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Chapter 722 Resignation Application

The incident with the Luo family had just ended, but something happened again at Tan Palace.

Near the end of November, Qiao Wanlin from the Service Bureau personally came to greet Ning Weimin and asked him to fire the two chefs Jiang Dachun and Xiao Cha who had been transferred from other palace restaurants to help, and not to accept their files.

Because the manager of their former unit was very angry and said that the reason why he agreed to their resignation was entirely due to the coercion of these two people.

If Ning Weimin has nothing to do with this matter, don't keep them.

From now on, don’t blame others for not giving me face, and avoid discussing all future cooperation plans.

Not only will he cut off all contact with Tan Palace, but he will also have to file a complaint with the Municipal Communications Office and the Municipal Bureau.

Ning Weimin was confused after hearing this and asked Qiao Wanlin about the details.

But Qiao Wanlin didn't know much about it, he only knew a rough idea.

It seems that Jiang Dachun and Xiao Zha, in order to stay in Tangong and work for a long time, did not hesitate to throw away their iron rice bowls and went to the leader of the original unit to play rogue.

It also turned the leader's family upside down and offended them miserably.

That's why people want to kill him as a warning to prevent this from happening again.

Ning Weimin was shocked when he heard this, but he was also very suspicious at the same time.

Listening to what they said, these two boys were like Sun Dasheng causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

But if it’s such a toss-up method, is it enough to get in? Why don’t you see the official?

So he quickly called Jiang Dachun and Xiaocha into the office and closed the door to inquire in detail.

As a result, when Ning Weimin found out what was going on, he was both angry and funny.

I have to admit that these two guys are not only good at cooking, they are also a bit crooked, and their scales are quite accurate.

The method they used was exactly the same as when they deliberately threw minced meat into the soup pot to ruin him when Tan Palace opened.

What exactly happened?

I bet Jiang Dachun and Xiao Cha had already returned home these days, they were so determined that they didn't even think about going back.

So as soon as they received the recall order from their original unit, the brothers and sisters worked together in private.

Jiang Dachun said, "Go back? I won't go back. It's too boring to live like I did in the past! I'm a nobody here, can they take me seriously if I go back? I can't just do it to others and treat me like a piece of shit."


"Besides, the craftsmanship is here. Not only are there any materials required, but we, Mr. Ning, can often invite famous chefs to teach us and let us learn the real skills."

"Master Zhang has just begun to talk about deer dishes in the past half month, such as fried deer tail, deer tail sauce, chicken with deer tendons, venison meatballs, deer tail dumplings, it is like honey venison, deer intestines and tripe hot pot, deer tendons

Dongpo Pork Stewed in Wine... Where else can you learn these dishes? I won’t be content if I don’t learn them.”

Xiao Cha also thinks the same.

"That's right, I won't go back if I don't. In state-owned restaurants, people are always ranked based on seniority. No matter how good your skills are, as long as the leader doesn't want to see you, you won't have a chance to get ahead. In order to get a spot, you have to rush to lick the leader.

Asshole. I won’t do it.”

"Hey, Brother Dachun, I haven't forgotten how those grandsons treated us when Tan Palace wanted someone. Everyone thought it was a bad thing to come here to help. Okay, let's go to the toilet while we can't hold it in anymore.

They decided the time casually during the meeting. Now that we are not willing to go back, they are forcing us to go back. Why?"

"Besides, can the treatment be comparable? For people like us who work in the kitchen every day, we used to stew bean sprouts and boil cabbage every day for working meals. They also blamed us for eating and drinking secretly! This is sincerity and letting Sunhou

You see, Taoyuan is the same thing. There is something wrong with your mother’s mind when she takes care of things. Bah! The more your mother takes care of things like this, the more I will be abused by him!”

"Look at the palace. As long as you don't abuse it, you can eat and drink as much as you like. Even the tea, plum soup, and mung bean soup at work are all taken care of! That's how they treat us as individuals. Hey, the more people act like this,

I will do him the harder and harder."

"It's boring. This iron rice bowl is so boring. I can't bear the thought of going back and having to work for thirty years before retiring. It's better to be a joint venture! Working as a temporary worker in Tan Palace is more formal than Fangshan

You can earn a lot of money by working. If you work for ten years, we will earn two lifetime wages. I think we can both retire early."

In this way, the two of them made up their minds, each wrote a resignation application and handed it in.

Unexpectedly, the leaders of their original units refused to approve and forced them to go back to work.

People in the next 30 years will definitely not be able to understand this kind of thing back then. Probably many people will not understand why resignation requires approval from the leadership these days.

You know, although on the surface you don't earn any money when you resign, the problem is that in addition to salary, a person's file relationships are also managed by others.

If you get too angry and walk away, you will become a "black man".

Not to mention being re-employed, you are not even qualified to be self-employed, because no one will care about you anymore.

You want to do something, do you have a letter of introduction?

Even the streets and police stations manage the files of people who have been released from prison, educated youths who have returned to the city, and unemployed youths. Where are yours?

It can be said that as long as you choose this path, you are choosing social death.

Therefore, the leaders of the original unit were convinced that they did not dare to do this and deliberately made things difficult for them.

However, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. Jiang Dachun and Xiao Zha are not economical.

On the other hand, they used sick notes as a delaying tactic.

When I went to the hospital for a urine test, I pricked my finger and squeezed out a drop of blood, which turned into nephritis.

Then talk to the people in charge of them level by level.

Soon, there will be no problem with the head chef, as long as the superior leader agrees.

There is no problem with general affairs, as long as the superior leaders agree.

There is no problem with labor and management, as long as the superior leadership agrees.

In short, in the final analysis, it all depends on the deputy manager in charge of logistics, as long as he nods.

But this person is inexperienced. No matter how many times Jiang Dachun and Xiao Zha ran around, he would always say the same thing - "I don't agree!"

After hitting the wall several times, Jiang Dachun and Xiao Zha had to think of an idea again.

"Brother Dachun, what do you think we should do next? We've both lost our mouths, and this is the attitude. You heard it too, I told him, so you treat us like shit.

Come on, he said it just doesn’t work. I’m not scratching anymore, do you have any other tricks?”

"Xiao Cha, Xiao Cha, I can't praise you enough. You're such a bad mouther. If you just say 'shit', it's just 'shit'. Then you don't mean to call him a dog. He's such a narrow-minded person, but...

Can you let us go? But the matter has come to this, so let’s stop scolding. If a person wants to be fucked, I’m afraid he won’t let us get what we want even if you don’t scold him. Do you know the key point? The key is that he doesn’t let us go.

meet our urgent needs."

"What? Still need it urgently? If he just holds us captive like this, what good can it do to him?"

"Hey, maybe this can be explained in reverse. You have to think about it this way, what harm will it do to him if he doesn't let us go?"

Jiang Dachun's eyes became brighter and brighter as he spoke, "What I mean is that if we stay here, if it does harm to him and he can't do anything to us, then we can get out."

"That's right!" Xiaocha patted his forehead and woke up.

"I know, then let's just go to his house and bother him. If he doesn't let us go, we will make their family live in peace and have no peace of mind!"

Jiang Dachun nodded happily.

"Yes, if their family wants to eat, we will serve the table. If they want to drink tea, we will also get the cup. If he wants to say it is not enough, we will sleep with their family. He is a deputy manager of a restaurant, no matter how powerful he is, he has no power.

Kill our power. Since he is leaving, what do we care about? Don’t be afraid of Ya Ting.”

In this way, on Sunday, Jiang Dachun and Xiao Cha were fully prepared and went to the deputy manager's home.

Not only did the two of them brew a large pot of tea each, they also had a whole box of cigarettes in their pockets, and they also had two tin cans in their hands.

What does that mean?

They are planning to play some serious tricks, so why don't they bring a spare guy with them?

It can be used as food, drink, or as a weapon for self-defense. No matter what, it will not give up until the goal is achieved. It must be done in one step to completely solve the problem.

Not to mention, they really brought the right thing.

Because they didn't let them in at all.

The manager's family lived in a unit and had a door mirror installed. When he saw it was them, he turned him away.

But the problem is that these two people came here deliberately to cause trouble and torment others. How can they be so easy to kill?

It doesn't matter if the manager doesn't open the door, just knock. How can it be annoying if the manager doesn't knock?

The two of them agreed to alternate positions, with Junior Brother Xiao Cha taking action first.

He took out the tin can and knocked on the door.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

You can't knock too much because your hands are tired.

Anyway, they decided to stay on the account for a long time and take their time, and they gradually found a pattern.

Beat it every five minutes, and beat it rhythmically according to the drumbeat of the Young Pioneers Honor Guard.

After knocking for thirty minutes, Xiao Cha felt tired.

It doesn't matter, it's time for Jiang Dachun to take over.

Xiao Cha sat down to rest and flexed his wrists. His senior brother took the tin can and continued as usual.

Within an hour, although no one came out of the deputy manager’s house, all the neighbors in the corridor opened their doors and came out to look at them.

Seeing the two men glaring at each other with eager eyes, no one dared to offend them. They all looked at them with surprise on their faces for a while and then left.

But just like that, even the cans were smashed and no one came out of the deputy manager’s house.

I have to say that dogs can really keep their composure.

Of course, considering that it is a public house and the owner has some duties, even if the door is broken, someone will repair it.

But then, the police came.

You know, most likely it was the deputy manager who called at home to bring in the reinforcements.

Or the neighbors couldn't bear it and went to the police station.

The policeman looked very serious and strode straight towards them.

Don't be polite at all, just ask them to stand up from the ground first.

Then he looked up and down, as if looking at a bad person, and asked sternly.

"What are you doing here?"

For ordinary people, if you can't do it well, you will be in vain.

But Jiang Dachun and Xiao Cha were both mentally prepared for this. They had discussed how to deal with this situation and were not afraid at all.

They told the people seriously.

He said that he came to see the leader if something happened, but the leader would not open the door and sincerely avoided seeing her.

They had no choice but to wait here.

As soon as the policeman heard this, he turned around and called the door for them.

This person was much more aggressive than them. He banged the door hard and shouted, "Listen to the people inside, open the door quickly! I'm from the police station!"

It worked. After a while, the deputy manager finally opened the door.

"Why didn't you open the door? Why didn't you open the door if someone was at home?" The policeman was equally unhappy with the deputy manager.

"Someone is causing trouble!" the deputy manager said angrily.

"Who is causing trouble?" the policeman asked.

"Just the two of them!"

"Why are they causing trouble?"

"They're knocking on the door!"

"How can knocking on the door be considered as causing trouble? It's polite to knock on the door! If you want to cause trouble, wouldn't your door have been broken down earlier?"

The deputy manager, who thought his savior had arrived, was mute. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the police before his real enemy could say a word.

The policeman asked the deputy manager if he knew Jiang Dachun and Xiaocha.

The deputy manager nodded, "I know him, he's an employee of our restaurant."

"Since you know them, why don't you open the door for them? The employees of your restaurant come to you because they have something to do. Why would they come to you if they have nothing to do? How can they not knock if you don't open the door? Since you are the leader, you have to solve the problems of the employees.

.You didn’t solve the problem and even called our police station. Aren’t you sincerely causing trouble?”

Okay, the deputy manager was dumbfounded and his mind couldn't wrap his head around it.

But that’s the reason. If he doesn’t solve the problem and still calls the police, isn’t this asking for scolding?

The policeman walked away angrily.

The deputy manager, who was trapped in a cocoon, actually helped Jiang Dachun and Xiao Cha enter his home.

Although the deputy manager's attitude was still very cool and he was not polite at all.

But Jiang Dachun and Xiao Cha, who had already won the crucial game, didn't care at all.

They were feeling happy and wanted to be happy. Anyway, they came here with the intention of annoying the deputy manager. The angrier the better.

In fact, Xiao Cha is more domineering than the deputy manager.

"Yes, you didn't invite us. We came on our own. But we want to resign, why don't you help us? Why do you think we are asking you to come? We want to resign, and you can't carry a big sedan chair.

Please invite us, but we are not allowed to come."

Jiang Dachun didn't even bother to say anything.

He sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, lit a cigarette, and leaned back on the pillow to blow out the smoke.

That expression and posture made him feel as if he were at home.

The deputy manager was completely confused now.

I was really helpless as I watched the two cooks take out their numbers.

But if the police don't even care, what's the use of being anxious?

Finally, he seemed to understand the situation, his attitude changed, and he was no longer so stiff.

"Then...what, I'm going out right now...let's talk about it at work if we have anything else to do."

However, such a delaying policy is of no use at all.

Xiao Cha also sat down, and a pair of junior brothers were sitting comfortably on the sofa with their legs crossed.

"Let's talk about work? Don't you educate others all day long? Why do you work overtime to serve the people? Everyone is for me and I am for everyone. Why, you don't do the real thing after get off work?"

At this time, the deputy manager's wife finally showed up.

Probably because he knew he had met someone difficult to deal with, he actually poured water for them both with a smile on his face.

"Come on, calm down. Is there any problem that we can't solve properly?"

Jiang Dachun and Xiao Cha kept fighting with each other. They were really thirsty, so they all drank.

One said, "Hey, the leader's drink is really good. It seems like he really needs to stay here and enjoy it."

Another said, "Not only does the water at the leader's house taste good, but it also has a flushing toilet. You can drink with it open, so you don't have to go out to poop or pee."

These words made the deputy manager's wife turn a little pale, but she still managed to smile and smooth things over.

"What's the big deal? It's still like this. Let's talk about it. If we can solve it, we will definitely help."

Now that things have reached this point, there should be a way out.

"Okay!" Jiang Dachun responded and put his cards on the table. "Since you said that, I won't be polite. We senior brothers just want to resign. He can't keep dragging us about such a thing! What do you mean?

What should we do?”

Xiao Cha was also excited and simply took out a piece of bread.

"Have you made it clear? If you don't agree today, we will become a family. We will eat here, live here, and fuck here. We are both rough people, and we can't think so much, and we don't have any more demands.

Sign and seal! Just let us go!"

"That's it!" The deputy manager's wife understood and turned around to give instructions to the deputy manager.

"Why don't you let me go? Why don't you just let me go? Just agree to it quickly!"

The deputy manager actually dared to argue, "That won't work! Where can I leave whenever I want? If everyone does this, who will work! Aren't all public institutions gone!"

"Are you sick? You are so stubborn!" The deputy manager's wife finally lost her temper and broke out on the spot.

"How can it be that everyone has to leave? Some people are leaving, but others want to come! You have to block other people's way! Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up and do it for them!"

In this way, the deputy manager was harassed twice.

All those in the same camp deeply despise him.

On the contrary, Jiang Dachun and Xiao Cha received a lot of sympathy and understanding, and finally got what they wanted.

This chapter has been completed!
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