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Chapter 867 Three major crimes

Mrs. Taniguchi miscalculated, that's normal.

There was still a time when Zhuge Liang, who was resourceful and resourceful, lost the street pavilion.

How could she, a Japanese housewife, be considered perfect?

So the accident created by Yujiro Sakai was just the beginning.

Ning Weimin is not Japanese and has always acted out of common sense, so it is even more impossible for Ning Weimin to show up as she thought.

In fact, there are three major rudenesses in this guy's appearance, which can be described as three major sins.

In comparison, the uninvited Yujiro Sakai can be called a well-behaved child.

The first is the issue of time.

Ning Weimin arrived too late, it was already past eleven o'clock.

In any country or place, this is probably a problem that is difficult for the owner to accept and makes him feel uncomfortable.

Not to mention that Japanese people are very serious about time.

You know, in this world, compared to the lax attitude of people in some European countries towards time, the Japanese can be said to be top students who are strictly punctual.

Because in their thinking, one kind of time belongs to others, and the other kind of time belongs to themselves.

They respect other people's time extremely and must not waste or occupy it.

He is also very good at arranging and planning his own time.

Therefore, Japanese society has a deep-rooted concept and norm - "Strictly observing time". Strictly observing time appointments is a very basic common sense and a very important etiquette.

Not only is punctuality in all aspects, but also the pursuit of correctness of time, being able to divide and use time with high precision, is also unusually persistent, and can even be said to be an obligation.

You must be punctual when going to work, punctual when meeting guests, punctual on trains, and punctual when meeting friends in private.

Even Japan's Shinkansen, trams, buses and other means of transportation are very punctual.

As long as a Japan Railways train is one minute late, an apology or even an apology will be broadcast inside the train.

If the delay exceeds five minutes, passengers can request a "delay certificate" from the railway company and submit it to the company to avoid penalties for being late.

This has reached a point where people around the world are astonished.

But that's not all. In the eyes of Japanese people, even arriving on time is considered late.

For example, the company stipulates that work starts at nine in the morning, and you clock in at nine o'clock sharp. In the eyes of your supervisor and other colleagues, you are actually late!

Generally speaking, it is a tacit social understanding to arrive five to ten minutes earlier than the agreed time.

Therefore, almost every white-collar worker in a Japanese company carries a notepad with them, which records monthly plans and daily work arrangements, such as the time and place of meetings and the time to visit customers. You must not be late for these, and you must make an appointment in advance to visit customers.

, but also to arrive early.

Otherwise, not only will you lose your credibility, you may even lose your business.

So one can imagine what the host would think if Ning Weimin appeared at this time.

This is obviously a lack of basic respect and basic attention.

Are you treating this place as a restaurant?

Is the purpose of your visit purely to fill your stomach?

In addition, Ning Weimin also has serious problems with his clothing.

Clothing is a factor that determines people's first impression and is also a way to show etiquette. This is common to all countries.

And although the Japanese have been wearing dresses for a long time, their daily clothes are no different from those in European and American countries, but they still pay more attention to the fact that the clothes should be suitable for the occasion, age, and status.

In Mrs. Taniguchi's eyes, a suit is everyday casual clothing and also the attire that distinguishes students from adults.

So the guests visiting today should at least wear a clean suit.

Even if you don’t wear a suit jacket or tie, you should at least wear trousers and a light-colored long-sleeved shirt. This may be the biggest compromise for most Japanese people in the hot summer.

But Ning Weimin came wearing a large vest, shorts and cloth shoes.

It's like he only cares about his own coolness and doesn't care about other people's opinions.

He looks like his son, who went to a third-rate university and was just hanging around every day.

To put it bluntly, if Director Taniguchi and Rinko Kagawa hadn't taken the lead in calling out "Deputy Minister", Mrs. Taniguchi, who was refilling the guests' tea, almost thought it was her son's classmate who came to the house to look for him.

Therefore, even if he knew clearly that he was Taniguchi's nominal superior, he could not feel respect in his heart, but instead felt a little aggrieved.

She couldn't help but wonder, was she so busy today just to entertain such a young man who didn't know etiquette?

Isn’t it so meaningless to go through such hard work and busy just to entertain such a lazy and lazy person?

And the husband is too good-for-nothing, why should he even fawn over such a person?

As for the end, even the gifts Ning Weimin brought could not make people realize his sincerity as a guest.

This can be seen at a glance.

You know, even Sister Kagawa respectfully greeted Mrs. Taniguchi with a bouquet of flowers.

Although the pastries brought by the thick-skinned Yujiro Sakai are not affordable, they are still very decent because they are products from a famous pastry shop and are beautifully packaged.

In comparison, Ning Weimin arrived carrying a large plastic bag from Ito-Yokado Supermarket in one hand.

Mrs. Taniguchi simply couldn’t imagine what was in those two plastic bags. Could it be discounted products from the supermarket?

This kind of behavior completely ruined her good impression of this strange young man, which was originally paved with Chinese handicrafts.

She even doubted whether the expensive Chinese products her husband brought back were gifts from Ning Weimin.

Because the contrast is so disparate, even the boxes of the things my husband brought back were beautiful handicrafts.

Everything inside is even more exquisite, completely handmade to the level of advanced customization.

She was convinced that those things were made by famous Chinese craftsmen. In the past, only the Chinese could afford them in Japan.

But the person in front of him, a member of the lower class of society, didn't know how to treat others at all, and it was completely impossible for people to believe that he was actually related to those gifts that were impeccable in both form and content.

It must be said that Mrs. Taniguchi was extremely disappointed when she first met Ning Weimin.

Even though his appearance with red lips, white teeth and fresh flesh is very lovable, it still cannot offset this serious mistake in etiquette.

To be honest, if it weren't for Taniguchi and Kagawa Rinko who still maintained their respect and took the lead in saluting Ning Weimin and saying hello.

Moreover, Miyoko Kagawa and Yujiro Sakai also followed the greetings without hesitation.

If none of the neighbors saw it, Mrs. Taniguchi, who was unprepared for this, would probably blush at having a guest dressed like this in her home.

If she doesn't do well and shows irresistible contempt or neglect, then she will be seriously rude.

As for now?

I can only say that I have nothing to say...

But things in this world are still so wonderful.

Don't look at it. Ning Weimin came to Taniguchi's house and met a few strange Japanese people, and it started off badly.

Moreover, Ning Weimin, who was not fully adapted to Japanese home habits, did not even take off his shoes correctly.

This time, for the sake of convenience, he forgot that the correct way to put his shoes is to put the toe of the shoe outward, so he took off his shoes with his back to the living room, which was very unsightly, and he raised his butt towards others.

Not to mention using my hands to lift my shoes, turn them around and put them inward to prevent others from accidentally kicking them while walking.

For this reason, his "clumsy" way of appearing on the stage made even Director Taniguchi and Rinko Kagawa, who already had some friendship with him, feel a little headache and embarrassed for him.

However, as the saying goes, a person's heart can be exchanged for a person's heart, and eight taels can be exchanged for half a catty.

Even in this case, even if it is an extremely poor performance, once there is a reasonable explanation, good intentions are shown.

That will also gain the owner's understanding and make the owner feel relieved.

Ning Weimin achieved this somewhat miraculous turn.

I saw him walking into the living room, saying hello to everyone in general, and then began to apologize.

"I'm really sorry, I'm late today, and I'm dressed a little more casually..."

Ning Weimin smiled broadly but felt embarrassed.

"Please sit down, Deputy Minister. It's okay. Since it's a family dinner, of course you have to relax and don't worry about this."

Director Taniguchi was very competent both as a master and as a subordinate, and he excused him with a warm smile.

Then I greeted my wife.

"Hey, mother, please pour tea for the deputy minister..."

That Yujiro Sakai is also very good at flattering people.

He then echoed, "Deputy Minister, you are a foreigner, so you don't need to restrict yourself too much. We all know that foreigners are very casual when it comes to visiting other people's homes. It has been shown in movies and TV shows. In today's society,

Japanese etiquette seems complicated and rigid, and we are also very troubled."

Of course, these words made Mrs. Taniguchi even more dissatisfied.

Especially for Yujiro Sakai, whom she had no regard for in the first place, she felt that this guy was servile and had disgraced the Japanese.

It’s just that guests are guests after all.

Kayo Taniguchi, who was full of slander, had no other way to vent his dissatisfaction.

I can only wait until today's errand is over, and then look good to my husband later.

So he reluctantly put on a smile and poured tea for Ning Weimin.

But I didn't expect that Ning Weimin was really not that thick-skinned. He didn't accept these understandings calmly. Instead, he smiled obviously bitterly and continued to explain.

"I'm really sorry. I blame my lack of preparation. I originally wanted to wear a suit, but something went wrong while preparing gifts in the morning and my clothes got dirty."

Then he saluted Mrs. Taniguchi specifically, "I'm very sorry for causing you trouble."

"You're too polite. It's nothing. You are more than welcome to come to my home."

Mrs. Taniguchi responded insincerely, which is the standard answer.

Of course, it was impossible for her to say anything else in public on this occasion, but she still had a hard time thinking about it in her heart.

What you said was very pleasant. This person seems to be easy to talk to, but your reasons are really not very good.

No matter how much you like to wear old clothes, you can still wear them like this. Do you only wear a suit?

Really, what qualifications does a person like this have to work for a multinational clothing company like Pierre Cardin?

Isn't Pierre Cardon China afraid of affecting the company's reputation?

"No, no, I'm serious. The living standard in China is not as high as in Japan, so most families currently choose to entertain guests at home. So I understand the hostess's difficulties very well. The burden of housework is already very hard.

The burden will suddenly increase several times because of such a thing. Every time the guests have a good meal, it is inseparable from the hostess's great efforts. What's more, Japan does not have the habit of entertaining foreign guests at home, right? Director Taniguchi

In order to meet my needs and let me taste the family food of Tokyoites, you invited me to your home. Although I feel very honored, I also know how much trouble I have caused to your family, so I have to be grateful.


It was completely beyond everyone's expectation. Ning Weimin's words were so knowledgeable and expressive.

Everyone felt the sincerity of Ning Weimin's thanks.

Mrs. Taniguchi, in particular, was suddenly struck by these words, and her affection for Ning Weimin suddenly increased greatly.

Also, I didn’t expect that Ning Weimin’s Japanese expression ability was so good, and he seemed to have no communication difficulties at all.

But it's not over yet. Mrs. Taniguchi hasn't had time to be polite yet.

Ning Weimin opened the plastic bags he brought one after another, and what he took out really shocked everyone present.

"I just made these two hundred dumplings today. They are a little bit of appreciation for my first visit. Although they don't have decent packaging, please don't dislike them."


Two hundred!

Two hundred dumplings!

This number immediately shocked everyone present!

It’s not that they haven’t seen the world, the problem is that the conditions between China and foreign countries are really different.

You know, in Japan, dumplings are a very popular but very special kind of food.

Probably the most popular Chinese food in Japan, besides ramen, is dumplings.

But there are no dumplings in the dumpling shops all over Tokyo.

Japanese dumplings are basically equivalent to domestic pot stickers, all cut out of a frying pan.

And these days, dumplings in Tokyo only have one filling, which is meat and onions.

However, Japanese people generally love it and even eat it as a dish with wine or with rice.

At the cheapest izakaya, the dumplings come in a plate of six, but they cost 350 yen.

Therefore, Japanese people usually only eat six dumplings per meal, and they are far less able to appreciate the freedom that our Chinese people have in eating unlimited dumplings.

And for the same reason, Ning Weimin's ordinary gift, which was nothing in the eyes of Chinese people, seemed to be something extraordinary here.

If you convert it based on the price in Tokyo, it would be equivalent to him giving over 12,000 yen!

Why isn't it a generous gift?

It is worth the entire cost of the Taniguchi family’s treat today.

Not to mention that he also helped Kayo Taniguchi solve the trouble caused by Yujiro Sakai.

Needless to say, with these dumpling bases, the problem of not having enough food today will immediately disappear.

Mrs. Taniguchi couldn't help but feel relaxed from the bottom of her heart.

And I have to say a few extra words at the end.

Although Japanese people usually value the form more than the content when it comes to gift-giving.

But there is no gift that can express respect and sincerity more than one made by one's own hands.

Let’s not talk about Ning Weimin’s craftsmanship. The key point is that his heart really touches people’s hearts.

Especially in Japan, it is impossible to expect men to do housework. Except for chefs, men who can cook are even rarer.

A man like Ning Weimin who understands the hard work of housework and can cook by himself is simply a friend of women.

He is even more popular in China than his status as a golden king.

In just a moment, the Taniguchi family's living room became lively.

Three women made a mistake first!

"You're kidding! I can't believe it. Can the deputy minister still cook? It's really unbelievable!"

"It's really amazing. How can one person make so many dumplings? It's so good! There are very few men in Japan who can cook!"

"I'm so sorry! Your gift... is too expensive! How can it be worthy of this!"

Then came two other men.

"Hey, is Ning Sang still good at cooking? Can you make dumplings that are so difficult? No wonder you don't eat dumplings much when you're out!"

"Hey, the dumplings in Tokyo must not be to your taste. Don't forget, Mr. Taniguchi, China is the birthplace of dumplings! The dumplings made by the deputy minister are pure Chinese cuisine! So, Mr. Taniguchi, you are really lucky.

Ah! In the whole of Tokyo, there are not many people who have tasted authentic dumplings like this, right?"

"That's right! It's all thanks to the deputy minister..."

Speaking of which, the Japanese are so interesting.

Normally, he looks a little shy, quiet, even indifferent and arrogant.

But when it comes to expressing surprise, both his expression and tone are very exaggerated.

Ning Weimin suddenly felt like a drop of cold water falling into a hot oil pan, and there was an explosion in his ears.

I immediately felt overwhelmed and helpless.

"Yes, I made the dumplings myself. Miss Xiangchuan, don't be so surprised, this... this is actually nothing, right?"

"Hey, you are Kagawa's sister, right? Don't say that. I can't say that I am excellent. I can only make some dumplings and noodles. In fact, I am still clumsy, otherwise I would not stain my clothes..."

"Mrs. Taniguchi, please don't say that. I am the one who has caused you too much trouble. What I have is nothing compared to your hard work. It is a great honor to taste your craftsmanship. Hey, yes, get the suit.

I bought flour and took a long time to clean it up. I am clumsy. That’s why I came here dressed like this. Please don’t take offense..."

"Hey, Director Taniguchi, don't say that. The main reason is that China's economy is still very backward, so everyone knows how to cook. It is greatly affected by economic factors..."

"Mr. Zuo Hai, I can't even bear your praise. However, the fillings and eating methods are indeed very different from Tokyo dumplings. I'm afraid you may be disappointed after trying it..."

But no matter what, the side effects of his three major crimes have been completely resolved.

So far, no one in the Taniguchi family has found fault with the rudeness of his visit.

Everyone showed a tolerant smile, sincere understanding, and joy of welcome.

The atmosphere naturally changed greatly and became warm and harmonious.

This chapter has been completed!
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