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Chapter 91 Ambition

 Zhang Shihui knows very well what kind of character his girlfriend is.

Because of this, Liu Weijing accidentally revealed such a "special" sentence, which made his heart "thump".

This feeling is like being pushed deep inside by the lever of life.

The wall of belief that had written "My life is very safe" since childhood collapsed.

Suddenly, Zhang Shihui discovered a truth about life.

It turns out that people can only try to restrain their desire for wealth, but they cannot fundamentally eliminate it.

Why is spirit higher than matter? That requires special conditions.

This statement only holds true when the material is quite rich and sufficient.

So he realized for the first time that for the future happiness of himself and his girlfriend.

I'm afraid he really needs to think about it, it's something he hasn't seriously thought about in the past.

That is how to improve their material living standards.

Who doesn't want to live a good life?

Even himself.

It would be an absolute lie to say that he did not hope that his and Liu Weijing's future family would become like Huang Shuping and Wang Lin's wedding room.

So he couldn't blame Liu Weijing for this at all.

What's wrong with envying other people's generosity?

What's more, his girlfriend has tried her best to consider his feelings and is considerate of him enough.

On the other hand, as a man, he has the obligation and responsibility to let the people he loves live a good life.

If he could only let Liu Weijing share the pain with him, he would never be able to reciprocate the sweetness.

That is really unjustifiable and will make him forever ashamed of his love and marriage.

Of course he is willing to let Liu Weijing get everything she wants.

It is even better than what others have, there is no doubt about it.

Just like the promise Vasily made to his wife in the movie "Lenin in 1918".

He also wanted to give Liu Weijing a guarantee so seriously and firmly.

"There will be bread, there will be milk, there will be everything."

But the most critical problem is that this seems to be an empty talk, and he really has no good way to realize this wish.

As an ordinary citizen, unless he can be like those lucky few.

Either he had overseas connections, or his family had been rich in the past, and he had a solid foundation to make his dream come true.

If he only relies on salary and saving money, it will actually be difficult to achieve the quality of life he expects.

Although his job is pretty good, he gets bonuses and subsidies while sleeping.

And he can count on his employer to support him for the rest of his life.

But he couldn't count on his employer to provide him with a room full of imported appliances and high-end furniture, allowing him to live a life like a master.

So this reality gap inevitably makes him really confused.

He suddenly discovered that in a society that claimed to have eliminated class differences long ago, in fact the gap between people was still very large.

Everything around him is not as fair as he always thought.

So the biggest question he faced was what to do now.

Should we succumb to reality, bury our heads in the soil like an ostrich, and pretend not to know all this like we did in the past?

It is still time to fight for your own life and grow your ambition.

Let's see if we can find some way to make some extra money on our own.

Be a real man and feel proud.

In short, from this day forward, Zhang Shihui became different from the past.

In the past, he was the master who even fed the dogs when he was full.

If you have money, you can spend it as you like.

Whether it's money sent back by parents or my own salary, it goes in with my left hand and goes out with my right hand, and I never feel distressed.

Buy good cigarettes, buy good wine, buy tapes.

Take your girlfriend to the park, buy clothes, and watch movies.

I also play cards with my buddies and classmates and go out to restaurants, which is very cool.

Thank you Liu Weijing for not being a spendthrift girl.

And for their future, they also forced Zhang Shihui to save at least fifteen yuan every month.

Otherwise, this kid wouldn't even be able to save the one hundred and twenty in his hand.

So the biggest change is that after attending the wedding on National Day, Zhang Shihui actually took the initiative to pick at herself.

The size of the cigarette he smoked quietly dropped by two levels.

From Xiangshan with 4 cents to Beihai with 23 cents.

He no longer took the initiative to offer cigarettes to others, and even refused invitations to dinner and card games from his buddies in the past.

But this is nothing. In fact, this kid borrowed a lot of money without telling Liu Weijing.

He used the excuse of buying a TV to talk to a few acquaintances in the housekeeping and engineering departments.

Because of his good popularity, everyone knew that he and Liu Weijing were on the road to happiness and were heading towards marriage.

They were all willing to try their best to help him, and collected more than 200 yuan for him.

No one became suspicious, and no one noticed that Zhang Shihui's expression was much more serious than before, and there was something heavy about him.

And these anomalies can actually explain the use of this money, which is not that simple.

The real reason why Zhang Shihui borrowed money was not to buy a TV at all.

He wanted to use it as capital to start a small business privately during the day when he was not at work.

He made up lies because he was afraid that others would know the truth and would be worried about the risks and would not lend him money.

As for what business?

Pour the fruit.

This idea came to him from his neighbor who was living in a dormitory.

This neighbor has a relative who works as a warehouse manager at the Xiangshan Hotel.

On weekdays, this warehouse manager has the habit of relying on his patrons.

I would often take advantage of my position to cash out the things in my library to supplement my small life.

Recently, Xiangshan Hotel has shipped a lot of fruits, including some rare southern fruits, and the warehouse management is looking for ways to ship them out.

It was a coincidence that a neighbor discovered Zhang Shihui looking for a way to make a fortune with a sad face.

So this kind neighbor wanted to introduce the warehouse manager to Zhang Shihui and let him make money by reselling southern fruits.

Neighbors said that those fruits are good things prepared for foreign guests and leaders. They are rare on the market and must sell well.

He also suggested to Zhang Shihui that the Xiangshan area produces fruits, and since it is in season, everything is available.

After you go there, you can talk to the local farmers and get some mountain reds, apples, oranges, etc. to sell back.

This way you have everything you need and your business is guaranteed to be prosperous.

Zhang Shihui heard this and felt that this was the truth.

I quickly made up my mind and used my savings to buy an old three-wheeler.

Then he used the borrowed money as capital and went to Xiangshan to get a large cart of fruit back.

It's just a pity that this business looks easy but is difficult to do.

What kind of money are you making? You really have to lose a lot of money.

Zhang Shihui, who was new to the business world, didn't know anything, so he thought that there was no tropical fruit in the capital, so he felt that there was a lot to do.

He didn't expect that ordinary people were short of money and valued prices the most.

Although carambola, mangosteen, and mango are quite fresh and beautiful.

It's a pity that the price is too expensive, and the taste and eating method are not suitable for me.

The more you ask, the less you buy.

In addition, the neighbors look at it all day long, go in and out every day, and always ask what is this and what is that.

Zhang Shihui really couldn't save his face, so he delivered it to his family, so that the neighbors could come and try it.

He couldn't ask for money from anyone, especially the neighbor who introduced the business, and he gave the most as a gift.

In the end, it was just a free gift, so I gave away twenty kilograms of it.

As for those apples, oranges, etc., they are cheap and relatively easy to sell.

But the problem is that these things are all produced by old farmers. Some seeds are good and some are not.

Zhang Shihui didn't understand, so he bought it thinking it was cheap.

Unexpectedly, some are delicious and some are not.

As for the sour and astringent ones, people are not stupid and can get them back if they buy them.

If you don't get a refund, or if you don't get a refund, the industrial and commercial authorities will sue you for operating without a license.

In addition, Zhang Shihui does not have a license and has to hide from the industrial and commercial offices every day to prevent being inspected.

Not only did he have a guilty conscience, but he also didn't know how to cheat. In fact, he couldn't do a lot of profitable business at the end of the day.

Later, we were even more unlucky and encountered bad weather with rain, sleet, and snow for two days.

Well, if the temperature drops suddenly, it rains and snows, the fruits will freeze first and then rot, so it’s not worth it anymore.

Just like this, for a book worth more than 200 yuan, I lost more than 100 yuan every time.

Zhang Shihui was completely fooled.

Fortunately, the neighbor who introduced the business knew that he had lost money and felt a little embarrassed.

So in order to help him read the book, I gave him another idea.

He said that if there was a way to help him, please ask someone to go into the toad mirror that was on fire outside.

For fifteen yuan a pair, if Zhang Shihui sells them at the market price, he can earn almost twice as much.

At that time, not only will the lost money be recovered, but also some profit will be made.

But the problem is, you have to buy at least two dozen, or if you don't want to get divorced, it will cost you 360 yuan.

So Zhang Shihui still had to borrow some more capital.

This chapter has been completed!
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