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Chapter 959 Drunkness

To be honest, this meal is enough to make others envious.

But for Ning Weimin, the feeling was really uncomfortable.

Maybe it was because he was too restrained, or maybe it was because his bad mood affected his digestion and absorption of high-end French red wine.

After Huang Jinghua left, after just eating and drinking for a while, Ning Weimin, who could have drank half a kilogram of liquor, became drunk, and he actually showed the power of drinking.

But there is also an advantage to this.

That is, thanks to the influence of alcohol, Ning Weimin was no longer as cautious in his words as when he first came here, and gradually got rid of his restraint and became free and easy.

For example, regarding Director Huo's curiosity about how far Japan's economic miracle can go, and how far it compares with those developed countries in Europe, he couldn't help but speak frankly, revealing some of the inside story and what he understood.


These are far ahead of the current era, and are opinions and opinions that have been condensed over time and summarized by many people, although they are only a small part.

Director Huo and Peng Yuan were also amazed. They both felt that they had found a new angle of analysis and were quite enlightened.

However, it is not so much that Director Huo and Peng Yuan were completely shocked by his economic theory and financial knowledge.

Rather, the two of them were more surprised by Ning Weimin's achievements in business operations and the progress of his personal career.

When they learned from what Ning Weimin had said that he was somewhat unable to control himself, this boy was actually a shareholder of Pierre Cardon China Company and Yi La De Company.

They were really unprepared and were frightened.

"What? You have actually become a shareholder of these two companies?"

Director Huo couldn't believe his ears and confirmed with Ning Weimin again.

"Yes. It was already the case before I went abroad."

Ning Weimin, who was drunk, still didn't realize that the conversation had entered a sensitive area, and nodded indifferently.

"How much profit did Pierre Cardon China make last year?" Director Huo continued to ask.

"This...I don't know. I just returned to Beijing yesterday and I haven't read the financial statements..."

After all, Ning Weimin has not drunk Lama yet. He still instinctively knows to keep secret about sensitive issues, and the reasons he uses are blameless.

It's just that he didn't expect that Peng Yuan had a really good memory. As a confidential secretary, he actually provided strong supporting evidence.

"The export volume alone is more than 30 million francs. I remember that "Guangming Daily" seemed to have published relevant news after New Year's Day. Pierre Cardin China Company, the Ministry of Textile and the Ministry of Light Industry held a celebration party at Tan Palace Restaurant.


Okay, so for this data, even if Ning Weimin himself is embarrassed, he can only nod his head in approval.

"Then...it's probably about the same."

"Also... that Yi La De company, in addition to the newly developed trolley suitcase you mentioned, the main product at present is probably the zippered tie, right? It seems to be quite popular. It has been featured on TV stations.



"Then what is the annual output value of this company?"

"This...I only know a rough idea. Last year...Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, we sold almost 15 million in goods..."

It was another big number. Director Huo and Secretary Peng Yuan looked at each other and said nothing.

But they could understand each other's eyes.

This Ning Weimin is unbelievably smart and is a business genius!

He actually personally invented two fashionable goods that can be sold nationwide and even exported overseas.

And incredibly, he became a shareholder of the company with such a patent. He is truly a legend in the workplace!

The key is what is the concept of such a number?

At present, the known output value of Picardon and Yi Lad adds up to 45 million!

But it is still unscientific to use such figures to measure the two companies in which Ning Weimin owns shares.

Because Picardon's domestic sales are the largest, a rough estimate of the annual output value of these two companies, even if it cannot exceed 100 million, should be 80 to 90 million, and the profit should be calculated at at least 30%.

In other words, the annual output value and profit have already caught up with the star enterprise in Beijing - the "Polar Bear" Food Factory.

In the entire capital, there is no clothing company that can reach half the output value of Pierre Cardin.

So no matter how conservative the estimate is, these two companies must have a profit of 30 million yuan a year.

Don't worry about it. Every year, Ning Weimin can only take 300,000 yuan from it.

He is also among the top people in the country in terms of personal wealth.

You want to know, what is the current consumption level of the Republic?

Even having 10,000 yuan is an astonishing amount of wealth for an individual. At this time, a person with a net worth of 100,000 yuan is a rare animal.

What's more, Ning Weimin is only a young man in his twenties.

He is quietly about to become...or has already become a millionaire.

This completely subverts people's inherent cognition in the socialist environment.

Could it be said that new capitalists have appeared in the Republic?

This issue is so sensitive that it makes people shudder!

"Then...that means you are also one of the bosses of these two foreign-funded companies and joint ventures? Are the employees of these two companies working for you?"

Director Huo's words and the look he cast on Ning Weimin were enough to prove that he had already thought of class divisions and issues like "seven up and eight down".

So at this time, Ning Weimin suddenly became alarmed, had a sudden attack, and quickly explained.

"This cannot be considered exploitation. To be honest, I am just investing in technology. The shares of Pierre Cardon Huaxia Company were obtained by me in exchange for the patent of Yi La De Tie. The shares of Yi La De Company were obtained by me.

Later, I invented the trolley suitcase, which was obtained in exchange for a patent. Strictly speaking, the shares I took should also be income from labor. After all, they were rewards, and the proportion was not large. Not to mention that I had never received any dividends.

.If the policy really doesn’t allow it, the worst case scenario is that I can take the patent back and give up my status as a shareholder..."

"I didn't expect that what you have learned and done this year is already several times better than others, but you actually gave me another big 'surprise'."

Director Huo sighed with emotion, but he saw Ning Weimin's worries, thought about it, and decided not to talk about it yet.

"Don't be nervous about this matter. I understand that your situation is quite special. Can you serve as a shareholder of these two companies? This issue can be discussed in the long term. Aren't you mainly responsible for overseas commercial work now?

Then wait with peace of mind. Maybe after a few more years, the domestic policy on this issue will be clear and there will be a new explanation. The issue that we are not sure about now may no longer be a problem by then. As for myself

, I still think that the specific situation should be analyzed in detail. Since foreign-funded companies like yours, or joint ventures, are allowed to adopt Western equity structures and management models, and your company’s major shareholder and second shareholder are recognized as legal entities, why can’t you be allowed to have one more?

What about small shareholders? Is it just because of your nationality? This is obviously unreasonable. As long as what you are doing is beneficial to the country and society, then I think there should be no need to rush to oppose it. In 1984, the great man Nan

During the inspection, many of the things that were out of line in the SAR were recognized. In January this year, the great man once again appeared on the cover of Time Magazine. What was the most important thing he said to American journalists? It was: 'Reform is about feeling the stones.

Crossing the river'. It is conceivable that we will encounter many new problems that we have never encountered before."

Although Director Huo's words were euphemistic, they made Ning Weimin feel at ease.

I feel more and more that Director Huo is a good cadre who is responsible, wise, capable and ethical, and he is also an absolute pragmatist.

So while he relaxed, he also expressed his sincere stance.

"Thank you for your leadership's support and encouragement. I will continue to work hard. Please rest assured that no matter whether I am doing business at home or abroad, I will not only abide by the laws and regulations, but I will also try my best to put the benefit of the country and the people first."


"You, you can even achieve such results in business. If you are willing to work in politics with peace of mind, you will have a bright future. It's a pity that everyone has their own ambitions and cannot drink water."

Director Huo kept talking the same way. First he felt sorry for Ning Weimin's future, and then he couldn't help but raise new questions.

"Hey, by the way. I don't understand again. Since you are already a shareholder of these two companies, how can you still go to Japan to open a restaurant with peace of mind? You can obviously do more important things. Do you want to participate in the company?

Isn't it a good idea to take care of these two companies as our main business? You have to tell me the truth. In this case, you still have to go to Japan. What do you want to do?"

"Leader, I am in Japan to open up a new economic battlefield and to achieve resource exchange. This is such a challenging job."

Ning Weimin said passionately, "As I said to you before, I am borrowing a chicken to lay eggs. Think about it, just because I am a shareholder of these two companies, there are many things I can do in Tokyo

There are more. For example, I brokered the joint venture between two subsidiaries of Pierre Cardon. I don’t care whether the factory belongs to a foreign company? After all, it is built in our country. Foreign exchange, production lines, technology, we can do it all.

Once we get it, it will also provide us with a lot of job opportunities. Isn't this a good thing?"

"There are also handicrafts from the capital and Yi Lad products. I also used the brand and resources of Pierre Cardin to open up preliminary market channels in Tokyo. This is called reverse export. It can also earn a lot of money for the country.

of foreign exchange. If you wait for me to continue to gain a firm foothold, it won’t even be as simple as this. I can completely serve as a bridgehead in Japan and try my best to bring Japan’s good things and those that are in short supply in the country at as many levels and in many aspects as possible.

Bringing things back to the country. At the same time, we continue to export the redundant and wasted things in the country and turn them into foreign exchange to expand the influence of our culture."

"For example, I have recently established a cooperation with a Japanese travel agency called Yamato Tourism. As long as the domestic side has an agreement with our travel agency, I can definitely bring the two parties together to develop mutually beneficial cooperative tourism projects and bring more Japanese people to Japan.

Tourists bring us here. So whether they are hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, tourist souvenir manufacturers, taxi companies or travel agencies, they can all benefit from it."

"For another example, I am still imagining the possibility of setting up a scrap collection company and an import and export trading company in Japan to transport the currently scarce metal resources back from Japan to solve the problems of our industrial system.

Part of the demand. You may not know that the Japanese are too rich. But because of their high income, they are unwilling to do many things, and it is extremely wasteful. For example, the Japanese do not repair various home appliances at all, and just throw them away if they have any problems. Ordinary people throw them away

You have to pay for bulky garbage, so we can definitely make a profit from it."

"In turn, the export of labor force is also a good thing. Japan is now gradually entering an aging society, and manpower will become increasingly scarce. If I can bring the worthless domestic labor force to Japan and hire them to manage me at Japan's minimum wage

Enterprise work. This can not only solve the domestic employment shortage problem, but also increase the competitiveness of my own enterprise. At the same time, it also allows these laborers to earn big money that they cannot earn at home, allowing many families to escape poverty and become rich. Think about it,

If these laborers come back with their working money, they will definitely spend it, which will stimulate the local economy and stimulate domestic economic development. Isn't this also a virtuous circle? But this cannot be done without reliable people.

If we let it go at will, it will definitely lead to fraud, extortion, smuggling, illegal labor exploitation, and even the side effects of human trafficking."

"So you ask, is it interesting for me to go to Japan? Is it more exciting than staying in China? And the key is, if I don't do these things myself, how can I do it? The overall plan is all in my head

Only by doing it myself can I realize these plans. And objectively speaking, there are too many links and legal issues that I need to clear up and solve. And once it is done, the benefits will be limitless. It is not purely about

The problem of money may lead to the formation of a successful overseas business model. At least it can provide some reference experience for domestic companies behind me who also want to go abroad. At least it can also provide many people who work for me with reference.

The family can escape poverty and live with dignity...

This is what Ning Weimin reveals in his heart.

He always gave Director Huo and Peng Yuan the impression that he was gentle in his dealings with others.

But he said this with all his inner strength.

After he finished speaking, his face turned red all the way to his neck, which showed that he was sincere.

Both Huo Yanping and Peng Yuan were fascinated by it, and were very attracted to the ambition and future described by Ning Weimin.

Yes, unless this guy is personally on the front line, these things will always be just a fantasy and will never be realized.

But it would be great if it could be like what he described.

According to his approach, it is possible to achieve common prosperity.

Even our country, which has just seen some improvement and is facing many difficulties in economic development, will definitely get a lot of help from it and will be more likely to embark on a healthy development track.

To put it bluntly, how to figure out how to get the best deal on this matter.

So after thinking for a long time, Director Huo picked up the wine glass and motioned for Ning Weimin to clink the glasses.

When both of them took a sip, Director Huo smiled.

"I have never thought about the issues you mentioned. After all, I am an official, not a businessman. But you remind me of my youth again. Yes, who doesn't have ambitions when they are young? They always want to do more things.

, it’s very tiring. I have to say, I think your idea is very good. Regardless of success or failure, many of the things you just mentioned are indeed worth trying. So don’t have any worries, just go ahead and do it. If

In terms of domestic policies, if you really encounter any difficulties that cannot be solved, remember to contact Peng Yuan. I will try my best to help you mediate or coordinate. For example, I can apply for you to apply for the qualifications to organize labor force to work overseas, as well as the appropriate import and export.

quota, help you find domestic docking units and so on. I may be able to help you a little with these things."

Hearing this, the wine glass placed on Ning Weimin's lips seemed to be stuck and he did not take it off for a long time.

Because this was a great thing that he had never imagined, these "little favors" that Director Huo mentioned.

They were all problems that he could only think about in the past. He wanted to give a pig's head but couldn't find the temple gate and had no way to solve the problem.

He really wanted to ask why Director Huo spared no effort to help him and favored him so much.

Is it just to make him a promise that he may never have the chance to fulfill?

Just hope that he can provide Huo Xin with a little favor one day?

No, it's impossible. Isn't this too unreasonable?

But in the end, he didn't talk too much and finally controlled himself.

After a long time, I suppressed my excitement and breathed out.

"I...I really don't know what to say. Leader, I can only say that I am so grateful. Thank you for your support and encouragement. I will definitely live up to your expectations."

On this day, Ning Weimin didn't leave Huo's house until around three o'clock in the afternoon.

He was drunk, and for a while he felt full of ambition and felt that the sky was clear and the moon was bright.

I am full of infinite expectations and motivation to move forward after I return to Japan.

After a while, he couldn't help but regret his relationship with the Huo family.

Of course he was sure that Huo Xin would never be the partner he would choose.

He would shudder when he thought of Huo Xin's domineering and willful attitude and Huang Jinghua's cold eyes.

But because of Director Huo's free and easy manner, his gentle and elegant demeanor.

He could not help but be impressed by Director Huo's elegant smile, and felt guilty for the loneliness that could not be concealed in his expression.

What does the unpleasantness between him and Huo Xin mean to Director Huo's family?

he does not know.

But he knew that the debt of gratitude he owed to Director Huo was even greater, and would even increase.

I really don’t know how to repay in the future...

And just when he was lost in thought.

Peng Yuan, who didn't drink at noon and still had to drive Ning Weimin back, was walking in front and suddenly met two guests who had just entered the Huo family's courtyard with gifts.

They seemed to be acquaintances and had greeted each other affectionately.

Peng Yuan came to introduce Ning Weimin.

As a result, Ning Weimin looked up and suddenly realized that there was no need for introduction at all. He actually already knew the two people in front of him.

Because one is a fat girl known as a "well-bred scoundrel" and the other is her husband from her second marriage.

The award-winning fifth-generation film director who just finished filming "Yellow Earth" the year before last.

However, what I didn't expect was that he himself was very enthusiastic and polite.

But after hearing his name, the fat girl didn't give him any face and embarrassed him on the spot.

"Hey, it turns out you are Ning Weimin! I know you, the general manager of Pierre Cardon Company! That's strange! Huo Xin has gone abroad, what are you doing here?"

As a result, even the fifth-generation director looked suspicious, fearful of avoiding him and drawing a clear line with him.


Ning Weimin suddenly remembered that on New Year's Eve in the first two years, he drove Huo Xin to the home of this fat girl.

It seems that this fat girl has a good relationship with Huo Xin, and he actually wants to fight for her indiscriminately.

Oops, look at this fucking embarrassment, you really can’t pick up the pot.

Please explain, it's embarrassing.

It would be embarrassing if I didn't explain it.

It would be nice to leave early!

This meeting is really unnecessary!

This chapter has been completed!
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