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Chapter 985: Get out of the box

Drinking between two people is enough.

In fact, Ning Weimin and Qu Xiao only took two sips each and then put down their glasses.

This meal was also very satisfying.

Although Qu Xiao ate more than half of the bowl, Ning Weimin devoured the entire bowl in one gulp.

But the two of them were talking about Qu Xiao's mother's condition, so how could they be in a good mood?

Only then did Ning Weimin find out that Ganqingquxiao's mother had been secretly ill for several years because she took on both housework and work and didn't pay attention to her own health.

First it was a gynecological disease, and then there was a stomach problem, but Qu Xiao’s mother never took it seriously.

Every time she gets sick, she just drinks sugar water and massages to relieve herself.

In order not to worry her family, she always resisted silently without making any noise.

Later, the pain became so unbearable that I couldn't even go to work normally, so I went to the hospital.

But by this time, her stomach problem had developed into a gastric ulcer.

When Qu Xiao's father finally found out about his wife's health problem, it coincided with the rise of Qu Xiao's career.

Qu Xiao's parents were afraid that distracting their daughter would affect Qu Xiao's future, so the couple teamed up to hide it from their daughter.

But the problem is that even so, Qu Xiao's mother's condition was not under control.

Just when Qu Xiao went abroad and began to perform in Japan for the Textile Department, Qu Xiao's mother began to go to the hospital every day.

Treatments came and went, and last year, the gastric ulcer turned into gastric cancer.

At this time, Qu Xiao's mother's body really couldn't bear it anymore and she collapsed.

So when Qu Xiao returned to China on New Year's Day this year, she found that her mother, who was waiting for surgery, had been tortured by the disease and was reduced to a human figure.

The doctor even told her that the worst possibility was that the surgery would be extremely difficult, so she was not optimistic about the situation.

The person may be gone immediately after treatment, and conservative treatment will only last half a year at most.

This is the current misfortune of Quxiao's family.

Faced with a life-threatening crisis, they are in a dilemma even when making a choice.

As for Ning Weimin, who learned about this situation.

Although he has no parents, he cannot fully empathize with the pain of losing a family member.

But the reason why people are human is because they have feelings and understand empathy.

Everyone does not long for family happiness, family and beauty, so naturally no one will be indifferent to this kind of human tragedy.

What's more, Qu Xiao himself is someone Ning Weimin cares about very much, which makes him feel even more sympathetic.

He was caught off guard, his heart couldn't settle down, and Qu Xiao's sad eyes made his heart twitch and ache.

He had to think about what he could do for this girl and try his best to help her.

So after finishing the meal, he remained completely silent with a frown on his face and an extremely troubled expression, making him even more melancholy and depressed than Qu Xiao.

This made the atmosphere a bit heavy and slightly embarrassing.

"Are you talking about your mother's surgery? The attending doctor has made it clear that there is no certainty?"

After weighing it carefully, Ning Weimin didn't ask any questions.

"Yeah." Qu Xiao nodded.

"Then didn't your parents ask several more hospitals? I think this kind of disease must be seen in a specialist hospital before you can make a conclusion. No matter how good other big hospitals are, they are not as authoritative as specialist hospitals."

Ning Weimin asked cautiously, carefully spying on Qu Xiao's expression, fearing that talking about such a core issue would irritate her nerves too much.

Qu Xiao immediately fell into deep thought. In fact, she was hesitating whether she should reveal the worse news to Ning Weimin.

But after thinking for a long time, she decided to tell the truth frankly.

"It's very difficult to arrange appointments for specialized hospitals. However, my father spent a lot of effort before the Spring Festival and finally asked someone to get the appointment. I have already gone to see him. The diagnoses given there are actually similar. But there is a chief expert in the surgery department.

He is quite famous, and the probability of successful surgery is higher. Unfortunately, he is too busy, and has two or three surgeries to be performed every day. Even if we try our best to support others, we still can't schedule them. And my mother's disease... is...

We can’t afford to delay it. So this matter is...difficult..."

Qu Xiao couldn't go on. This time it was not entirely because of her mother's illness, but also because she felt sorry for her father's running around.

No one knew better than her that her father had thought of many ways for her mother and owed her many favors when she was rushed to the doctor.

I even tried traditional Chinese medicine, but it still didn't work, and there wasn't much hope.

What she fears most now is no longer her mother's death.

It's the father who worries and works hard for his mother, regardless of his own health. Over time, he might even collapse due to this...

But just when Qu Xiao was feeling most entangled and sad, Ning Weimin gave her hope like help in the snow.

"Don't worry. In fact, we are not at the end of the road when it comes to asking people to perform surgeries. I can also help you think of a way to give it a try. Of course, the shortage of domestic medical resources is an objective reality. This is the current situation.

I may not be so capable to do it. But we still have an option outside the box - to go abroad for treatment. I can contact your mother to see if she can go to a specialized hospital in Tokyo. The medical level in Japan is

It’s higher than in China. I hope it will be bigger. How about it?”

"What? Going to Tokyo?"

Ning Weimin offered to help find a way out, and Qu Xiao was of course happy.

Her joy and excitement were beyond words.

But at the same time, he was also frightened by Ning Weimin's thinking.

In this era, how many people in China can go abroad to seek medical treatment?

She opened her eyes wide and blurted out the words bluntly.

"Can my parents also go abroad?"

"I can give it a try. You know, I run a business in Japan, and Japan has purely commercial hospitals. As long as you can guarantee it and are willing to spend money, this thing should be possible. Even if your father

You can't get out, you can't leave, but your passport and visa are ready, so you can accompany your mother for medical treatment. I think it's worth a try."

Qu Xiao was sure that Ning Weimin was not joking. She was shocked again and bit her lip.

"But medical expenses are also very expensive, right? It costs tens of millions of yen, right? I'm afraid... I can only raise two million yen at most..."

"Don't worry about money. You don't have it, I have it. It doesn't matter whether it's 10 million yen or 20 million yen. The top priority now is to save people, and it doesn't matter how much it costs. As for food and accommodation over there,

You don’t have to worry, I’m going to take the staff with me when I come back this time, and the dormitory and food are all ready. The conditions are okay, so don’t worry.”

Ning Weimin took over everything, showing the heroic spirit of a domineering president.

"It's just... In this current situation, there is another issue that must be coordinated first. That is, will your parents agree to this plan? Are they willing to go so far away for medical treatment? The place is unfamiliar and the language is not familiar.

There will be obstacles. If I contact a hospital in Tokyo and the Japanese doctors there can do the surgery, can they do it? Can they trust the hospital in Tokyo? Besides, no one can guarantee the results of the surgery. What if?

...Unsatisfactory...can your family accept it?"

That's right, Ning Weimin is right to the point.

As the saying goes, if you don't work hard enough, you won't achieve anything even if you are exhausted.

Even if it's good intentions, even if it's kindness, you have to consider the other person's mood and see if they are willing or not.

Besides, surgery can be guaranteed. No matter how good the doctor or hospital is, there are still great risks.

To put it bluntly, people have to die in a foreign country. This will definitely make it even more desolate based on the values ​​​​of our people...

Therefore, this question is obviously something that even Qu Xiao cannot answer and has no right to make the decision.

She was silent and hesitant. This matter was too important.

Not only because the cost of treatment must be astronomical.

This kind of kindness from Ning Weimin was a favor that their family could not bear, and it was also because the consequences of going abroad to seek medical treatment were completely unpredictable.

"Otherwise, don't worry about it. Aren't you going to deliver food to your parents? I'll go with you now, just in time to discuss this matter with my uncle and aunt face to face. Let them decide. Do you think it's okay?


Ning Weimin saw Qu Xiao's panic in his eyes, so he simply refused to let her make up her mind.

This time, Qu Xiao felt really relaxed. She nodded and smiled shyly.

"Brother Ning, I'm so sorry. It's snowing hard outside. I have to trouble you to go to the hospital one more time. I..."

"Wherever this is, just don't blame me for being troublesome."

Ning Weimin said, handing over the gift he brought to Qu Xiao, "It's cold outside, please wear this."

It was only then that Qu Xiao noticed that Ning Weimin had brought her an extra gift, and she happily took it.

"I already bought a cake, why do I need to buy extra gifts?"

"Of course I have to buy them. These cakes and bread are for your parents, this is for you. Can this be the same? I still remember when I saw you in Tokyo, your ears were red from the cold. You need this


After hearing what Ning Weimin said, Qu Xiao opened the gift box and found that it turned out to be a black ear protection cotton hat.

This gift reminded her of the scarf she gave to Ning Weimin.

She blushed because she mistakenly thought it was Ning Weimin's sincere response, which was an expression of gratitude for the scarf.

To be honest, she actually hopes that Ning Weimin can put this hat on herself at this time.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't open them for a moment.

Moreover, Ning Weimin urged her to try it, but she reluctantly put it on herself.

The hat is of a moderate size and is lined with soft rabbit fur, which warmly protects this beautiful apple face.

"Good-looking." Ning Weimin praised with a smile. There was sincere appreciation in his eyes.

"Thank you." Qu smiled shyly and lowered his head, avoiding Ning Weimin's gaze.

Her white and delicate face suddenly turned red and turned into a blooming pink rose.

Although she liked being praised by Ning Weimin, her heartbeat would still speed up and she couldn't bear the praise from such a close distance.

"Okay, wait for me, put away the bowl, and then we'll leave."

PS: There are a lot of things going on at home these two days, and the next chapter will be after the holidays. This is what happens when people reach middle age. I am unable to escape the framework of trivial matters in life. I hope you will understand me.

This chapter has been completed!
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