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Chapter 863 Ming Gan Wu Nei

It was just a little bit away from Ning Weimin's chin or eye sockets, and he would have received a heavy blow.

If he dares to act rashly and make some tentative behaviors.

For example, under the guise of helping Kagawa Rinko remove something from her hair, to get close to her and give hints.

Or he could take the delicate little hand of another girl and pretend to be a fortune teller to take advantage of her.

He would most likely be beaten head-on by the wary Kagawa Rinko.

This is by no means Rinko Kagawa making a fuss out of a molehill or being overly sensitive.

But because she had already been harassed by her boss, she had to sit in the back seat of a taxi with a drunk man she didn't trust.

In this relatively closed environment, once harassment occurs, as a person who has been violated, she has no way to avoid it and has no way to escape.

Psychologically speaking, she had already become a frightened bird.

Naturally, it is inevitable to be nervous and overreact.

To put it bluntly, this little Japanese girl is like a bow with its strings fully drawn.

Don't touch it, it will explode if you touch it.

It would be light to give Ning Weimin a pestle, but maybe he would give it to Ning Weimin with a big bang as a gift.

But the good thing is that Ning Weimin has always been a rabbit who doesn't eat the grass beside his nest.

No matter in his previous life or in this life, he has never had any deviant behavior with female subordinates or customers of the opposite sex, and he has never strayed outside.

He has a unique rule for picking up girls, which is called "money and sex".

What does that mean?

That is, when you go to bed, you can't have career involvement, and if you have career involvement, you can't have sex.

One kind of woman makes him spend money, and the other kind of woman helps him make money. He knows the difference very clearly.

This is why?

Because Ning Weimin believes that sex is sex and money is money, it is best to only commit one sin at a time so that the side effects can be controlled.

If you have to kill two birds with one stone and mix them together, that is not naivety, but greed, and sex makes you stupid.

In his opinion, those men who fall in love with women just don't understand the principle that you can't have your cake and eat it too, and they think about the good things of "being a secretary when you have nothing to do, and being a secretary when you have something to do" all day long, so they will be "reported by the mistress" or

Become a legal defendant.

It’s really no one else’s fault. It’s all these men who are stupid. They don’t distinguish between public and private affairs and can’t settle this debt.

So in fact, the relationship between men and women he pursues is very "pure" and he will not use his power to bully women or play tricks on his subordinates.

I only appreciate Kagawa Rinko's beauty, and praise is just a compliment to close the emotional distance.

But what he said next revealed his extraordinary attentiveness and consideration, as well as his personal qualities of special respect for women, which greatly surprised Rinko Kagawa.

So in the end, he not only saved himself from danger, but also avoided the disaster of one punch.

He also successfully broke the ice and began to eliminate the barriers between him and Kagawa Rinko, greatly improving their relationship.

"Isn't it hard to wear high heels? If you want, Miss Kagawa can wear flat shoes from tomorrow."

"Hey? Why did the deputy minister suddenly...but...but...the company's dress code..."

"Don't get me wrong, this is not an order, but from a personal point of view, I can sympathize with Miss Kagawa's hard work. I know that your company requires female employees to wear high heels, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, because she has been doing things for me recently, Miss Kagawa is not

Will you go to the company? To be honest, I am already very embarrassed to have troubled Miss Kagawa too much. If I let you run around with me in high heels like today, then I will feel too uncomfortable. I don’t want Miss Kagawa

Every day when I come home, my feet are hurting."

"No, no, no. It's my job to serve you. As a subordinate, I have to dress appropriately. This is also my duty..."

"Hey, you can't say that. Although asking Ms. Kagawa to assist me is a task assigned to you by your company, for me personally, I can't feel at ease. We are two companies that are not under each other, so what is the deputy minister?

Don't mention it to your subordinates in the future. There is no distinction between superior and subordinate between us. To me, Ms. Kagawa is a person who has given me great help. She is steady and serious in her work and is completely impeccable. I cannot thank you enough.

On the other hand, my affairs are relatively trivial and have taken up a lot of Miss Kagawa's valuable time. This must be very troublesome for you. As a part-time worker, I feel the same way. So I will try my best to seize the time to take care of myself.

I will leave you to do more important work. I will also make a special trip to thank Vice President Takada and Supervisor Ishikawa for this. So in the next few days together, if there is anything I can do to help or provide convenience

Miss Kagawa, please speak frankly and don't be polite. If you want, just call me by my first name from now on. When we dine together, you don't have to take special care of me and always pour me wine. We are just like ordinary colleagues.

The same, or just like friends, let’s understand each other and live together as equals. Is this good?”

Ning Weimin's words immediately stunned Kagawa Rinko, and she had no suitable words to reply.

It wasn't that Ning Weimin had committed another taboo that made her speechless with embarrassment.

It's because she really didn't expect that Ning Weimin would be such a considerate and attentive person.

Moreover, his expression was very sincere, and he was also so humble and graceful.

It can be said that he is like a true gentleman.

To be honest, just because she is a woman, Kagawa Rinko has suffered a lot in the workplace.

Although she has outstanding abilities and is a first-class backbone in the company's planning department, her salary is tens of thousands of yen less than male employees with the same qualifications and level.

Every time there was an opportunity for promotion, it was never her turn.

For no other reason than because her immediate boss, Section Chief Kawasaki, is a bad guy who doesn't care about others and doesn't do anything.

More importantly, it is because Japanese society generally believes that female employees will basically leave as soon as they get married. There are very few female employees over the age of 30, and they obviously have no long-term value, so they should be treated lightly.

This kind of thinking is not a matter of one department or one company, but pervades the entire Japanese society.

Even most women themselves think so.

So Kagawa Rinko, who wanted to gain a place in the workplace, naturally felt doubly painful and lonely.

In fact, no one in Picardon Japan can treat her fairly or understand her at all.

Even other female employees believed that her pursuit of the workplace was a vain extravagance and that she was asking for trouble.

Even her juniors, the new male employees, ignored her work achievements and value as a matter of course.

No one at all respected the fruits of her labor and her ability to work.

No one ever said anything like "It's a hard job, thank you for your help."

There were even some people who made fun of her ambition behind her back.

Said that an ambitious woman like her wants to compete with men in the workplace.

No matter how beautiful she is, no man would dare to want her. At most, he would just play with her.

In short, there are many similar things, too detailed to be described in words.

It is precisely because of this that Rinko Kagawa wraps herself up with an indifferent and aloof attitude, takes the initiative to draw boundaries with those who cannot communicate, and keeps a distance as much as possible to reduce harm.

And to this day, it is only from Ning Weimin that she has gained heart-warming recognition and respect.

Although it was just a few words, even though the other party was mostly just polite.

But for her, a woman who has been in society for several years, but whose efforts have been ignored by men, this is undoubtedly the most precious experience, and of course she is inexplicably excited.

In particular, Ning Weimin also mentioned that she would like to thank the company's senior management afterwards, which clearly showed that her work was valuable.

Therefore, the thing she was most worried about no longer existed, and Kawasaki could no longer use this matter to cause trouble with her.

For a moment, she was so happy that she wanted to sing.

Needless to say, looking at Ning Weimin now, he became more pleasing to the eye.

Even if I think about this guy's various inappropriate behaviors today, I won't be so disgusted anymore.

Instead, I became motivated to work and sincerely wanted to do my part to help Ning Weimin complete the complicated procedures for general affairs.

But at the same time, she was a little confused.

Because in her perception, chauvinism is prevalent in most Asian countries. Don’t men all like to put on airs in front of women?

Why is this person not as self-righteous and contemptuous of women as others?

On the contrary, I can put myself in the girl's shoes and even think about whether the shoes are comfortable or not.

Could it be that he wanted to use this to please himself? Did he have an ulterior motive in his heart?

But this doesn't make sense, otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to say that he didn't need to pour the wine himself.

Is it because coming to an advanced city like Tokyo makes me feel inferior to myself as a Chinese?

This doesn't seem right. Just now he uttered wild words, saying that he would spend 600 million yen to buy a house, but he was very calm about it. When facing the real estate agency, he acted like a superior.

No matter how you look at it, that serious attitude doesn't look like a joke, it should...should be true, right?

In short, this Chinese is so weird! Indescribably weird!

Until she arrived at the gate of the Prince Hotel and stepped out of the taxi, Kagawa Rinko didn't even figure out what kind of person Ning Weimin was.

I couldn't tell whether this guy was telling the truth or not, and why he was so polite to me.

This inevitably made her suspicious again, and she became slightly worried.

I'm afraid that Ning Weimin is a bad guy who is particularly good at lying.

Then there are some bad ideas to think about, but it’s really hard to guard against...

However, immediately after entering the hotel, Kagawa Rinko didn't even have time to recover.

Another unexpected situation appeared in front of her, which really shocked her and Ning Weimin.

But because of this, she no longer had any doubts about Ning Weimin's character.

And what's going on?

Then we have to talk about Director Taniguchi, who was sent to the bench because he offended Ning Weimin.

It happened just this morning, after Director Taniguchi walked out of Section Chief Oda's office in disgrace.

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became, and he even had thoughts of committing suicide.

Almost everyone in the company knew that he was going to be punished, even though he didn't seem to have done anything wrong.

But the target of the collision was the wrong person, which made Supervisor Ishikawa lose face. This was the biggest sin.

No one cares whether a little guy like him lives or lives.

Even his family members don't have any sympathy for him.

You know, since he has not been promoted for many years, his wife has become more and more contemptuous of him.

Even if I want to sleep a little longer at home on Sunday, I will be woken up by my wife who gets up early and uses a vacuum cleaner, and I will be scolded for being lazy.

The same goes for sons and daughters.

My son, who has just entered college, thinks he has no future and cannot pave the way for his own future like his classmate's father.

She dislikes his verbosity and doesn't want him to meddle in things. She also claims that her biggest wish is not to live a mediocre life like him.

My daughter, who is still in middle school, also dislikes him being embarrassed when he goes to school, and does not want his teachers and classmates to see his bald and short appearance.

Even his daughter refused to use the water in which he bathed.

My daughter would dislike the shirt he changed to the point of taking it away with chopsticks.

Such a family doesn't have much warmth left to give him.

In addition to needing him to get back his monthly income of 400,000 yen, he has almost become a person with no sense of existence to this family.

It is conceivable that once his relatives learned that he was transferred to a warehouse, even his income of 400,000 yen would not be guaranteed.

How will his wife and children treat him?

Such a life is really sad.

Could it be that he worked seriously every day, took the sardine-like commuter train every day, and tried his best to take care of his family, just to end up like this one day?

The most unbelievable thing is that he is in Japan, which is heading towards the top of the world. It is about to become the most economically developed country in the world!

As a member of the "middle class of 100 million" of the Yamato nation, don't we deserve the same happiness as everyone else?

What is it for?

Why did he end up in the sad situation of a lost dog?

In short, Taniguchi's mentality has almost collapsed.

When I walked out of the company, it would be no exaggeration to say that my heart was filled with despair and I was walking like a zombie.

In a state of confusion, he didn't go to the warehouse at all, but headed towards Tokyo Bay.

Half an hour later, his men were already standing on the high embankment, looking at the black rocks washed away by the waves, weeping silently.

But just when he almost took the step to end his life.

Somehow, a flying seagull bumped into him inexplicably.

He was so frightened that he couldn't avoid it, fell to the ground and made a big somersault.

But precisely because of this, he was suddenly thrown away from the courage to embrace death and end his life.

He found a clean place to sit on the embankment and saw that the sky above his head was so blue and the sunshine in the sky was so dazzling.

It reminded him of izakayas, restaurants he frequented, pachinko, and bonuses that kept rising every year with the company's performance.

He grimaced after being thrown so hard that he really couldn't bear to leave this familiar world.

After thinking about it over and over, suddenly, an idea rushed into his mind like lightning.

Hey, Section Chief Oda just said, if you have the ability, go and ask that Chinese guy.

Although he said it to ridicule me, but then again, why not?

I clearly had no grievances with that person, and I apologized at the time, and the other person also expressed his understanding.

Maybe if I look pitiful and implore the other party to say a few kind words for me, there is hope, right?

Although it is embarrassing and there is a possibility of being rejected, it is better than dying like this! It is always worth trying!

Besides, having said that, I was brave enough to think of committing suicide, and took the risk to the embankment of Tokyo Bay, and even almost jumped off!

So since I am no longer afraid of death, what else do I have to be afraid of?

Like, I only have one life. Unlike grass, which can come back from the dead, my life is still precious.

I am a husband with a wife and a father who has raised children. I cannot abandon them like this and make them cry and howl.

Yes, that is irresponsible behavior, I must try my best!

In this way, Director Taniguchi was a self-taught teacher and realized the truth that "it is better to die than to live with leprosy" at the beach.

I immediately found a public phone and tried every possible means to find out where Ning Weimin lived.

Needless to say, he has really not worked in vain for so many years. There are people in every department of the company who can speak to him.

Later, he learned from the people in the planning section that Kagawa was sent to the Tokyo Prince Hotel today by Section Chief Kawasaki to assist Ning Weimin in handling general affairs.

So after getting the message, he also ran to the Tokyo Prince Hotel. Starting at eleven o'clock, he asked for a pot of tea. He sat in a place where he could see the front door of the lobby and observed every guest who entered the hotel.

Originally, he had made up his mind and planned to wait until dark at all costs.

Unexpectedly, I was so lucky. It was only around three o'clock in the afternoon when I saw Ning Weimin and Kagawa Rinko walking into the hotel lobby.

Then, like a dark horse, he suddenly rushed out from the corner of the corner, and with a bang, he knelt down in front of Ning Weimin.

"Deputy Minister, please! Please... please help me, really please!"

He lay prone on the ground and banged his head on the floor.

"I know this is a rude request, but if you can, could you please consider saying a few kind words for me? I will deeply appreciate it..."

Faced with this incomprehensible prayer, Ning Weimin, who was regarded as a land worshiper, became confused at that time.

I was caught off guard and completely confused.

In fact, he had long forgotten that such an incident occurred yesterday, and thanks to Taniguchi's "Mediterranean" hairstyle, which is quite iconic, otherwise, Ning Weimin would have almost forgotten Taniguchi as a person.

Needless to say, when he persuaded Taniguchi to get up and everyone sat together to clarify the cause and effect of the matter, Ning Weimin was even more surprised and felt doubly unjust.

He really didn't expect that Japanese companies didn't treat their subordinates as human beings. Supervisor Ishikawa was clearly trying to bring trouble to him.

If Taniguchi really handles this matter, his reputation will be ruined in the Japanese branch.

Most people would definitely think that Supervisor Ishikawa punished Taniguchi at his request.

Considering that he has long-term plans for Japanese companies, he really doubts whether Ishikawa did this intentionally to give him eye drops.

So he had no choice but to save himself.

I decided to intervene in the Taniguchi matter and try my best to restore my reputation through my own methods.

And when he learned that Ning Weimin was willing to lend a helping hand, Taniguchi's tears fell in strings, falling on his chest, and he kept bowing in thanks.

Even Rinko Kagawa was moved by this. The remarks circulated by the company she met at the beginning were completely untrue. She completely dispelled her wariness and concluded that Ning Weimin was a good person with noble character.

Almost completely changed the previous negative view of it.

However, Ning Weimin smiled and said again.

"Director Taniguchi, although I promised to help you, I think I still can't act according to your ideas. Have you ever thought about it? It would be easy for me to say good things for you, but that would hurt Supervisor Ishikawa and Section Chief Oda.

To save face. Then they just promised me not to send you to guard the warehouse, and then wouldn't it be easy to find another way to ignore you? You will still be unlucky. This can't really solve the problem."

"What should we do?" Taniguchi was dumbfounded now, and even Kagawa Rinko became worried again.

Seeing their worried looks, Ning Weimin couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

He didn't expect that the Japanese workplace was so easy to mess up. These people were too simple. Don't these people know how to bend their minds?

After pondering for a moment, he could only pierce the window paper and make his views clear to the two of them.

"We can't do it straight away. We can change our strategy. Let's do this. Tomorrow I will complain to Section Chief Oda and say that Kagawa is too busy and there are still some trivial tasks that need manpower to handle for me. It can be imagined that Japanese companies

The manpower here is also limited, and it is impossible to meet my requirements unconditionally. Oda must consider the emotions of his subordinates after all, so if Director Taniguchi begs Section Chief Oda to show mercy, Director Taniguchi will most likely be sent for such an errand. That’s fine.

It’s done, Director Taniguchi, you might as well come and help me for a few days. After that, I will express my gratitude to Supervisor Ishikawa and Vice President Takada in person for this matter. When the time comes, it won’t matter if I say good things about you. At that time, in their hearts

, even if you have done meritorious service, you will naturally not be in trouble."

Hey, not to mention, his method is really a foolproof method, taking care of all aspects, which cannot but be admired.

Taniguchi and Kagawa were immediately convinced by this idea.

At this time, they were surprised to find that Vice Minister Ning Weimin really had some skills.

It seems that he has a great mind and is not just a freeloader.

This chapter has been completed!
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