realization.

.I think businessmen will not deviate from this framework."

"So the highest level of doing business, as I understand it, should be like this. Banknotes, or currency itself, have lost their original meaning. All the fun of making money has been transferred to the process of doing business..."

"Empty talk, empty talk. It is definitely theory divorced from reality."

Zhao Daqing supported Manager Sha this time.

"I'm not trying to be arrogant. But Weimin, you might as well ask those people in the postal market. As long as there are wise owners, they will pull one by one. Who comes here to make money is not to improve the quality of life and to enjoy material enjoyment.

The process? People who come here all want to get something for nothing and be explosive. The process is naturally as fast as possible and as easy as possible. What everyone wants is the result. What kind of fun can they enjoy in the process?"

It must be said that Malos theory has been widely circulated in the information age, but not many people in this era know it.

Moreover, people in the country have all come from the most difficult times, and their understanding of material things is particularly unforgettable.

This also has an emotional tendency.

Obviously, it was not just Zhao Daqing, almost most people turned to Manager Sha because of this.

Ning Weimin's explanation is completely invalid.

Ning Weimin understood, so he just smiled and tried to explain more clearly.

"What Lao Zhao said makes sense. But there are no absolutes in everything. What I mean is that there is actually a quantitative limit here. Only when a person has enough money can he feel this high-level happiness of doing business.


"I have always had a question: Why are millionaires, multi-millionaires, and even billionaires always working hard to make money? Do they still worry about personal enjoyment? As far as personal enjoyment is concerned, in fact, wealth has to a certain extent

It’s almost the same.”

"Some people may think that it is due to greed. But this is too simple. There are still greedy beggars, and I always believe that success is not a matter of luck. Billionaires must be better at controlling their own behavior and desires than ordinary people.

Only then can we protect our country and stabilize our wealth. This is called virtue and position matching."

"What's more, judging from the current situation, although each of us is far away from the highest realm of business and is still on the road to becoming a millionaire. But in fact, we have all vaguely felt the happiness of this highest realm. But everyone

I just didn’t realize it for the moment.”

"Otherwise, why are we all sitting here? Why don't we go to the market in person and do frequent transactions? Is it because everyone knows how to maximize profits? Then everyone has made money, why not

Are you in a hurry to take it from me?"

"The investment income has been doubled several times. For such a long time, no one has touched a penny. Everyone spends their own salary and bonus, but everyone is still happy to come here for meetings and just talk about it.

Aren’t we all enjoying this feeling of being united and strategizing? Don’t you think that we are happiest when we realize the plan step by step, complete the layout step by step, and then witness the process of how our dreams come true?”

"Let me ask you, if there was no small group like us, no cooperation between us, just like in the past, working independently, would you still feel happy? So I think, sincere cooperation, mutual trust, and behind-the-scenes manipulation, the use of wisdom

, and the sense of achievement and satisfaction it brings, are the source of our happiness. We are indeed in it for money, but it is by no means purely for money."

Ning Weimin's words made the room become quiet unconsciously, and almost everyone fell into deep thought.

"As for me personally, as the main decision-maker, I certainly enjoy more fun. In our zodiac lottery game, I am the leader and can be said to be the banker behind the scenes. I designed a total of three steps. Each step has skills used in it.

Among them, this is the most interesting game to me."

"The first step has actually been completed. Not only do we need to let ordinary people make money, but we also need to ensure that the price of stamps in our hands keeps rising, attracting people to the postal market and following us to speculate on zodiac stamps. This is called 'raising'


"Then there is the current second stage. When the price reaches a certain height, we will sell some of the goods, cash out at the high level and wash out the funds at the same time. And we can't let other people really run away, and then we have to let them come back.

This is called a 'circle'."

"The third step will be the most enjoyable. That is the final harvest moment. After raising the price to a high level, start distributing all the results at the right time, and pocket all the results. Then watch the stamp prices plummet, leaving others dumbfounded. This is called '


"Three words! Any operation in the speculative market is inseparable from its origin, which is the three-word mantra. Raise, trap, and kill! Use it to defeat more with less, and turn the world upside down. It is endless fun and wonderful!"

"So I would like to say something from the bottom of my heart to everyone. You have always thanked me for helping everyone get rich. I don't understand why I am so kind. In fact, this is the reason. Because it is the other way around, and I also want to thank you all.

.If you hadn’t been willing to support me, I wouldn’t have had the chance to play such a big game. We have made each other successful!”

"For me, it is my dream to be a banker myself and control the stamp market behind the scenes. I can use the capital gathered by everyone to make the zodiac stamp a leader. It is much happier than making a few extra bucks.

Otherwise, why would I abandon all the stalls in Tan Palace and come here today?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Manager Sha took the lead in applauding.

"Okay! Well said, very well said! We have made each other successful! This is called realm!"

Zhao Daqing also gave him a thumbs up.

"Come on, Weimin, I've convinced you again. It seems that your status is still higher than that of ordinary people like us. I really haven't thought about some issues clearly!"

Qi Yanjun was smoking a cigarette and still savoring it slowly.

"Raise, trap, kill...it's amazing! It makes me feel terrified when I hear it. Who has ever learned such a terrible knowledge? Thanks to our manager Xiao Ning's words, we just got a glimpse of it today. Domineering! Enough!

Son! I have learned a lot! Not to mention, making money by calculating people's hearts is indeed incomparable with blind trading in the market! It's like playing a game, we have already determined the winning or losing results in advance, and we completely manipulate the audience. It's so interesting

It’s delicious!”

Xiao Gu shuddered, as if he really saw the tragic scene of countless heads falling to the ground in the future.

He actually asked a little naively.

"Then the people in the postal market have become lambs, right? When the time comes to kill them, won't they be too miserable?"

Ning Weimin really laughed this time.

"They are not just sheep! In fact, the essence of this game is to put other people's money in your own pocket reasonably and legally! Especially as Lao Zhao said just now, those who participate in stamp speculation are all people who are eager to get something for nothing and want to make a fortune. So.

All we earn is money from greedy people. You don’t have to sympathize with them! Let me tell you, if we could make some of them feel pain and avoid speculation all their lives, we would be the ones accumulating virtue and doing good deeds!


"Hahaha!" The room resounded with cheerful laughter again, this time unanimously agreeing with Ning Weimin's opinion.

And at this moment, the door was pushed open, and Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao walked in.

They put a large backpack on the table, took out forty-one wads of bills, and showed everyone the fruits of victory.

Luo Guangliang then reported to everyone.

"All the five hundred pieces were sold out. One family ate the bulk and took the three hundred pieces. Three people shared the two hundred pieces because there were more wolves and less meat. The price was a little higher than expected. This is 41,000.

What should we do next? Let’s continue delivering goods in the afternoon?”

Everyone immediately focused their attention on Ning Weimin.

At this time, it was revealed that Ning Weimin deserved the power he had.

Although everyone was full of desire, no one spoke casually at this critical moment, and they all followed Ning Weimin's lead.

"There's no rush. You two should eat first. Eat and drink until you're done in the afternoon. We've brought them back for you. They're in the four lunch boxes on the table."

Ning Weimin first arranged lunch for the two heroes, and then turned to everyone.

"It seems that the situation is better than expected. I think we can be bolder this afternoon and try another thousand copies. What do you think?"

Manager Sha asked on behalf of everyone, "That's 500 more copies than originally planned? What if the price suddenly collapses and exceeds our expectations?"

Ning Weimin answered calmly but confidently.

"No. Because first of all, the National Day is coming soon. People today are full of joy and want to watch the National Day military parade. No one would think that the market reversal will occur in these two days. I deliberately chose to start before the National Day, because

Just caught off guard."

"In addition, we can also use the monkey ticket to whet people's appetite. While selling the rat ticket, we support the monkey ticket. The monkey ticket is the king of the zodiac. As long as it does not fall, no one will believe that the zodiac ticket will plummet."

"The only thing we need to pay attention to is to come up with an excuse so that when Guang Liang and others ship the goods, they can give the postal dealers a reasonable explanation as to where these rat stamps came from."

Now everyone felt completely at ease and nodded happily.

Zhao Daqing said, "It's easy to find an excuse. Just say that the seller is a self-employed person, the business is turning over, and he needs money urgently. Or he can say that he wants to earn some money and go to Changchun to speculate on Clivia. That goes up faster than stamps!"

As for Manager Sha, his little hand pretended to be like a knife and struck hard!

"Okay! I think there is no problem! Then open a position and continue to ship goods!"

This chapter has been completed!
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