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Chapter 990 Star Chasing

Love is something that is often silent when it comes, but can easily break your heart when it leaves.

Therefore, although everyone expects the feeling of falling in love, and it is wonderful at first, the process and results are always difficult to achieve perfection.

Like Xiao Tao, on that snowy night, Luo Guangliang, who was already in his twenties, also met a woman whom he fell in love with at first sight.

From this point of view, he and Xiao Tao can really be called a pair of brothers in need.

The only difference between them is that Xiao Tao and Sang Jing are old classmates and met by chance on the street.

And he was invited to a banquet, and inadvertently his heart was controlled by a strange girl he met for the first time.

The main culprit for this incident must still be placed on the head of Manager Sha of Pierre Cardon Company.

Although Ning Weimin came back this time, he had already expressed to his colleagues in the original "investment group" that he did not come back to speculate on stamps.

He also made it clear to them in private that due to excessive speculation in rat and bull votes, this was a one-shot deal.

It is impossible for subsequent zodiac tickets to replicate the market trends of Rat and Ox again.

But Manager Sha, this damn fat guy, has more evil intentions than anyone else.

He was worried that Ning Weimin would not tell the truth, or was avoiding the important and taking the easy, so he decided to make subtle innuendos.

He took aim at Luo Guangliang, who had a close relationship with Ning Weimin and had always worked for Ning Weimin, and wanted to get some inside information from him.

Of course, Manager Sha also knows how to handle this matter and not to rush for success.

After all, he had already been in contact with Luo Guangliang for quite some time when he was "speculating on rat votes".

Manager Sha noticed Luo Guangliang's loyalty to Ning Weimin and his calmness, calmness and methodical approach.

He had known for a long time that Luo Guangliang was a troublesome person, and the more anxious he was, the easier it would be to mess things up.

But fortunately, in his eyes, Luo Guangliang also has natural weaknesses, which are friendship, face, and kindness.

So he adopted the method of emotional investment. He did not talk about business matters, but tried to establish friendship first and only made friends.

He believed that as long as he could establish a certain emotional foundation with Luo Guangliang, he would have a stable and reliable source of information, and the rest would be easy to talk about.

Even if Luo Guangliang remains unmoved and remains tight-lipped, it doesn't matter.

Because based on his brain and his eyesight, as long as Ning Weimin asked Luo Guangliang to deal with the stamps, he didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to detect any clues.

In fact, what is needed to fry stamps?

It's nothing more than an investment direction.

Once you let him grab something, just wait to make a fortune!

Just like last time, wouldn't it be appropriate for him to buy Japanese yen with Ning Weimin?

It has only been half a year since I invested 300,000 yuan, and it has become 500,000 yuan, and it is still rising.

This can only be said that if you follow Ning Weimin's footsteps, you can make money. No matter how much you invest, it is worth it.

In fact, just to win over Luo Guangliang, Manager Sha was really not stingy.

He almost showed the same vigor as Cao Ah Mao towards Guan Gong.

Three days a small treat, five days a big treat, if nothing happens, just ask Luo Guangliang to come out and ask for food and drink.

Moreover, he quite took Luo Guangliang seriously, saying "brother" and "we brothers" all the time.

Although Luo Guangliang and Manager Sha are not the same person at all.

But since Ning Weimin finished frying stamps, he didn't have much to do.

I have a lot of free time, but it gets boring after a long time.

Since people have social needs, when he talked to Manager Sha about foreign companies, he always felt fresh and fresh.

It originally belonged to a strange world that he could never touch.

In addition, Manager Sha is very accurate when feeling his pulse. Luo Guangliang is a person who takes soft things rather than hard things.

Sometimes I really can't help but say a few kind words, but I don't quite understand the routines in the scene.

Seeing that Manager Sha was eager to get close to him with his attentive face, Luo Guangliang was wary and knew that the other party must have something to ask for, but he did not want to refute his face too much.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

So after going back and forth, he became glued to the sand manager like brown candy.

It became increasingly difficult to say "no" to Manager Sha's warm invitation.

On this day, Luo Guangliang came to Maxim Restaurant to meet Manager Sha at seven o'clock in the evening as scheduled.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he arrived, he would see something extremely unusual about Maxim's Restaurant from a long distance away.

It's different from the past. There are no fans gathering outside the restaurant.

You know, with Zhang Qiang's current fame all over the country, even on a snowy night, there will be fans standing guard on both sides of the steps at the entrance of Maxim Restaurant.

This is a scene that Luo Guangliang has witnessed with his own eyes.

For example, on the day of the first snowfall in Beijing last year, a dozen of Zhang Qiang's fans gathered in front of Maxim Restaurant, and there were many boys on the street who admired Cui Jian.

Almost every one of those people had a cigarette in their mouth, and all of them were holding big guitars and playing them hummingly.

I waited until the performance ended at 10:30 to meet Cui Jian and Zhang Qiang at the gate and ask for their autographs.

Maxim's Restaurant also prepares free hot water for these people.

They are only asked to restrain the commotion, abide by order, and not affect the normal business of the restaurant.

So according to common sense, Maxim's Restaurant should perform for customers inside the restaurant, while people outside also entertain themselves.

Otherwise, this place has become a holy place for avant-garde music performances in Beijing?

Popularity means prosperity!

However, today Luo Guangliang found that there were no people waiting at the gate, only customers coming in and out.

How can you not be suspicious and curious about what is going on?

Finally, when he reached the entrance of the restaurant, he discovered that there was a blackboard erected on an easel in front of the restaurant.

Information about the performance is written on the blackboard, with important notices expressed in red letters of varying sizes and eye-catching exclamation marks.

Given his level of education, he had to read it at least twice before he understood it.

The general meaning is that since the day before yesterday, Cui Jian and Zhang Qiang have said goodbye to the audience and suspended their performances.

Instead, the ADO band and a female singer named Zhang Mi from the Qingdao Song and Dance Troupe came to perform.

The performance lasts for two months.

After this, Cui Jian and Zhang Qiang will return to the stage of Maxim Restaurant.

This made Luo Guangliang relieved, but also a little disappointed.

Because to be honest, although he knew more about the inside story than others, he guessed that Cui Jian and Zhang Qiang were preparing to go abroad.

But the problem is that the mainland music scene at this time was only divided into bel canto, ethnic and popular songs.

On the mainstream stage, even if it is popular, most people sing either lyrical songs like Li Guyi's, or they imitate the "excessive sound" of Hong Kong and Taiwan singers.

And like Xiao Cui's tough and uninhibited rock music, like Zhang Qiang's magnetic and magical sound, the dynamic and natural disco style.

No one else can sing it, and it can't be heard anywhere else.

Luo Guangliang has already become a loyal fan of Cui Jian and Zhang Qiang.

In fact, most of the domestic customers who come to Maxim's Restaurant in the evening basically come here for the wonderful performances of these two.

Otherwise, who would spend ten yuan on a glass of foreign wine and five yuan on a cup of coffee?

All that was paid was actually ticket money.

This is great. Once they leave, the real music is gone.

If Maxim invites another person to save the situation, he might be the kind of singer with long hair who only sighs and kisses the microphone.

This type of singing is now the mainstream on TV, and is also popular in song and dance troupes. It is euphemistically called "breath singing".

Those who don’t know think it was taught by Li Guyi.

But the problem is that Li Guyi doesn’t sing like this.

When I was performing, I never heard a sound like a valve core leaking from the speakers.

God knows which sect this is the inheritance of!

Sure enough, when Luo Guangliang actually entered, he discovered that the Maxim Restaurant was no longer full, and the occupancy rate was only 60%.

Not only were there fewer domestic customers, but also fewer foreigners, and there were no waiters setting up extra seats around the stage.

Of course, there is also a benefit, that is, the environment of the entire restaurant is much more relaxed.

In addition, the kind of person who just wants a cup of coffee and is prepared to spend the whole night watching the whole show is gone.

It was not difficult for Luo Guangliang to find Manager Sha's location.

Not only because he has been here several times, but he is already familiar with the internal environment of Maxim's Restaurant.

Also because Manager Sha is a senior executive of Pierre Cardon Company, like Ning Weimin, he has great privileges in spending money here.

One is a 30% discount on the price, and the other is that you can reserve a seat. Just call the restaurant in advance and say hello.

On this day, Manager Sha was sitting on a small table with a sofa seat on the left side of the stage, talking to the restaurant manager.

Luo Guangliang saw him when he walked into the restaurant.

He immediately shook off the restaurant manager and waved hello to the slightly restrained Luo Guangliang.

Luo Guangliang sat down and didn't know what to say for a long time.

He only saw that Manager Sha had ordered some appetizers on the small table.

Caesar salad, foie gras platter, cream cheese bacon balls, and bread baskets are all not cheap.

A glass of appetizing pre-dinner wine was on the table, and there were two wet lips on Manager Sha's fat face.

He handed Huiquan a cigarette. "Come on, sit down, brother, we're waiting for you to order the main course... Do you want champagne or cognac?"

"Champagne bar." Luo Guangliang is already familiar with the general content of French cuisine, and understands the rule that cognac is an after-dinner drink.

For the main course, he ordered a grilled lamb chop with bamboo shoots, and then fell silent again.

After being in contact with him for so long, he is still not good at dealing with people like Manager Sha.

The main reason is that I always feel that there is no common topic, and I can't talk about martial arts or wrestling. I can only talk about business.

But the problem is that he still has a problem in his mind and tries his best to avoid revealing information about Ning Weimin. This is very contradictory.

Fortunately, Manager Sha was a master of the scene and easily found a topic that interested them all.

"Before you came, I was asking people at the restaurant..."

"What are you asking about?"

"Inquire about the new band and the girl who sings. How is her level?"

"What did the restaurant manager say? Haven't all the people they hired come to sing?"

"I can't say that the band is better than the seven-ply board in the past. This time it is a joint venture product, and the two musicians are foreigners. But the girl is not very good. Even though her surname is Zhang, she is not on the same level as Zhang Qiang.

Fabi. Yesterday, I heard it was out of tune."

"Ah? Is it so bad? Doesn't it ruin the brand? No wonder the Qingdao Song and Dance Troupe doesn't want to stay."

"Hi. You can't say that. I heard from the manager that actually the woman's voice is pretty good. She did come from a professional group. There will be no problem during rehearsals. The out-of-tune is caused by nervousness. Maybe she has never seen so many foreigners.

I just have stage fright. In fact, I can’t sing well, but that’s fine. The key is that my dress is also vulgar. I heard that I’m having Pi Meng’s designer do the image for the past two days.”

"Oh, I know. I heard Wei Min say that it is a beauty and hairdressing school jointly run by your company and people from Hong Kong City, right? Then there will be no problem if there are professionals to take care of it."

"It's really hard to say. The key to this image is temperament. But think about it, a member of the Qingdao Song and Dance Troupe performs in the capital. It would be weird if she doesn't tremble. Her liver trembles. How can she be so good on the stage?

What kind of temperament..."

The two of them spoke in very low voices.

The speaker played a slow piece of music, with a monotonous and low melody.

Just chatting and eating without any pressure, it soon arrived at eight o'clock in the evening.

But when the performance started, Luo Guangliang was surprised to find that this Zhang Mi turned out to be a young girl in her early twenties.

However, the notice outside said that she was Ms. Zhang Mi.

Seeing how this happened, he actually misunderstood and thought it was a rather older woman.

And as soon as Zhang Mi opened her mouth, Luo Guangliang was moved.

Her voice is indeed not as special and magical as Zhang Qiang's.

But she took a different path, and her singing voice was heartbreakingly simple.

The throat is very tender and sweet, and there is no coquettish smell at all.

It's like a girl chatting with her parents, siblings, and calmly expressing her inner depression.

Especially her performance attitude is very hardworking.

Her face was flushed, and beads of sweat were shining on her fair temples.

She has a thin oval face and looks like a timid child who is ignorant. When adults ask her to sing, she sings with all her strength.

The innocent expression on her face and the melody of the song were indeed a bit out of tune.

But Luo Guangliang was not disappointed at all, but rather excited.

To put it bluntly, he often delivers goods at the Temple of Heaven and Pierre Cardin Company stores, and he knows at least fifty beautiful girls. They are noble-minded and have money in their pockets, but they have an uncomfortable arrogance.


What is endearing about this girl is her slightly shy and pure expression and her singing voice.

Although she looks very beautiful, it would be better if she didn't wear makeup.

Luo Guangliang feels a little sorry for this girl now and has some opinions on the designer who put her makeup on.

He thought the makeup was a bit too much.

The strong eye shadow and lipstick concealed this girl's most attractive charm, making her look at least several years older.

I don’t know whether it was because there was no applause or she was too nervous, but the girl on the stage wiped her face with a handkerchief while singing.

He also looked a little tired and depressed, and at first glance he seemed unhappy.

Because of the close distance, Luo Guangliang could even see clearly that the girl lowered her head, her nose was gently rising and falling, and there were some fluff on the back of her neck and between her mouth and nose, with crystal beads of sweat trembling on them.

He didn't know what was going on, but his heart went up and down along with the girl's voice, and the call came out of his mouth.

"Well done!"

This sentence made almost all eyes turn to him.

Some audience members burst into laughter.

When Luo Guangliang realized what he had done, his face turned red and he felt a little embarrassed.

However, when he saw the girl on the stage looking at him with a smile and nodding gently to express her gratitude.

He actually found the courage again and simply took the lead in applauding vigorously.

At the same time, he blushed and looked at the faces around him with a arrogant expression.

Then all the sneers subsided because of his eyes.

Instead, Manager Sha gave a few rounds of applause as if to cheer him up.

Strangely enough, after receiving such encouragement, the girl on the stage suddenly got the rhythm right and her performance level improved significantly.

When the song started to sing, the girl couldn't help but bow to face the audience, especially to express her gratitude to Luo Guangliang for his direction.

"thank you!"

"You're welcome."

This is their first conversation.

But such a simple reply made Luo Guangliang so excited that he thought about it for several days.

Even he himself didn't realize that he would become a frequent visitor here in the future.

They will "chasing stars" with a more fanatical obsession than those young people.

This chapter has been completed!
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