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Chapter 799: Which one is better and which one is worse?

It is well known that there are significant differences between Chinese and Western business cultures.

The reason lies in the differences in values ​​caused by the different development directions of culture and history.

Westerners have a short history and have relied on religion to solve their spiritual needs for a long time. Their research and understanding of human nature is relatively superficial.

In particular, the glory of Western developed countries is all based on colonialism, burning, killing, and looting.

Having tasted the benefits of bullying, they have always tended to be achievement-oriented in business activities.

He values ​​utilitarianism, believes in individualism, and is full of brutal aggression.

China is an ancient civilization with five thousand years of culture, and there is no soil for theocracy to interfere in national governance.

For the convenience of rulers in controlling the country, almost all the classics and histories are based on the understanding of human nature and the human heart.

Therefore, even our feudal emperors regarded self-restraint and caution of haste but patience as necessary lessons.

He understands the importance of the word "harmony" very well, and uses power in politics to pursue a state of balance.

What's more, the economic foundation of China is based on agricultural civilization.

The people of China live a relatively stable life and can live and work in peace and contentment for a longer period of time.

Therefore, Chinese people are far more obedient to the dispatch and execution of government orders than Westerners.

Collectivism has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in a subtle way.

For this reason, traditional Chinese businessmen tend to pay more attention to factors such as reputation, status and relationship background in business activities.

Paying attention to cooperation with others, maintaining harmony among peers, and taking the initiative to do good deeds can be called belonging orientation.

As for which one is better or worse?

If you put aside the interference of other factors and only analyze the cost performance and impact on society of the business model, this is actually completely clear.

But it is a pity that due to the backward technological level and the turmoil in the country, China's business ethics have basically been wiped out in modern times.

It is no longer known and valued.

However, the Western business ethics that achieved great success through gangster methods are highly praised by the world and seem to have become the only truth.

I have to say this, it is really the biggest joke in the world!

Fortunately, the Republic has restored national stability and relaxed its control in the commercial field, finally providing conditions for the recovery of China's traditional business culture.

Ning Weimin, for example, is walking on this road without knowing it.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand that patents can be used to coerce others.

If he had been in his previous life, he would have done this without hesitation.

But what he had seen, heard, and learned in his life had completely changed his mind.

On the contrary, he believed that this way of doing things was a foolish choice to seek quick success and lay a trap for himself.

Because he has realized that the real business market, whether mature or not, is a complex environment and subject to different constraints.

No enterprise can be separated from the influence of the external environment and must not only focus on its own growth.

This is especially true for industries where product performance is similar and it is difficult to achieve obvious advantages.

In the end, whether an enterprise can become bigger and stronger depends on whether its external relations are harmonious or not.

To put it bluntly, although internal and external relationships are important to a company.

But it is easier to straighten out internal management, but it is particularly difficult to maintain A-Hao’s external relationships!

The focus of Westerners is completely putting the cart before the horse and turning it upside down.

A capable, talented and moral partner like Zeng Xianzi is something that can only be met but cannot be sought.

As the saying goes, forceful melons are not sweet, so why does he have to bury a sharp thorn in others' hearts?

Is it necessary that Pierre Cardin Company will always be on guard against a stabbing attack from Goldlion in the future? How long can such cooperation last?

Facts have proved that his choice was right.

Although on the surface he has given up the method of coercion, this possibility exists objectively after all.

Pilkington, which owns the patent, is always the party with the initiative and can form a sufficient deterrent to Goldlion's choice, even after the cooperation is reached.

And Zeng Xianzi cannot but feel deeply grateful for this.

In addition, Goldlion's business direction from bottom to top and Pierre Cardin's business direction from top to bottom are facing each other.

The two sides can cooperate based on the project and it is a perfect fit.

Either party can gain great benefits from it, and it is difficult for anyone to give it up.

So when Zeng Xianzi got enough time, he studied the cooperation plan carefully and seriously.

The subsequent formal negotiations went very smoothly and efficiently.

It is completely different from the scenes that often occur when Westerners negotiate.

There were no quarrels, no one smashed cups and bowls, and no hysterical slaps on the table and curses.

Participants on both sides know how to give face and maintain each other's dignity.

Therefore, almost in a harmonious atmosphere, the two parties signed and completed most of the cooperation terms in just one or two days of negotiation, which can be said to be a huge achievement.

Specifically, the two parties first agreed to jointly invest 2 million yuan to establish the Yi La De Tie Company.

Since Picardon had a patent advantage, Ning Weimin requested an investment of 800,000 yuan, taking 60% of the shares.

Goldlion also recognized this and agreed to invest 1.2 million and hold 40% of the shares.

Then both parties reached an agreement that Yi La De ties will be sold in large shopping malls in Beijing, Shanghai, Huacheng and Shenzhen in the form of independent counters of the new brand.

At the same time, it was also determined that Goldlion would be responsible for the production of high-end easy-to-draw ties, and Pierre Cardin would be responsible for the division of labor in the production of low-end ties using Beijing's production channels.

As well as the agreement to jointly combat counterfeit goods, communicate with governments at all levels, and safeguard common rights and interests in the future.

In addition, considering that Pierre Cardon's reputation in the mainland is too great at this time, the mutual benefits between the two parties in terms of operating costs of franchise stores and distribution channels are too great.

In exchange for the right to label each other as a strategic partner in each other's advertisements in the Mainland, Zeng Xianzi.

He even broke his own rule not to produce OEM products for other companies.

Promised to produce several high-end ties and leather goods for Pierre Cardon, and promised not to outsource them, and would only sell them in Pierre Cardon's specialty stores.

It can be said that this has fully realized Ning Weimin's negotiation expectations.

Not to mention that Goldlion’s investment in advertising is very bold and visionary.

Knowing that Pierre Cardin Company owned the fifty-second advertisement before "News Network", Zeng Xianzi took the initiative to inquire about this matter and discussed the cost-effectiveness of this prime advertising time.

Ning Weimin even cut off the 50-second advertisement in front of "News Network" for 15 seconds and sold it to Goldlion for 2 million a year.

It can be said that the two parties hit it off immediately, and it was an unexpected gain.

As for Zeng Xianzi himself, when he finally returned to Hong Kong City, he was entangled in a difficult choice - should he also put his own counter in Pierre Cardin's specialty store in the mainland?

The benefits are immediate. It will definitely enhance Goldlion's brand status and increase sales through Pierre Cardin's reputation and channels.

But it will undoubtedly cause a misunderstanding among mainland customers, who may think that Goldlion is a sub-brand under the wings of Pierre Cardin.

But Ning Weimin was helpless on this point.

This can only be done by Zeng Xianzi himself by analyzing the pros and cons and making judgments and choices.

All in all, from the time Ning Weimin sent out the cooperation signal, in just eleven days, Picardon and Jinlilai completed the negotiation of the cooperation agreement.

Moreover, the two parties also increased mutual trust and affection through negotiations, laying a good foundation for future unity and cooperation.

Such efficiency and results are simply miraculous.

If both parties were not Chinese and had the same business ethics and thinking patterns, it would be absolutely impossible to achieve this.

So needless to say, Ning Weimin was later commended by two big bosses for this.

It is completely visible to the naked eye how suitable the terms of this cooperation agreement are for Pierre Cardon and how rich the long-term benefits they represent.

In particular, Ning Weimin was able to divide the advertising time slots and sell them at such a high price. In the eyes of the two bosses, he did a great job.

To put it bluntly, by charging Goldlion for a year's advertising fees, Pierre Cardin has recouped all of its original investment in advertising time, and the rest is just a profit.

Co-author Ning Weimin not only allowed Pierre Cardon to acquire shares in the company, but he also earned back all the millions of francs awarded to him for Pierre Cardon in one fell swoop.

Where can I find such capable subordinates?

But as a result, Pierre Cardon couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. How to reward him?

Doesn’t this seem like the financial compensation given to Ning Weimin is too thin?

In the end, it was Song Huagui who came forward to solve the problem for the big boss and went to see Ning Weimin personally.

Stop talking nonsense! Give me a promotion as soon as possible!

It doesn't really matter whether you are the first or second person in the operations department, your salary must be increased anyway.

Don’t feel like you’re being treated poorly, there are subsidies for you to go abroad.

When you go to Japan, the Japanese Picardon Company will pay you 200,000 yen per month.

So what else can Ning Weimin do?

Faced with such power, he had no choice but to bow his head reluctantly.

But this kid really does a lot of things behind his back.

Hey, the capitalists are so unreasonable! We can’t keep a low profile even if we want to!

No way, who asked us to serve other people's bowls? Then we have to obey other people's control!

This chapter has been completed!
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