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Chapter 761: The World of Flowers

Some people work silently for the country and the nation, while others use whatever means necessary to make a fortune.

Almost at the same time, in order to save two train tickets, Ye Hemin was willing to endure hunger and cold in the countryside.

Some so-called "officers" are also using public funds to spend a lot of money in the colorful world of Hainan, living a happy life...

I came to Hainan on February 10th.

He had only one purpose, which was to imitate his uncle, Jiang Hao, and resell the ridiculously cheap cars from Hainan to the mainland.

Speaking of which, Nian Jing himself feels a little ashamed. He really has no business talent.

Since the establishment of the trading company, although he has fulfilled his wish to become the general manager, there has been no actual progress in the company's business.

Except for the 50,000 yuan he earned from his first business deal as a free gift from the urban construction company, he never made any money again.

In vain, I have more than 200,000 yuan in funds and a big red seal from an enterprise affiliated to the Urban Construction Bureau.

But apart from eating and drinking outside every day, he really couldn't find anything serious to do.

Not only did he associate with some fair-weather friends who could eat and brag, but even the inside of the company was a ridiculous scene.

Several of his subordinates spend their days working as foreigners, either reading newspapers or gossiping.

Apart from serving tea and water and flattering him, no one could do anything practical for him.

Seeing that the profit of 50,000 yuan is about to be spent, of course it is not possible to continue doing nothing like this.

Don't talk about looking back, he has nothing to explain to the head office.

Even my daily meals, drinks, and shopping trips with my wife can’t be reimbursed with public funds.

So Nian Jing had no choice but to lick his face and talk to his uncle, hoping that Jiang Hao would take him to make a fortune for the sake of his relatives.

Not to mention, maybe my wife's loan played a key role in it, or maybe Nian Jing's status is really different now.

Jiang Hao was really happy with his work this time.

Before heading to Hainan again, he said that he would just ask Nian Jing to prepare the money and then take it to Hainan to find him.

And I guarantee that everything will be done by him over there.

In this way, Nian Jing made a desperate move and withdrew almost all the cash in his account. He also borrowed 100,000 yuan from his wife's credit union, leaving only 5,000 yuan to maintain the company's operations.

Jiang Hao did not brag.

From the moment Nian Jing nervously stepped onto the Haikou pier carrying a huge sum of 300,000 yuan, he fully demonstrated his local energy and connections.

At that time, although the dock was extremely busy, it was full of strange goods and idealistic outsiders.

But Nian Jing still saw Jiang Hao from a distance, and was surprised to find that he was dressed in such a Western style and fancy clothes.

Her hair was not messy and had a little sparkle. She was wearing a Hong Kong-style shirt covered with scattered flowers, which was particularly eye-catching. Her sunglasses hung fashionably on her chest.

What's even more incredible is that there was a local man dressed similarly beside him, and they actually drove a red car into the pier to pick him up.

Looking back at himself, even though he was wearing a Pierre Cardon suit he just bought, this was already his best outfit.

But no matter how you look at him, he always looks conservative and dull, and always has the lifeless and dull image of a government agency. This is the difference in temperament.

After trying hard to break free from the crowds of people pushing and shoving, Nian Jing finally met Jiang Hao.

After introduction, the local man, who is dark and skinny, is called "Brother Hao". He is the boss of several local cargo ships. This is the stable supply of goods that Nianjing has long-term cooperation with.

After that, it was nothing more than praising the natural scenery of Hainan Island and complaining about the ice and snow in the north.

Then they got into the car together and drove away from the pier like sharp arrows.

"Brother, what do you think of my car? It's German, it's strong and wear-resistant, and it's very powerful, but it's just a bit expensive..."

"Brother Hao" seems to like talking about cars and showing off his own cars.

While driving, he couldn't help but teach Nian Jing about his car taste.

"Don't listen to him. German cars are more expensive than anything else. In fact, the most cost-effective cars on Hainan Island are Japanese cars. They are cheap and fuel-efficient. The key is that they are large in quantity. We just have to move the warehouses of Japanese car factories."

Come to our place..."

To say that they are still a family, for Nian Jing, Jiang Hao's words are obviously more practical than "Brother Hao"'s bragging.

However, I don’t know whether it’s because German smuggled cars are more profitable, or because “Brother Hao” insists on showing off his unique appreciation and feels that he has more discernment than many people in this regard.

"Brother Hao" still insisted on his opinion and openly talked about his unique aesthetic taste.

"Haha, Japanese cars are so stingy, just like the Japanese. The Germans are still real. They build everything like tanks and armored vehicles. They are powerful, strong and durable. Don't always try to get cheap. Buy from Germany.

A car, that's a car. The performance of Japanese cars is nothing compared to..."

In fact, for Nian Jing, he was not very interested in these conversations.

He doesn't care about which car performs well and which car performs poorly.

The reason why he decided to go south was because he only had one thing in mind, which was to make a fortune.

So, he asked abruptly.

"Then what kind of car is easy to sell? What kind of car will sell the best if I get it back? Can I make a lot of money?"

As a result, both "Brother Hao" and Jiang Hao laughed at this sentence.

Jiang Hao said, "Don't worry about this. Both Japanese and German cars are very easy to sell. The main reason is that we have a serious shortage of cars in the north, and there are so many government offices in the capital. So as long as the cars are brought back, you can distribute them."


"Brother Hao" shouted at the top of his lungs, "Brother, where is this place? This is a businessman's paradise. Don't bring anything with you. Just courage and money are enough. Don't worry, since Ah Hao will take care of you

If you introduce it to me, then just wait and make a lot of money. I, Ah Hao, can give you whatever car you want!"

After hearing these words, Nian Jing couldn't help but become excited, as if he had drank two small cups of Erguotou.

He even couldn't help but roll down the window and looked out excitedly.

He no longer doubted the outcome of his trip!

Because even the scenery outside the window along the way is verifying the credibility of "Brother Hao"'s heroic words.

It’s full of cars!

The storage yard at the port is simply colorful, bright red, blue, beige, silver grey, milky white, black... Thousands of cars come into view.

Those shiny cars and vans clustered together were parked densely in the open space beside the pier, in fishermen's courtyards, and even on both sides of the road.

The endless brilliant light covered almost every area of ​​Haikou, becoming a spectacular ocean of cars.

When he first arrived in Hainan Island, Nian Jing was undoubtedly excited and happy, but he was also confused and at a loss.

Mainly because the gap between here and the north is too big.

This gap is not only caused by climate and lifestyle, but also mainly by people's concepts and thoughts.

You know, since the first imported car was introduced to the island last year, the simplicity of this island has been lost at the speed of light.

A year ago, the islanders with mellow folk customs had little interest in business and were shy about transactions. They even regarded businessmen as heretics just like those in the north.

At that time, Hainanese people would quietly put their products on the roadside even if they wanted to sell agricultural and sideline products.

The owner was hiding behind a tree, waiting for someone to ask questions, and the buyer and seller were completely indifferent to each other.

At that time, the Hainanese people allowed the dried cassava in the warehouse to become moldy and refused to grind it into feed and sell it.

People use big baskets of snails to feed chickens, but they don't know that these are delicacies at banquets in Hong Kong.

Many people refuse to raise cattle and sheep, stubbornly believing that local people don’t like to eat fishy mutton, and they can’t sell them if they raise them...

However, in just one year, with the rapid spread of the automobile business across the island, this place quickly became a feasting and money paradise.

People here have also become philistine and have learned to fake and shoddy goods.

Moreover, with the arrival of large numbers of outsiders, more entertainment venues and high-end dining venues have become crowded and brightly lit.

It may be an exaggeration to describe it as changing every day, but if you come once a month, you can clearly see the changes in storage.

At this time in Hainan Island, only the place where we live is a bit miserable.

Because high-end foreign-related hotels have just begun to be built, the best accommodation that "Brother Hao" can arrange is the highest-standard local guest house.

If the pleasant climate is not considered, the living conditions are actually not as good as those in Beijing.

But despite this, Nian Jing saw entertainment venues here that could never exist in Beijing.

On the first night of meeting, "Brother Hao" and Jiang Hao made Nian Jing experience a mental stimulation like a storm.

The place they took him to after dinner was completely modeled on the characteristics of the port city.

As soon as the private room opened, a gust of fragrant wind came, and several tall people in cheongsams poured in from outside.

You're welcome, a group of warblers and swallows fluttered around a few people.

Moreover, as a guest, Nian Jing encountered special courtesy and "attack from two sides."

Needless to say, when Nian Jing, a country bumpkin, encountered this kind of battle for the first time, he was very nervous, nervous, and restrained.

The key point is that it's very embarrassing. Don't forget that he and Jiang Hao still have a special relationship.

So as Jiang Hao's brother-in-law, his fair face suddenly turned red. He was really at a loss and didn't know how to deal with himself.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Hao not only acted calmly, but also took the initiative to comfort him.

It is said that this is a scene that businessmen must experience. Don't live up to the good intentions of "Brother Hao".

He also personally taught Nian Jing the "Six Unprinciples".

Don't be shy, don't be polite, don't be embarrassed, don't take the initiative, don't refuse, don't be responsible.

Then he took the initiative to demonstrate for him, teaching him how to hug him from left to right, how to say scene words to liven up the atmosphere, and how to toast "Brother Hao".

Drunk, Nian Jing was completely drunk that day.

When he woke up the next day, Nian Jing was already asleep on the bed in the guest room of the guest house.

He tried hard to recall the scene last night, but except for the smell of perfume remaining on the bed and the traces of nonsense, his memory was like fragments. That night, he no longer existed at all.

Needless to say, Nian Jing looked like a criminal in custody when he saw Jiang Hao again.

He lowered his head, not knowing what to say. He wanted to ask what happened yesterday, but felt unable to speak.

In fact, rather than saying that he felt a deep sense of guilt and didn't know how to face such a situation, it was more that he was afraid that Jiang Hao would tell Jiang Hui or the other two elders of the Jiang family about this matter.

However, Jiang Hao only asked him if he slept well and if he was used to the food here.

Then unexpectedly, he pulled him aside and said meaningfully, "The men and women here are all just having fun. No one will take this kind of thing seriously. Anyone who takes it seriously is a fool."

"When you come here, you have to do as the Romans do, otherwise you won't be able to do business. If you refuse, you will be considered a prude, and people won't trust you."

These two sentences don't matter. He is at a young age and has been a child in Yue's family for a long time.

Nian Jing felt relieved all of a sudden. The long-suppressed male hormones in his body were completely awakened.

Soon, he got used to Hainan Island’s social style of eating, drinking and having fun.

It was even like taking stimulants. He was constantly excited for many days. Even if "Brother Hao" had no arrangements, he still had to return the invitation.

Under the influence of money and sex, a person's attitude towards old and new things changes so easily and quickly.

Nian Jing actually doesn't have any complex ideas in his mind.

He just wanted to smell the smell of sea water and femininity here, have fun, and then take the cars back that Jiang Hao had arranged for him.

It really doesn't matter whether you make a lot of money or not, as long as the money you earn can keep up with your superiors, you can continue to eat a lot, and you can accompany your wife to the mall to buy clothes.

He doesn’t have any grand career prospects!

So on New Year's Eve, when Jiang Hao and "Brother Hao" arranged a Crown car, two Mazdas, and drivers for him.

Nian Jing can no longer miss Shu anymore.

He really didn't want to leave so early and wished he could spend the New Year in Hainan before leaving.

Of course, he didn't know that these three cars actually cost him 60,000 yuan, and Jiang Hao didn't work for him in vain.

As for the "Brother Hao" whom he paid for several times, he actually doesn't think highly of him. People say so about him behind his back.

"Hey, Ah Hao, your relative is too trusting. He's completely stupid. I think next time, I can sell him tens of thousands more, no problem. But he is in good health, everyone says

I didn't know that I was not in good health until I came to Hainan, but he is actually the exact opposite. He is extremely talented..."

Jiang Hao sneered noncommittally.

"He's just a drunkard and a womanizer. He's just a bit good and doesn't have much future. By the way, have the photos of him being drunk and ridiculous the first day developed? Don't forget to give them to me."

"No problem, I'll give it to you tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll do the work. But is it really necessary? He's just the boss of a small company..."

"Be prepared for any eventuality. What we are doing is a smuggling car. Who knows what will happen in the future? It's better for me to hold his hand than to let him hold mine."

"Haha, Ah Hao, I admire you for this, you are a smart person..."

This chapter has been completed!
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