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Chapter 713 Killing without blood

Times have changed.

Only half a month has passed, and Hardman and Lin Xiaofen can no longer laugh.

But who can they blame?

They can only blame themselves for not controlling their own hands.

In fact, when they just got a large sum of cash and decided to invest it in the Peony Pavilion and Ming and Qing fans, they were pretty lucky.

First, the allies gave up some of their interests.

Sister Wang sold them a thousand souvenir sheets for twenty yuan, which was two or three yuan lower than the market price.

Dashuai’s fans from the Ming and Qing Dynasties also cost 2,500 sets at 5 yuan, which is about 1 yuan cheaper than the market price.

Hardman ate half of these stamps, and the other half was divided equally between Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen. They had an innate advantage over others.

In order to reduce the financial pressure, Sister Wang and the Marshal also showed their gratitude and entertained each other. Their alliance was unprecedentedly united.

In the next three days, Hardman, Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen successively invested funds in new stamp products.

According to the established plan, half of their respective funds were spent.

Speaking of those two kinds of stamps, they are really impressive. Even though the postal market is booming as a whole, they have always been the first-tier stars.

In just a few days, the Peony Pavilion souvenir sheet has exceeded the 30 mark.

A set of stamps with fans from the Ming and Qing dynasties is priced at 7.5 yuan.

At the same time, the rat ticket also kicked off a sharp decline.

Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao went to the market almost every day and did not sell money as money at all.

This caused the Rat zodiac ticket to fall to forty in one go, and a large amount of supply poured out.

Needless to say, Hardman, Lin Xiaofen and Yin Yue were naturally secretly happy and thought about how to find the right fit.

But the problem is, if success comes too easily, greed will become more difficult to control.

People are often wary of foreign enemies, but ignore self-indulgent bad practices.

In their elation, Hardman and Lin Xiaofen couldn't hold them anymore.

Not only did they hold banquets every day to celebrate, but their hearts also became quite swollen.

They thought they were the future postal kings and postal queens, the favored children of the postal gods.

Then they invest all the cash in their hands, hoping that their wealth will double in a short period of time and reach another level.

As for Yin Yue who advised them to be careful, they not only did not listen to the advice, but they believed that contrary to them, Yin Yue who chose to hold on to the money for the time being was too conservative and missed the opportunity to make a fortune.

As for Luo Guangliang and his group, who have been suppressing the Year of the Rat zodiac votes, they are even more scornful, thinking that they are bucking the trend and acting out of sheer stupidity.

However, Ning Weimin saw everything very clearly. His soft knife never saw blood in killing people.

On November 15, as the cold wind came quietly, the wind direction in the postal market began to change.

I don’t know why, but the supply of goods on the market suddenly increased.

Not only the Peony Pavilion souvenir sheet, Lady Picture souvenir sheet, the 32nd Olympic Games, the Year of the Rat zodiac ticket, there are many popular new releases this year.

Even the old Jite stamps and Year of the Pig zodiac stamps from the first few years have increased in number, and the quantity of these new products is quite large.

The "Five Eyes Alliance" in the postal market originally wanted to push the price of the Peony Pavilion to a high of nearly fifty yuan before starting distribution, and the Ming and Qing fans reached the price of ten yuan.

But all of a sudden, everything was mixed up.

It stopped at 47 yuan, just one step away from the ideal target price.

They once tried to hold on to this wave, so as to stabilize the prices of Peony Pavilion and Ming and Qing fans, and maintain the growth and popularity.

But the goods that popped up seemed to be endless. I finally bought hundreds of Peony Pavilion tickets, but hundreds more popped up soon.

They began to try their best to persuade Yin Yue to invest money.

Yin Yue is such a shrewd person! He has persisted until now. Of course he refuses to jump into the pit and refuses to take money.

At most, she is only willing to show off, using fake transactions to trick those who blindly follow behind her, so as to help everyone.

So that afternoon, the Peony Pavilion was never able to go up. Before the market closed, it dropped two yuan from a high of forty-seven yuan.

The situation of the fans in the Ming and Qing Dynasties was much better, and it rose slightly, but the upward trend also came to an abrupt end.

For this reason, that night, the "Five Eyes Alliance" had serious disagreements and quarrels for the first time.

The main reason is that Yin Yue feels that the market situation is not good, and thinks that the situation of the Peony Pavilion souvenir sheet is very similar to the situation in the postal market on the eve of the National Day.

The market is already shaky.

He was determined not to wade into troubled waters and proposed to sell the stock the next day.

Others still believe that there is room for improvement, and believe that the Peony Pavilion has simply risen too high and needs to take a breather.

Want to raise some more cash and fight against the odds.

Especially Sister Wang, she has been a little bit stunned by the skyrocketing assets since starting the Peony Pavilion.

He refused to leave, but complained repeatedly because Yin Yue refused to take out the money during the day.

However, what Yin Yue didn't expect the most was that this time Lin Xiaofen actually stood from the perspective of an outsider and came to blame her.

So everyone broke up unhappy, and eventually Yin Yue was completely kicked out.

She suffered a bit of a loss. The Peony Pavilion souvenir sheet and fans from the Ming and Qing Dynasties had to be sold to Sister Wang and the Marshal at a price 20% lower than the market price.

It is a very coincidence that on the same day, Nie Weiping, who was participating in the Sino-Japanese Go Competition in an island country in Asia, was also facing the situation of not being trusted.

Because the game had reached this point, all the chess players from the Republic except him were defeated by the Japanese player Koichi Kobayashi.

Koichi Kobayashi achieved six consecutive victories.

In other words, if we want to win the group stage, coach Nie Weiping must defeat the three strongest players of the Japanese team in a row.

Considering that Nie Weiping almost lost all his previous matches with these top Japanese chess players, the gap is obvious.

Moreover, he failed repeatedly in domestic competitions, and all championship titles were taken away by Ma Xiaochun.

Neither China nor Japan believes that there will be such an outcome that is close to a miraculous reversal.

Not to mention that the Japanese Go community and Japan's NEC company are eager to start the celebration as soon as possible.

Even Nie Weiping himself did not dare to have such extravagant expectations.

As for the accompanying officials from the Sports Bureau, their biggest hope for Nie Weiping at this time was to win one more set, which would be considered a big victory.

If you win two sets, it's a super victory. If you win them all, it's a great victory.

But it is absolutely impossible to create a miracle. No one dares to think about it.

Therefore, the accompanying officials from the Sports Bureau had already comforted the Go players of the Republic in advance.

That night, I closed the door and told everyone, "According to the pre-expectations, it would be good if we could achieve this. If we lose, it will be 8 to 5."

However, the progress of the game was so unexpected.

In the next two days, Chinese and Japanese audiences were shocked. Nie Weiping actually defeated Koichi Kobayashi and Japan's deputy coach Masao Kato.

Both China and Japan only have one coach left.

The finals will be held on November 20 at the Capital Gymnasium in Beijing.

The newspaper published a special article for this purpose, giving a detailed introduction to the Chinese and Japanese coaches.

Reports stated that Nie Weiping, who was about to fly back to China, declined all visits and was fully preparing for the finals.

Japanese chess player Hideyuki Fujisawa also dyed his hair and stopped drinking, and flew to the capital early.

Go fans all over Beijing are excited!

The Chinese people who have been paying attention to this game all over the country are excited!

Even people who had no interest in Go were excited when they saw this report in the newspaper on that day!

Because the most legendary aspect of this news is not actually the moment when Nie Weiping counterattacked and won, but the entire process is legendary.

In the capital's postal market, from a certain perspective, a very similar legend happened simultaneously.

It’s just that except for those who speculate on stamps, not many people pay attention to it, and this process is not so exciting to most people.

On November 16, the situation faced by several big players in the postal market became even more confusing, because the supply of goods seemed to be pouring out continuously.

Although the money they borrowed once brought the Peony Pavilion to a new high of forty-eight yuan, it was soon pulled down again by the sales order.

This made them feel tremendous pressure, but they were also vaguely worried that something had gone wrong.

But it is a pity that there is no time for them to think too much. As the saying goes, it is cold when you are at a high place.

Some time ago, the Peony Pavilion was so wildly hyped that it not only made everyone involved excited, but also made many people nervous and even a little fragile.

The higher the price, the greater the risk, everyone understands this truth.

Therefore, The Peony Pavilion is definitely different from other stamps. Other stamps are sluggish and may fluctuate for a period of time and continue to rise.

But Peony Pavilion must not stagnate.

Not to mention falling, once it fails to rise within a day or two, some people will be eager to sell.

In short, retail investors were in a hurry and dispersed in a rush. Prices were like mercury, and they were out of control.

The war of attrition only lasted for one day, and several big players were dumbfounded.

The Peony Pavilion suffered a heavy loss of 11 yuan that day, and they were forced to turn around their funds. Only then did they realize how valuable Yin Yue's sanity was.

On November 17, Sister Wang, Dashuai, Harden, and Lin Xiaofen once again made new choices.

We plan to collectively withdraw funds from the Peony Pavilion quickly and devote all our efforts to speculating on fans in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This way we can save some money and recover some losses.

However, the decision they made was even more wrong.

In this world, everything has its destiny and its fate.

They ignored that the Peony Pavilion Xiaozhan was the leader of this short-term market.

I didn’t expect that its appeal would work when it goes up, but also when it goes down.

As the saying goes, there are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned.

A drop in the Peony Pavilion is tantamount to announcing the end of the rally for all stamps.

Almost all stamp categories began to turn around and run down. At this time, retail investors ran away, which was more agile than the big investors.

As a result, the entire front was defeated and out of control.

November 18th was the day when Nie Weiping returned to China to prepare for the finals. It was also the day that completely disappointed several big players.

Because on this day, they originally hoped that the decline would ease, but unexpectedly, the zodiac king Golden Monkey ticket also moved.

When the market opened, it dropped by twenty yuan.

Someone sold more than 20 loose tickets in one go, jumping from 240 to 220.

This is good, once the monkey jumps, no one dares to disobey.

Now that the boss has lowered his dignity, it would be a joke for chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven.

What kind of pigs, let alone rats, are all pointing downwards.

Mouse is definitely at the bottom. On this day, he broke through thirty and went straight to twenty-seven or eight.

The stock price just dropped some time ago, and now it’s here again. Who thought it would drop like this?

Everyone who holds the Year of the Rat zodiac tickets is stupid! They are selling like they are running for their lives!

Some time ago, the sellers also sold it, so no one dared to hold it anymore!

And the entire postal market was stirred up by the battle royale of zodiac tickets. Like a hysterical patient, it began to plummet like a catharsis!

When things got to this point, several big business owners regretted it.

Only then did they realize that manipulating the market is not that simple, and it is not easy to be the boss.

No, it was folded inside, unable to move forward or get out, so we had to wait for death.

This was especially true for Hardman and Lin Xiaofen. They were drooling at the sight of such a convenient mouse, but how could they still have the money to buy it?

It seems that only Yin Yue has escaped from the postal market.

As a result, Yinhua's name became unique in the postal market. After this battle, he became a recognized investment expert by both large investors and retail investors.

Of course, this is still only on the surface, and the one who benefits most from it is definitely not her, but also Ning Weimin, who wrote the script.

People often say, "Good people are rewarded with good things." There is also a saying that goes, "Blessings come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone."

Facts have proven that these words are definitely not true.

Because on this very day, I learned the good news that the postal market had plummeted and all stocks had broken positions.

As the mastermind behind the scenes, Ning Weimin also received two tickets to the finals specially sent to him by someone from the Beijing Go team.

So when he was happy, he decided to celebrate with the whole world and open granaries to release grain.

Using the excuse that it might be very cold this winter, he gave each of his employees an additional coal and fire subsidy of thirty yuan.

In addition, in order to let the employees of Tan Palace further clarify the truth that it is glorious to get rich through honest work, and it is shameful to take advantage of opportunities.

He also approved a thousand yuan of activity funds for the newly established Youth League branch within Tan Palace.

I hope they will carry out the first Youth League branch activity on the theme of "It is glorious to work to get rich, but it is shameful to opportunistically".

At the same time, we hope to allow ordinary employees to participate in relevant discussions as much as possible.

Think about it, how can you pretend to be a grandson!

It's a pity that there is neither a "cup without a group" nor a competition that is "done and established" in this world.

Otherwise, this sanctimonious guy with a lot of calculations will definitely win the championship all year round.

This chapter has been completed!
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