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Chapter 715 Cheat Sheet

No one can be lucky forever.

Yin Yue can't.

Neither could Ning Weimin.

Although he is a time-traveling monster, he is by no means an omnipotent superman. The specific attributes of the era and society will still suppress him to death.

It doesn't matter if you make a little fuss or not, once you dare to step out of the circle and make some flowers, the "Tathagata Palm" on it will swat him to death like a fly.

Special department staff like Director Duan are not vegetarians. In fact, they are like the Sword of Damocles hanging above their heads.

What's more, Ning Weimin was able to avoid most of the troubles ordinary people have.

He doesn't have to worry about money or a future, and there are plenty of beautiful girls around him for him to choose from.

If he wanted to, he could live as nourishingly as in heaven and enjoy a life that was unattainable in his previous life.

But extraordinary people also have extraordinary suffering.

In his new life, everything he saw, heard, thought, and engaged in, everything he came into contact with, was constantly transforming him in subtle ways.

He is no longer the small businessman in his previous life who only had money and lust in his eyes, and thought every day about how to play and enjoy himself after becoming rich.

At least not entirely.

His depraved thoughts and vulgar desires evolved because of the simplicity and kindness of the people around him, and because he worshiped Kang Shude, a knowledgeable master.

He has gained self-cultivation, has higher pursuits, learned how to behave in the world, and looks at life from a completely different perspective.

Since I don’t want to live up to this life, I long to do something meaningful and important.

Then there is the helpless waiting for policies and the anxiety and irritation of being helpless in doing things.

He will experience it more deeply and endure more than ordinary people.

Don't even look at him making waves in the postal market, seemingly capable of anything.

But in November, two things made him come back without success and he was quite disappointed.

The first thing was that he saw a piece of news in the newspaper.

The report stated that on November 9, a private company called Guangcai Industrial was established in Dalian.

The legal representative was named Jiang Wei. The first private enterprise in the Republic was born, and the first legal representative of a private company was also born.

He happily took this newspaper and went to the district industrial and commercial bureau, a little impatient to inquire about relevant policies.

In view of his status, a division chief received him.

But when he proposed that he also wanted to set up his own company, the director told him solemnly.

"This is impossible, don't you know? We announced to the world in 1957 that after socialist transformation, the private economy had been abolished..."

"I know, there is still a problem of employing workers. You can't employ more than eight people, otherwise it will be regarded as exploitation. Right? But now the situation has changed! It has been several years since the reform and opening up. Not to mention the return of foreign-funded enterprises, the country has also

Individuals have been allowed to start companies. If you don’t believe it, take a look at this..."

As he said this, Ning Weimin took out the newspaper, thinking that he was justified.

However, the director took the newspaper. Although his expression was stunned at the time, after reading it for a long time, he shook his head and smiled intriguingly.

"Manager Ning, you came here on a special trip with Shang Fang's sword. But if you take a closer look, it is clearly written in the newspaper that this was approved by the State Council. And it is a special approval. Where do we have this power? You are too arrogant.

We are."

At this point, the other party's tone became sincere and serious.

"Let's put it this way, things like this are actually just a pilot project, just like our Yuebin Restaurant in Beijing. Who caught up with it? That's good luck. But in fact, from the official implementation of the policy on a large scale

It looks like there will be some iterations in the process and it won’t be too simple.”

"According to my experience, if the policy is really implemented, it will take half a year at the earliest, and a few years under normal circumstances. You really can't rush this matter. Just be patient and wait and see."

"Of course, there is another way, which may get the green light. That is to negotiate with the high-level officials of the country in the name of your company. You Pilkington are so famous, who made you..."

Ning Weimin thanked him repeatedly and left quickly.

He concluded that the director must have drank at noon.

Well, if you're not joking, it's even more outrageous than if you were joking.

Unless he is screwed, he will let the head office know about this kind of thing.

Well, anyway, it’s a matter of whether there are dates or not. Since the time has not come yet, we can just wait.

The second thing is similar.

On November 17, the Beijing City Government announced the establishment of the Beijing Patent Administration Bureau.

After Ning Weimin learned about this, out of instinct, he immediately thought of how to make money by eating meat and get another share of the family fortune for himself.

There was no need to think hard at all, he had a ready-made good project in his mind - easy-to-tie ties.

This thing is definitely at the right time. In the original history, it should have appeared in the past few years.

And it’s so famous! The popularity rate is extremely high!

It quickly became popular all over the country when it was launched, and even in the late 1990s, people were still using it.

Its huge market demand comes from the rapid popularity of suits in the early days of reform and opening up, as well as the special preference of Chinese people to dress uniformly in formal occasions.

Because suits are easy to make, but habits die hard, and tying a tie is really a technical job.

In this day and age, there are not many people in China who know how to do this, and even fewer who can do it well and beautifully.

Ning Weimin, who knows eleven or twelve styles of tying, is probably the only one in the country. To say he is rare is an understatement.

So in fact, we have to thank the smart Ningbo people for inventing this tie, which solved this problem very well.

The principle is also very simple, that is, the knotted part of the tie is cured and a zipper is built in.

Just pull it from behind and it will be in compliance immediately, which is called "easy pull" for short.

But unfortunately, the real inventor did not apply for a patent, so just like Wanyan VCD, he missed most of the profits.

Ning Weimin is different. As a member of the clothing industry, he knows very well how valuable this thing will be.

Even in this era when everyone lacks the concept of patent rights, there is absolutely no way to prevent fake products from running rampant and private production.

But if he can get the patent certificate, it will mean that he will earn at least tens of millions.

How could he resist such a temptation? So he had to pick up the slack.

However, although the temple has a gate, the monks inside are all newcomers, and there are no rules to follow in their work. It is really out of order.

As one of the first batch of people to come to Beijing to apply for a patent, the application procedures were very laborious and difficult.

Sometimes this document doesn't work, and sometimes I need to resubmit that thing and have it stamped again.

Ning Weimin couldn't bear the disturbance. After wasting a week's time and energy,

He understood that this matter would probably be a matter of "pulling the drawer" back and forth, and it wouldn't take more than two months to get it done.

So he felt very uncomfortable. For a busy man like him, he had to deal with so many major decisions every day.

How can I act like an idler and hang out here every day to amuse myself?

The key is, there are no confidentiality measures at all.

The bosses of the Patent Office had already secretly modified and copied the ties he sent.

Many people now wear poor imitations of them around their necks and look very proud of them.

If other people working in the clothing industry see this, then they are no longer a loser.

What kind of fucking barbaric era is this?

It also disrespects intellectual property rights too much.

Not to mention the original creator, even those who cheat on it can hardly make a profit!

This chapter has been completed!
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