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Chapter 929 New Years Incident

After sending Zou Guodong away, Ning Weimin did not feel any relief.

Because he was still struggling repeatedly with the question about fish and bear's paws that Zou Guodong reminded him before leaving.

Originally it was just a matter of choice, seemingly very simple.

But he encountered big trouble in his real life.

When Mencius made this analogy, he obviously only considered people's normal standards for choosing between high and low.

But if you want to apply this metaphor to the emotional choices Ning Weimin encountered, trouble arises.

Because he couldn't determine which of the two women around him was a fish and which was a bear's paw.

Only when he first determines who is the fish and who is the bear's paw can he make a choice based on the standard of giving up the cheap to the expensive.

And no one can help with this matter, so Ning Weimin can only continue to find the answer on his own.

If measured by the satisfaction brought by the sense of conquest and personal preference, then the problem is easily solved.

It was obvious that the mature, beautiful and famous Matsumoto Keiko was more attractive and fascinated him than the smile on a piece of blank paper.

It is easier to produce hormonal attraction and erotic impulses towards him.

Even they have always had a tacit understanding with each other, and many things were already self-evident.

Their relationship was not predicated on getting married. Everyone knew this, which made him feel relaxed.

So Keiko Matsumoto is like a bear's paw, and Qu Xiao is like a fish.

But if you want to put aside pure sexual attraction and consider practical issues rationally, you will be in trouble.

Because Ning Weimin could clearly feel deep in his heart that his affection for Matsumoto Keiko was quite impulsive.

He also expected that differences in age, nationality, respective families and careers, as well as living habits, as well as cultural differences would inevitably cause resistance to the maintenance of their relationship.

There are even many objective difficulties that cannot be imagined at the moment.

It’s hard to say how long such mutual love can last. It’s hard to achieve the right result!

On the other hand, this is not the case for Qu Xiao.

In China in the 1980s, the domestic environment was generally very innocent.

There are still many traditional things left in people's lives, including the treatment of money and love.

There are more people who equate their lives with their ideals and careers.

There are also people who are willing to give up their enviable jobs and promising prospects in pursuit of love.

Qu Xiao is such a person.

This means that when dating this girl who has never been in love, your sense of responsibility must be given top priority.

Once a love relationship is confirmed, you are rushing to get married, otherwise everything will be impossible to explain.

But having said that, whether it is considered in terms of talent-appearance compatibility, work relationship, or domestic environment.

If they are together, they will obviously be easily accepted by people around them, almost no one will object, and they will definitely receive blessings.

Even married life will be more harmonious and there will be far fewer difficulties to face.

More importantly, he doesn't seem to be feeling anything at all now.

At that moment at the subway entrance, Qu Xiao looked at him affectionately, and he suddenly realized that this girl was also a big girl who could make his heart flutter.

So if we take the ultimate life goal as the starting point, Quxiao becomes a bear's paw again, and Matsumoto Keiko becomes a fish again.

But the biggest trouble arises here. How can he determine the criteria for judgment?

Do you want to be happy for the moment first, and don’t think about the future for the time being?

Or should we just keep to ourselves and get it done in one step?

But no matter what, Zou Guodong is right about one thing.

He can't use time as an excuse to delay. This kind of thing is bound to hurt a person.

The longer it is delayed, the greater the harm will be to that person.

In this way, after returning from the airport, Ning Weimin's ideological struggle became particularly fierce.

It's a struggle between who he likes more and who he should give up.

Needless to say, it is tiring to think about two women in this way, especially in contrast to the lighthearted Christmas atmosphere.

In fact, Japanese society as a whole begins to enter the New Year atmosphere every year as Christmas approaches.

Ning Weimin, who was alone and distraught and had to prepare his luggage for returning home, looked even more miserable compared to the Japanese people around him who were eating and drinking everywhere, buying things with their bonuses, and laughing happily.

Finally, after much deliberation and having no clue, he simply gave up and frankly admitted that he was weak and indecisive in his emotional choices.

I think it’s better to go to Kyoto to fulfill the contract first, and then meet up with Qu Xiao with my luggage.

Just like Su Rui's song, "Just follow your feelings and it will be up to you wherever you go..."

But what Ning Weimin never expected was that even though he had just had an idea in his subconscious mind, hoping to rely on the hand of fate to choose the direction of his emotions, he got his wish.

God indeed satisfied him and once again dominated his actions and pointed out the direction for him to move forward.

But this time, the decision was made for him in a very different way.

This special gift fell on him, which was not a pleasant feeling, and even a little frightening.

what's up?

Fortunately, it was December 30th, almost the end of the year, and Ning Weimin had prepared most of his luggage.

His name is located at No. 5-chome 6-8. The first three-story building he bought for 210 million yen had an accident.

Because it was an Abatto-style iron house and it was in disrepair, the roof of the tent where debris was stored on the third-floor rooftop was blown away by the strong wind of a sudden snowstorm at night.

The broken metal sheet hit the glass window of a company in an office building not far away.

As a result, the police were alerted.

Ning Weimin was quickly found by the police.

Then he was taken to the scene of the accident in a police car, where he was required to sign and bear the corresponding responsibility.

Needless to say, this sudden accident frightened Ning Weimin.

Because if someone really loses his life or someone is injured, let’s put aside how much compensation he will pay, because he might be expelled from Japan.

His hard work in Tokyo during the past six months and his major planning will be in vain.

So what's the point of talking about grand plans? Don't cut Japanese leeks, you'll only come back in vain.

But the good thing is that the incident occurred at night and no one was injured at the scene, only property damage.

Now Ning Weimin not only has his own lawyer, but has also purchased various insurances for his properties through Zuo Hai Yujilang.

The maintenance cost of nearly 780,000 yen was borne by the insurance company. For him personally, the financial loss was not large.

So Ning Weimin no longer cared about fear or anything else, and quickly did one thing.

The next day, without any pride at all, I went to apologize to the damaged property management company and tenants.

He promised to eliminate all possible dangers immediately and ensured that such accidents would not happen again.

In addition to due compensation, they also gave valuable gifts to the property management company and tenants.

Only in this way can understanding be successfully obtained.

However, how to dismantle the rest of the damaged tent on the roof is not an ordinary difficulty.

Because now is not the time.

For example, if you want to hire workers in China on New Year's Eve, will anyone be willing to come?

This is not a matter of money anymore. Ning Weimin has no chance of asking the company that decorates him for help.

They refused directly, saying that the company was on holiday.

But if the demolition is not urgent, it will not work until after the New Year holiday.

Who knows if similar accidents will happen again? Besides, the police won’t agree.

Even the lawyer reminded Ning Weimin that he must deal with this matter as soon as possible, otherwise it will become a big problem.

In the end, Ning Weimin was cornered.

I can only use the generous reward to call two clerks from my bookstore to help.

Plus Director Taniguchi’s kind assistance.

And Yujiro Sakai, as a joint party, is a duty-bound assistant.

In just one day, they dismantled the remaining parts of the tent on the rooftop and transported it indoors.

The price paid for this was that a bookstore clerk's hand was scratched and he was sent to the hospital for a tetanus shot.

Ning Weimin was even worse, because his body was thin and he had to work in the cold.

Not only was he clumsy, his arms were scratched a lot, and he also suffered from wind and cold.

From around 10pm on December 31st, when he returned to his Akasaka apartment, he felt a headache, body aches and discomfort.

Even turning on the TV to watch NHK's Red and White Song Concert, waiting for Keiko's performance, and eating sukiyaki pot was tasteless.

At first, he thought he was tired or freezing. He would just drink a glass of wine brought from home, take a hot bath and sleep.

But things went counterproductive, maybe it was just this cup of Moutai that got ruined.

On the first day of the New Year in 1986, what a wonderful day, at two o'clock in the morning, he actually developed a high fever.

After taking the antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs he brought from China, he slept until noon but did not feel better.

I also had a cough and felt so bad that I couldn't even leave for Kyoto.

So after thinking about it, he had no choice but to make a long-distance call to Qu Xiao.

He briefly explained the unexpected situation he encountered here.

He said, "Looking at the moment, I really can't go out, so I have to break the appointment. It's better for you to return to China alone and refund my ticket. If anything happens, we'll talk about it later."

Qu Xiao was naturally very worried after hearing this, and immediately said that he would not go back, and would immediately buy a train ticket to transfer to Tokyo so that he could take care of Ning Weimin.

Ning Weimin was moved when he heard this, but he was very embarrassed.

He just told Qu Xiao to return to China with peace of mind.

Actually, I'm fine. I've already taken medicine and I'll probably be fine after just two days of sleep.

However, Qu Xiao still insisted on coming and argued for a few words. Ning Weimin stopped being pretentious because he was really tired.

He said, "You can come if you want. But I don't have anything here except medicine. Because I plan to go back, I have disposed of everything in the refrigerator and it is empty. Thank you for your hard work and buy some food."

But as a result, Ning Weimin had only slept peacefully for two hours when he was woken up by a phone call again.

After answering the phone, he realized that something was unfortunate. Qu Xiao's side had also encountered something unexpected.

Just now, this girl made a long-distance call to her family in Jingcheng to tell her that her schedule had changed.

Unexpectedly, her father became anxious upon hearing this.

Qu Xiao was told on the phone that her mother was hospitalized due to illness in the first few days.

She said it was because her family knew she would return to China tomorrow and didn't want her to get into trouble at work, so they kept it secret.

Therefore, Qu Xiao can only take care of his family first. He will definitely not be able to come to Tokyo. He will have to return to China as scheduled tomorrow.

This is human nature, and Ning Weimin can certainly understand it.

Not only did he understand, he was also easy to persuade.

Let Xiaoqu never be in a hurry and pay attention to safety on the road.

After returning home, take care of your mother with peace of mind, don't worry about him, let alone worry about work.

He also said that if you need any help or have any unresolved problems, such as asking for leave from the team leader, you can call him at any time.

Just like this, I spent this New Year’s Day daytime in Tokyo, Japan.

Ning Weimin was curled up alone in the bed, sleeping alone.

But sleeping alone is not enough. Nutrition is needed to recover from illness, but eating has become a problem.

Don’t forget, the Japanese New Year is equivalent to the Chinese Spring Festival.

Especially on the afternoon of January 1st, the streets were deserted, with few cars and few people.

Most stores have posted holiday notices.

Ning Weimin couldn't even get a bowl of hot noodle soup, and even the convenience store near his apartment where he usually bought groceries was closed.

Being weak, he staggered nearly a kilometer in the wind, snow, and cold sweat.

Finally, I found an open convenience store and bought a large bag of bread, milk, sandwiches and instant noodles.

Think about it, will this shopping trip be beneficial to the patient?

Besides, it is not suitable to just eat these things to recover from illness.

This is pure make do, and it's not an exaggeration to say it's a suffering.

So after I returned, I was hit by a desolation I had never experienced before.

Ning Weimin also seemed to feel that his illness was getting worse, his bones were aching more, and he was getting colder.

I can't help but feel vaguely worried that I might think that if I catch a cold again during this trip, my cold will directly turn into pneumonia.

But as the old saying goes, if there is no light in the east, there will be light in the west.

When God closes the door and arrests you, he often leaves a window secretly for you to jump out of and escape.

Just when Ning Weimin was holding on to his energy, biting dry bread and cooking instant noodles.

His pager suddenly vibrated.

At this time, he picked it up and took a look, and discovered that there had been eight or nine paging calls from nine o'clock in the morning to now.

And they were all called from the same number.

Only then did he remember that he had promised Matsumoto Keiko that he would have a phone call on New Year's Day.

Sure enough, his hunch was accurate. When he called him, it was indeed Keiko Matsumoto who was sending him New Year greetings.

However, after almost a day without finding his person or receiving any information, Matsumoto Keiko was already very anxious.

But it was better not to speak. When Ning Weimin spoke, his voice was sick and sick, and Matsumoto Keiko immediately realized that something was wrong with him.

So even if Ning Weimin refuses, it doesn't matter how he says it.

Matsumoto Keiko also insisted on asking him for his detailed address and said she would come over to see him right away.

In this way, Ning Weimin, a little grass from China, finally had someone to take care of him.

Not only did this help him survive a desperate situation, it also undoubtedly made him owe Matsumoto Keiko a huge favor.

Life is actually like this.

Often at certain particularly important times, special people will appear around us and special things will happen.

If this happens, the object that appears has changed.

Then it may be able to directly change the direction of a person's life, and perhaps everything that follows will not happen again.

This chapter has been completed!
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