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Chapter 710 Amidst all the red

People in the postal market spread the word about the black Crown car so much that it was unbelievable.

But this is the effect Ning Weimin deliberately created.

In fact, he himself ordered Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao to release some of the outrageous news that he had fabricated.

Whether it's to mix things up with audio-visual content, or to add fuel to the fire, anyway, his purpose is to make people in the postal market clearly realize one point.

The dark background of the black crown car is a hot totem of rising postal market prices. It is a signal that stamp speculators should always keep in mind.

It can be said that as soon as the black crown car appears, it means that the stamps currently issued will definitely rise sharply in the future.

But this is not just for fun or to satisfy inner vanity.

For Ning Weimin, setting this symbolic benchmark has practical significance equivalent to real money.

Not to mention that in two months time, the Year of the Ox zodiac tickets will be released soon.

He needs to make such preparations in advance, and he can use this to completely detonate the final sprint of the Zodiac Ticket market.

Even now, he is using this method without fully raising funds.

With a small amount of capital, the price of the Peony Pavilion's small prints quickly increased.

You know, if you lift the Peony Pavilion with one hand, profits will be distributed at high positions.

On the other hand, they suppress rat tickets and dump them at low prices at a loss.

This kind of reverse speculation is the most ideal operation method for a banker.

Not only can it effectively reduce the cost of capital consumption, but it can also divert the attention of retail investors and hide their true goals and intentions.

What's more, the higher the price of Peony Pavilion rises, the harder it will fall later.

Once the Rat Ticket reaches a certain low level, he will also distribute all the Peony Pavilion in his hand when the price rises.

Then the Peony Pavilion will achieve free fall, destroying the confidence of everyone in the market like a nuclear bomb explosion.

In the end, the big traders were forced out of their holdings.

So this is his overall plan.

The key to success lies precisely in how to make the market have firm confidence in the Peony Pavilion souvenir sheet in the short term.

Although the black crown car only appears for the second time.

But Ning Weimin is very smart. He uses both gossip and seeing to believe, which greatly enhances the credibility.

Don't underestimate this black Crown car.

After Ning Weimin made people take the stance of acquiring at any cost, this wonderful psychological suggestion exerted a magical effect with the investment of real money.

Speculators in the postal market are really enthusiastic about the Peony Pavilion souvenir sheet.

If the stamp market is really going to rise, the stock market in the future will be nothing compared to it.

In just one week, the Peony Pavilion souvenir sheet has increased tenfold! Is the stock OK?

Of course, once Ning Weimin succeeds, it will be a disaster for others.

The people who were immersed in joy in the postal market at this time must not know that their days of being happy are numbered, and that the sad faces are waiting behind them to dance with them.

The money they earn now is just temporarily in their hands to help others, and soon it will no longer be theirs with interest.

One by one, for Ning Weimin, the real banker hiding behind the scenes, even the big players are just wallets made of meat.

It is a wallet designed to help him collect large and small coins so that he can take them away easily.

In the second week of November, the situation in the postal market in Beijing became even better.

After the market opened on Monday, the price of Peony Pavilion continued to rise and fell slightly near noon.

But it didn’t stay at the position of 18 or 9 for long. I couldn’t wait until the afternoon and continued to attack the price above 20 yuan.

So don't think that the price has reached a dizzying level, but looking at its upward trend, it still seems to have great potential.

In fact, almost all holders of the Peony Pavilion souvenir sheet in the market were silently counting their banknotes in an almost ecstatic mood, thinking about the bright future.

Those who don't have the Peony Pavilion in their hands, or those who gave up early, are regretting it and are hesitant about whether to pursue it or not.

This is undoubtedly the happiest day for stamp speculators.

Driven by the Peony Pavilion souvenirs, this year's new stamps have become the main variety with a sharp increase in value.

It has become a hot commodity in the postal market that can only be bought but not sold.

It also promoted the trading of other types of stamps.

The postal market is really booming, and the trading atmosphere and transaction volume are even better than on the eve of the National Day.

But at the same time, a puzzling and strange phenomenon occurred.

While the overall market was booming, there were puzzling changes in the zodiac tickets.

Just when the mouse ticket was about to hit sixty yuan, it suddenly started to turn around and went down, turning into fifty-eight yuan.

The rat stamp is in sharp contrast to most of the stamps that are flying upward!

However, it wasn't over yet. I thought it would pick up in the afternoon, but I didn't expect this piece of shit to completely break away from the main force.

Two more pieces fell off, making it fifty-six!

It shows a complete decline that cannot be supported by the mud.

You might as well imagine that there is a little green among all the red.

In such an emotional market, if everyone around you is happily making money, you alone are losing money.

So it must be very difficult to stay awake and not be affected by negative emotions. It would be good if you don't scold your mother in public.

As the main speculator of rat tickets, Hardman feels like this.

In addition to being frustrated, annoyed and angry, his first reaction at that time was that there was a spy inside.

Otherwise, whoever wants to dismantle his ladder would not look for this moment and strike so accurately.

Sister Wang?

No, can't!

The Peony Pavilion’s small-scale sales are booming, and I’m too busy with all the business!

Where is the commander?

It doesn't look like either.

The two of them had no conflict with each other. They often bought mine and I bought yours, creating fake trading performances to drive up the market for retail investors to see.

It's not easy to find a partner with such a tacit understanding.

There is no grievance or enmity, and we can still communicate with each other. If we destroy ourselves, what good will it do to him?

So after much deliberation, Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen are the most likely.

Who let them have rat tickets in their hands?

And it’s not a small amount.

Yes, thinking of this, Hardman thought it was very possible that these two little girls were jealous of money and violated the agreement.

Seeing that the price is now high, I want to retreat secretly.

So I quickly sent my subordinates out and searched the market looking for people.

At this time, Hardman's idea was actually very simple.

He wanted to control the situation, and it would not be easy to make the matter public. As long as Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen compensated for his losses, that would be enough.

But he never expected that although Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen were quickly found by his men, the two girls refused to acknowledge them in person.

They kept saying that none of their stamps had been sold, and they looked like they had been wronged.

Hardman was dubious when he heard it, and now he was waxed.

According to his inner anxiety and violent nature, this matter "can be tolerated by my uncle but not by my aunt".

He really wanted to expose his less gentle side, showing off his aura of hitting people with a shovel.

But he was afraid that if the two girls really had nothing to do with this matter, he would just do it this way.

If you fail to do so, you will attract thunder from the sky and make the comfortable days in front of you disappear in an instant.

What is he trying to do with stamps?

Why don't you just want to avoid being involved in another lawsuit and continue to be the grandson of the Public Security Bureau?

Fortunately, at this moment, another piece of rat ticket fell out.

Since Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen were right in front of Hardmen's eyes, this greatly reduced the suspicion surrounding them.

Although there is another possibility that they instruct others to sell.

But considering the complexity and huge amount of the transaction, it is unlikely.

And thanks to the fact that Hadmon had enough men, they were all out in the market looking for people for him, and there were still several who hadn't come back yet.

Needless to say, at this special time, any transaction related to rat tickets in the market will attract the attention of their group.

So soon, definite news came back, and Hardman finally figured out what was going on.

According to reports from my subordinates, before the National Day, the two people who had sold rat stamps in large quantities in the postal market came back again.

The sales this time are also extraordinary. I heard that thousands of copies were sold within two hours of arriving.

What they saw with their own eyes was that another three hundred rat stamps had just been sold at a postal seller's stall in the market.

And he doesn’t seem to care about money at all. The selling price is at least one yuan lower than the market price, and if you buy more, you can get further discounts.

So this time, Hardman was really panicked and couldn't help but tremble.

For no other reason than how the rat tickets fell during the National Day, the tragedy is still vivid in my mind.

As for this group of people, they are not the common people in the postal market at all.

But the amount of goods and funds in their hands is unimaginable, and their background is simply a mystery.

It is obvious that the person who comes is not kind and the kind person will not come!

what to do?

Is it specifically targeting me?

It was just pure bad luck that I had a conflict with others when I speculated on rat tickets...

Hardmen's dark and uneasy eyes, sometimes gritting his teeth and sometimes frowning, also affected Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen.

The two girls looked at each other in confusion at this time, and the calmness and atmosphere when they arrived were not replaced by confusion and uneasiness.

What they had in mind was similar to Hardeman's, but simpler.

It’s definitely not a problem to let rat votes fall like this!

Which temple does this wild monk come from?

We can't let them disrupt the situation like this anymore...

This chapter has been completed!
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