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Chapter 837 The dam breaks

This trip to the restaurant was definitely not in vain.

Ning Weimin condescended to accompany a few stamp dealers for a perfunctory meal, and he was definitely not devaluing himself for nothing.

In fact, the harvest from this trip was far beyond his imagination.

First of all, the business handover went very smoothly the next day.

With both money and goods, Ning Weimin made transactions with several Hardmen in Qianmen Restaurant and collected 1.2 million in cash, fully realizing his original intention.

Secondly, the ideas he gave to this group of people were also quite effective, and they were able to sell very well using his method.

As the old saying goes, money moves people's hearts.

When these people gave it a try, they found that they could actually make money, almost as if they were given free money.

Even though it was only a day after the sale, all these people came back and asked Yin Yue whether he still had any goods in hand and wanted to buy more.

No one is stupid, they all know that the quantity of goods they get determines their final profit.

Naturally, everyone is afraid that Ning Weimin will really leave the capital. Almost everyone wants to get more, so why not rush to buy more?

So not only did the money from the goods just sold, this group of people rushed to change hands and send it back to Ning Weimin.

And there must be some people who have given up their old capital, even borrowed money, and found others to raise more.

Therefore, over a three-day period, Ning Weimin's actual shipment volume was actually more than 18,000 copies, and the recovered funds were as high as more than 2.2 million.

If we count the 10,000 editions produced by Jinmen, the more than 4,000 editions sold by Mr. Feng on the market during this period, and the 2,000 editions thrown away by Shanghai.

This means that Ning Weimin has disposed of 70% of the public rat tickets, leaving only more than 13,000 copies in hand.

This small amount of goods, no matter how you look at it, is no longer a big burden to him.

Finally, there is one very interesting thing.

That was Hardman. Both the Marshal and Sister Wang gave Yin Yue a "wake up" in accordance with the rules of the industry.

Hadmon had the most, giving fifteen thousand.

The commander-in-chief gave him 10,000 yuan.

Sister Wang gave the least, eight thousand.

What's even more unexpected is that Yin Yue, a "silly girl", didn't know how to put it in her own pocket. She gave all the benefits that she could have gotten in vain to Ning Weimin.

Needless to say, compared to the little sweetness of Thirty Thousand Three, Yin Yue's "foolishness" was the real surprise to Ning Weimin.

In order to reward this girl, he asked Yin Yue to accept the money with confidence.

However, Yin Yue refused to give up, saying that she had made a lot of money by speculating on stamps with him.

The so-called introduction was purely acting, and she couldn't take any remuneration she shouldn't get.

No one believed it, and the two of them argued for a long time over who should get the money.

In the end, Ning Weimin just added two to five and gave her half of it.

In short, if the expectation was one foot, then the harvest was one foot, which made Ning Weimin extremely happy.

But having said that, it was also because these stamp dealers abided by the rules of the game that Ning Weimin gave them a few more days so that they could calmly cash out from the market.

Otherwise, if Ning Weimin asked Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, who brought back several boxes of cash from Huacheng, to sell goods in the market immediately.

Then Hardman and the others will be in trouble right away. I'm afraid most of the goods they received will have to be thrown into their hands...

Don’t forget the cost of Ning Weimin’s goods.

Let alone one hundred and two, even if you sell it for twelve, you will still make a profit.

If this kind of goods are to be sold openly in the market, it only needs to break the bottom line of 120 and sell for 111 or 100.

How could those people compare prices with Ning Weimin? They were really killed by him.

Therefore, it is not false to say that suffering a loss is a blessing. It is actually very practical.

If a person lives really shrewdly and doesn't want to suffer any losses, he will often find it difficult to have good luck.

Do not believe?

If you don’t believe it, just take a look at May 24th, the day when panda souvenir sheets are released to the public.

No, what happens next is the other way around.

It became a realistic interpretation of "the agency's calculations were too clever, and it cost Qing Qing's life".

If Hardman, Marshal, and Sister Wang knew how to be content, after earning the vote of being the setter for Ning Weimin, they would continue to just give out and not buy.

Then they will definitely become the big winners in the first stamp bull market.

Everyone can retire with hundreds of thousands, enjoy the pain of others, wait for the next bull market to come in a few years, and easily become a millionaire.

The key problem is that they can't do it.

Following the stamp bull market all the way to the present, eagerness for success and insatiable greed have become the distinctive characteristics shared by almost every one of them.

Therefore, in the past few days, everyone has made more than 100,000 yuan by using rat tickets to play short-term. This has only fueled their arrogance in wanting to manipulate the market with their financial advantage and take advantage of others.

Unfortunately, they themselves lack the ability to analyze macroeconomic trends. They did not take the news about "cracking down on bad guys" seriously in the recent news, and did not realize at all that the market's capital capacity had begun to weaken.

On the day that New Post was launched, they really started collecting goods and speculating unscrupulously in front of the Philatelic Corporation.

And without leaving any room, he had the courage to invest all the capital, and seemed to be 100% sure.

Wouldn't that be asking for trouble?

Even before the Philatelic Corporation opened its doors, they were still hoping that the black Crown car, which had not been seen for half a year, would show up at the Peace Arch like the day the stamps were launched.

If nothing else, they boast that they are no longer what they used to be and that they have plenty of ammunition.

I really want to compete with the legendary Black Crown to see who can grab more goods.

However, they never thought that the pie in the sky would not fall forever, but would soon turn into a knife.

The people behind Black Crown had different ideas. They had already anticipated the market crash.

On this day, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, who had been resting in Beijing for a few days, were being sent by Ning Weimin to clear out their warehouses and sell rat stamps in the postal market at all costs.

Even Yin Yue instructed Old Fengtou and her two little brothers to take advantage of the last few seconds to sell high-end individual zodiac tickets.

Therefore, at the most critical moment, Hardman, Marshal and Sister Wang did the wrong thing.

They are almost using their own money to support themselves and others, so the results are destined to be extremely miserable.

Of course, people often seem optimistic when a tragedy begins, which is also a general rule.…

In fact, when the Philatelic Corporation opened its doors that day, the public's enthusiasm for subscriptions was unprecedentedly high.

The line of people at the door even stretched from Hepingmen to Xuanwumen, no less than 30,000 people.

The whole road was so crowded that there was almost no place to put a flag.

That afternoon, the price of the three-yuan souvenir panda sheet increased to four and a half yuan, or six yuan from other places, thanks to the encouragement of many stamp dealers.

Probably also due to the influence of Ning Weimin's little wings, the increase was actually much higher than the original increase on the first day of history - three and a half yuan in the capital and four yuan in other places.

This is the result of the stamp dealers in the capital who are determined to be long-term and deliberately lower the prices in order to take their time.

And stimulated by the joy of the small panda opening its doors, all stamp prices are soaring, and it seems to be prosperous.

Except for the Year of the Rat zodiac ticket, which Ning Weimin kept selling without considering the cost, it fell to the hundred yuan mark, dragging down the entire zodiac ticket sector and began to decline.

Other varieties on the market are soaring, and people rushing to buy stamps are going crazy.

Then came the next day, May 25, the price of the panda souvenir sheet in the postal market continued to rise, and the price was already a bit unsustainable.

The main reason is that the stamp dealers in the Beijing postal market are gradually divided. Some people with small funds are full and can't wait to improve their prices.

Hardman, the Marshal and Sister Wang were overjoyed, and even accelerated their speed to attract goods, wanting to enjoy the feeling of being carried in a sedan chair.

In the afternoon of that day, an unexpected incident occurred that no one expected.

News actually spread in the market that the country has decided to increase circulation, saying that the circulation of panda souvenir sheets will increase to 25.32 million.

This is not only six times the circulation of Meihua, but also double the original circulation of Panda, 12.66 million.

As a result, the market fell accordingly.

Panda's previous gains were all gone, and even its face value was no longer guaranteed. It closed at only 2.80 cents a piece that day.

What does it mean when disaster falls from heaven?

This is it!

Everyone in the market was stunned as if they had been hit by a sap.

Whether it is the big investors who want to speculate in pandas who are confused, those who want to free ride, or the retail investors who are benefiting from the big investors are also confused, everyone is like the little animals before the earthquake.

The original enthusiasm, unity, and absolute optimism about the market outlook have disappeared.

In turn, the postal market as a whole was at a loss, and a haze of panic suddenly enveloped it.

You know, there has never been a case of SingPost falling below the issue price right after its listing. This is the first time Panda has appeared since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Who can not panic?

There is an old saying: "The moon is waxing when it is waxing, and the sun is waxing when it is midpoint."

The bull market started by the "Rat Mania" in 1984 developed to late May 1985, and stamp markets across the country began to enter a state of madness.

Tens of thousands of professional or amateur stamp speculators have repeatedly raised the prices of various stamp products to frightening and unbelievable heights.

Coupled with the government's "crackdown on corrupt officials", funds continue to quietly withdraw.

As one goes and the other goes, the limited financial capacity has already reached the end of its strength and is in danger.

As a result, this guy showed up unexpectedly.

Those who originally thought that stamps had at least a guaranteed face value suddenly discovered that they had seriously underestimated the market risks...

It is conceivable how much damage this will cause to market confidence.

Several years later, many people analyzed the collapse of the stamp bull market in 1985 and attributed the stamp market to a total collapse because the government suddenly increased the issuance of new stamps to regulate the already crazy stamp market, and achieved remarkable results.

But this is not the case. This view is too one-sided and divorced from reality.

There are actually only two real reasons.

One is the increasing scarcity and sudden rupture of funds.

This is due to the dual impact of the serious distortion of the value of stamps and the government's "crackdown on treacherous people".

Second, due to the sudden bad news, Panda fell below its par value.

Especially the second one, this unexpected black swan event not only gave a bad start to all future new mail issuances, but also dealt an irreparable fundamental blow to market confidence.

The impact on stamp speculators is much more serious than increasing circulation.

Then the whole line collapsed and there was no way to save it.

Even some people's illusions will not be shattered all at once.

Even though we have seen the price of stamps fluctuate frequently, people who have been in the stamp market for a long time are still looking forward to a bigger rise.

Even those who are stuck in high positions are still waiting patiently with the hope of making a little profit and then leaving.

Even though some people holding currency are hesitant to pick up another bargain, there are still many people who are unwilling to leave this noisy postal market.

But the problem is that the tree is big and hollow. At this time, the market, regardless of capital and sentiment, has seriously deviated from the conditions for the survival of the bull market.

In this case, whether it is accidental or accidental, since the price burst has occurred on the Panda sheet, and the extremely concentrated risks have found a release point, a bear market is inevitable.

Anyone who continues to go against the market and pretend to be big will have his head instead of his head.

Even if he is the Monkey King, even the clouds holding him up are gone, and he has to fall heavily from the sky.

In fact, the remaining funds and cautious sentiments quickly became unable to keep up with the sudden large number of liquidation requirements, and were even almost impossible to resist.

As a result, an earth-shattering slump ensued, and the falsely prosperous market collapsed like a piece of window paper.

These irrational gold diggers, who can be said to be "unable to die until they see the Yellow River, and unable to shed tears until they see the coffin", were soon frightened and dispersed like birds and beasts.

After May 25, 1985, the postal market situation took a turn for the worse.

The continuous trampling of funds is like an avalanche, extremely tragic.

In the following month, Panda took the lead in plummeting.

Two dollars and eight is not the end, it is just the beginning.

Two dollars and a half, two dollars and two, two dollars, one dollar and eight, one dollar and seven, and one dollar and six...

He didn't stop until he fell down to one dollar and a half.

On the whole, except for the rare stamps issued in the early period, they were still resilient and only fell by 30%.

Most varieties are cut in half within two or three days, or even more.

For example, the prices of "Plum Blossom" and "Peony Pavilion" dropped from the high price of eight yuan and seventy-five yuan to two yuan and eighty yuan and two yuan and two fiver respectively.

Low-end chronological stamps, low-end souvenir sheets and stamped stamps were even worse, generally falling by 60 to 70 percent.…

Even the popular Monkey Tickets, Chicken Tickets, and Dog Tickets have fallen from six hundred yuan, two hundred yuan, and one hundred six yuan each to four hundred yuan, one hundred two yuan, and ninety yuan each.

In addition, like the whole page of pigs and the whole page of rats, they surged high and fell violently, and they were discounted by 20 or 30% at once.

The pig vote fell to 711 pages, and the rat vote fell to 35 pages.

This kind of fall is like mercury falling to the ground, and it is out of control.

Its momentum is the same as when it rose in the early days, and no one has ever experienced it.

This directly led to a sharp decrease in the flow of people entering the market and a sharp shrinkage in trading volume.

As a result, the postal market quickly declined as it chased the highs and fell. Almost suddenly, it went from bustling with people to only a handful of buyers.

By mid-June 1985, most varieties on the postal market had lost their prices, and no transactions were seen.

Especially for Panda, the "culprit" that led the decline, no one even asked about the price.

Speaking of which, this is the real reason why Panda does not continue to fall.

It’s not that there is no downward momentum, but because the market has become so dirty, the transaction volume has become zero, and there are no more people to buy.

So you can imagine how desolate Hardman, Marshal and Sister Wang were who chose the wrong breed and spent all their funds on panda hype.

Three people's capital of nearly one million was wiped out in smoke. It was a snap, and there was not even a moment of relief.

They all couldn't figure it out.

Why did the originally good situation disappear overnight?

Why do stamps that were so popular in the past suddenly no longer want them?

The price is like a kite with its string broken. It is no exaggeration to say that it has plummeted.

Even being able to sell them is a luxury. The stamps in their hands are like peaches hanging on a dead tree, just waiting to collect ashes at home.

In short, it is slightly better than waste paper.

However, if you really want to talk about it, it is a pity that it started to fall the next day.

They didn't receive the goods that fast, so they left some money unspent.

Coupled with my long memory, I ran away when I saw something was going wrong, and I just threw away the goods instead of accepting them.

After this calculation, everyone still has hundreds of thousands in hand.

Although I have basically been beaten back to my original shape, for more than a year, my dream of getting rich was in vain.

But he can still afford to eat after all, and with the large number of pandas he has on hand, there is no hope.

It's annoying, but after all, if it rises again one day, they will be able to get a lot of money back.

Of course, you must learn from experience when you fail.

And they summarized and summarized, and the only thing they concluded was that they regretted not following Yin Yue.

"Hey, you guys think, if we were like Yinhua and only speculated on zodiac signs and nothing else, wouldn't it be good? Now we are receiving goods at a low price. I really regret it now! I earned rat tickets.

With the money, why bother speculating on pandas?”

"Hey, Hardman, stop talking about that useless thing. Damn it, no one can predict the changes in the market. I think that girl is just a blind cat who ran into a dead mouse. Besides, who knows whether she will accept the goods or not.

Huh? Maybe she took it before it plummeted, and now she’s suffering a huge loss.”

"No, I can't. I haven't seen that girl in the postal market recently. Even Lao Feng, who sells goods for her, has stopped coming. I heard that he went home to attend to his son's marriage. She has obviously made a profit, and I guess she can't even make any money at home.

I can't get over it. What's more, once in a while, you can say that she is a blind cat, but every time she can only make a profit without losing money, and even escape in time. You can't say that. I think Yinhua might be able to figure it out. She won't be a

Immortal aunt, right? My grandma’s family was in Fangshan, and there was such a great immortal. An eighteen-year-old girl, she’s so accurate..."

"Fuck, Sister Wang, what you said is unreliable. However, no matter what, we have to admit that Yinhua is indeed a genius at speculating on stamps. Even if it is just luck. I think we should be tighter in the future.

It’s not difficult to follow her and learn from her…”

"Stop it, you have a good idea. Do you think Yinhua can still come to the postal market? I think that girl might want to go abroad when she has money. I don't know, she will be like that pretty boy named Ning. You

Yeah, praise is in vain, and caring about you is in vain.”

"Commander's words are crude, but they are true. Hardman, in fact, we all know what you are thinking. If we really succeed in panda speculation, and conversely, if Yinhua loses money in speculation, you may still have some fun, but

Now? Why do you think you can eat this mouthful of swan meat? I can’t marry the kind of person I want. It’s really possible to go abroad. If we meet again, it will be good if they can recognize us. Sister, I am a person who has been here. Listen to me, sister

In a word, forget it, the person that the girl is going to marry may be an actor, maybe a translator, maybe a high official, but it will definitely not be someone wearing a cotton robe like you..."

What can Hardman say about this?

His self-esteem had been severely hit by ten thousand points. He seemed to have nothing to say except to smile awkwardly and rub the back of his head, carefully hiding the sinister thoughts in his heart.


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