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Chapter 938 Tacit Game

At this time, Ning Weimin became a completely obedient boy, and he obeyed without hesitation.

Matsumoto Keiko's chin rested on Ning Weimin's chest, almost touching his heart.

She could clearly feel Ning Weimin's heartbeat, which was chaotic, rapid and powerful.

Ning Weimin also felt the rhythm of Matsumoto Keiko's heart.

That kind of rhythm and vibration allowed their excitement to fully blend.

They hugged like this, silently, breathing slightly, listening to each other's heartbeats and the birdsong in the vast lakeside and courtyard.

Unconsciously, both of them closed their eyes, as if time had stopped.

After an unknown amount of time, Matsumoto Keiko spoke.

"say something……"

"I'm so sorry."

"That's not it."

"Ah? Then...I..."

"Do you like this now?"



"Because...we are together, here, we can think about nothing, it's just the two of us."

Matsumoto Keiko's hair is fragrant, but it can make Ning Weimin feel obsessed with dreams.

"Then can you tell me what I am to you now?"

Keiko Matsumoto opened her eyes and looked at the trees in the distance and the outline of the ancient city of Kanazawa.

I hope Ning Weimin can give the answer she wants.

However, Ning Weimin's answer, at first glance, was different from what she expected.

"You...are...air to me."


"It's air. Because without air, I will die... I can only live for a few minutes at most..."

Ning Weimin's words made Matsumoto Keiko smile.

Smile with joy, smile with relief, smile with contentment.

This answer was another small surprise brought to her by Ning Weimin.

It was obviously more useful than the word "lover" she originally longed for.

"Hold me tighter..." She murmured her plea.

Ning Weimin did it again without hesitation.

Push harder, push harder, try your best.

He wanted to wrap up Keiko Matsumoto's entire body, almost suffocating her.

The heart is suffocated, the breath is suffocated, and the soul is suffocated.

But Keiko Matsumoto likes this kind of suffocation.

She is willing to do so.

Kenrokuen Garden no longer exists, no matter how beautiful the scenery here is, it is completely meaningless.

Standing here now, they all had the urge to let go of everything, the relief that everything was empty, and the pleasure of drinking from the sweet spring in the desert.

It's been too long, really too long, they've all been waiting for too long...

For the whole afternoon, Matsumoto Keiko longed to be held by Ning Weimin like this.

So they kept walking, looking for a quiet place where they would not be disturbed.

You know, Japan's social atmosphere is still very conservative.

Even if they are a couple, they are embarrassed to hold hands in front of outsiders.

A tough guy like Takakura Ken would scold his wife even if she rested her head on his shoulder while flying on a honeymoon trip.

So whether it was Kenrokuen Garden or Kanazawa Castle across the street, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko went there.

But he was just looking at the flowers, not interested in enjoying the scenery at all, he just wanted to be alone together.

Once they find a no-man's land, they stick together like a man and woman in first love, like Siamese beings.

When you see someone coming, run away and then stick together again.

They walked against the light, they walked against the light, completely tireless.

As the sun set, almost all the tourist attractions that were open to welcome guests were closed.

At dusk, the beautiful sound of the shamisen sounded in the three major teahouse streets.

Only then did they realize that the watch was already pointing to a quarter past six.

"Are you tired?" Matsumoto Keiko took advantage of the dim light and the street lights to light up, and secretly held Ning Weimin's hand.

"Not tired." Ning Weimin squeezed it hard, expressing a tacit response.

"Then we have to go back. Otherwise, we won't have time to take a bath in the sento. Dinner time will also be delayed."

"are you hungry?"

"No, after all, we have made an appointment with the landlady. And since you are still young, you should also develop good eating habits..."

Matsumoto Keiko said this not because she was hungry, but because the Japanese respect timeliness above all else.

Dinner at a Japanese hotel needs to be confirmed in advance, so whether you are dining in the room or in the cafeteria, you should arrive on time.

Otherwise, it will be embarrassing if you are late.

Ning Weimin instantly understood what Matsumoto Keiko meant, and then quickened his pace.

"Okay, let's go quickly."

"Guess what's for dinner tonight...?"

Seeing that they were almost there, Matsumoto Keiko simply hugged Ning Weimin's arm.

"Dinner should be seafood. After all, this place is close to the sea. There should be sashimi, right? I hope it won't be crabs?"

"No. There is Noto beef, a specialty here, which is not easy to eat in Tokyo. So I asked the landlady to prepare a beef set meal. I also brought red wine just for you."

"Isn't there any wine here?"

"I'm not as prepared as I am, so I brought you two bottles of Paoma red wine. It's a very famous winery in France's Golden Plateau, and it's been there for decades..."


"How can I thank you?"

"Say it."

"After taking a bath, you want to buy me something to drink..."


In this way, they quickly returned to their rooms in the "Chunyun" Hotel.

After quickly changing into the loose yukata provided by the hotel, I went to the nearby sento about 20 meters away to bathe and relax.

In fact, Kanazawa also has hot springs, and there are four of them, but these hot springs are located relatively far outside Kanazawa City.

There are only public bathhouses in the city where you can bathe, so you have no choice but to make do for the time being.

If you want to take a dip, it’s not too late to go back.

But when it comes to hot springs and bathing, Ning Weimin is surprised by the Japanese habit of always drinking a bottle of milk after bathing.

Based on his experience, it seems that no matter whether it is a hot spring or a bathhouse, there is either a vending machine or a freezer at the checkout counter, and there is 100% chance of selling milk in glass bottles.

In fact, small bottles of milk with this kind of outer packaging are rarely seen in the city.

But Japanese people of different ages and classes still like to drink milk from a glass bottle with one hand on their hips after taking a bath.

Why is this so?

This doubt that has puzzled Ning Weimin his whole life, he finally got the answer today from Keiko Matsumoto, who also chose milk to drink.

It is true that more than ten years ago, Japanese people did not have complete bathing facilities in their homes. Similar to the current situation in China, they could only go to public bathhouses to bathe.

Japanese people also love taking baths. Both men and women, old and young, like hot water pools, so it is necessary to replenish water after taking a bath.

But at that time, vending machines were not yet popular, there were not many types of drinks on the market, and even plastic bottles were not popular.

Therefore, the drinks provided by both hot springs and sento are mainly composed of milk.

There are almost three types - pure milk, coffee milk and fruit milk.

Therefore, the Japanese habit of drinking milk after taking a bath was completely "forced" to develop due to limited sales conditions more than ten years ago.

This is just like the bathhouses in Beijing that currently sell yogurt in porcelain bottles and pink bayberry smoothies. The situation is similar.

People in the capital still like to take baths in bathhouses, except for drinking tea in the bathhouses.

After leaving the bathhouse, it is also a pleasure to have something cool like this and eat a piece of croissant in the cold food department next door.

This is also the habit of many people regardless of winter or summer.

Or just like when Americans go to the cinema, they will definitely buy popcorn and Coke.

Although you can choose other snacks when you go to the cinema to watch a movie, most people are influenced by Americans and love popcorn and Coke.

Because this has been closely linked to the movie.

After taking a bath and drinking milk, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko returned to the "Chunyun" hotel, feeling warm and relaxed.

In order to feel more comfortable, they did not eat in the restaurant and asked the landlady to deliver the food to the room on the third floor.

They were in Ning Weimin's room, sitting next to the window, looking at the ancient street scene and starting to eat.

The moonlight outside the window is bright and clear, and the natural stars are also very bright. They complement each other with the lanterns on the ancient street, and they are all twinkling with light. Such a peaceful night scene is rare.

The beef set meal also tastes very good.

It is said that there are only a thousand head of Noto beef, a local specialty of Kanazawa, every year.

The quality is no worse than Kobe beef and Matsumoto beef.

The fat and meat are evenly distributed, melt in your mouth, and will never clog your teeth or be chewy.

It is because the output is so small that it is almost digested locally and the reputation is not obvious.

Unfortunately, Matsumoto Keiko's appetite was very small. Although the dishes were delicious, she barely took a few bites.

Instead, he kept serving food and wine, and gave his own beef to Ning Weimin.

As for herself, she relaxed and just drank.

In fact, the reason why Matsumoto Keiko ordered the beef set tonight was to nourish Ning Weimin's body.

There are three signs that a woman loves a man.

First, I want to be close to him, second, I want to have children for him, and third, I want to see him eat to his satisfaction.

Therefore, watching Ning Weimin eat with gusto, Matsumoto Keiko felt an indescribable satisfaction.

While they were happy and tempted, they quickly drank up a bottle of red wine.

After dinner, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Together they moved the tableware outside the room, and then opened another bottle of red wine.

Because the seat fabrics and cushions in Japanese hotel rooms have no legs.

After this meal, Ning Weimin, who was not used to kneeling and sitting, could no longer bear the pain on his feet.

So at Keiko Matsumoto's initiative, they brought red wine and put on thick coats.

We simply held hands, put on slippers, and went to the third-floor terrace.

There are views from three sides, including the outer street and the inner courtyard.

They sat together on the cushioned wooden bench, leaning side by side, looking at the moonlight in the distance.

Matsumoto Keiko tilted her head on Ning Weimin's shoulder, and she felt her lover trembling slightly.

To be honest, the reason why Ning Weimin was shaking was simply because he was cold.

Even if Japan has a mild winter, the outdoor temperature at this time is at least five or six degrees.

But after all, he is not Japanese and has not been trained in the cold since he was a child.

Of course, her cold tolerance cannot be compared with Keiko Matsumoto, who can wear a skirt even in this weather.

But wearing a thickened yukata, it was inevitable that I would shiver when I came out suddenly. This was incomparable to the hot bath I had just taken.

It turned out that this trembling made Matsumoto Keiko misunderstood.

She didn't feel too cold, and thought Ning Weimin was nervous or excited.

So the more Ning Weimin trembled, the more excited she became.

"Do you want to smoke a cigarette?" Keiko Matsumoto asked suddenly. She thought this was a good way to control her emotions.

But Ning Weimin shook his head.

"I... don't really think about it. In fact, I'm... thinking about how to quit smoking as soon as possible..."

"No wonder you smoke less and less. Why do you suddenly want to quit smoking? Your body hasn't recovered yet?"

Faced with Matsumoto Keiko's curious inquiry, Ning Weimin certainly couldn't say it was because Japanese cigarettes didn't suit his appetite.

Since you are not used to smoking, you might as well quit, at least it will be good for your health.

He is not stupid, and the excuse he gave to Matsumoto Keiko is much more beautiful.

"Don't worry, I just think that smoking is not only bad for the smoker's health, but also more harmful to non-smoking people in the same room. If I smoke, then when we stay together, doesn't it mean that I am

Is it hurting you? As time goes by, it will be okay. So I think it’s better to quit as soon as possible..."

"Is it because of me? I'm so touched."

Matsumoto Keiko really looked happy.

But then she looked stunned again.

"But I... also bought you a box of cigars. What should I do?"

"Huh? You bought me a cigar, what brand is it?" Ning Weimin asked in surprise.


Okay, good stuff, now it’s embarrassing.

It's okay not to know, but once we find out, Ning Weimin is indeed addicted to cigarettes and has the desire to smoke.

Fortunately, Matsumoto Keiko was very understanding and immediately noticed the change in Ning Weimin's mood.

As a smart woman, she cleverly helped Ning Weimin's face.

"I brought it specially for you, so let's do it again, okay? Just this time. I really want to see you do it..."

"Listen to you."

Seeing Ning Weimin nodding, Matsumoto Keiko immediately ran back to the room happily.

After a while, she brought back a box of finely bound cigars.

Then he took the initiative to open the box, took out one, cut it with a cigar cutter, and handed it to Ning Weimin.

"Thank you. You're welcome then..." Ning Weimin said feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Let me help you."

Keiko Matsumoto very sensibly took out a long match, drew flames on one side, and lit them evenly for Ning Weimin.

So Ning Weimin took a puff of his cigar and puffed out the smoke in a somewhat restrained manner.

“It tastes so good.”

And his sincere but calm appreciation and affectionate eyes made Matsumoto Keiko's heart beat.

In Matsumoto Keiko's eyes, her lover is so young, so natural, so simple, so lovable.

Far better than those big shots and celebrities who are fat-minded, arty, and show off their power.

Of course, it was far better than the director she once loved, Kinji Fukasaku.

You know, although that man has talent and charm.

But his everlasting playfulness and arrogance of despising women are deep-rooted bad traits.

"Smoke, you can smoke as much as you want... don't smoke again."

So Ning Weimin boldly started smoking.

His movements began to become skillful, just like when he smoked "Cosba".

This made Matsumoto Keiko stare with admiration and ask questions with great interest.

"Can you blow smoke rings?"


"Can you show it to me?"


Ning Weimin blew out a smoke ring as hard as he could.

There was no wind that night, and the smoke rings were so round and big that they could almost encircle the moon.

"I want to try it too."

Keiko Matsumoto's face turned red and she was eager to try. It should be because of alcohol.

"Here, but don't take a big breath, otherwise you'll choke easily..."

Ning Weimin warned with concern and handed over the cigar.

Matsumoto Keiko was very obedient and only took a small sip.

But maybe I was too careful when I inhaled, and what I exhaled was just a cloud of smoke that was not very clear and spread quickly.

Seeing her disappointed look, Ning Weimin hurriedly comforted her.

"Don't worry, try it again. You just need a little more force and a little slower..."

"I will definitely succeed this time." Matsumoto Keiko turned around, her eyes were persistent, but as gentle as water.

This time she boldly took a puff of her cigar and looked into Ning Weimin's eyes.

It lasted about five or six seconds, and then she slowly spit it out right in front of Ning Weimin's face.

A half-shaped smoke ring touched Ning Weimin's face.

The smoke disappeared, but the fragrance lingered on Ning Weimin's face, filling his heart and spleen, and lingered for a long time.

This charming aroma is not only the taste of tobacco, but also her fragrance.

"How's it going? Much better, right?" Matsumoto Keiko asked with a smile.

"Awesome! It couldn't be better..."

"It's too exaggerated. How can there be..."

"It's true, because it's like a kiss."

Ning Weimin's words made Matsumoto Keiko tremble as well.

"You vomited one too, I still want to see..."


Thus, the tacit game begins.

Smoke rings trembled from each other's mouths.

It trapped Ning Weimin and also trapped Matsumoto Keiko.

These smoke rings are like kisses of love conveyed to each other.

He kissed Ning Weimin on the face and Matsumoto Keiko on the face.

They vomited and laughed at the same time, enjoying themselves endlessly, and they didn't know how many they vomited.

It was Ning Weimin's turn again, but this time Qingzi said, "Don't spit it out."

Ning Weimin had no choice but to close his mouth, wait for instructions, and let the smoke linger in his mouth.

"give it to me……"

After saying that, Matsumoto Keiko closed her eyes, opened her lips slightly, and waited for Ning Weimin.

There is no need to guess what this means.

Ning Weimin did not hesitate this time. His belief in love gave him the courage to take it decisively!

When the smoke dissipated, Keiko Matsumoto also collapsed.

She fell into Ning Weimin's arms, like a seaweed growing on the seabed and hit by the current.

This chapter has been completed!
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