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Chapter 880 Accident

October 1, 1985, the National Day of the Republic.

Today is Tuesday, the Fire Day for Japanese people, so Japanese people go to work as usual.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ning Weimin, who had moved to Akasaka, walked out of the main entrance of the apartment building under his name and walked towards the Akasaka Post Office.

Since Akasaka used to be close to Edo Castle, it has many high-end apartments and shrines that have become tourist attractions.

On the way, Ning Weimin also passed the Akasaka Palace built in 1909 for the then crown prince.

There is a geometric courtyard and a Japanese-style annex here. It is a building modeled after Buckingham Palace in England.

Now it has become a famous guest house. If it is not hosting distinguished guests from all over the world, it will be open to tourists.

However, the beautiful scenery along the way could not relax Ning Weimin's mood. Many troubles always appeared in his mind.

Even though it was only a few days since he last went to Kabukicho to find happiness, after this weekend, everything was different.

Unfavorable things happened one after another, almost to the point where he wanted to run to the shrine and ask the Japanese gods to remove his bad luck.

First of all, there was a major change in the cooperation with the Japanese company Pierre Cardon.

Vice President Takada and Supervisor Ishikawa actually told Ning Weimin over the weekend that it was due to the slander and obstruction of Executive Director Sakae Fukuda.

President Hidehiro Hasegawa, who was on vacation, had doubts and misunderstandings about their cooperation.

Suddenly, the president returned to Tokyo to put an emergency stop on the matter, and instead proposed a new direction of cooperation—investing and setting up factories in mainland China.

We want to use this to completely solve the problem of high production costs in Japanese factories.

As a result, all their previous negotiations were meaningless and they could no longer proceed.

Moreover, regarding the establishment of a factory, the cooperation conditions that Japan can provide to Chinese companies are also very harsh.

President Hasegawa not only requires Huaxia Company to be fully responsible for the approval of all procedures in the mainland, but also requires the most favorable tax exemption conditions and cheap land.

They are only willing to give Huaxia Company 25% of the equity in the joint venture factory.

Even so, these shares still require Huaxia Company to invest the equivalent of 500 million yen in real money to obtain them.

To put it bluntly, this is equivalent to Hasegawa Hidehiro pricing the new factory at 2 billion yen on his own.

But that's not all. The Japanese side also requires that the clothing produced by the joint venture factory in the future should be given priority to be sold through the sales system of China Pierre Cardon Company.

The reason is that if it is produced in Japan, it must be of high quality.

Whether in terms of production technology or manufacturing process, "PC" clothing is produced under Japanese supervision.

We have absolute confidence and assurance that we can crush the OEM products from factories in mainland China.

According to them, this is more conducive to establishing Pierre Cardon's brand image of high quality and high prices and increasing market share.

In short, it may be too much to say that the arrogance displayed by Japan shows no respect for the Chinese company.

But there is no doubt that it should be evaluated in an aggressive and condescending way.

As a result, Ning Weimin was naturally unhappy, and he was a little confused about what to do next.

In fact, to be honest, setting up this factory is also in the interests of China, and is even better than the simple bilateral trade method at the beginning.

The reasons are very simple. First, the current Republic is very hungry for foreign exchange and absolutely welcomes foreign companies to invest in China.

Second, China Pilkington Company also needs its own production factory to make up for the shortcomings of the industrial chain.

But the problem is precisely that the kid's calculations are too selfish, and their wolf ambitions are clearly exposed.

This is obviously because they want to rely on their advantages in clothing production technology and capital to focus on customers in China, and they want to let Huaxia Company act as a subsidiary for them.

If you agree to such unequal conditions, you may end up attracting wolves into the house.

At the very least, you are making wedding clothes for others, so what does it do to yourself?

But if Ning Weimin doesn't agree, there will be even more harm.

At least his plan to make money by distributing goods in Tokyo through the Japanese sales network could not be realized.

Whether it is the "PC" clothing produced in China, his personal handicrafts, or the trolley cases that will be mass-produced in the future, I am afraid that the "borrowing chicken to lay eggs" path will be completely blocked.

Not to mention, Ning Weimin already knew something about the internal situation of Japan's Pierre Cardon Company from Taniguchi and Kagawa's mouths.

Judging from Takada and Ishikawa's efforts to add fuel to the flames, he knew that these two guys were instigating him to confront the president and express his dissatisfaction.

It would be best to refuse to cooperate with the Japanese side in a fit of anger and let this matter become a complete scandal.

Of course, he didn't want to be used by someone with evil intentions and become a victim of the struggle between these two guys and the president.

So for a while, Ning Weimin really couldn't make a decision.

Whether to advance or retreat, and whether it is necessary to continue talking to the Japanese side, became issues that troubled him quite a lot.

Secondly, in addition to this incident, Ning Weimin also had some problems with his stock investment, which made him even more upset.

It seemed as if God was playing tricks on him. After the initial surge, the subsequent evolution of the market turned out to be very different from the script he had prepared in his mind.

Although the market is still strong due to the appreciation of the yen, the stocks he bought have experienced serious weakness.

Not even two days after it became hard, it started to turn downward.

The speed at which you went up is the speed at which you came down.

Although it began to stabilize last Friday and rebounded slightly, it also gave up a lot of profits.

Taken together, the growth rate is actually far less good than that of large-cap stocks.

What's going on?

After careful investigation and detailed analysis, relying on hard thinking and insights from his previous life, Ning Weimin finally found the reason. It turned out to be the abnormal investor structure of the Japanese stock market.

He found that Japanese people are actually quite conservative when it comes to stock investments.

Even though the Japanese stock market has existed for such a long time, Japanese people have worked so hard to earn their money and deposit it honestly in banks. Very few people participate in stock speculation.

To put it bluntly, there are very few retail investors in the Japanese stock market.

The real investors supporting the Japanese stock market are actually Japanese financial companies and legal persons.

Since the Japanese government revised the Commercial Code in 1967, cross-shareholdings have become prevalent in companies with Japan's six major consortiums as the core.

By the 1970s and 1980s, cross-shareholdings had entered their heyday.

In 1985, the government allowed banks to issue additional stocks, and the cross-fertilization between banks and enterprises increased.

There is no denying the positive impact of cross-shareholdings on the Japanese stock market.

Enterprise cross-shareholdings effectively resist hostile takeovers, achieve strategic collaboration between companies, and enhance connections between enterprises. The main bank system strengthens banks' support for enterprise development and promotes Japan's rapid economic growth.

But we must not ignore the negative impact of cross-shareholdings on Japan.

Since the main institutions for stock market investment are banks and legal persons, they are not the executors of value investment.

This has greatly squeezed the living space of small shareholders such as retail investors, and even institutional investors such as funds and trusts have found it difficult to develop.

Because of this, even if the Japanese stock market has soared in the past few days, the trend of appreciation of the yen has remained stable, and has even accelerated to attract overseas speculators and hot money to pour in here.

However, the Japanese people were almost unmoved, and the growth rate of retail investors was very limited.

What's more, cross-shareholdings greatly reduce the circulation market, which not only increases the procyclicality of stock prices, but also makes it confusing whether a stock's market size is large or small.

To put it bluntly, Japan's large-cap stocks look big on the surface, but because the cross-shareholding chips are locked, there are actually not many stocks that can be bought and sold.

In that case, the stock nature will still be flexible, and it really cannot be judged simply by market value.

So Ning Weimin's current situation is embarrassing.

After seeing through these reasons, he knew very well that he should adjust his positions and exchange shares.

But which stock to change made him feel troubled.

You must know that this is an era in which relevant information is extremely limited. It is not easy to even obtain specific information about stocks, let alone not even count this information.

God knows how he can figure out the shareholding situation of the stock, and how he can sort out the intricate interest relationships among the major shareholders.

This is simply impossible!

While thinking and walking, Ning Weimin arrived at his destination unknowingly.

Akasaka Post Office is located in a prosperous area.

Therefore, the streets here are filled with pedestrians, like a black ribbon extending forward.

Ning Weimin was also among the bustling crowd, as if he was being pushed, he walked into the post office building that blocked the sun.

After pushing open the glass door of the post office and going inside, Ning Weimin finally felt better.

Not only because the temperature here is suitable and the environment is relatively quiet and orderly, which can bring people a sense of peace and security, but also because the stamps here are another batch of treasures that can make him a lot of money.

As a predator in the postal market, he certainly knows that the cheapest stamps here can be sold for double the price when returned to China. After all, things are rare and expensive, and few people in China currently play with Japanese stamps.

Then when he comes to a place with attributes similar to his own and smells the smell of money that permeates the place, he will naturally feel a sense of spiritual joy.

However, there is no rush in this matter. Ning Weimin knows that now he is lacking both financial resources and energy, so it is not the best time to get involved in this business.

The most reasonable way of operation in his mind is to wait for two years. Once the domestic postal market picks up again, he can sell these Japanese stamps to the country in batches.

By that time, let alone doubling, the profits would be hundreds of times as well.

What's particularly advantageous is that due to poor information and border barriers, he doesn't even need to stock up on goods and doesn't need much capital to become the largest dealer of Japanese stamps in the domestic market.

You can sell based on the market's ability to bear it, and there is almost zero risk.

I'm afraid only he, a superman with thirty years of hindsight, can find such a cheap thing in the world, right?

I slowly browsed the Japanese stamps on the counter and thought about my plan to make a fortune in the future.

Ning Weimin asked the post office clerk for a "Dangerous Goods Declaration Form" that needed to be filled out before sending air parcels. Then he stood in front of the empty public table by the window, picked up the pen provided by the post office, and took it seriously.

Fill it out.

To be honest, this is actually the purpose of his coming here today.

He wanted to send something to his only relative in the country, his master Kang Shude.

The old man told him before he went abroad that he really didn't like Japanese products and there was no need to bring him anything.

But I just want to try the Shizuoka Sencha tea I used to drink.

Shizuoka Prefecture is located in the central part of Japan, between Tokyo and Osaka.

Because it faces the Pacific Ocean, this climate is very suitable for tea cultivation. The tea industry is Shizuoka's pillar industry and is famous all over the world.

It turns out that Mrs. Song's natal family had a tea garden in Shizuoka, so Mr. Song's family was never short of sencha, and Kang Shude became accustomed to drinking it.

As for Sencha, it is actually Japanese green tea, which is cheaper than Gyokuro and more expensive than Bancha.

Better quality sencha is about 2,000 yen per tael. With current exchange rate changes, one kilogram is equivalent to 500 yen.

Speaking of which, Ning Weimin should have done this for the old man long ago.

But the problem is, wasn't he busy in the first period of time?

I really can't care about this.

Thinking about it now, maybe the old man has been waiting anxiously in the capital for a long time, right?

Maybe when I sneezed recently, the old man was scolding him behind his back!

But to be honest, in his opinion, this Japanese tea tastes too weird.

Especially the sencha, the tea leaves are actually mixed with the green flavor of seaweed, and the tea color is a bit unnaturally green, which is really not very drinkable.

In fact, it is far less relieving and flavorful than the jasmine tea in Beijing, and it is incomparable to domestic green teas such as West Lake Longjing and Biluochun.

Probably this thing is similar to the bean juice and stinky tofu in Beijing.

If you can't enjoy it, you can't enjoy it, but once you accept it, you will become addicted.

He now misses the taste of stinky tofu and fried steamed bun slices with scallions.

It's a pity that Japan doesn't have these three things...

As the requirements for filling out column after column became increasingly difficult to identify, Ning Weimin had to stay away from random thoughts and concentrate on it.

But even so, it still took half an hour to write out two forms before it was considered qualified.

Thanks to this, this is just a document to ensure the safety of the goods when sending international parcels. It is not difficult to write down the list of things to be shipped clearly.

Otherwise, if it were a complicated document, Ning Weimin would not be able to handle it even if he was sweating profusely with his poor Japanese writing skills.

Speaking of which, the Japanese president Hidehiro Hasegawa must be blamed for the suffering he suffered today.

Rinko Kagawa and Director Taniguchi had both been recalled to work by the president's order, otherwise Ning Weimin wouldn't have had to worry about it.

When the filling was completed, Ning Weimin finally wrote down the address and name of the recipient - Kang Shu De Shu, No. 2, Dashilan Shan'er Hutong, Chongwen District, Capital City, the Republic of China.

Then he handed the items and receipts he brought to the post office clerk and asked them to weigh them.

There really weren't many things, except for two boxes of tea, there were only two other items.

However, as soon as Ning Weimin took it out of the package, the post office clerk was almost amazed on the spot.

"It's so beautiful! What is this?"

Ning Weimin was not confused at all, pointing to a Tang Dynasty bronze mirror with Baoxiang pattern and a Yuan Dynasty mother-of-pearl dragon pattern lacquer plate with a mouth full of firewood.

"This copper one is used to press tea leaves. When we drink tea in China, we like to press the tea leaves more, which will make it more fragrant. This plate is for holding the teapot. I bought it at the Tokyo flea market. Don't they look good? These two pieces

I only spent 50,000 yen on these things.”

"Oh, you have such good taste. Things like this are really rare." The post office clerk was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed again. "Nani? It's so heavy. Guest, please send it."

Everything weighs five kilograms. The one you chose is the airline that arrives in six days. So the cost, according to regulations... may be 4,000 yen. Is that okay?"

"Okay, if it's not too much trouble, can you add more cushioning materials for me? I'm willing to pay the extra cost."

Looking at the post office clerk, he followed the instructions and packaged it carefully.

Ning Weimin's eyes shone with relief, and the corners of his mouth also showed a cheerful smile.

Don’t be afraid of being late for a good meal. Although it was sent a few days later, it doesn’t matter.

If the old man sees what else I have sent him besides tea leaves, he will definitely turn from anger to joy.

Huh? Come to think of it, am I taking the lead again?

These should be the two earliest cultural relics returned after the founding of the People's Republic of China, right?

Oops, I should have taken a photo with my camera, so I can brag about it later...

This chapter has been completed!
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