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Chapter 894 Blue Arc Light

Sixty-five million yen!

Frankly speaking, the price quoted by the woman is actually significantly higher than the current market price.

Ning Weimin, who has been paying attention to the price changes in the Tokyo real estate market, knows this very well.

The reason why women care so much about price seems to be completely inconsistent with the indifferent temperament they have always shown, which is quite surprising.

So Ning Weimin became really curious.

"You're not in a hurry for money, are you? Frankly speaking, the current average real estate transaction price in Nishi-Azabu is about 1.2 million per square meter. If you are willing to sell this house for 50 million, no, or 5,500

There will be no problem if you sell it for 10,000 yuan. After all, these furniture and furnishings are also very exquisite, and some people will definitely like it and be willing to buy it together. But 65 million... With all due respect, I'm afraid you still need to be a little patient."

Regarding the market situation described by Ning Weimin, the woman seemed a little uneasy.

But she remains firmly committed to the price and seems reluctant to give up.

"Is that so? If I insist on this price, how long will it take to sell the house in the worst case scenario?"

"It's hard to say, maybe three to four months, maybe half a year."

"Is that possible? Will the real estate market get worse? If I decide to wait for a while, not only will the house not be sold, but the market will get worse?"

"This will definitely not happen."

Ning Weimin nodded very confidently.

"This house of yours is a scarce property. It will attract many people to come and view the house. Especially now that the yen is appreciating in an orderly manner under the leadership of the United States. You know this, right? In this financial environment

Under the general premise, Japanese yen assets will only become hot around the world, especially real estate in the core areas of Tokyo will continue to rise driven by overseas funds and Japanese domestic funds. So I think the worst case scenario is also

But if you wait a little longer, your house will be sold at the price you expect. But you still need to wait after all. And if it can be sold, I don’t think house prices will stop there and will continue to rise. So I have some

I’m worried that you will regret selling too early in the future. If you don’t need money very urgently, maybe you can wait another year or two and it will be much more cost-effective.”

The woman was obviously touched. She was touched by Ning Weimin's suggestion, which was absolutely against industry standards and self-harming.

A person who earns commissions from selling houses actually sincerely advises you not to sell your house in a hurry after working hard for a long time.

How can this not move the person being persuaded?

Even though he is very young, he talks about such a serious topic with confidence, which seems a bit reckless and arrogant.

But his style is obviously completely different from that of other real estate agents, and his bold and outspoken masculine charm has immediately won the trust of women.

At least women can be sure that Ning Weimin's intentions are well-intentioned.

"So your suggestion is that I wait a year or two before considering selling this house?"

Ning Weimin nodded in unabashed affirmation.

"Yes, this is the advice I can give you. If you have no special reason and insist on getting 65 million yen in cash in the short term, it is best for you to wait patiently.

To be honest, it’s not just because of the price. More importantly, I can see your attachment and love for this house. You are so familiar with every place here. The furniture and furnishings here should all be

You decorated it yourself, right? And the cleanliness of this house also means that the owner will send people to clean it frequently. I think such an apartment may be very important to you and have some special meaning."

Frankness was exchanged for frankness, and the woman also spoke the truth.

"I really don't know what to say. I didn't expect you to see everything. Yes, this apartment is the first personal property I bought. Every thing was decorated by me. So,

If possible, I don’t want to sell it. But, I also have a last resort. My family has some problems and needs money urgently. That’s why..."

"If the amount you need is not that much, you can actually think of a compromise. For example, temporarily mortgage the house to the bank. In that case, you can get 30 million yen. As long as you can pay it back in the future. Price

It’s just some interest, and the house is still yours.”

"Thank you very much. Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will seriously consider it."

I don’t know whether it’s because the topic has reached this point and privacy is involved, or because the topic is too heavy.

Anyway, after saying these words, everything that needs to be done seems to have been done.

Next, the interaction between the two people ended here, and they immediately fell into a strangely quiet and wonderful atmosphere.

The living room was empty and the lights were bright, and the two of them seemed to be standing together in the center of an open stage.

There were no spectators around, not one.

But precisely because there is no one watching, being in the center of the stage, people under the lights will be even more at a loss and even more confused about where to go.

I don't know why, this short period of silence made the woman fall into confusion, and she was confused for a moment.

Women can't help but think about it.

Hey, what happened to me today?

Why would you want to be alone in a room with a young stranger?

Didn’t you just plan to find time to make another appointment?

Why did you seem to have completely forgotten the possible dangers and just brought people in?

Not to mention, after entering the apartment, a young man from a foreign country was baffled and talked so much.

Talk about novels, talk about your own life...

He is just a small person who earns a living by working part-time in a real estate agency.

If you don't want to keep your private life as secret as possible and deliberately find a small company to entrust the business.

If it weren't for being extremely bored, I would never have gotten to know such a young man.

However, this kind of conversation is so calm and peaceful, so full of temptation.

This feeling is like being isolated on a chaotic street, even if you are afraid of the rolling traffic, but you are being pulled forward by a slender rope that cannot resist, pulling you forward.

What's even more frightening is that I don't seem to really want to resist, but actually want to move forward.

As a result, the woman became more and more frightened for no reason, and broke the silence casually looking for something to say.

"You look very young, but you seem to have a lot of experience in handling business. I'm curious about your age. Can you disclose it?"

"I am twenty-four years old." Ning Weimin said bluntly.

"How young!"

Although the words were meaningless and seemed to be an unintentional emotion, the last sentence still somewhat revealed the age gap between them.

Otherwise, how could a woman lament that a twenty-four-year-old man is young for no reason?

The woman didn't think any more, she just regained her composure and gently took the "Jinkakuji" on the coffee table and held it in her hand.

"I have nothing else to do. If it's not too much trouble, can I keep this book? In a few days, when the house contract is signed, I will bring it back to you..."

"No problem at all. You can take your time and take a good look at it. Then I'll leave first. I'll confirm with you one last time. We won't release the information about this apartment to the public until we wait for your official reply. Is that right?"

"Yes, thank you very much."

"Okay..." Ning Weimin knew it was time to say goodbye, so he bowed politely and walked to the entrance.

For a moment, looking at his back, the woman felt a little disappointed, but she didn't know what she had lost.

It seems that something that is supposed to happen ends before it even begins.

It's like a candle was blown out by the wind as soon as it was lit.

Maybe it's extremely simple, just a boring interest that was suddenly broken.

But what is particularly noteworthy is that it has been so many years, and she almost thought she had lost this feeling.

The hustle and bustle of Vanity Fair made her feel mutated and unconscious, and she could hardly recognize herself.

She hadn't even thought about what she needed for a long time, or what she regretted, or what she had lost.

She has lost the psychological sensitivity and sensory functions that make her feel lost.

Unexpectedly, the long-lost feeling that was reawakened would turn out to be a mixed and entangled sense of happiness that was slightly sweet and slightly painful.

It's so incredibly wonderful.


In winter in Tokyo, the weather changes at any time.

When Ning Weimin was standing on the balcony just now, the sky was just filled with dark clouds, but now that he walked out of the apartment building, the sky had turned into pitch black.

It was like another huge black curtain completely enveloped the sky, and raindrops began to fall.

Although the bus station is not far from the apartment building, this winter rain is also a shower, and it seems to be sparse and not heavy.

But when Ning Weimin ran to the platform, he still found that it was crowded with people waiting for the train and passers-by taking shelter from the rain.

Ning Weimin had to squeeze in on the edge under the station roof, and could no longer squeeze in.

He lowered his head and looked at his trousers and shoes. There were already a lot of mud splattered on them, which was really crazy.

Being crowded together with so many Japanese people, he began to regret his thoughtless choice.

You should obviously run to a convenience store or supermarket.

Just have a hot drink and spend a few dollars to buy an umbrella.

Why come here to suffer in order to save trouble?

But compared with this, he actually regretted the suggestions he just said to the woman.

The stupidest thing to do is to make a shallow conversation and talk deeply.

What kind of job does he have, what reason does he have, and what position does he stand on to worry about others for nothing?

He even gave people some advice on mortgage financing.

Superfluous! Really superfluous! Isn’t this just looking for trouble?

If he does this, don't say sorry to Miyoko Kagawa for entrusting this matter to him and waiting to earn a commission from it.

Even that beautiful lady might think of him as a broker with bad intentions who wants to recommend financial loans, right?

Alas, no one can blame him, he can only blame himself for being so lustful that he couldn't carry his own weight just now.

Not to mention, maybe even God couldn't bear to see his reckless behavior, as if it was just to punish him.

Unusually, the rain started to fall heavily!

Moreover, the Tokyo buses, which are always punctual, actually have problems, and the bus will not be scheduled for a long time.

A flash of lightning illuminated Tianmu, followed by a deafening thunder.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but shudder, and he squeezed half of his body under the shed...

Almost at the same time, the hostess of Apartment No. 1103 left the house in a completely different attitude from Ning Weimin's embarrassment.

Although she still needs to wrap herself tightly in silk scarf and sunglasses again, she doesn't have to squeeze into the bus or subway at all.

She has her own car.

After taking the elevator straight to the underground garage, she soon got into her dark blue Nissan S130.

Then he started the car and quickly drove out of the basement door of the apartment, turning right onto the cement road with cherry blossom trees on both sides.

This sports car, which has an extremely eye-catching appearance and is popular all over the world, and is also known as the "Fairlady", passed through lightning and rain with a calm and unhurried attitude, and approached the bus stop with a plastic ceiling.

Under normal circumstances, she should have calmly grasped the steering wheel and used the wheels to create beautiful water marks on the road.

Then he stepped on the accelerator and disappeared in the envy of many ordinary people at the station.

But an accidental glance as she approached the station made her see Ning Weimin again in the dark crowd.

In her eyes, this young man was still so unusually conspicuous.

Even if you are squeezed in the dark crowd and pushed around.

Even if it's like a lone pine on a cliff, it's still standing out from the crowd.

Ning Weimin, wearing a windbreaker, broke through the rain curtain and the car window with a clarity and liveliness that far surpassed the others around him.

Like lightning striking from the sky, it caught her eye.

There was some hesitation, and after a moment of hesitation, the sports car drove a full ten meters away from the bus stop.

But it was with a decisive kick of the brakes that the sports car stopped with a screeching sound.

At this time, the woman could observe from the rearview mirror that under the ceiling of the station behind her, almost everyone's eyes were turned to the rear of her car.

Ning Weimin in the crowd also turned his head obviously. He was watching like everyone else.

But this is still not enough.

So the woman bit her right index finger and began to reverse the car decisively.

She knew that this was illegal and might cause trouble for herself, but she still decided to do it.

Then, in the lightning shower, in full view of everyone, the woman parked the car right in front of Ning Weimin and pressed down the electric window.

Ning Weimin was completely in disbelief, similar to sleepwalking, when he saw the beauty who appeared at the right time like a fairy in a dream, waving to him frequently from the car.

At first, he was quite hesitant and thought the woman was greeting someone else.

When he looked carefully, the woman waved to him in frustration again.

This even attracted the collective attention of the crowd to focus on him.

So he no longer hesitated and rushed towards the avant-garde sports car that looked like a blue arc of light.

This chapter has been completed!
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