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Chapter 771 Whitewashing

"My reason is very simple. I just don't want these paintings and calligraphy to be lost overseas. I don't want to watch our nation's precious cultural assets being sold at a low price. You should know that when I purchased the paintings and calligraphy through Director Liu, there was another

Hong Kong businessmen want to buy all these paintings and calligraphy. I just want to keep these paintings and calligraphy as much as possible and keep these good things in our country, so I have to take this expedient measure."

When he said these words, Ning Weimin's face showed a righteous look.

However, given the characteristics of the times, Director Huo did not agree with his high-sounding reason.

For no other reason than the overall social environment, the artistic value of calligraphy and painting is not valued.

Although the prices of modern calligraphy and paintings have gone up, this is due to the increasing number of Hong Kong and Japanese businessmen in the mainland in recent years.

In fact, in the minds of most people in China, these modern paintings and calligraphy are just arty playthings, things hung on the wall for decoration.

After all, most people don't understand calligraphy and painting.

Especially ordinary people, influenced by the movie "Three Smiles", generally believe that the creative process of calligraphers and painters is particularly simple.

Like Tang Bohu in the story, he did it all in one go.

Earning money like this is simply faster than printing money. How can I write seventeen or eight pieces of paper and draw more than ten pictures in a day?

What's more, many very famous calligraphy and painting masters are still alive and well.

Since you can write at any time, write whenever you want, and draw whenever you want, what's so precious about such works?

In addition, even for a person of Director Huo's level, his job level and work content have allowed him to develop a kind of thinking inertia that should be the case.

He often interacted with foreign friends, and subconsciously, he felt that it was normal to give these paintings and calligraphy works as gifts to foreign guests.

So Ning Weimin hit a wall again, and his views were almost immediately rejected by Director Huo.

"Don't exaggerate or exaggerate. These paintings and calligraphy are not ancient relics, so how can they be said to have been lost overseas? From the perspective of international influence and cultural exchange, it is a good thing that these paintings and calligraphy can go abroad. It will help us spread our

Promote traditional culture overseas to enhance other countries’ understanding of us.”

"It doesn't matter if it is bought by a Hong Kong businessman. It is precisely because we are descendants of Yan and Huang that people appreciate it and will invest in the purchase. What's more, you should know that Hong Kong City will return in 1997, and Hong Kong businessmen will soon become ours.

Compatriots, what’s the difference between you buying it and a Hong Kong businessman buying it?”

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

"Almost none of what you just said is true. Only one word is correct, which is 'sale at a low price'. You can never deny that your fundamental purpose of buying paintings and calligraphy is to take advantage of the public. So your

The motives are not noble, don’t beautify yourself.”

Director Huo's tone was full of ridicule and disdain.

Obviously, he thought this was Ning Weimin's last resort.

I am very much looking forward to seeing this kid being stripped of his fig leaf, his face full of shame and speechless.

However, the reality is not like this.

Ning Weimin's eyes were still bright. Far from being discouraged, he argued with a more positive attitude.

"Director Huo, our views are quite different. First of all, I don't agree that only antiquities are valuable. Many things that are not antiquities are also worth cherishing. To use an analogy that may not be very appropriate, giant pandas are not antiquities.

What if a foreigner makes a request and wants to buy one? From the perspective of international influence and cultural exchange, shouldn’t we agree? This can be considered a good thing.”

"As for the reason why I want to persuade Director Liu through Huo Xin to buy these paintings and calligraphy in large quantities, it is because these modern paintings and calligraphy can be called the giant panda among works of art. Every calligraphy and painting is a fine work by a famous artist.

It is a perfect presentation of the creator's humanistic thoughts, aesthetic consciousness and painting techniques. Together, they can be called a comprehensive summary of our modern calligraphy and painting art, and its artistic value is limitless."

"Don't think that because these paintings and calligraphy are common in our capital, it doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter if they go overseas. You must know that these paintings and calligraphy can only be made by our countrymen, and foreigners can never learn from them. Looking further

How many calligraphers and painters in the country can reach this level? These masters are all in their twilight years, and no matter how many calligraphy and painting works they have created, they are still scarce for art collectors in the world."

"In the past, we were relatively closed, and the country was generally not wealthy. These good things had no chance to go out, and not many people in the country could afford them, so it seemed that we were stuck. Now that the country is gradually opening up, the domestic economy is also developing rapidly, and the situation has long changed.

Nowadays, there is a lot of money and a shortage of things. If we don’t control it and let it flow out at will, sooner or later we will regret it.”

"You might as well imagine that in a few decades, students in our Academy of Fine Arts studying modern ink works will not be able to see even an authentic painting by Fu Baoshi or Pan Tianshou. That would be such a sad thing. If our domestic

Most of the highest-level calligraphy and painting works in modern times have been acquired by foreign collectors, and they were bought at low prices. How ridiculous that is. I am afraid that in the end we will have to redeem these things from foreigners at high prices.


"Let me say something a little disrespectful. In fact, for foreigners to understand our culture, handicrafts with national characteristics are more appropriate. A silk man or a set of grapes can easily win the favor of foreign friends, because these things can easily win the favor of foreign friends at a glance.

You can understand that both refined and popular people can appreciate it. This is not the case with calligraphy and painting. The threshold for appreciation is higher and requires a certain cultural foundation and appreciation ability. Not to mention that most Westerners cannot understand it, even our compatriots are just watching it for fun."

"You often deal with Western countries. You can compare the situation at home and abroad. As far as I know, once painters in Western countries become famous, their works are sold at astronomically high prices. Their diplomats never

Treat art and artwork as gifts. They will only give away their country’s characteristic crafts, which are not even handmade, but mass-produced industrial products. Then why do we need to send all our precious paintings and calligraphy abroad? It is for diplomatic needs.

There’s no need to pay such a price.”

"As for Hong Kong businessmen, I certainly believe that many people in Hong Kong have a deep love for the motherland and hope that 1997 will come as soon as possible and return to the embrace of the motherland as soon as possible. But this does not mean that all people in Hong Kong think so. Maybe some people think so.

Foreign slaves have become accustomed to it and no longer want to be descendants of the Yan and Huang people. God knows whether the person I am fighting for calligraphy and painting is red or white under his skin? Will he choose to immigrate and be willing to be a second-class citizen?"

"If he is really such a person, then the more he knows about calligraphy and painting, the worse it is. In the chaotic years before the founding of the People's Republic of China, traitors often did more harm to our country than those foreign invaders. And those who brought foreigners with them to steal our country

Those who smuggle domestic cultural relics overseas. Like Yue Bin and Lu Qinzhai, which one is not a polite scum who is knowledgeable and proficient in antiquities?"

"As a side note, I have been working at Maxim for so long. If I want to go on a business trip to Paris, I have the opportunity every year. Many people have advised me to go out and have a look. But I have never thought about it.

For no other reason than because Lu Qinzhai’s Red Mansion is in Paris. As his last hiding place, many cultural relics smuggled out of China are still on display in it. If I go there, I will definitely not be able to help myself.

Look, and when you see those things, you will inevitably get angry. I don’t want to make myself unhappy..."

Ning Weimin's speech this time contained a lot of useful information, and Director Huo really listened attentively.

He couldn't help but appreciate Ning Weimin's insight and eloquence, and he couldn't help but admit that Ning Weimin's perspective on the problem was very novel.

For example, analysis of the value of modern calligraphy and painting, suggestions for gift giving in diplomatic work, and consideration of the special status group of Hong Kong businessmen were almost all issues that he had ignored and paid little attention to in the past.

If you think about it carefully, it really makes sense. These words were indeed very inspiring to him.

However, this is still not enough to endorse Ning Weimin's character and not enough to make him believe that Ning Weimin is really for the sake of the country.

"Your eloquence is very good, which surprised me. Your thinking is also very clear, and you have a lot of knowledge, which gave me a new understanding of the artistic value of modern calligraphy and painting. You are even more expressive, full of emotion, and captivating.

Very strong. But I still can't believe you."

"Because I look at people, their words, and more importantly their actions. In order to achieve your own goals, you took advantage of Huo Xin's emotions. This is really despicable. According to normal logic, how can someone like you be so noble?

Are you getting involved? The moral standard is so high that you want to save precious paintings and calligraphy for the country? There will be no such thing in the world."

"What's more, you yourself work for a foreign company. I understand Western capitalism. Don't tell me that you don't put the interests of your foreign bosses first? You are alarmist in front of me, speculating about Hong Kong businessmen without authorization, and saying what will happen to them.

Don’t you think it’s ridiculous? You actually mentioned silkworms and utensil grapes to me? Do you still want to do my business? Do you think I don’t know that the production and supply of these two things are firmly under my control?

In your hands."

"My final advice to you is that you should stop acting in front of me. There is no way you can get away with it. Just admit it honestly. Admit your philistineness and admit that you bought these paintings and calligraphy for personal profit. If you can come up with it,

With a little courage to admit your mistakes, maybe I will be more merciful to you."

Director Huo's words represent another showdown.

Basically, it can be seen that his patience has run out, and this is the last stern warning.

On the other hand, Ning Weimin couldn't help being startled when he suddenly mentioned the silk people and the grapes.

He was secretly shocked by Director Huo's secretiveness and couldn't imagine how he could be investigated so clearly.

Ordinary people may not be able to bear this kind of unknown fear and soaring pressure. Surrendering may be the only option.

But Ning Weimin is not an ordinary person after all, he is a time traveler with a golden finger.

This is destined that his actions will always exceed the standards of ordinary people, and the capital will do things that make people feel unreasonable and extremely incredible.

At this time, he also had the best evidence to "whitewash" himself.

"I can understand your distrust. Who made me take advantage of Huo Xin and break her heart? If from another angle, this matter is my daughter's fault, I will definitely pursue it to the end. Dare to touch me

His daughter is more cruel than you are to touch me. This is the basic emotion of any father. But despite this, although I am sorry for what I did, I do not regret doing it. Because I did not lie to you, I

Buying this batch of calligraphy and paintings is different from buying it by a Hong Kong businessman."

"The crucial difference is that if a Hong Kong businessman buys these paintings and calligraphy, he will immediately profit from them overseas. But if I buy them, these things can stay in China. As long as I can keep these paintings and calligraphy for the country, let me

It doesn’t matter what price you pay.”

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me. Next, I can prove myself with facts. I don't deny that the first time I wanted to buy these calligraphy and paintings was, as you said, because the price was cheap and I saw how profitable it was. But it was different later.

Once I found out that a Hong Kong businessman wanted to use 200,000 yuan to Bao Yuan'er and take these paintings and calligraphy overseas, I no longer wanted to make money through these paintings and calligraphy."

"You investigated me very carefully and know me very well. But I don't know if you know how difficult it was for me to get the funds to acquire this batch of paintings and calligraphy. I spent all my money and borrowed money from all directions. Relatives

My friend, I have borrowed all the money I can from the whole company. I even signed a five-year labor contract with the company and advanced three years’ salary in advance.”

"When I bought these paintings, was it over? No, proper preservation is even more of a problem. Paintings and calligraphy are the most delicate works of art. They require appropriate space for placement, and any damage or moisture needs to be repaired in time. In the past few years,

I have spent tens of thousands of dollars to preserve these paintings and calligraphy. However, I have not sold any of these paintings and calligraphy to this day. If I want to make a profit, why would I do this?"

"To be honest, I admire your investigative ability, but don't just investigate me. You can also investigate the Hong Kong businessman who bought the other paintings and calligraphy to see how much he sold? Is it selling again?

Who gave it to me? I dare say he would never treat these paintings and calligraphy like this to me."

"Of course, you can also suspect that I am fishing for a big fish in the long run and want to make a fat man in one bite. After all, the prices of these paintings and calligraphy have been rising in China. However, in order to prove myself, I can also make a promise. These calligraphy and paintings will be the future

I will not sell one piece in twenty years. And I will try my best to bring these paintings and calligraphy to the public again. I will do my best to allow students in art schools to see these works and have the opportunity to copy them.

These works. This is my purpose and the meaning of the existence of these paintings and calligraphy."

This chapter has been completed!
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