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Chapter 969: Sweep

In Lao She's "Teahouse", shopkeeper Lao Wang once said this.

"In the early years, when I had teeth, I didn't have peanuts to eat. Now I have peanuts, but I don't have any teeth anymore."

This line is undoubtedly trying its best to declare a very important philosophy of life to people.

In fact, it is difficult to have the best of both worlds in life. It is also impossible to be thoughtful about everything and have everything you want come true. You will not wait until you are ready to do anything.

Of course, the converse can also illustrate another equivalent issue.

That is, if someone can get whatever he wants and have whatever he lacks, then he will be the happiest person in the world.

Is there really such a person in the world?

Yes, Ning Weimin is the one.

Now, because he has a platform to give full play to his personal abilities after going abroad, making more money is nothing.

This guy's assets in Japan, because they are at the forefront of global finance, have ushered in another interest rate cut cycle in Japan.

Under the water released by the Bank of Japan, it is growing vigorously almost every day, wishing it could rise at an angle of 45 degrees.

If he is not afraid of being slapped by the strong wind, even if he lies flat, he can earn one or two small and medium-sized domestic factories in a day.

I dare not say that the country is as rich as the enemy, but the county should be qualified if it is as wealthy as the enemy.

So even in China, there is still Yin Yue who is willing to serve as Ning Weimin's rake, a jar for saving money, and abacus beads for accounting.

I didn't let him worry about it at all, and saved another 1.05 million in cash for him.

But on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, after Ning Weimin read the accounts, he was still calm and not too excited.

To put it bluntly, he didn't take this small amount of money seriously at all.

Whether it's one million or two million, it doesn't make much difference to him.

Anyway, just know that your business is making money and not losing money.

In comparison, what he actually cares more about is how to spend the money he earns in the right way.

As we all know, currencies are subject to devaluation.

So if your wealth reaches a certain level, how to manage your existing wealth may be more important than running the business itself.

In particular, the current domestic environment is no better than overseas. Although there are fewer taxes, there are many restrictions and there is a lack of investment channels.

And just the opposite of the Japanese yen, the RMB has started a long-term depreciation cycle.

If you really put the money you earn in a domestic bank, no matter how much interest you pay, it will actually be very uncomfortable.

The best thing is that no matter how much money Ning Weimin earns, he can reasonably digest the cash immediately and strengthen his wealth foundation step by step. That is a blessing.

But the question is, how can this be so easy?

There are only two reasonable places for money to go.

Ning Weimin himself said that expanding investment in the real economy would not count.

Whether he can do it or not ultimately depends on policy.

If the time is not right, then you have to wait, otherwise you will definitely be in trouble if you make a big move.

And relying on buying things to preserve value is unsatisfactory.

Now, unlike in the past few years, there are not many suitable targets.

Like buying a private house, you have to take a chance and it is a sporadic transaction.

Because Ning Weimin bought too many calligraphy, painting and seal stones in the first few years, the prices have already skyrocketed.

Buying stamps is still a good idea, but you can't rush for success. If you want a good price, you have to slowly accumulate funds, which can't keep up with the speed at which Yin Yue makes money for him.

So to be honest, even Ning Weimin himself thinks that making the most of his money in China and achieving a virtuous cycle is a luxury.

But it seems that it is purely evil. God seems to be particularly partial to Ning Weimin, and really loves him as his own son.

As if they were afraid that he would be unhappy, through the donation of cultural relics and the words of the leaders of the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau, a huge treasure house that was at a low value was placed in front of him.

Those are the many cultural relics sold in "Hongguang Pavilion".

There is no doubt that for anyone who is lucky enough to have access to cultural relic collections, the attraction of the inner cabinets of cultural relic stores that have just been opened to the public is very huge.

Because this is one of the few legal channels for ordinary people to purchase cultural relics in this era.

But it has to be said that although the change of "Hongguang Pavilion" from external cabinets to internal cabinets was specially reported once by "Xinwen Lianbo" and even appeared on the front page of "Beijing Evening News", it was not

attract widespread attention from society.

The reason is very simple. Even for those who know about antiquities and love collecting, it is not easy to decide to spend hundreds of yuan to buy a cultural relic.

Don’t forget that at this time, ordinary people in the capital were still working hard to improve their material living standards.

And these things placed in the cultural relics store are, after all, necessities beyond the necessities of life.

Even for Teacher Ma, who had already begun to pick up antiques and started to pick them up, it was the same.

In fact, according to what this man later recalled on the show, although he often visited the cabinets of "Hongguang Pavilion" back then, he only went to look at it and bought very little.

I might go there eight out of ten times, and only one of them would be for shopping.

So speaking of it this way, the happiest person in the world is Ning Weimin.

Compared with others, he not only has money in his hands, but also a place to put it, and he also has human connections. It is indeed the right time, place, and people.

Especially after he went there, he saw with his own eyes that the things there were so cheap and so good.

One pair of eyes is no longer enough, and I wish I could move all the items home.

Even Kang Shude, who accompanied him, was so excited about the trip that his eyes lit up, and he was really happy that his apprentice could pick up the big leak.

As for the quality and price of the cultural relics mentioned, it is really a good deal.

Don’t forget, the cultural relics trade in the past was not open to the outside world, and the prices were not driven up by foreigners at all.

And now that we are letting it go, it is because no one wants to open the inner cabinets.

The initial price cannot be set too high, and even because of the rush to realize cash, it is even 10% lower than the price sold to foreigners.

For example, a Yongzheng official kiln pastel bowl can be purchased for only 350 yuan, and it must be of relatively good quality.

If there are "collapses", "charges", or problems, you may even be able to buy them for a hundred or ten dollars.

But in Ning Weimin's eyes, something like this would cost as much as eighteen million in the future.

You may not necessarily buy something in very good condition, but that is really different.

What about the "Jia Dao" ones? Of course it's a bit worse, basically dozens of dollars lower than the "Yongqian" ones.

The official kilns of "Tongguang" are even cheaper.

The 23cmx7cm plate and bowl is only 300, the 16cmx7 is 50, and the 8cmx3cm is 20.

As for "Guangmin", even big items only cost upwards of fifty.

If you have to move home in piles, a cartload of household items will cost you only 20,000 yuan.

There is a word called "luckily miss Shu", which is probably the most suitable word to describe Kang Shude and Ning Weimin's master and apprentice at this time.

So they were not polite. With the note given by the leader in hand, it was like a big sweep to select goods.

As for what I bought?

It must be from top to bottom, choosing the best first.

Apart from anything else, the first prerequisite must be to keep a close eye on the official kilns.

Then they are sorted according to the year, kiln mouth, whether it is a complete set, and the purpose of the utensils.

Good guys, when these two men pick things up, it’s like buying vegetables at the wet market.

The five offerings in front of the hall are made in sets, and the bowls of the third and third dynasties of the Qing Dynasty are bought in piles.

What kind of watermelon jar, general jar, sun and moon jar, flower mouth jar...

What kind of wall vase, plum vase, garlic vase, phoenix tail vase...

What about Guanyin Zun, Niutou Zun, Carrot Zun, Taibai Zun...

What kind of back pot, pear pot, Boshan stove...

What kind of lying foot bowl, tall foot bowl, water purification bowl...

What kind of goblet, chicken bowl cup, hand cup...

Whenever I see official kiln porcelain from the "Yong-Qian" and "Jia-Dao" periods, I will kill them all and take them all.

From the manager down to the clerk in Hongguang Pavilion, have you ever seen such a rich man buying things?

It was really a thrill to be disturbed by these two men.

In the beginning, we also used the method of posting notes to each other.

That is, when a customer picks something, a clerk will first put a note on the item, which means it is sold, and other customers will not be able to buy it if they like it.

Later I found out that it didn't work anymore.

Because the speed of pasting the strips can’t keep up with what the old and the young are doing.

There were so many things they wanted to buy that they quickly overwhelmed the people in Hongguang Pavilion and stopped selecting for a while.

Until Ning Weimin showed a blank check, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, who had accompanied them, showed two more boxes of banknotes.

Only the manager of Hongguang Pavilion can be sure that these people are not joking, but really want to buy.

However, since the purchase was a purchase, the regulations had to be changed. After convincing a few individual customers in the store to leave, they closed the store and just waited for Ning Weimin and his party to select items.

But even so, everyone in the store is extremely busy, because the accountant has to do the accounting, and the clerk has to be responsible for packing the boxes.

I'll see you in the afternoon when all the statistics are finished.

In total, Ning Weimin and the others selected nine hundred and sixty-four items and bought out one-tenth of the items in the store, for a total price of two hundred and seventy-two thousand two hundred.

If you think about it, packaging alone is a big project.

So it was all down to this, and Ning Weimin counted out all the cash.

The manager of Hongguang Pavilion still couldn't help wiping his sweat and hung up the phone to his superiors to ask for instructions on whether it was OK to buy it like this.

What is being sold is of high quality.

If you want to say that the leadership is really awesome, it's not just about nodding and giving instructions.

He also asked the manager to give Ning Weimin another discount and only charged him 250,000 yuan.

Later, the leaders of the municipal bureau asked the manager to transfer the phone call to Ning Weimin and personally expressed his gratitude to him for supporting the work of the Cultural Relics Bureau.

Finally, I also informed him of the news that the Cultural Relics Company also had a Dunhua Pavilion with many good things.

If you are interested, invite Ning Weimin to visit there another day.

Look, this is the value of favors. How can we live up to the leader’s kindness?

Nothing else, I definitely have to go!

But this was not the end. Ning Weimin was satisfied, but before leaving, Kang Shude had to pick up a big leak.

The old man Qingqing heard from the manager of Hongguang Pavilion that there were some big items in the store at the back, so he wanted to take a look.

It didn't matter what I saw, it turned out to be a pair of flat peach trees planted in large pastel flower pots.

I came out and asked about the price. I heard it was four thousand, and I wanted to buy it again. I immediately urged Ning Weimin to count the money.

Ning Weimin still didn't understand it at that time.

Because when he went in and took a look, the pair of feeders were indeed well made.

The peach trees are lifelike, their flowers and leaves glowing with fluorescence, shiny and smooth.

It is so lifelike and beautiful that at first glance the words "beautiful" can be heard.

But the problem is that the cutter is not still a cutter after all. This thing is made of glass, not a gem, and its history is too limited.

Think about it, this thing only appeared in the middle of the Qing Dynasty to replace gem bonsai.

Even if you just count it as an antique, it's not too early.

four thousand?

You can buy ten large pieces of official kiln porcelain from the Yongzong and Qianlong periods, and they are in good condition.

Is it a loss if I just buy this thing?

Among other things, Ning Weimin has a master of cooking utensils like Master Jiang under his command.

If he wanted something like this, his own people could burn it, and the cost would definitely be much lower.

Besides, this thing is a bit too big.

The tree alone is only 1.5 meters tall, and the branches spread out to take up a lot of space, and the large glass cover is placed on the ground.

A pot of food takes up almost two square meters and weighs less than 200 kilograms.

In addition, this thing is too delicate, and there is no place where it is not afraid of being bumped.

Just a little bit of carelessness and one mistake can lead to death.

This thing has to be shipped back. Hey, most people are worried to death. How can people get it home?

Although Ning Weimin had already prepared for it, today he asked Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao to ride a cart together, ready to take the goods away.

But just to pull this thing, one pot would probably occupy a car, and their two cars would have to make a separate trip, which is a bit unfair.

In short, Ning Weimin was a little unhappy after thinking about how to lose money, and tactfully advised the master not to think about it again, saying that it would be too troublesome to buy such a thing and move it around.

Unexpectedly, Kang Shude glared at him with raised eyebrows and said rudely, "The peach tree represents longevity. This is a good fortune. I like this auspiciousness. What's wrong? I can't buy it?"

Now Ning Weimin knew something was wrong and did not dare to object anymore. Then he quickly endured the pain and took out four piles of banknotes to pay the bill.

Then he followed Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, and under the command of the old man, they wrapped the pair of peach trees and their glass covers in thick quilts. They carefully lifted them onto the tricycle and decided to transport the pair of things first.

To be honest, this trip was really exhausting.

When you think about it, you will know that something over 200 kilograms is still so delicate.

Can the person who transports this thing not suffer any consequences?

Even if it is transported by car, the rider cannot go very fast, and someone has to hold everything in the car.

It's almost like supporting two living ancestors who have many things to do.

But having said that, when they finally got out of the Hongguang Pavilion, the four of them protected the pair on the road, Ning Weimin finally knew what was going on from the old man's mouth, and immediately no longer felt that this trip was going on.

It's a loss.

For no other reason than because the flat peach tree that Kang Shude brought back was not ordinary. The old man said that it belonged to the Queen Mother of the West.

As for why you say this, what basis does the old man have?

Of course there is a basis for that.

First of all, such large utensils are rare among the people, and can only be made by imperial factories dedicated to the palace.

In addition, the pastel flower pots match the characteristics of the Tongzhi and Guangxu periods, and the natural age is right.

The most important thing is that the Queen Mother has a habit of requiring that the porcelain she uses must be signed with the name of the palace where she once lived.

Although most people in the world know that "Chuxiu Palace" is her residence, few people know that "Tihe Palace" is the place where the Queen Mother dines.

On the edge of the flower pot, there are exactly the words "Ti He Dian". Although it is very small, it can still be recognized.

But why didn’t the people in Hongguang Pavilion discover this?

According to the old man's inference, most of the items with the words "Ti He Dian" found so far are tableware, and there are very few large utensils with these three characters.

In addition, it is easy for people to be careless with things like feeders.

Even Ning Weimin knew that the ingredients had little history. Of course, the people in Hongguang Pavilion also knew that they would not take this thing seriously.

Finally, combined with the special theme of this kind of peach tree and historical records, we can deduce it.

There are records that Empress Dowager Cixi spent 15,000 taels of silver on her 50th birthday, 121,100 taels on her 60th birthday, and 38,500 taels on her 70th birthday. She made a large amount of porcelain, ornaments and utensils.

So this thing, not surprisingly, must have been specially made for the birthday of Empress Dowager Cixi.

And it is an ornament specially placed in the "Tihe Hall".

As for the specific time of burning, there is a trickier way, just count the number of peaches on the tree, and you can probably know.

After saying this, all the young people except Kang Shude himself became interested immediately.

After Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao urged him, Ning Weimin counted them down and found that it was true!

Each tree holds a full sixty peaches!

This time, he was rewarded. Not only was he not tired at all, but his depression disappeared.

On the contrary, he became energetic and started to feel complacent.

"Oh, this belongs to the Queen Mother of the West. It will never be seen again. I think it is considered a national treasure. Four thousand is a bargain. I said, Master, there are so many things in Hongguang Pavilion, why do you just

You can tell that these two things are special. They have sharp eyes. Hey, we are lucky today. Look at this luck..."

However, the old man was extremely disrespectful and deliberately provoked him.

"Is this luck? I rely on my eyesight! You boy, you really have a pair of white eyes. The longer you live, the more you go back. Of course, it's all down to me. I shouldn't accept you as an apprentice who relies on luck. Listen.

, you paid for this thing, but it’s not your share, don’t worry about it. When you get tired of it, I will also donate it. Who told you to slack off in your studies, there is always nothing real in your stomach, shame on you

Got to panic..."

It doesn't hurt much, but it is extremely insulting, but people's self-esteem cannot be hurt like this.

Ning Weimin was speechless after being scolded, as miserable as a flower, as dark as a glass of wine.

This chapter has been completed!
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