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Chapter 96 Not Simple

 Ning Weimin tried his best to explain the truth as concisely as possible, just so that Zhang Shihui could understand it.

But this statement also has some side effects and can easily touch people's self-esteem.

No, Zhang Shihui was a little hurt by the touch, and her reaction was quite excited.

"Ah! What what? Johnny?"

"Brother, what do you mean by this? Are you saying that I'm not even qualified to sell fruit or toad mirrors?"

"No, I don't understand. How can these fruits and toad mirrors be raw or cooked? Who still doesn't know what's going on..."

Seeing Zhang Shihui's incredible expression, his lips tightened with anger.

Ning Weimin smiled instead.

He can rub his head and make Zhang Shihui relax with just one sentence.

"Hey, don't worry. Actually, what's the point? I'm not trying to bully you. I'm just telling the truth. Whether it makes sense or not, just listen to me."

"You don't know. In fact, I have sold cucumbers myself, but I didn't do well. My dear, you paid me for it that time. Both of our eyes looked like cucumbers."

"And to tell you the truth, I have the same problem as you. I care too much about the price, and I am greedy for petty gains. I am reluctant to sell at a low price." "What's the result? I didn't expect that after the sun was out, it caught up with the rain. I was probably

Not only are the cucumbers on the car old, but they are still rotten and smelly when left in the house. I can hardly stay in my small house..."

Similar experiences made Zhang Shihui immediately feel a little closer to him.

He was so surprised that he couldn't help showing a few smile lines at the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, man, when did you ever sell cucumbers?"

"Hey, I'm older than you. I came back to the city without a job, and I don't have parents. I have to eat, right? What should I do? I'm forced to make a helpless choice..."

"Then what will you do next? You can't eat all those cucumbers, right?"

Ning Weimin slapped his thigh, pretending to be emotional.

"Oh, it's more than that. Not only do I eat it myself, but I also give it to our neighbors, so that every household can eat with me."

"In our courtyard, within two days, there was no other food. Everything was served with fried noodles and cucumbers."

"Everyone eats it and praises me. But the more this happens, the harder it is for me to swallow it..."

Zhang Shihui was really happy now.

"No, it's the same for me. I almost get praised for giving fruits to thousands of families. I still have people asking me, why don't I sell fruits? They are delicious, and I should buy more of them. Co-authored

They are still thinking about Zhanguang..."

Having said this, he couldn't help but sigh again.

"Hey, giving it away is just to show off, but what's the point? What you're eating is your own flesh. Only we know how painful it is."

At this point, the words already have a somewhat tragic atmosphere and a bit of sadness.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin turned the wheel in time and took the topic to its proper course.

"Speaking of which, I'm just as good as you. I have Uncle Kang in my family. Before liberation, the old man was a streetwalker. He knew all kinds of people. He was knowledgeable and knowledgeable. He also knew how to do business.


"Fortunately, I listened to his advice. As soon as the weather cleared up, I sold all the cucumbers and dealt with them. Just because there was a crispy one, the loss was a little less than yours. The loss is only half."

"Of course, it was me, Uncle Kang, who later taught me a lesson. Only then did I realize how powerful this vegetable and fruit business is. From then on, I became more determined and never made the same mistake again. Otherwise, I would not be willing to do it again.

You still have to compensate.”

Let me make it clear here that what Ning Weimin told us is actually half-truth and half-falsehood.

The lie is that the incident of selling cucumbers was an experience from his previous life, and the ending was not as good as he said.

In fact, his cucumbers were so rotten that they oozed soup. He couldn't even give them away, and even if he threw them away, he would get scolded. They smelled bad.

It's true, indeed during the conversation, Kang Shude told him how difficult it is to dry vegetables and fruits.

And we have to say that his foreshadowing has indeed successfully aroused Zhang Shihui's curiosity.

He pressed forward.

"Wei Min, Wei Min, then tell me carefully, what is so difficult to do? Let me understand clearly in my heart. The most important thing is how do other people earn money?"

Faced with the inquiry, Ning Weimin was confident and slapped the cigarette box.

He first took out one from it and smoked it before he opened his mouth.

To be honest, he really enjoyed the experience of filming Gavel with the storyteller Yuan Kuocheng.

One of people's bad tastes is that they like to be teachers and need others to listen to their boasts.

If you know too much, it will be very lonely if no one comes to listen and admire you.

"Brother, let's not talk secretly. What's the difficulty in this business? It's the small profit and the season."

"If you want to make money by selling vegetables and fruits, you have to rely on small profits but quick turnover, right? But what you are most afraid of when doing this is that the goods are in your hands. The faster the turnover, the better. Otherwise, if the goods cannot be sold, they will be ruined once they rot."

"Then why do people buy our products? First, it has to be cheap but not expensive, and second, it has to be fresh and in line with the season."

Seeing Zhang Shihui nodding in approval, Ning Weimin became even more inspired. He puffed out a small puff of smoke and truly entered the state of giving guidance.

"As for vegetables, I won't say much more. Because it's just like what Hou Baolin called, cilantro, spicy bell peppers, green onions, tender celery, lentils, eggplants and cucumbers, winter melons, sea eggplants, radishes, and carrots.

Carrots, radishes, young Chinese toons, garlic, and leeks. If you want to attract people to buy yours, you can’t cut out any of the seasonal vegetables, they all have to be cooked.”

"But what is more difficult than this is the fruit. Because there are mountains next to us in the capital, far and near, from villages ten miles away. I want to hang on the branches, red, pink, purple and yellow.

, there are too many good fruits. To put it bluntly, fruit pickers are the servants of the seasons, and they must deliver the fragrance of fruits to all over the capital in time. If you forget the season at any time during the year, it doesn’t matter at all. Just wrinkle your nose and smell it.

Just fruity."

"If you don't believe me, let me count them for you. In winter, in spring, in addition to the apples and pears stored in the cellar, there are big red dates in Langjiayuan, small candied dates in Miyun, and oily chestnuts in Huairou. The most attractive ones are the ones that are so frozen that they are hard.

Big Gaier persimmons. In spring and summer, mulberries and sour apricots are the first to arrive, followed by plums, peaches, and cherries. Summer time is the world of watermelons. Cantaloupes, muskmelons, apples, and sand fruits can also occasionally join in the fun. In autumn, then

The most lively, it can be said that hundreds of fruits are competing for the first place. Big Ya'er pear, Jingbai pear, purple grape, pomegranate, peach, everyone has their own temperament. Some people like to eat sweet and sour, some like sweet and sour, and those with more water have less water.

Whether they are strong or light, they all have supporters."

"So you should understand, right? Is it fun to play with fresh fruits? Most people don't have the ability to do it. Because they can't judge the situation. Which categories are shipped first, which goods are sold first, and how to keep the fruits fresh.

Degrees, which ones need to be sprayed with water, which ones are afraid of getting wet, and how to shorten the fruit's operating cycle, this is all practical knowledge."

"Many people just think it's quite simple and don't think much about it. Naturally, the word 'compensation' is used. This includes the two of us. I think you have at least understood it now. The fruit business has a lot of losses.

Moisture is lost quickly, and it is easy to deteriorate in hot weather. The appearance remains the same day after day, and it is hard to prevent the buyer from pinching and touching it when choosing. Right?"

"If you want to make money, how do you make money? Then you have to have a lot of clever ideas, and you have to be very careful and calculating. My uncle Kang told me that in old age, those who are good at it all divide the whole basket of fruit.

There are several grades. If the quality is good, the price will be higher. If the quality is worse, it will be treated as Duirouer."

"Those who are tall and good-looking must be able to identify the wealthy owner and the promotion of gifts. Only by praising others for their wealth and noble appearance can they win business. In fact, the stall owner has a clear mind, and when he meets such an owner, he will

But this is a rare opportunity, so you don’t buy cheap stuff. It doesn’t taste sweet, it’s not good at heart, as long as it looks good on the surface, you have to take advantage of this moment to get rid of it. Dealing with people, nagging at the same time, and being sloppy at the same time. As the old saying goes.

Talk about making a fuss about setting up a rice seedling, and while the buyer is happy, the stall owner will put you up and make it impossible for you to get off, which is just a good time to fish in troubled waters."

"Those with uneven sizes, bad taste, and watery prices are definitely at the bottom. Of course, it is better to sell them in time. Even if you lose money, it is proper to sell them first to get money back. Because business is made by money,

Only when you have money can you buy other goods, and wealth can make you recover your losses."

"On the other hand, if something is bright, juicy, and tastes good, it must be placed in a place where you can see it at a glance. Of course, this placement is also very particular, how to make the main product look good! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, it has to be a bit artistic.

If this looks good to you, then you will come here, and I will let you have a taste. It is really good, so you can pay for it."

"There is one last thing. Those who are engaged in the fresh fruit business have high risks, big budgets, and are greatly affected by weather changes. Nine times out of ten, they are afraid that God will change his attitude when he changes his mind. Therefore, those who eat this bowl of rice will be in trouble in the long run.

He is a meteorological expert. Looking at the weather, the weather forecast is more accurate than the weather forecast in the chat box. If he really sees rain or snow, he will sell it at a lower price in advance. This is all wisdom. Who do you think is a relative of God?


"In short, as the old saying goes, out of ten businessmen, nine are traitors. According to me, the fruit seller is the best out of ten merchants. Of course, I am talking about the best among the best.

The owner who thinks he can eat this bowl of rice, even if he has no bad intentions, must have thirty-six minds, seventy-two wheels, and be familiar with the knowledge of the seasonal flowers and fruits of the four seasons in the capital."

"How's it going? Man, how do you feel? You have to admire the shrewdness of these people. Do you still think the fruit business is easy? Not everyone can make money. This business can be said to be among the hawkers.

No. 1 scholar. Those who sell bits and pieces are counted as one, nothing else can be easier than this. It’s just the two of us, picking our brains one by one, we are not the same material at all!"

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