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Chapter 897 The whole situation

After finally putting on her makeup, Keiko Matsumoto felt relaxed.

Looking at her perfect self in the mirror, her mood was as if the haze had dispersed, and she was as beautiful as the queen who received the magic mirror's answer: "You are the most beautiful woman in the world."

Only at this time could she be interested in looking up at the beautiful garden and the blue sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

But a sunny day is destined to be an extremely busy day.

On this day, Matsumoto Keiko's schedule was fully arranged by herself.

In the morning, I first go to my office to assign tasks to my subordinates.

In the afternoon, I will attend two circle gatherings to solidify my connections and look for opportunities.

Unlike most artists in the entertainment industry, financial contracts are bound to professional brokerage companies.

A-list movie stars like Matsumoto Keiko have full autonomy in their financial contracts.

Often after the initial brokerage contract expires, a big star of her level will hire lawyers, accountants and exclusive agents to set up a personal firm, and then escape the control of the brokerage company.

Actress Kurihara Komaki is like this, Yoshinaga Sayuri is like this, "tough guy" Takakura Ken is like this and comedian star Atsumi Kiyoshi is like this.

Some celebrities even have their own personal teams, which can number dozens of people.

In addition to professional staff and personal assistants, there are even personal masseurs, nutrition consultants, image consultants, and external public relations.

Therefore, whether you have a personal office is actually a reflection of the size of a Japanese celebrity.

In other words, those who are willing to sign under a brokerage company are just small stars, and the real big stars all choose their own jobs.

Momoe Yamaguchi, who became popular in Asia in the 1970s, is probably the only exception, but that's just because she retired too early.

But having said that, considering Matsumoto Keiko's current predicament, her privilege in this area seems to have turned into her disadvantage.

Because she has no job, she has no income, yet she still has to support a large family.

Even her dedicated team is relatively streamlined, employing only seven people.

However, the monthly labor expenses and office expenses of a personal office are also a large amount of money, at least 3 million yen is needed to maintain it.

This means that even if she doesn't eat or drink, she still has to spend 40 million yen every year to support the support team.

This is undoubtedly a huge financial burden.

For example, at 9:30 this morning, Matsumoto Keiko drove to the office near Putian Park and walked into the office area.

The scene she felt was that her team members were sitting at their desks in a daze, holding coffee or tea with nothing to do.

After seeing her, even if these people stood up to say hello, they were slow to do so.

This shows how low the overall morale is.

And the embarrassing situation of such a dismal business even made Matsumoto Keiko more sad than the actual economic difficulties.

Fortunately, she has re-planned some career advancement plans for herself in the past few days.

So after walking into her office that day, she immediately made a positive attitude that she was about to take action.

Ask the assistant to notify the two most important team members, Mitsuru Watanabe, who is in charge of finance, and Akira Okamoto, the contract agent, to come to the conference room for the meeting.

Akira Okamoto and Mitsuru Watabe are both relatively qualified professionals, and they were both employees of Shochiku Pictures in the past.

Precisely because they have participated in many films shot by Keiko Matsumoto and have a good reputation within Shochiku Pictures over the years, they are appreciated and trusted by Keiko Matsumoto.

Originally, for the two of them, being able to follow the big star Keiko Matsumoto and join her personal team was also a good choice in their careers.

They all thought that even if the double-acting queen could not produce better works, she could at least maintain her popularity for ten years.

So, as the main members of the firm, it stands to reason that they will be able to take advantage of the situation for at least ten years, maintain their prestige, and be popular and popular.

It is even possible to earn an annual income of more than 10 million yen and step into the ranks of the junior rich.

But no one expected that in just a year or two, this popular actress would have already lost popularity, and was so ruined by her own artistic pursuits that she almost became invisible.

In particular, the unpredictable supernatural incidents in advertising have dealt the hardest blow to Matsumoto Keiko's financial situation.

It has actually forced the actress to consider selling her real estate to maintain the operation of her office.

Compared with the past, their income is only a fixed salary of 100,000 yen more per month.

There is no extra income at all, it is extremely mediocre, and life is precarious.

This situation is embarrassing.

Although the entertainment industry is no different than other industries, it is more common to change owners.

With their qualifications in the industry, they can still find new jobs elsewhere.

Even if he leaves Matsumoto Keiko, he is not considered a wolf and has no moral issues involved.

But after all, this kind of personnel change is a passive and helpless move.

Moreover, every move of a well-known actor will always attract widespread attention from the society.

If Matsumoto Keiko ends up having to close her office, their career futures will not be affected.

Some people must think that it was their negligence and mistakes that caused the failure of their employer's business.

Therefore, if they change jobs at this time, it will be greatly detrimental to their career resume.

Not only will at least ten years of time be wasted in vain, but it will probably become a laughing stock among colleagues.

From this perspective, both of them have no way out.

How could we not be anxious for Matsumoto Keiko and hope that she would get out of the quagmire as soon as possible?

So after entering the office, neither Okamoto nor Watanabe gave Matsumoto Keiko a chance to speak.

In addition to briefly reporting on their current almost meaningless work progress, they all started talking about the same old words and earnestly advising Matsumoto Keiko.

I hope she can abandon her pride as a movie queen, put down her figure, and resume acting that is recognized by the audience.

"Matsumoto-san, maybe you can make another type of film that you are good at and become famous again? Before it is completely forgotten by movie fans, it is still possible to save your career."

"Yes, as long as you play another role that is loved by the audience, advertisers will come back to you again. Isn't this business just relying on fame and popularity? With fame and attention, everything is possible.

"Even if you film something casually, be on a variety show or something, it's better than just sitting there and doing nothing. If you really wait until your popularity dies away, you will completely lose your commercial value. Not to mention that your status in the film industry will not be guaranteed.

Even if you want to go back, it’s impossible.”…

Needless to say, after this year of desolation, the two people's respect for Matsumoto Keiko was no longer what it used to be.

They chattered like two parrots for a long time.

Many of the words were even offensive and crossed the proper boundaries of identity.

It's just that Keiko Matsumoto is a very humane and reasonable person, and she has always felt guilty about her current bad situation.

She knows that living in Tokyo is not easy.

She also believed that it was her responsibility to give her subordinates a better future, but she failed to do so.

Therefore, Matsumoto Keiko quite understood the eagerness of these two subordinates.

To put it bluntly, we are all grasshoppers tied on a rope. We can neither run away from me nor you.

Therefore, even if these subordinates became more and more lazy and complained more and more in front of her, she was not very angry.

Just like today, when faced with the rudeness and transgression of her two subordinates, she just gave a very gentle explanation.

"I'm sorry for making you two worried. I have seriously thought about some of Okamoto-san and Watanabe-san's suggestions recently. I admit that I made a mistake in my previous judgment. This industry is indeed not just about flowers, applause and flashlights, even if I

Even though I have received the highest honor in the film industry, I cannot rest easy. Any wrong step will destroy all my previous efforts. So I have decided that I will no longer bet my acting career willfully. I will listen carefully to everyone.

opinions and make some changes in due course.”

And her modesty and attitude could not help but surprise Okamoto Akira and Watabe Mitsuru.

"what did you say?"

"You...are you agreeing?"

None of them expected that this time's advice would actually have an effect.

Originally, everyone thought that Matsumoto Keiko would continue to be stubborn and put their interests aside.

"I agreed."

Keiko Matsumoto confirmed again, and the order was very clear and concise.

"Okamoto-san, please help me contact the TV station to see what variety shows are available recently. And help me contact Shochiku Pictures to see if there are any new movies that have roles suitable for me. The protagonist is of course the best, but if

If there are difficulties, the second heroine can also be accepted. As for "Movie World" that director Yamada Yoji is preparing to shoot, I will personally respond to his invitation to play the role. I agree to give up the fight for the heroine and participate in the female star in the movie as I am.

Kawashima Sumie. This should satisfy many people, right? We will have enough work in the short term and we will be busy, right?"

"Hi Yi, thank you so much. With your positive attitude, it will be easier for us to do things. Don't worry, I will try my best to arrange all these things! Especially in terms of remuneration, I will try my best to get it for you in line with your status.

The price. After all, you are also a movie queen. Just like in "Movie World", even if you play a supporting role, it should be 3 million yen, right? After all, we are helping Shochiku Pictures to promote newcomers Yumori Yasushi. Up to the production

The filmmakers, down to director Yamada and starring Atsumi Kiyoshi, must all be grateful for this, right?"

Akira Okamoto, who is in charge of external liaison, was extremely happy about this.

He immediately gave Matsumoto Keiko a big bow, and couldn't help but thank him several times.

My heart has said, it will be good if you are willing to get lost and find your way back.

As long as you have this attitude, there is a high probability that we can find the lost things again.

However, what he didn't expect was that Matsumoto Keiko had a long-term vision and was not in a hurry.

And beyond imagination, he completely let go of his pride and actually planned to ask for help.

"No, no, you don't have to be too deliberate about making money. Okamoto-san, for us right now, opportunities are more important. If there are good performance opportunities that can increase public exposure, it doesn't matter if you reduce the remuneration appropriately. That's it.

Take "Movie World" as an example. It is a key theme film planned by Shochiku Pictures. It is almost a textbook for film production. The probability of winning should not be low, and film critics will give it face. Therefore, it is not good for me to participate in the film and ask too high a price.

, this is a matter of principle in life, it is related to my personal reputation, so I must not be careless. As for appearing in variety shows, don’t just look at the labor fee, first consider the social impact. I personally prefer NHK TV station. You don’t

Have you forgotten that the New Year is coming? You can negotiate with NHK and say that I am willing to perform on the variety show for free as long as they invite me to participate in the Red and White Song Festival. In addition, I will also try the nepotism route myself. I will do it this afternoon

I have made an appointment with the wife of the director of the department store to have tea with me, and I will try my luck to see if I can get some commercial acting jobs."

Akira Okamoto was surprised and kept saying "Hey, hi," he said.

"Your decision is so wise, Matsumoto-san. I will try my best to fight for the opportunity of the Red and White Song Festival for you! I believe that it won't be long before you will become the most exposed and most loved movie star by movie fans."

Matsumoto Keiko's change was immediate and increased his expectations and respect.

However, what was more surprising than him was Mitsuru Watanabe, who was in charge of the financial affairs of Matsumoto Keiko's office.

Because even with regard to the financial difficulties she faced, Matsumoto Keiko came up with alternative solutions.

"Watanabe-san, my apartment in Nishi-Azabu has a special meaning to me. After much thought, I still don't plan to sell it."

"Then... what about the operating expenses of the firm? There are currently less than 10 million yen on the books. Even if you get a new job now, there is a certain time risk in the operation of funds. And your father's company, doesn't it at least require

Thirty million yen to maintain it? Could it be that you..."

"No, it's not. Don't get me wrong. In fact, someone gave me a new suggestion. Instead of selling real estate, I can raise funds in a faster way."

"Ah? What's the solution?"

"Mortgage the real estate to the bank. Someone told me that if I do this, I should be able to get a loan of half the value of the property. So I decided to mortgage the property in Denenchofu where I live now, and then I can exchange it for

I got a lot of money. The house price in Denen Chofu is now almost 1.1 million yen per square meter. My house including the courtyard covers an area of ​​about 85 square meters. The courtyard is 60 square meters, and the house is about 400 square meters.

Then the house with the courtyard is worth about six to seven billion. I wonder if Mr. Watanabe can help contact the bank? If it can be done smoothly, we don't need to worry about the fund operation, right?"

"Hey, well, that's true. But if you borrow three to four hundred million yen all at once, the repayment pressure will be huge. Are you mentally prepared enough? I mean, if your career doesn't go well...


"Don't worry, I'm mentally prepared. In fact, you don't need to worry, because the yen will continue to appreciate. In the long run, land prices in Tokyo will only rise simultaneously and become more and more popular. So even in the end

If I really can't repay the loan smoothly through work, it would be much more cost-effective to raise some money to redeem the house and sell it in a few years. Now is really not a good time to sell the house. It would be easier to sell it directly.

, but it’s not cost-effective. And if it’s mortgaged to a bank, I can continue to live there with peace of mind, right?”

Regarding Matsumoto Keiko's remarks, Watanabe was surprised and speechless.

He couldn't help but respond with surprise, "Oh, you're right. It's true that I didn't think carefully enough. Or your decision is more sensible, then I will do as you say."

Respectfully, Mitsuru Watanabe bowed.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you about the loan. I look forward to getting good news as soon as possible. Ah, by the way, you don't have to refuse the real estate agency I asked you to contact in the first place. I will personally contact the real estate agent of Qingye Real Estate

Just to say hello."

Keiko Matsumoto showed a gentle smile again, "And Okamoto-san, I have nothing else to do, so you can go and do your work."

Just like that, both subordinates walked backward out of the door.

It can be said that it is one thing when you come in and another thing when you go out.

The long-lost gentleness and respect appeared on them again, and they once again looked like subordinates serving their employers.

After going out, the two of them were still chattering and thinking about each other.

"Hey, Matsumoto-san, what's going on? Suddenly... oh, who would have dared to think about this two or three months ago?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that as a woman, I actually know a little bit about financial matters. Didn't Matsumoto-san never open his own store? It's really unexpected that what he said was so eloquent. He is very good at using financial means. This is comparable to

Other female celebrities who only save money to buy jewelry are much better... Hey, she said just now that someone gave her advice, you heard it, right? Has Matsumoto-san been interacting with anyone in the financial industry recently?"

"No. You know Matsumoto-san's temperament. He never likes to socialize. He is gentle on the outside but aloof on the inside. He is not even willing to act in TV dramas and only associates with people in the film industry. How could he possibly be with those who work with money every day?

People to deal with?"

"That's right. It's already very difficult for her to contact the wives of department store directors."

"But no matter what, Matsumoto-san has really figured it out. Only stars like this can have a better future."

"Haha, that's true. This is a very gratifying change. Our hard days must come to an end..."

"Hey, come on, Watanabe-san..."

A moment later, when the two of them walked into the office area, there was another burst of excitement.

"Hey, you lazy guys. Do you drink coffee every day? Yamada, especially a kid like you, you are so content with eating and waiting to die every day? Bastard, Matsumoto-san paid you to do something.

Cheer up. Call a taxi right away. Come with me. I have a job..."

"Miss Ayumi, I have something to trouble you. Please help me find out the contact information of Mitsui Bank's publicity director... Yes, it's the same director who came when the advertising contract was terminated last year. I need to contact him if I have something..."

This chapter has been completed!
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