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Chapter 923 Agreement

The dinner lasted almost three hours.

They are all fellows from the capital city and in the same industry.

Being in a foreign country, a place completely different from Beijing, naturally there are endless topics to talk about.

Ning Weimin and the others had a great time eating, drinking and chatting that day.

By the end of the meal, even Qu Xiao drank three cans of beer. Uncharacteristically, he lost his reserve and started chatting and laughing.

But as soon as nine o'clock in the evening passed, Qu Xiao had to leave, no matter from the perspective of reputation or safety.

Needless to say, Ning Weimin had to come to send Qu Xiao and act as the flower protector.

"Which hotel did you book? I'll call a taxi to take you there..."

After coming downstairs and standing at the door of the apartment building, Ning Weimin asked.

Qu Xiao waved his hands hurriedly, "No, no need. The hotel I booked is over at Kita Senju. It's quite far from here. Just take me to the subway station."

"Is that so..." Ning Weimin didn't ask why he didn't live nearby. He probably knew it was for the sake of convenience.

The only thing he hesitated about was that he didn't know how late the last subway train was, and he was afraid that Qu Xiao would not be able to catch it.

So he asked again, "Are you in a hurry? How about... I'll take you to the subway station on a bicycle. That would be faster."

This idea made Qu Xiao obviously excited, because the back seat of the opposite sex's bicycle is of great significance to all mainland girls in this era.

But in comparison, although it was pleasant to sit on the back of a bicycle, given the current situation, if one chose to walk, it would obviously be possible to spend more time with Ning Weimin.

So without much hesitation, Qu Xiao, who was calculating carefully, quickly made up her mind. She gave up on her short-term happiness and shook her head.

"I'm not in a hurry, the Tokyo subway can arrive very late. Let's just take a walk..."

"Okay then. Let's go."

Ning Weimin said nothing and walked slowly towards the subway station side by side with Qu Xiao under the cover of night.

At the beginning, the street lights were not bright.

The two people's mentality was also very subtle, and they just walked forward in silence, without anyone speaking.

Their shadows lengthened and shortened under the street lights.

Since they were very close, about ten centimeters apart, their bodies would touch each other from time to time.

This subtle atmosphere is really itchy. Although the environment is very quiet, both of them feel inexplicably upset.

Along the way, only one cyclist passed by them.

And what was a bit inexplicable was that even after they had ridden far away, the cyclist actually turned back to look at them.

But once you step out of the alley leading from the apartment to the street, it's completely different.

Akasaka in Tokyo at night is like a place where you can light up electricity for free.

Neon lights in various shapes and forms not only illuminate the sky colorfully, but also make it bright and clear.

It seems that it also wants to shine through the ground, so that the bricks, cement, wood, and soil can also shine.

This kind of dreamlike visual stimulation immediately shocked the two people's spirits, and they felt uncontrollably excited.

"It's so beautiful! The night here is so beautiful." Qu Xiao sighed sincerely.

"Well, it's good, but it consumes too much electricity." Ning Weimin also sighed at the night sky.

As a result, this sentence produced a huge sense of humor. Compared with Zou Guodong's comment on Ning Weimin's always calculating, Qu Xiao couldn't stop laughing.

"Brother Ning, Mr. Zou is really right. Why are you always scheming?"

Ning Weimin reacted immediately after being teased by her.

Realizing that I seemed to have gone a little too far, I laughed out loud in embarrassment.

"I'm a bit redundant. I'm just wishful thinking and worrying about the Japanese. You have to keep this matter a secret. Otherwise, if word spreads, my reputation will be tarnished. Don't force me to silence you."

"Haha, don't dare. I promise not to let the third person know. But... the fourth, fifth, and more people can't be protected."

Qu Xiao also followed Ning Weimin's words and started joking.

But then, she started to feel really sad again.

"People here are crazy. They really don't use money as money. I'm also puzzled. The Japanese make things at such sky-high prices, but they are actually quite rich. Hey, Brother Ning, what on earth do you think is going on?


"The economy can be transmitted and expanded. Do you know there is a word called 'wealth effect'?"

"I don't know. It's the first time I've heard of it. What does it mean?"

"In short, it means that the more assets people have, the stronger their desire to consume. The richer they are, the more willing they are to spend money. Then more goods will be produced to provide diversified services for various needs.

, and society prospers as a result.”

"It seems like this, but when will it end? It won't always be like this, right?"

"Smart! You're right, everything has a beginning. Good times are the same. But the reason is complicated and I can't explain it in a sentence or two. But I can guarantee that when this day comes, all the good things will come to an end.

, then the Japanese will no longer be beautiful."

"Ah? Is it so serious? It sounds terrible. The Japanese... don't they themselves know it at all?"

"There must be people who know it, but good advice is hard to hear. How many of the vast majority of Japanese people who are immersed in happiness are willing to listen? After hearing it, are they willing to think about it and believe it?"

Speaking of this, Ning Weimin suddenly smiled when he looked at the innocent Qu Xiao with a serious look on his face.

"Hey, look at you, you were making fun of me just now. Why are you so idle now? Do you really want to discuss Japan's economic issues with me?"

At this time, Qu Xiao couldn't help but laugh, and stuck out his tongue playfully.

"I let you catch me, so let's change the topic and talk about what's happening in front of us."

"Okay, you say."

"Brother Ning, I will go to the circulation center to help you tomorrow. My vacation is on the 22nd. I can stay here for at least two days..." Qu Xiao said enthusiastically.

However, Ning Weimin flatly refused.

"No, no, I told you just now when we were having dinner. Just enjoy your holiday. We don't need you here. We can handle it on our own."

"Don't worry, I just heard you say that the exhibition is so busy, how can I just sit back and ignore it? You see, I come at the right time, so it's better to come early than to come at the right time? I just want to help you. You...

Do you... dislike my poor Japanese?"

He looked at Qu Xiao with an aggrieved look on his face, and the circles under his eyes seemed to be a little red as he spoke.

Ning Weimin felt more and more amused, but he could only comfort him with kind words.

"Where are you thinking? Your Japanese is better than mine. How can you dislike it? I'm doing it for your own good. I think you look too tired and you really need a good rest. Think about it, if you get sick, not only will I

I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for your parents, and I can't explain it to the leaders of your team. In fact, it's not easy to help me? There will be many opportunities in the future. When you recover, I won't be polite to you..."

Qu Xiao originally wanted to fight again, but after hearing the end, she couldn't help but think about it again.

Also, Brother Ning's trolley suitcase business has just started, and the restaurant will soon open. As long as you are in Japan, there will indeed be many opportunities in the future, so why rush it?

Especially since Mr. Zou is still here, Brother Ning may have some concerns.

It was always an excuse, so Brother Ning must have his own considerations, so I would never make things difficult for him.

As a result, Qu Xiao bit his lip and revealed a bright smile as before.

"Then... we agreed, if you need my help with anything, just call me."

Ning Weimin nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. "The same goes for you. Whenever you encounter difficulties and become unhappy, don't forget that you still have a brother in Tokyo, Japan."

"Haha, okay, brother, I'll thank you in advance."

"Thank you for what. To say thank you, I have to thank you first. You came here to see me today, bought so many things, invited you to eat and drink, and even asked you to help wash the dishes."

"Oh, it's okay. It should be. Aren't you my brother?"

"Don't say that, there's nothing right about it. If you were at home, your parents wouldn't be willing to do this to you..."

"It's okay. I have to do housework at home. You don't think I'm a squeamish kid who doesn't have a finger in the sun, do you? Humph, I look down on others..."

"Ouch, look at my mouth, I said the wrong thing again. Forget it, my brain is full of water today, so I won't explain it. The more I describe it, the darker it becomes..."

"Well, just admit your mistake humbly. Don't explain it. If you say something wrong with good intentions, there is no need to explain it, and there is no need to explain it... Especially for a grown man, if you have to explain it, it is to your girlfriend, and I am not..."

The embarrassment comes so suddenly.

When young men and women get along, if they are not careful, they can always cause hormonal leakage.

The people who were chatting happily and enthusiastically suddenly realized something when the sensitive words came out of Qu Xiao's mouth and stopped talking.

And I don’t know if it was because of drinking, but both of their faces were obviously red at this time.

Fortunately, before I knew it, I was already closer to my destination - Akasaka Subway Station.

So the farewells and warnings that followed became the best way to resolve the awkward atmosphere.

At the entrance of the subway station, Qu Xiao stopped and so did Ning Weimin. The two turned around and stood face to face.

Qu Xiao opened his mouth first.

"Brother Ning, I'm leaving."

"Goodbye, little girl. Be careful on the road and call me when you get to your residence. I feel relieved..."

"I'm not that young, and you're not a few years older than me."

"How old you are is still old. Don't you know how old you are before you can disrespect your elders and deny the facts?"

"It's not good to act like a senior. If you are always so old-fashioned, Brother Ning, you will grow old before you get old."

"Hey, your little mouth is getting better and better. Who can you learn from?"

Ning Weimin looked at Qu and smiled.

I don't know why, but suddenly I remembered how she used to wear the uniform of Chongwenmen Hotel and look panicked and timid when she encountered rude guests while working at the front desk.

Don't tell me, this girl has really transformed into a woman, becoming more and more beautiful.

The simple girl in the past has become a star on the fashion runway. Now she can shine with dazzling confidence anytime and anywhere, making everyone focus on her.

Ning Weimin didn't know if his mentality was a little strange or if he was abnormal.

But when he looked at Qu Xiao, who he had held in his own hands, standing in front of him, he did feel a sense of happiness that "a daughter has just grown up in my family."

But having said that, it is really tiring to train such a model competition champion.

I'm afraid that in the future, he will actually have his own child, paving the way for his descendants.

I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with today's thoughts on cultivating Qu Xiao...

Of course Qu Xiao didn't know what was going on in the smiling Ning Weimin's mind, and she was in no hurry to leave.

He blushed and looked at Ning Weimin for a moment, then looked at his toes, and then said hesitantly, "...there is something I haven't said yet. I want to...ask you..."

Ning Weimin reacted at this time and took a serious look at Qu Xiao.

She looked docile in the shadow of the lamp, like a willow branch swaying in the wind.

She is so gentle from head to toe, but her shyness remains unchanged.

"Ah, is there anything else? Then you can tell me..."

Qu Xiao unconsciously kicked the ground with his toes. This action made Ning Weimin couldn't help but want to laugh!

But at this moment, he could only endure it, for fear that the little girl would not be embarrassed.

Qu Xiao didn't notice because he lowered his head and just muttered to himself, "The Japanese New Year is like our Spring Festival, the holiday is longer. You know this. We are busy from December 24th to New Year's Day."

Once everything is fine, you can go home. However, this year, almost half of us have proposed to stay in Japan and wait for the Spring Festival before going back. Therefore, the leaders of the team do not book tickets in a unified way, and say who wants to go back. Go back

The air tickets will be reimbursed, and each person who stays will be given 30,000 yen. I just want to ask, what are your arrangements for the New Year? Do you want to go back to the capital? Or stay in Tokyo?"

"Me..." Ning Weimin pondered for a moment, "I actually want to go back. I've been here for several months, and I'm quite homesick."

"Then let's go together? I'll book the air tickets..."

Qu Xiao nervously extended the invitation and looked at Ning Weimin without blinking.

The expectant look on her face showed that she was afraid of rejection.

Ning Weimin thought about it and felt that it would be nice to go together and have a companion, so he readily agreed.

"Okay. Let's go together."

Qu Xiao immediately became excited.

"Great! Let me book the tickets. When will we leave?"

"January 2nd, I'm afraid if something happens, I need to save some time."

"Well, then I'll book a ticket for January 2nd."

After Qu Xiao agreed happily, he continued to ask.

"Then how do we meet? Did I come looking for you, or did you come looking for me?"

"I'll look for you. If it's early, maybe I'll be there by the end of the month. Maybe I'll still have time to visit Kyoto for a day."

"Well, I will definitely be a competent tour guide. Brother Ning, see you then."

"see you then……"

He glanced at Ning Weimin quickly, suddenly smiled, took something out of his bag and stuffed it into Ning Weimin's hand.

Then he turned around beautifully and ran towards the subway entrance.

It wasn't until her figure disappeared that Ning Weimin figured out what was in his hand.

It was a hand-knitted black scarf.

It was also at this moment that something seemed to break out of the ground and sprout in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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