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Chapter 1022 A great harvest (62009000)

Hua Sibo is a student at Yiling University. His family is in the next province and the conditions at home are not good.

My parents also have little education and cannot do very good jobs.

However, in order to support him in college, his parents still worked hard and worked odd jobs outside. However, the work was unstable and they did not earn much money overall.

During this National Day holiday, Hua Sibo was thinking about saving the round-trip fare. Besides, his parents were not at home. He wanted to find some part-time work to earn himself the next living expenses, so he simply did not go home.

But he didn't expect that this time the school would personally contact a work-study program and go to a rural scenic spot below Yiling City to be a volunteer.

Not only are they provided with three meals a day, but they also receive a subsidy of 150 yuan.

Hua Sibo thinks this job is quite good. Taking care of the food means that he doesn't have to pay for food himself. It doesn't matter whether the food is good or not, as long as he can eat enough.

The daily subsidy of 150 yuan, even if you work 12 hours a day, is still more than 10 yuan an hour, which is much higher than the price of hourly workers outside.

After working for 7 days, he can earn 1,050 yuan, which is not a small amount of money for him.

And there are 200 classmates going together, so they can look after each other.

But after arriving at this place, the first meal broke Hua Sibo's cognition. He never expected that the food would be so good.

A bowl full of beef, with soup as a companion. Unlimited beef patties, he could eat up to three before he was full.

Lunch is a ready-made lunch box, with two meat and two vegetables, one eight-treasure porridge, and two steamed buns. There is no duplicate lunch every day.

The key was that the dinner was too outrageous. He later found out from other people that the dinner they had was priced at least 1,000 yuan. It would be more expensive in a big hotel, but it was the same standard every night.

In addition, every night when eating, someone will give them a red envelope, which will settle the 150 yuan subsidy for the day.

This makes them feel relieved.

Hua Sibo has witnessed the lively scene of this children's theme park from the first day.

His job is to walk around the park and go over to help tourists when he sees them in need.

The work is very simple, but the time is a little longer, and he basically stands for a day. Fortunately, there is no heavy physical labor. Except for the first two days when he was not used to it, he managed to survive the next few days.

During the past few days of work, the park has been full of people every day.

When he finished work every day, he would look at the counter at the entrance of the park. He found that the number of people entering the park increased from more than 120,000 at the beginning to more than 230,000 a day, and then slowly fell back, but at 200,000 people entered the park.

There are only 2 days with more than 100,000 visitors, and the number of visitors has become normal.

What makes Hua Sibo even more interesting is that there are stalls selling things in and around the park. He found that there were many people in front of each stall. Many stall owners had no expression on their faces and their eyes looked tired.

Very sluggish.

Is this just making money?

Hua Sibo had several discussions with his classmates. They envied those who made money, but also sympathized with those who were as tired as dead dogs.

After finally working until the last day, Hua Sibo breathed a sigh of relief.

After these seven days, Hua Sibo also felt exhausted from the inside out. He now wanted to finish his work later, and after dinner, he quickly took the bus back to the school dormitory to have a good sleep.

Classes will end tomorrow, and for some reason, Hua Sibo feels a little reluctant to give up.

In particular, the young village director left a deep impression on him.

According to villagers, he built this park with his own money.

It is simply unimaginable how he can be so powerful at such a young age!

Following his classmates to the Xinjiang Hotel, Hua Sibo saw that the food had been served, and it seemed to be more abundant than the previous six days. Hua Sibo was confused, is this night so luxurious?

Just as he sat down with other classmates, waiting for someone to say something, and then eating together, he did not expect that the young village director stood in the middle of the crowd. He seemed to have something to say.

Hua Sibo didn't know what he wanted to say. He saw that no one else was using their chopsticks. Even though he was tired all afternoon and already hungry, he suppressed his hunger and thought it wouldn't be too late to wait a little longer.

They didn't have to wait long before Hua Sibo heard the village director speak.

"Students, during this week, on behalf of everyone at Caojiazhuang Theme Park and Mengmeng Orchard, I would like to thank you all for your efforts in Caojiazhuang Tourism."

"Today is the last day for us to fight together, and I have nothing to entertain you, so I asked the hotel to prepare a more sumptuous dinner this afternoon. Everyone will eat more later, and if it is not enough, we will serve it.


"In addition, in addition to the normal subsidy of 150 yuan today, I will personally give everyone a subsidy of 500 yuan each. It is not much money, but it is also a little bit of my appreciation."

"I hope that students can calm down and study hard when they go back. I hope that you can come over to play when you are free next year. I also hope that you can come over to help in the future."

"Okay, I won't say any more. Let's eat while the food is still hot. After we have a full meal, we can get in the car and go back."

"There is some preserved fruit I prepared for everyone at the door. It's not much. I'll leave with one box for each person."

Having said this, Cao Shuchao waited early and brought a glass of fruit wine to Cao Shujie.

Cao Shujie took it and raised his glass: "Classmates, come on, let's drink this together!"

"Thank you!" Hua Sibo, who received the red envelope, also raised his glass and said thank you to Cao Shujie in his heart.

He really didn't expect Cao Shujie to give them so much today.

This is 500 yuan, and I gave them an extra 350 yuan, which is enough for them to subsidy for two days.

It is enough for him to live frugally for one month.

Hua Sibo and the others didn't understand what happened, but Cao Shujie's impression on them suddenly became more profound.

Many students at the scene were wondering whether they would be able to work in Cao Shujie's factory after graduation?

On the other side, after closing the park and orchard, Cao Shujie also greeted the staff on both sides to eat.

This National Day holiday is their victory.

During these seven days, even Cao Shujie did not expect that so many people would come.

Each of those students was given an additional bonus of 350 yuan, and his own employees were not less. The additional cash bonus of 2,000 yuan per person was not paid at the same time as the salary.

Cao Shujie really made a lot of money this time.

In addition to the data cables his wife sells in the orchard, the other most popular item is Aimeng preserved fruit.

As a product of Xuemeng Food Factory, the only factory under Cao Shujie's name, Aimeng Preserved Fruit is already famous.

In addition, it is one of the few products in orchards and parks and is a food suitable for all ages. Driven by the huge number of visitors to the park, Aimeng Preserved Fruit is sold at an unimaginable speed.

Cao Shujie has made money, but he never treats people who work with him badly.

The employees of the park and orchard have been working very hard this week, so I decided to treat them to a meal tonight.

That night, everyone drank a lot.

But Cao Shujie didn't drink much.

When he returned home, he was quite sober. His wife, Cheng Xiaolin, had not rested either and was waiting for him on the second floor.

Seeing him coming back, Cheng Xiaolin brought him a bowl of freshly boiled rock sugar pear water and asked him to drink it.

"Shujie, after you finish drinking, go take a hot bath and get some rest early," Cheng Xiaolin said.

Cao Shujie nodded, the National Day holiday was finally over.

In the past few days, Cao Shujie was afraid that something would happen to Caojiazhuang, so he did not go to the company.

Shi Jingxiu and Wang Zhifeng have been asked to take turns on duty to ensure that there are no problems in the company.

"This time I can finally have a good rest." Cheng Xiaolin said.

Cao Shujie remembered something and asked his wife, had the more than 500,000 data cables that were replenished sold out?

"It has been sold out a long time ago. There is not enough to sell, but I didn't replenish it. Didn't you say that the park will be closed on the 10th? There are only two days left. Don't be busy. Let everyone take a rest." Cheng Xiaolin said.

These tourists were so enthusiastic that she never thought that even a data cable could be snatched like this.

Cao Shujie never expected that there would be such a crazy side, mainly because he bought too much on behalf of others.

Fortunately, everything will come to an end now as the parks and orchards are closed.

Cao Shujie thought that in just two months, they had sold more than 2.6 million data cables online and offline. It was really like no one else.

"How much money did you make?" he asked.

Cheng Xiaolin didn't even think about it and said to her husband: "I haven't calculated the details yet, but there should be a profit of 40 to 50 million, or maybe more."

"This can be regarded as a bonus from a wave of new products that are not available on the market." Cao Shujie sighed.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a data cable to sell such a hot scene.

Cheng Xiaolin is relatively sober. She said: "It's not just the bonus of the new data cable. The main reason is that there are so many people coming here this time. In addition, many people buy more than a dozen or even dozens of cables at a time. I guess they should

They buy it for others, or they buy it back and sell it at a higher price."

It is not something that Cao Shujie and others can rectify for this kind of 'market chaos'.

Neither of them had the time to care about this.

"Go to sleep. Wait until the park closes in two days and have a good rest. It won't be too late to summarize these accounts then." Cao Shujie said to his wife.

Cheng Xiaolin was indeed a little sleepy, so she nodded, lay down first, and soon fell asleep.

After a while, the bedroom became quiet and only the sound of steady breathing remained.

That night, Cao Shujie had a dream. He kept running back and forth in the park.

There were too many people around. He finished his work here and then called over there. He wanted to stop quickly, but his legs seemed not to be his, and they didn't obey his orders at all. No matter how much he controlled, he couldn't stop.


He was so angry that he kept yelling and even wanted to break his legs.

In the end, he was so tired that he couldn't run anymore. He sat directly on the ground, gasping for air and wanted to take a rest. Unexpectedly, at this moment, he felt his legs begin to cramp again, and the pain was extremely severe.

In his sleep, Cao Shujie suddenly sat up. At this time, his right leg was straightened and he was in pain due to cramps.


He made fists with both hands and punched his cramped right leg hard. He also used his hands to smooth out his tight calf. The muscles were tight, but neither method worked.

Cao Shujie thought of a way and quickly moved to the edge of the bed. He stepped on the ground with his left leg first, then moved his hands over his painful right leg and stepped on the ground as well. After a while, the cramps were relieved.

Cheng Xiaolin, who was still sleeping, was also awakened by her husband's movements. When she saw her husband standing beside the bed wearing a pair of pajamas, still gasping for air, she was stunned: "Shujie, you

What's wrong?"

"Don't mention it. I had a leg cramp just now and it really hurts." Cao Shujie said. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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