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Chapter 814 Buying a Edition Number

One of Ning Weimin's best skills in business cooperation is to act as a "real person" who considers the other party thoughtfully and takes the initiative to take a lot of risks.

Even when most people meet him for the first time, they are often surprised by his young and handsome appearance and doubt his ability to do things.

But as soon as the conversation begins, these people will soon be moved by his polite conversation and impressed by his sincere conditions, making it difficult to refuse his proposal.

Take Zheng Mingming for example, even though he was a little dissatisfied with Ning Weimin's close-in approach to negotiations, he was equally impressed by the cooperation conditions he offered.

This was especially true for Zhang Qiang and her daughter. Both of them were disarmed by Ning Weimin's friendly attitude and considerate politeness.

In particular, Ning Weimin also has a quite decent identity, a broad network of contacts, unimaginable financial strength, and insights beyond this era.

This made him even more important in the eyes of Zhang Qiang and his daughter, a noble man worthy of their hopes, a bole they had long wanted to meet.

You must know that in the mainland music environment of this era, no one has mature business operation experience, and no one has a clear awareness of star-making.

Even a professional musician like Zhang Qiang's mother, a violinist at the National Center for the Performing Arts, only regards group performances as the highest goal of her personal career, and would never dare to think about releasing a solo album.

But it was too easy for Ning Weimin to provide Zhang Qiang with these opportunities.

In addition to his current performance at Maxim Restaurant, he will soon have a performance at the Temple of Heaven Summer Book Fair that requires Zhang Qiang to participate.

Moreover, they are still sure to help Zhang Qiang record her first solo album as soon as possible. Are Zhang Qiang and her daughter still not overjoyed?

What's more, Ning Weimin was very familiar with Zhang Qiang's voice condition and general history of fame, and directly pointed out to Zhang Qiang the most suitable genre of music for her - disco.

Based on this, we plan to hire professional makeup artists to provide services for Zhang Qiang's image, find someone to arrange music and change lyrics for Zhang Qiang, and personally be responsible for finding relevant information and songs for Zhang Qiang to learn from.

This convinced Zhang Qiang and his daughter even more, and they regarded him as Zhang Qiang's guiding light.

For no other reason, it was mainly because Zhang Qiang was exposed to European and American music earlier due to her mother’s work.

But neither she nor her mother had a clear understanding of the styles of European and American music.

The imitation of European and American stars also remains at a superficial level. Just copy whatever you like.

And it’s almost always Zhang Qiang’s mother who helps Zhang Qiang to pursue fashion through local methods.

Don't look at Ning Weimin's understanding and knowledge of popular music. In the Internet age, it is just basic common sense.

But in this era when information is not spread smoothly, his status has been greatly improved.

As soon as it was spoken, Zhang Qiang and her daughter were shocked, and it solved countless doubts in Zhang Qiang's mind.

Every word he said was refreshing and enlightening to Zhang Qiang.

Zhang Qiang can be stunned even by casual chatting about gossipy news about European and American music circles.

For example, which song of Michael Jackson's childhood is good? What is Madonna's style of music? How bleak is the life experience of the Carpenter brothers and sisters? "Dancing Queen" by the Swedish ABBA group was sung for the wedding of the King of Sweden...

Naturally, Ning Weimin became Zhang Qiang's idol.

A big waist that squeaks, growls, and shines...oh no, an expert in European and American pop music.

Not to mention, Ning Weimin also gave Zhang Qiang a thousand yuan as living allowance and left a video recorder and two European and American pop music videos for Zhang Qiang to watch.

At the same time, he also promised Zhang Qiang's mother that he could accompany Zhang Qiang in any performance activities in the future, and promised that he would never force Zhang Qiang to sing a song she didn't like.

All these factors made Zhang Qiang and her daughter regard Ning Weimin as a trustworthy person.

It makes them yearn and yearn for the great changes that will happen in their future lives.

So when Ning Weimin put forward his request - he hoped that within three years, he would be the sole agent for all Zhang Qiang's commercial performances and album recordings.

Zhang Qiang’s mother signed the contract without hesitation, even though the terms included a punitive clause to prevent breach of contract.

It was specifically stated that Zhang Qiang and her daughter could not agree to anyone's request for cooperation in music without Ning Weimin's permission.

If for no other reason, no one would have thought that Zhang Qiang would be at the peak of his career.

According to common sense, once the eighteen-year-old Zhang Qiang becomes famous, no matter how you look at it, her stardom will not only last three years.

In this way, the electronic music queen's contract came into Ning Weimin's hands.

He easily won Zhang Qiang's three years of youth, which history has proven to be the most commercially valuable.

After that, of course, the substantive star-making work will begin.

On the one hand, Ning Weimin took advantage of his authority and without any courtesy, first transferred a makeup artist from Hong Kong who was sent by Zheng Mingming to serve the model.

Go and set the makeup for Zhang Qiang’s stage look, set her dressing style, and teach her how to dress.

At the same time, Zhang Qiang and Cui Jian's plywood band were also arranged to get acquainted with each other and rehearse together, allowing Zhang Qiang to choose and practice songs and become familiar with the stage environment.

On the other hand, Ning Weimin non-stop contacted acquaintances in the publishing house, found connections with the audio and video publishing house, and contacted the recording studio to prepare for the release of the album.

Not to mention, the "birth certificate" process that Ning Weimin was originally a little worried about turned out to be much easier than he imagined.

"Art" magazine, which had always maintained a close cooperative relationship with him, helped to connect him and introduced him to Feng Chaonian, the general manager of the Beijing branch of Huaxia Records.

Soon, the other party gave him a happy reply and agreed that he would personally fund Zhang Qiang's recording of a personal music album.

Moreover, people can help him contact recording studios, and the fees are discounted.

It has to be said that Ning Weimin has benefited from the shareholders of Pierre Cardin Company and has caught up with the good times.

Since 1979, when the state approved the establishment of Pacific Audio and Video Company and began to issue locally produced cassettes, the Republic's audio and video publishing industry has entered a period of vigorous development.

That year alone, Pacific Company made nearly RMB 10 million in profits from a few tapes of folk songs and bel canto.

In the following four years, more than 300 audio and video companies were established in the mainland, springing up like mushrooms after a rain in pursuit of profits.

As a result, the huge mainland market not only accommodates so many audio and video publishers, but also maintains a situation of insufficient demand.

Needless to say, this is an emerging industry and money is easy to make, so the management model of audio and video publishing houses is very loose.

Usually, audio and video publishing companies contact popular singers themselves.

As long as they agree with each other, they can release an album, and most of them will be covers.

There are also performance groups that actively contact and cooperate with publishing houses in order to promote their main actors.

In short, it is easier to come up with a tape these days than to publish a book.

As long as the singer is somewhat famous, it's basically a matter of hitting it off with the audio-visual publisher.

Even if a performance group wants to promote new talents, it is not difficult to be responsible for its own profits and losses if it is willing to invest its own money.

How to ensure that there are enough song albums to be supplied to the market is rare. The most troublesome thing for more than 300 video publishing houses at present is that the popular singers have already recorded almost all of them. They are looking for suitable newcomers and keep an eye on the TV screens and various media.

Big party.

Therefore, Ning Weimin wanted to personally finance Zhang Qiang and set a circulation of 2 million for the first issue. Although this is still a unique example, the operating model has matured.

The contract templates for audio and video publishing houses are all ready-made. As long as Ning Weimin pays the management fee and gives a 30% advance payment, the matter can be started.

In fact, as the person in charge of the audio and video company, Feng Chaonian was just curious about how Ning Weimin could ensure the supply of funds.

After all, the production cost of a tape that sells for five yuan and a half is only three yuan. Two million tapes is six million.

With a 30% advance payment plus management fees, Ning Weimin had to raise two hundred in the early stage, which was an incredible astronomical figure for an individual.

In response to this, Ning Weimin had already thought of a strategy and told Feng Chaonian that he was actually just an agent hired by some units that wanted to make extra money.

Because of the nature of their respective businesses, those units were unable to come forward and did not want to be famous, so they entrusted him to handle this matter.

In fact, Ning Weimin was not a liar. The check he gave to Feng Chaonian was indeed from the collective enterprise.

Coupled with the fact that he worked for Pierre Cardon and had built-in credibility, it was easy for Feng Chaonian to believe him.

What's going on? If it's broken, it's just a layer of window paper.

The money for Ning Weimin to make the tapes was actually paid by Pierre Cardin, Temple of Heaven Park and Tan Gong Restaurant.

In the name of paying for the pre-ordered handicrafts, he made the decision for these three units. He first paid checks ranging from hundreds of thousands to the material factory and the handicraft factory respectively.

Then he would take these street factory checks and pay them to the audio and video publishing house.

In this case, wouldn’t the money be withdrawn?

This is the benefit of being both a referee and an athlete.

This chapter has been completed!
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