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Chapter 891 Harvest

Three hundred million yen!

The special loan of 300 million yen for ten years, which was approved through special procedures, fell into the hands of Ning Weimin.

Sumitomo Bank even issued him an additional credit card with a consumption limit of 5 million yen.

This is what Ning Weimin gained in exchange for his unexpected discovery of a loophole in the early models of Japanese ATM machines.

Although the amount of money was still a little small, it did not make Ning Weimin particularly satisfied.

The loan interest rates offered by banks are not low and there are no special discounts.

Even on the basis of the annual interest rate of 5% that needs to be paid for normal loans, Ning Weimin still needs to pay an additional 2% annual interest rate.

Moreover, the loan contract specifically stipulates that once Ning Weimin's repayment is slightly overdue, Sumitomo Bank has the right to terminate the loan at any time and recover the principal.

But then again, this is a personal loan that requires no collateral and no restrictions on use.

Ning Weimin can spend the money he got from a free hand as he likes, but isn't it worth spending all the money he wants?

You can buy a house, trade in stocks, do business, buy luxury cars and luxury goods, and the bank will never interfere.

If it were put into the stock market, it would double immediately and magically become 600 million yen.

To be honest, even real Japanese people are not so lucky.

You know, judging from the current operating conditions of the Bank of Japan, it is still an era of orderliness and no worries about food and drink.

Japanese people basically deposit any money they have in banks, and bank loans are only granted to domestic companies, and they are mainly companies covered by bank-affiliated consortiums.

Basically it is a closed loop style self-loop.

Banks have no motivation and no need to attract customers.

In fact, even for Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises, it is not easy to successfully obtain loan approval if they do not follow the boss.

Banks not only have to look at the collateral, but also the company's size, revenue and industry space, and they will also supervise the use of funds.

Once an enterprise is found to have used funds illegally, the bank has the right to terminate the loan.

Therefore, according to normal logic, it is absolutely impossible for a foreigner like Ning Weimin, who has been in Japan for only two months, to obtain this loan from the Bank of Japan.

It would be an understatement to say that it is difficult to reach the sky.

Even if he has a lot of assets in Japan, is a middle-level manager of a multinational group, or comes to Japan with a business visa, it doesn't matter.

Because the Bank of Japan also understands the principle that "everyone has misfortune and good fortune".

Just this kid, a foreigner living alone in Tokyo with no relatives or friends.

If one day his foot slips and he hits a piece of tofu and is killed, wouldn't the owner of the loan to him be in tears?

Is there an industry? No matter how much industry there is, it cannot support bad habits.

If he was really a prodigal who spent all the loan, rubbed his feet and ran back to the Republic, where could he be found?

These are all risks, and they are risks that there is no need to take.

There is no need to generate income in the first place. Banks come to ask for help from companies while they are still at home. They have to lend money to them because they have lost their minds.

Didn’t you see that the Bank of Japan didn’t even bother to intervene in the personal consumer loan market, and was it willing to give up this piece of fat to the financial company controlled by Yakuza?

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many loan shark companies in Japan.

Therefore, to be honest, Ning Weimin's ability to obtain this amount of money is equivalent to winning the first prize.

If he hadn't accidentally got hold of the ATM machine manufacturer, Ou Moulong, and asked this company to provide a special loan guarantee for him, such an exception would not have happened.

To put it bluntly, in fact, this money is not the bank's money at all, but the price Ou Moulong is willing to pay to purchase information related to security vulnerabilities.

Sumitomo Bank only plays the role of an intermediary channel.

He was only responsible for transferring the money from Ou Moulong's enterprise account to Ning Weimin.

However, on the other hand, I have to admit that going around in circles like this, which seems to be deceiving others, is actually very necessary.

Because not only the face issues of the two Japanese companies were fully taken care of, but more importantly, the interests of multiple parties were fully taken into consideration, this made the matter happy for everyone and there was no worries about future problems.

First of all, for banks, this left-handed loan effectively eliminates financial risks.

Even if the loan extended cannot be recovered from Ning Weimin in the end, Ou Moulong Company will still be responsible for it.

This is why they feel at ease to participate and are happy to promote this matter.

After all, it is better to have one less problem than one more problem. If the problem is solved as soon as possible, the bank will be able to breathe a sigh of relief as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if something happens, although Ou Moulong Company cannot escape the blame and must bear the main responsibility, the money lost belongs to the bank.

The bank is not willing to add to this chaos and cause some negative social effects.

Secondly, for Oumoulong Company, as a manufacturer of ATM machines, they are more concerned about whether this transaction can buy real and reliable information.

Then there is how to better block the news so that the media will not easily detect abnormalities and at the same time save their face.

You know, even if Ou Moulong pays more attention to this matter and goes all out, it will still take time to solve the technical problems and replace the equipment.

And all companies have competitors. If other ATM machine manufacturers knew this news, Ou Moulong would be in big trouble.

If the money can be lent to Ning Weimin through a bank in the form of a loan, it will certainly be more concealed than paying cash directly from the company account to Ning Weimin, and it will be much safer.

And there is not much feeling of being blackmailed, after all, it is a loan, not a gift.

If Ning Weimin can really keep his promise to pay the interest on time and return all the principal when due.

That's equivalent to Oumoulong Company solving the problem without spending a penny. It couldn't be more perfect.

By that time, not only will Ou Moulong's senior management involved in this matter no longer have any worries about being settled by his wife, but this matter will actually become a contribution to their response to the crisis.

As for Ning Weimin, safety also comes first.

Accepting a loan from Sumitomo Bank without accepting remuneration from Ou's company can effectively avoid the crime of extortion.

Only this kind of money can make it easy for him to hold it.

Otherwise, if this leads to litigation trouble, whether you can continue to stay in Japan will become a problem.

This is his core interest, and it cannot be compensated by getting a few hundred million more yen.

Who's to say that a small book can't have some dark fun?

He doesn't want to be like the mistress of a certain domestic star, who becomes a sacrifice like his stupid car.

Not to mention how much is too much?

As long as you use other people's money to make money for yourself, you will never lose money by borrowing a chicken to lay eggs.

Three hundred million yen, no matter how much this money is, it is equivalent to about 10 million yuan today.

To get such a large amount of funds in less than a day is considered a miracle, right?

Not to mention that compared with the domestic situation, it is more difficult to get a loan in China.

It’s hard to find a temple even with a pig’s head in hand. I’m afraid the legal interest rate is already 20%, right?

Moreover, the RMB has continued to depreciate, and domestic inflation has become increasingly serious as urbanization accelerates.

If you compare the inside and outside like this, being able to get a loan from the Bank of Japan is really no different from Ning Weimin getting money for nothing.

It even reminded him of a joke he heard in his previous life.

It is said that an American brought 200,000 US dollars to travel to the mainland of the Republic. After a year of free food and fun, due to rising housing prices and exchange rate changes, he actually earned 200,000 US dollars when he left.

And the Bureau of Statistics is quite happy because GDP has increased.

Tell me, this incident caused such a fuss, isn't he also experiencing the same situation now?

All in all, this matter was solved in this way, and everyone was happy.

Not only did Ning Weimin pocket 300 million yen, but the Japanese seemed to be very happy as well.

After Ou Moulong Company spent about a week to successfully solve the technical problem of the ATM machine, it specially thanked him, held a small cocktail party for him on the eve of the cultural festival, and awarded him a medal of merit.

It cannot but be said that this is the best result that Ning Weimin pursues.

Selling someone else's money and asking others to help count the banknotes is such a sense of accomplishment.

The taste is like drinking a glass of ice-cold and refreshing happy fairy water.

So cool~!

But there is something even more exciting.

Soon, "Silver Week" will arrive as scheduled.

As expected by Ning Weimin, the cultural festival's role in boosting bookstore sales cannot be underestimated.

During the week including the Cultural Festival on November 3.

As if they suddenly remembered reading, Japanese people flocked to bookstores and donated generously to buy books.

Although few people visit Eibundo in Nishiazabu on weekdays, it is still crowded with customers these days.

On the contrary, it is particularly lively because there are no other bookstores nearby.

In particular, the activity launched by Ning Weimin to buy free Chinese handicrafts with every purchase of books was extremely popular with customers and gained a great reputation.

On weekdays, it seems that many people pass by the entrance of Huiwen Hall without even paying attention.

But this time it was different. When people who wanted to buy books found out about the activities in the store, they simply couldn't put it down for these Chinese handicrafts.

In just two days, even before the cultural festival officially arrived, all the handicrafts that were sold and given away were used up.

Even the most expensive grapes are the same.

Finally, November 3rd came, and because it was out of stock, I had no choice but to take off the poster and end the free gift event for all purchases in advance.

Ning Weimin even had to apologize to many customers who came here because of lack of preparation on behalf of Hui Wen Tang.

In this way, after the "Silver Week" ended, Ning Weimin successfully disposed of a large number of inventory books at the original price and obtained another 18 million yen in cash.

This made his money suddenly abundant.

Including the loan, the total amount is more than 330 million yen in cash.

Not only is it enough for him to remodel the cafe and decorate the restaurant.

There was even enough for him to throw some of it into the stock market to continue making money.

So Ning Weimin decisively threw another 200 million yen into the stock market, raised 200 million yen, and continued to increase his position.

All of a sudden, his stock allocation exceeded one hundred million yen.

What is this concept?

In other words, Ning Weimin already has an investment of 30 million yuan in stocks alone.

If you include real estate worth almost 50 million yuan.

His personal investment in Japan alone is not far from 100 million yuan.

One can imagine how fat he can eat when the harvest comes a few years later.

To be honest, Ning Weimin is not that rare now that he is the richest man in the capital and the country.

As his people go abroad, his wealth goals have already begun to look to Asia.

This is called realm improvement.

Of course, the saying "Rely on your parents at home and rely on your friends when going out" is also true.

To be honest, during this cultural festival, I really relied on the Kagawa sisters, Yujiro Sakumi, Director Taniguchi, and his daughter Sachiko Taniguchi to actively help in their spare time, so Ebuntang Bookstore was able to cope with it relatively smoothly.

Otherwise, if we only count on Ning Weimin and the two clerks to achieve this week's booming sales, they will have to work in a hurry and get down from exhaustion.

It is absolutely impossible to obtain such huge fruits of labor.

So thanking you afterwards is inevitable.

Ning Weimin specially selected the best local Japanese-style French restaurant in Nishi-Azabu to entertain these friends he made when they came to Tokyo.

Not only did we order champagne, foie gras, and other expensive French delicacies.

I also order a lot of the store's original dishes such as cold strawberry pasta and frozen grape juice.

And after I heard that Miyoko Kagawa was troubled because she was too busy on weekends and had to deal with too many customers.

Ning Weimin also offered to help, saying that he could visit some customers on behalf of Miyoko Kagawa and do some basic work such as collecting customer information, logging in information, and taking photos of the properties.

Miyoko Kagawa was of course overjoyed, a little flattered, and couldn't believe her good luck.

At that time, I kept praising him.

"Ning Sang, thank you so much. You are the deputy minister of a multinational company, and you are actually... willing to help me with such a favor? I just don't know how to thank you."

Ning Weimin, on the other hand, remained humble.

"Please don't say that. Since we are friends, of course you help me and I will help you. Besides, your sister is still helping me with the design of the bookstore. If I don't contribute, I will really feel bad."

However, just when Miyoko Kagawa was so moved, Rinko Kagawa, who had been praised so much, couldn't help but feel a little proud, and she didn't turn around and said it.

"Ning Sang misunderstood. What my sister means is that I don't know if you, a Chinese, can do such a job. You see, your bowing posture is not standard. If your service attitude is not good, it will harm Miyoko's company's business."

My reputation was damaged and I was scolded by my boss.”

When Miyoko heard this, she couldn't help but blush at the temperament of a straight girl like her sister.

Just when I was extremely embarrassed and didn't know how to react, whether I should explain to Ning Weimin or reprimand my sister.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin didn't mind and had already smoothed things over on his own.

"Bowing is not standard? That's nothing. In fact, I think the service industry mainly relies on two tips, one is to smile, and the other is not to be in a hurry. As long as I do these two things and always nod yes, customers will never complain about me.

Right? And the most important thing is to look at personal charm..."

As soon as he said this, he smiled deliberately with two dimples on his face, as bright as a flower.

Sister Xiangchuan suddenly remembered the last time we all sat together to discuss why the meowing sounds of Chinese cats and Japanese cats were so different.

When I think about it, Ning Weimin, who was half drunk last time, used such a cute face to imitate the "meow" of a Chinese cat, and also imitated the "nirvana" movement of a Japanese lucky cat both physically and mentally.

"Yah nirvana..." he shouted.

They were all amused by his expression and couldn't help but raise their hands to cover their mouths.

As a result, two more hibiscus flowers immediately bloomed in the restaurant.

This chapter has been completed!
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