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Chapter 831 Everyone goes back to their homes

Before Ning Weimin returned to Beijing, he did something very special to his grandson at the airport.

That is to say, he changed his original intention of "eating wontons for a mute" and called "Zhu Sanwan" to inform him.

After the call was connected, Ning Weimin was not polite and asked "Zhu Sanwan" if he knew He Jun.

I heard "Zhu Sanwan" say that he was the stamp king in Shanghai. They had done business several times, but they were not very familiar with each other and had no real friendship.

Ning Weimin began to pretend to be pitiful and looked helpless.

He claimed that he was targeted by He Jun for some reason and that he was forced to leave Shanghai.

And they had to sell a large number of Year of the Rat zodiac tickets to He Jun at extremely low prices.

Regarding the specific details of the transaction, although he promised He Jun to keep silent, it was difficult to tell "Zhu Sanwan" more.

But thinking about our friendship, I still wanted to give "Zhu Sanwan" a word of advice before leaving Shanghai.

If you get a profit from those Year of the Rat stamps he bought, just sell them and get them as soon as possible.

This would also prevent him from unknowingly falling into the hands of He Jun and suffering an unnecessary disaster.

For this reason, "Zhu Sanwan" was not only greatly shocked, but naturally felt that Ning Weimin was a very particular person and quite loyal.

Not only did I thank you repeatedly, I also sincerely thanked Ning Weimin for his "kindness" reminder.

I also regretted not being able to hold a banquet to see Ning Weimin off.

He said that next time Ning Weimin came to Shanghai to do business, he would treat him hospitably and do his best to help him.

Even why Ning Weimin didn't tell him when he sold him stamps when he still had so many goods, this matter was ignored.

And then, "Zhu Sanwan" focused all his attention on "listening to others' advice and having enough to eat".

I was thinking about how to get those 3,000 Year of the Rat zodiac tickets off the market as soon as possible at a higher price.

Soon, the postal market in Shanghai became bustling.

You know, the full-page rat ticket is currently at a high of 150 yuan in Shanghai.

If only ten or eight full-page tickets are sold, and each transaction costs 1,800 yuan, the street market on Taiyuan Road will of course not matter, and the price may continue to rise.

But if transactions worth tens of thousands of dollars in 180 lots happen frequently, it will be more conspicuous in the market.

Although retail investors can reluctantly accept it, they will definitely wonder what is going on.

Does it mean that there has been any change in the market trend of zodiac tickets for the Year of the Rat?

If all the 3,000 full-page rat tickets are in a hurry to sell, then the capital requirement is more than 400,000 yuan.

The short-term reaction of the market must be intense and negative, and prices will never remain calm.

The key is that other people also have mice in their hands.

No one wants to hold a stamp that is going to fall. It is inevitable that some people will panic because of the obvious turn of the market and will be tempted to follow it.

So this time, the scale of the transaction is hard to say.

As a result, the price of rat tickets in the Shanghai Stock Exchange fell from 150 to 120 in a day or two, which was 20 yuan lower than the original price when Ning Weimin came to Shanghai.

Needless to say, for "Zhu Sanwan", he can make a lot of money.

But it felt uncomfortable for He Jun, who had just booked a flight and was about to fly to Huacheng to sell goods.

He really didn't dare to leave, for fear that if he left, the situation in Shanghai would be completely out of control.

Therefore, he had to cancel his ticket, delay his actions, and concentrate on regulating the emergencies in the local market in Shanghai and Shanghai.

And because he had no money, he had to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and sold a lot of good stamps, so he could barely maintain a stable market.

As a result, he waited until a week later to go to Huacheng. He originally expected to get some blood back in Huacheng, but he almost vomited another mouthful of old blood.

The zodiac ticket market in Daqing Flower City was very different from what he had heard about in the first few days.

Originally, the rat ticket here should be the 1671 edition, but he didn't expect to find out until he arrived in Huacheng.

The price of rat tickets here is actually lower than that in Shanghai, just over one hundred.

The market for cattle tickets is even worse. They sell for 28 yuan in Shanghai, but only 15 yuan a piece here.

Even the price of pig tickets is not much higher than that in Shanghai. It sells for 2,500 yuan in Shanghai, but can barely get 2,000 yuan here.

Such a large intelligence error naturally confused He Jun and was simply unacceptable.

He went to inquire with his colleagues in Huacheng who had given him the news as to why such a major mistake had occurred.

Unfortunately, the colleague who gave him the news was not a powerful figure in the local postal market and had limited knowledge of the relevant situation.

He asked over and over, but they could only tell him that it was not a coincidence. In the past few days, someone in Huacheng suddenly transferred a lot of full-page pig tickets in batches.

These pig tickets were rushed by the setters and sold to the hands of retail investors in the market. This caused the zodiac tickets to become lower than the pig tickets, and the overall market moved downward.

As for who sold such a large batch of rare full-page pig tickets? How much was sold? At what price was it sold?

But no one can tell clearly.

What else could He Jun do?

I can only consider myself unlucky.

He lamented that it was true that the dragon could not cross the river, and Huacheng was the land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons.

While packing up his things in despair, he took the stamps and returned to Shanghai to concentrate on cultivating his own one-third of an acre of land.

To put it bluntly, this trip with him was completely in vain. In addition to losing a few days, I also paid for air tickets, food and accommodation.

In Liu Baorui's words, it is a waste of money, anger and money.

He Jun, who came in joy and returned in despair, never imagined that all this bad luck was actually caused by the man who seemed to have been cornered by him in Shanghai. He had to apologize to him and promised not to dare to set foot in the Shanghai Post Market again within three years.

Ning Weimin brought it to him.

If he knew the truth about this matter, he would know that the Beijing native named Ning is actually a guy who has a bad idea in a blink of an eye.

Even if a person doesn't come to Huacheng, he can still be destroyed like this from thousands of miles away.

Then he will definitely be vigilant, learn from every experience and avoid any interaction with Ning Weimin again.

Originally, a person who drank coffee would not be able to fight with someone who ate garlic.

What does it taste like when someone opens his mouth?

What does it taste like when he opens his mouth?

Not to mention that he met someone who could not only eat garlic, drink coffee, but also eat peppers, green onions, ginger, stinky tofu, snail noodles, durian, pine flowers, natto, etc.

Cheese... even a versatile all-rounder with several fun options.

It's a pity, reality doesn't have what if...

Completely opposite to that, different from He Jun who was so miserable in Huacheng that he was forced to retreat to his old nest.

Ning Weimin, who sold his favor to "Zhu Sanwan" and returned with a huge sum of money, lived an even better life after returning to the capital.

First of all, he was very happy that nothing happened at home during the past few days.

Regardless of the company, the Temple of Heaven, the restaurant or his personal business, everything is running normally.

In particular, the "Journey to the West" exhibition in the Temple of Heaven and the specialty store at Tianqiao Department Store are already on the right track.

The staff began to adapt and became skilled and experienced, while the income of both locations was still booming, reaching new highs.

Secondly, even the polar bear has made pilcardon’s two-color ice cream.

And when it was put on the market, the response was quite good.

Not only the taste and quality of the ice cream are widely praised by customers.

At the same time, just as Ning Weimin had predicted earlier, it has become a hot topic spread by word of mouth in Beijing, which invisibly promotes the company's image in a positive way.

For no other reason than the fact that high-quality ice cream with special themes and shapes is a new thing.

It's also because nowadays, who can eat Pierre Cardon's two-color ice cream has become a subtext of "not short of money".

You know, this ice cream can only be eaten at Maxim Restaurant, Tan Palace Restaurant and Pierre Cardin's authentic stores in Beijing, not even the discount stores in Tianqiao Department Store.

Moreover, the two restaurants sell this ice cream for as high as five yuan.

In specialty stores, only customers who purchase clothing can receive gifts.

That is truly full of "high style".

It can be said that in Beijing, anyone who eats this ice cream will attract the attention of a star no matter where they are.

Even the ice cream guide led by Ning Weimin accidentally broke several records in the Beijing cold drink industry.

First, Pierre Cardon's trademark two-color ice cream is considered to be the first multi-flavored ice cream in China, filling a gap in the domestic cold drink industry.

Second, the selling price of this ice cream is 5 yuan and the production cost of imported raw materials is 15 yuan, which has also become the ceiling of the national cold drink industry.

The third is a series of cultural and creative ice creams promoted by Ning Weimin in the Temple of Heaven, which also changed the convention that cold drinks in the capital can only be sold after June.

And it has made ice cream a profit growth point that cannot be ignored for tourist attractions.

The Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Earth, and the zoo were all interested in learning from and imitating it, and they all connected with polar bears.

There is no doubt that Polar Bear’s ice cream workshop will do its best to expand production this year.

From this perspective, Ning Weimin accidentally became the well-deserved originator of cultural and creative ice cream in China.

This chapter has been completed!
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