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Chapter 745 Unkind Invitation

The subsequent production process gave full play to the skills of the three craftsmen.

Under normal circumstances, making flowers with a feeder generally involves eleven processes, including chemical mixing, blowing, stem making, leaf making, whisking, coloring, waxing, frosting, and saving.

The main skill of grapes lies in coloring and frosting.

The grapes made by Chang Yuling are indistinguishable from real grapes because of these two things.

Using such techniques to color other flowers and plants was naturally beyond the reach of Jiang Sanchang and Zou Qingshan, and they felt inferior.

And Wangjiamen is unique in making birds and beasts.

Zou Qingshan adheres to the Wangmen technique and is used to doing the head first and then the tail.

Therefore, the birds and beasts he made have vivid expressions and are uniquely lively and expressive.

He then took over the production of all the birds and animals used as flowers.

Such as the oriole on the flower branch, the butterfly landing on the flower, the dragonfly in flight, the little jumping frog on the lotus leaf...

Each one is lifelike and wonderful.

Jiangjiamen has more advantages in the accuracy of shaping.

Moreover, Jiang Sanchang also had a unique air-blowing technique. The flowers he blew had openings, which could store spices and release bursts of fragrance.

So this time, Jiang Sanchang took care of almost all the trunks, flowers, branches and leaves.

So in pursuit of high simulation, this old man started running to the park regularly.

He even went all the way to Xiangshan Botanical Garden to experience life.

I spent the whole day watching the flowers in bud and in full bloom.

It is conceivable that with such teamwork and such a creative attitude, what level will the final material be?

Frankly speaking, although the size of the feeder they produced has not broken the previous record.

Moreover, making such a feeder is extremely laborious and laborious.

After almost a year, "Twelve Flower Goddess" is only half completed.

That is, plum blossoms in January, peach blossoms in March, pomegranates in May, lotus flowers in June, chrysanthemums in September, and camellias in November.

Even more materials were burned for this purpose.

However, the production level of the finished product has definitely broken the ceiling of the material shop, and has reached a level unimaginable by experts and industry insiders.

It’s no longer a matter of “the flowers don’t have the right shape, just do whatever you want”.

Even the process of blowing the feeder must be done in one go.

But even so, the final form of these materials and the original model provided by the Sculpture Department also reached a 95% match.

In addition, the degree of simulation is also much higher than in the past.

Normally, plant flowers are beautiful and delicate.

However, the color is too harsh and the splicing does not meet the form requirements. If it is not done properly, it will look fake and dull.

This time, the three craftsmen made the utensils, both in terms of the color of the stems and stamens, and in their shape and structure, which were extremely lifelike.

Not only does it have variations in color shades and sizes, even the young and old can see that it is no longer like something that can be made by human hands.

I'm afraid even the experts and professors from the Agricultural University would give it a thumbs up and find nothing wrong with it.

As for the final effect, it is both based on reality and higher than life.

The equally lifelike combination of birds, animals and flowers can add a sense of liveliness to a static feeder, giving it a unique flavor.

The natural smooth and soft texture of the material and excellent light transmittance make these artificial flowers not only have natural beauty, but also exude the gorgeousness of gemstones and jewelry under the illumination of light.

Especially Jiang Sanchang's unique air-blowing technique can also hide the fragrance in the stamens.

This allows many viewers to smell the fragrance of flowers of different colors while admiring the feeders on site.

Think about it, if there really is a fairy cave in the world that is full of splendor and exotic flowers and plants.

There are truly stars paved into the Milky Way, and rainbows transformed into the Flying Bridge.

There must be a place in the decorations of the gods to show off such exquisite cooking utensils.

That's right! The feeder is a technique created to imitate gem bonsai.

In terms of rarity, it cannot be compared with real gem bonsai, it is only the second most artificial thing.

But since its development, the feeder has formed a mature and unique technology.

The requirements are high and the complexity of the techniques has long exceeded the scope of carving and inlaying of gem bonsai.

Compared with the gem bonsai, the final work is not only larger in size, but also has stronger bionic capabilities. It can even make every detail appear and the flowers are fragrant.

These are not the advantages that gem bonsai can have. This is called green and blue.

Yes! There is indeed no perfect thing in this world!

But I have to admit that a cooking utensil like this, a beauty unique to the capital, is infinitely close to perfection!

Especially when it comes to material ware and porcelain, the biggest difference between palace lanterns is that there is no threshold for appreciation.

Even children who don’t understand anything can see such a flower bonsai made of materials.

You will also suddenly feel breathtaking and stunning, and be deeply attracted.

All in all, there are so many large-scale exhibits in the market, plus various flower-shaped, peach-shaped, diamond-shaped, and octagonal boxes sent by the Brocade Box Factory; Peking operas such as "The Eight Hammers" and "The Romance of the West Chamber" sent by the Silk Man Workshop

Scenery figures; there are also various Western wine sets from the Foodware Factory; various antique porcelain tableware, ashtrays, and ornaments from the Jingcheng Crafts Factory; and various bases, pen holders, and pen cases from the Jingcheng Crafts and Woodcut Factory.

This informal art and crafts exhibition is already rich in content.

For people who come to visit today, the level of attraction is even far greater than a large-scale auction held by Guardian and Sotheby's in the future.

At least in the eyes of Ning Weimin's master Kang Shude, the main hall of the Sacrifice Pavilion was almost as lively as the Treasure Hall of the Forbidden City, and experts rated it highly.

As the only special guest today who had little to do with the conference, this old man was strolling around the hall happily.

As I admire these amazing works created by my apprentices, all I hear are endless words of praise for these things.

There is beauty in my heart, full of pride.

To this day, he has to admit that this apprentice did not teach in vain, and he did indeed do some serious things that ordinary people cannot do.

At the porcelain, he heard two art editors say this.

"Oh, this imitation of Longqing's multi-colored fish tank is so well-fired. I've seen the real thing. The color head is very similar to the original, so it's really hard to tell the authenticity. If they weren't put together, I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference just by looking at it.


"No, no, there is actually a difference. The old and the new are different after all. Take a closer look at this fish tank. The color quality is as delicate as grease, the colors are fresh and tender, and the painting is exquisite. It is better than the original. You have to take a look at it. Mr. Bai Xuese painted it

This waterfowl painting is really wonderful. Although the layout has not changed and is a copy, the proportions are obviously more harmonious and the eyes of the waterfowl are more vivid. The level of the painter is different."

"Well...that makes sense. But when it comes to painters, this kind of pure imitation is still too limited. It can hardly reflect the artist's level. Did you see the pair of flower-not-showing vases just now? That one is the best.

Pastel porcelain that can show the level of painting skills and ingredients. I saw that the brand that introduced it said that the drawings provided by Professor Zhu Danian were indeed good. The composition is full, the layers are clear, the colors are outstanding, and the flower shapes are changeable. And it is so

The large bottles are actually covered with lids, and they are not out of shape at all, and they can still maintain the spring charm. It is so difficult! It is simply a miracle of antique porcelain. There is no such porcelain in the Forbidden City. It is an absolute national treasure.


"Yes, the rare thing lies in the details. For the pair of large appreciation vases, gold filigree was actually inlaid with precious stones as flower cores. This was a luxury craft that no real imperial porcelain dared to use at that time. The combination is so ingenious

Wow, it’s too wasteful. I think that pair of bottles is worth at least hundreds of thousands. Even the National Museum of Fine Arts may not be able to afford it. It’s really hard for the altar palace to spend such a high price to make it. It’s not a loss.

It's a well-known company in the catering industry in the capital, and it has a lot of money. When we saw these porcelain today, we paid for it. Hey, what do you think of the next issue of our "Art" magazine using the Hundred Flowers Bottle vase as the cover?"

"It's too bad to do the cover. It should be a special report and include more photos. It's a pity. A big soup must have a bland taste, and a treasure must have flaws. Who made those bottles round?

It would be even more rare if it could be made in all directions. Only then would it be called perfect, and it would be enough to be used in art textbooks. What do you think?"

Hearing this sentence, Kang Shude felt uncomfortable, so he couldn't hold it back and started talking too much.

"Pardon me for being disrespectful. I don't agree with what you just said. Although there is a saying about porcelain that "one hundred yuan is worth one square", square porcelain is more difficult to make than round porcelain, and the technical requirements are higher. But

It also has to be based on the specific situation, and we cannot blindly pursue the display of skills. For example, with the theme of hundreds of flowers not showing, what is required is a smooth flow, so that the shape of the flowers can be correctly maintained. Especially this pair of bottles, which also have stamens inlaid with gems.

What is more needed is a sense of continuity. Although the Bafang one is good, once the facades are divided, there will be obstacles."

Not to mention, although the old man stood up for his apprentice, it was a bit abrupt and a bit arrogant.

It was a matter of discussion, but the two art editors were impressed and both agreed.

But unfortunately, approval is harder to resist than dissatisfaction.

An American editor said, "Old sir, you are very insightful. But I just made a mistake and was biased. What do you call me? Which institution do you belong to? I think you seem to be an expert in ceramics. Which institution should you belong to?"

Are you a professor from the Ceramics Department of the Academy of Fine Arts? We are from the "Art" magazine, let's get acquainted. Well, our magazine is planning to do a report on pastel porcelain, do you think it would be convenient for us to chat?"

"I, this..." Kang Shude was completely off guard and couldn't help but be stunned.

But who is he?

I'm old enough! I don't have this quick wit anymore!

"My surname is Kang. It's okay to talk about it, but I have something to say first. I'm not a professional in ceramics. I work in a jade factory..."

The old man calmly resolved the embarrassment very skillfully.

This is absolutely true, and it is said with full confidence and certainty.

Who would have thought that he also omitted several words at the end - gatekeeper.

But having said that, I am afraid of meeting a master who is smart and knows how to follow the rules.

No, another art editor brought up another issue.

"Anthracene...I understand. Is the jade work on the Kowloon Bead Palace Lantern your work? Did you learn from the Liu School? Or the Wang School? The exquisite red jade ball under the dragon's head, the craftsmanship is amazing.

It’s amazing…”

For this reason, Kang Shude couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"That... you are wrong again. However, I am familiar with the people who do the jade work for the four palace lanterns. I can introduce you to them..."

"Ah! So that's what happened! You are the leader of the jade factory, so disrespectful..."

What's going on? Look, it's not over yet.

Perhaps the attributes of the master and apprentice were too similar. Just when Kang Shude regretted his words, he had to accompany the two art editors to practice Tai Chi.

In the main hall of the Shenku in the courtyard of Beishen Kitchen, Ning Weimin, who was drinking tea and chatting with several guests of honor and waiting for the award ceremony to begin, was unexpectedly attacked from two sides.


Just because the director of the Temple of Heaven was so happy to see the grand ceremony of today's awards ceremony, he was already a little fuzzy even before he drank.

He is an impatient and straight-tempered person, and he was born as a worker and peasant cadre.

Now that we have learned about Ning Weimin's transfer back to the head office, we finally sat at the same table as Song Huagui today.

Therefore, for the sake of the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of the Palace, all the employees of the two units, and for the sake of Ningwei's people, he did not hesitate to join in and bluntly brought up the things that had been lingering in his heart for a while.


"Mr. Song, you see, your company has many talents. I heard that your ordinary employees are all proficient in foreign languages, and almost all of them are highly educated college students. If this is the case, Wei Min should be the right one.


"But our Temple of Heaven and Tan Palace are not good. Everything we do here depends entirely on him, and we really can't do without him. So I have a merciless request. For the sake of our cooperative relationship, can you please,

Are you going to give me some face and bring back the Wei people?"

"I know that he made an oversight in his subordinate's work, and he has to go back to the head office to clean up the aftermath and make amends. But it's been more than a month, so it should be about the same. I would like to thank you on his behalf. Please show your respect.


"I'm a rough man, I won't say anything if I have anything to say. I really don't want to play tricks on you. I just want you to agree to let me thank you in any way. No matter what the conditions are, as long as we can do it, there will be no problem..."

What is this called?

This is called three poles if there are dates but there are no dates.

If you don’t ask, there will definitely be no chance. If you ask, it will happen!

But it must be said that as soon as Song Huagui said this, he was stunned immediately.

She couldn't help but wonder if Ning Weimin had something on his mind that prompted the principal to say this.

But when he turned around to look at Ning Weimin, he was also embarrassed and surprised, and he even looked at her innocently.

Then I felt relieved, knowing that it was the director who took matters into his own hands.

"Don't say that. How can I not give you face? But I'm afraid you really misunderstood this matter. Because I didn't say anything. This Weimin is a thoughtful person. He

No one can stop what you want to do. In fact, I wish you could keep Wei Min. At least in this way, his people are still in the capital, right? I can find him if anything happens.

Ah. So it’s me who begs you, please keep him for me?”

Needless to say, it was the director of the Temple of Heaven's turn to be confused.

The old man immediately looked at Ning Weimin eagerly, his eyes full of question marks.

"Wha, what? You...are you still planning to leave the capital? Where are you going?"

Song Huagui couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, and happily became a melon-eating crowd watching the fun.

Just wait and see how Ning Weimin and the director of the Temple of Heaven break through this layer of window paper.

Ning Weimin, who was completely unprepared for this, had no time to think about it and could only tell the truth.

"Director, that's it. I...I plan to go to Japan this year."

"Ah? How come you don't reveal anything? This... this... this can't be done. Are you just going to leave Tan Gong alone? You kid, are you just talking? Why did you agree to come to me in the first place?"

"No, no, you misunderstood again. I am going out just for our Dan Palace. Let me tell you clearly, I am going to Tokyo to open a Tan Palace branch! I didn't want to hide it from you. I originally planned to finish this work

Duan, I’ll calculate it with you..."

Another shock like lightning and thunder.

The director looked at Ning Weimin and felt so complicated.

He felt that this kid was just like a big onion.

There is always one layer of wrapping and another.

Why does this brain look so big?

Why do you have so many ideas?

This chapter has been completed!
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