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Chapter 1031 CuteCute gets beaten (70009000)

Seeing the person in front of him with a handheld camera almost pointing the camera at the bathroom pit, Liang Hua wondered if this was interesting?

He had to remind the other party: "Brother, that's a place for shit. Don't get dirty things on your camera."

"Besides, no matter how clean that place is, it can't be compared with an unused one. Our factory's bathrooms are cleaned at least 4 times a day by dedicated personnel. I guess the bathroom in your home may not be cleaned as frequently as we do."

The words are good and the reasoning is not good.

This self-media person was a little embarrassed by Liang Hua's remarks, so he quickly stepped back.

"Habit, habit." The self-media person said with a smile.

Liang Hua pouted: "You're used to looking for trouble, right?"

The other person choked on a sentence and was speechless.

This self-media person’s name is Zhang Lei, and should I say it or not, he really came here with a special purpose.

However, no problem was found in the bathroom of Xuemeng Food Factory, and Zhang Lei was embarrassed to stay here any longer.

Follow Liang Hua to leave and enter the workshop again.

At a glance, it was cleaner here. Liang Hua also took the initiative to take a pair of white gloves from a shelf next to him and handed them to him: "Brother, these are new gloves. You can put them on. You can do whatever you want later."

Wipe the equipment and the floor. If there is any unclean spot, report it vigorously and we will accept the penalty."

"But if you can't find the problem, can you people please report it in a matter-of-fact manner. Don't open your mouth. The food is unsafe and unclean. I dare to say that if the preserved fruits produced by our factory are dirty, I really don't care.

Guarantee which food factory is cleaner than ours."

This is confidence.

Even if there were factories that were cleaner than theirs, Liang Hua thought about what his boss said: "Learn from better factories and then find ways to surpass them."

He still remembers it deeply in his heart.

Zhang Lei didn't dare to say another word.

The other party was really too confident, so confident that he felt a little guilty for coming here.

What do you tell people who are looking for trouble to do when they meet someone who is not afraid of trouble?

Like the two of them, there were also TV reporters or self-media people who were taken around by factory employees in other parts of the factory. Some of these people came here specifically to report news with conscience, but there were also some who had bad intentions.

There is a saying that goes well: If you are upright, you are not afraid of a crooked shadow, and Cao Shujie is even less afraid.

He had previously opened the door to the factory, allowing consumers and tourists from all over the world to come and visit at will. If someone could help him find the problem, Cao Shujie would reward him well and then urge the company to improve.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window outside the office, looking at the reporters and self-media people walking back and forth in the factory, Cao Shujie was in a bad mood.

That was enough last time, but this time something like this happened again. The clay figurine was also very angry, let alone a living person with flesh and blood. Cao Shujie felt very angry.

The information on the critical website is the most difficult to check, and the information does not mention by name that the products of Xuemeng Food Factory are unclean.

It is a shotgun, and its main purpose is to hit a wide area.

Many consumers don't care whether you are on the list or not. As long as you produce food, they think there must be something unclean about you.

"Damn it, why is this bad environment so bad? Can we still give those who do practical things some way to survive?" Cao Shujie kept cursing in his heart.

He wants to do something good with his conscience, but why is it so difficult?


Complaints are complaints, but Cao Shujie also knows that he must face the current problem. If even he can't stand the defeat, what will the factory do?

What to do with the more than 2,000 employees in the factory?

What about the fruit farmers who sell their home-grown fruits to Xuemeng Food Factory?

He Ruijia hurried over and when she saw Cao Shujie, she quickly reported the situation to Cao Shujie.

However, before she could finish speaking, Cao Shujie waved his hand to interrupt her report: "Xiao He, go and notify all department managers and tell them to hold an emergency meeting in the conference room on the third floor in an hour."

"Yes!" He Ruijia put away her notebook again, turned around and went to notify the department managers.

As Cao Shujie's assistant, she knows more information than ordinary employees.

She was also aware of the dirty tricks on the Internet. Although she did not mention the Xuemeng Food Factory by name, she had to admit that they were also within the scope of the attack.

"They are all a bunch of turtles and bastards!" He Ruijia couldn't help but use foul language.

Ever since he came to work in the company, He Ruijia watched how the company improved its hygiene bit by bit and made it abnormally clean.

But I have to say that a clean office and production environment really makes people feel comfortable. Everyone has adapted from the initial discomfort and feels that this is how it should be.

After complaining, He Ruijia ran around the first and second floors of the office building and told them about the emergency meeting convened by the boss, the time, and the location.

If he was not in the office, she would call immediately to inform him.

An hour later, Cao Shujie came to the conference room with his notebook and book. He glanced around the conference room and saw He Ruijia sitting at the door.

He saw that all the department managers and deputy managers had arrived, and he also sat on his chair: "Manager Guan, Manager Chen, you two should tell us about the current situation first."


Guan Boyong and Chen Hong looked at each other. Guan Boyong asked Chen Hong to say something first, and he would make follow-up additions.

Chen Hong was not polite and told them that they found some short articles on the Internet that confuse right and wrong and deliberately confuse food safety.

"Everyone, I also know that these news are all false. Some people deliberately spread this information with premeditation, but consumers don't understand. After seeing it, they will only instinctively dislike it and boycott our products."

"The Taobao Double Eleven Shopping Festival is coming soon, and our company started stocking up more than a month in advance. We originally hoped to have another good fight this time, but judging from the current situation, it is difficult to achieve this."

The other department managers were listening carefully.

They also heard the news, and saw the self-media and reporters wandering around the factory outside. They were so determined to pull out some garbage from their factory that they felt angry just looking at it.

No wonder there are paparazzi.

It’s really a declining world and people’s hearts are not as old as they used to be!

But there's no point in getting angry here. Maybe some bastards are happy to see this scene in secret.

After waiting for Chen Hong to finish speaking, Guan Boyong stood up and added some more.

"Everyone, Manager Chen and Manager Guan have just given an overview of the situation. To be honest, I am very sad that something like this happens again."

"Our Xuemeng Food Factory works hard and is a good person, but no matter whether it is targeted at us this time or it is affected by it, the Double Eleven Shopping Festival is coming soon, and we have no time to pay attention to these odds and ends today.

Everyone called over to let everyone think of a solution, what should we do?" Cao Shujie said.

After Cao Shujie finished speaking, the people present did not hesitate and expressed their opinions one after another.

They all understand that there is no need for a "dumb" boss. If they don't have any suggestions, let alone whether they want to continue to develop, or whether they can stay here is a matter of course.

When these managers expressed their opinions, assistant He Ruijia was also taking notes quickly. She would sort out these records and give them to Cao Shujie later.

This impromptu emergency meeting lasted for nearly two hours. By the time they came out of the conference room, many people had already gone to the restaurant to have lunch.

Cao Shujie also felt a little tired now. He came out of the conference room and went back to his office to calm down and sort out today's affairs.

But the outside world didn't give him any time to think calmly.

It seems like the people spreading these messages did it on purpose.

After the first wave of news appeared on the Internet, a second wave of news appeared that night.

This wave of news is more like repeating the same old tune, taking out the previous news and continuing to badmouth it.

But consumers will not carefully analyze the authenticity of these messages. They will glance at the content briefly. Many people do not even read the content. They only see a headline, which seems shocking to them, and they start to curse and secretly warn them in their hearts.

I am determined not to buy junk food.

Consumer psychology is very fragile, and even a little bit of unclean things can pierce their fragile hearts.

This time is no exception.

Cao Shujie has been alone in the office this afternoon, thinking about solutions. When he got home, it was already dark.

When Cheng Xiaolin saw him coming back, she didn't think much about it and asked him why he came back so late.

"Something happened, have you all eaten?" Cao Shujie asked, looking at the clean dining table.

Cheng Xiaolin turned around and walked to the kitchen: "We ate it, but we kept it for you. I'll go and heat it up for you."

Mengmeng was playing with her younger brother. At this time, she came over and asked, "Dad, what are you busy with every day?"

"Daddy has something wrong, Mengmeng, have you listened to your mother at home?" Cao Shujie didn't tell her.

I couldn't understand even what I said.

But Mengmeng kept pestering him, insisting that her father tell her something.

Cao Shujie didn't say anything, but Mengmeng ran over and lay on top of him, holding his arm and rocking back and forth.

Even his son Cao Yirui ran over and hugged his legs, looking up at his chubby little face, as if listening to a story.

Having no choice, Cao Shujie surrendered and said to Mengmeng: "Mengmeng, daddy asks you, what should you do if someone secretly speaks ill of you behind your back?"

Mengmeng was a little confused when she heard this. She blinked and asked, "Dad, why does he say bad things behind his back? Is he a coward?"

Cao Shujie: “??”

How should he explain this problem to his daughter?

Cheng Xiaolin came out with a full bowl of beef and asked her husband where to eat.

"Just put it on the coffee table for me. No one will go to the dining table." Cao Shujie said.

Cheng Xiaolin nodded, and then explained to Mengmeng: "Mengmeng, if someone says bad things behind his back, it means he is shameful and afraid of letting others know that he said it. Do you understand?"

Mengmeng understood a little bit, but she didn't turn around for a while.

Cheng Xiaolin then explained to her: "For example, if your mother says bad things about your father, you can't let him know, do you understand?"

"Ah..." Mengmeng was shocked. She then turned to look at Cao Shujie: "Dad, mom said she was talking bad about you behind your back, but you still don't care about your wife."

"I'll beat you up!" Cheng Xiaolin angrily took two steps over. Before Mengmeng ran away, she pushed her down on the sofa and slapped her butt twice with great force.

Cao Shujie looked at the beef, which was still steaming in the bowl, and started eating it with chopsticks.

Everything else has nothing to do with him.

Having said that, Mengmeng usually seems to be quite clever, but today she was making trouble in front of her mother, and her brain was a bit sluggish.

When Cao Shujie was madly complaining about his daughter, Mengmeng also began to surrender, and Cheng Xiaolin stopped fighting.

After being slapped several times, Mengmeng was stunned without even a drop of tears. She still approached Cao Shujie very actively and said to him: "Dad, do I know what to do?"

"What should I do?" Cao Shujie asked her with interest.

Mengmeng pointed at her mother: "Just like what my mother did to me just now, I said a bad word and she beat me half to death."

"Dad, find out that bad guy and beat him half to death!"

Cao Shujie looked directly at his daughter, always feeling that Mengmeng's words were a roundabout way of smearing his wife as a 'bad person'.

Cheng Xiaolin also heard it and glared at Mengmeng. Before she made a move or even scolded her, Mengmeng was so frightened that she didn't even bother to put on her shoes and ran away.

Cheng Xiaolin then went to the kitchen and brought another plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes to her husband, as well as a steamed bun: "Do you want water or tea?"

"Let's drink tea, I can't sleep either." Cao Shujie said.

Cheng Xiaolin went to make him a cup of black tea and asked him if the company had encountered trouble again.

In fact, Cheng Xiaolin realized it when her husband asked Mengmeng that question just now.

It's just that Cheng Xiaolin has been taking care of her children today and is too busy to pay attention to the news on the Internet. Naturally, she hasn't seen some small articles related to food hygiene popping up on the Internet.

Cao Shujie told his wife while eating.

"Wife, you say it's irritating or not, but if I know who posted it, I will give him a good beating," Cao Shujie said.

Cheng Xiaolin thought calmly for a while and asked her husband: "Shujie, do you think it is possible that someone did this deliberately for the purpose of causing damage?"

"What are you destroying?" Cao Shujie didn't even eat and looked at his wife.

Cheng Xiaolin frowned: "Look, I just sent this message less than a week before the Double Eleven shopping festival. What is the purpose? Isn't the food sold anymore?"

"Who would be so stupid? I know that colleagues in the industry are enemies, but if you put it this way, the impact is too broad. Could it be a cross-industry attack?" Cao Shujie himself laughed.

When they convened a meeting with managers today, they didn't have this idea. It was a bit outrageous.

But Cheng Xiaolin didn't find it funny. She asked: "Why is it impossible?"

"Shujie, this is business, it's profit, it's about life and death, and it's about 'harmony and wealth' for consumers," Cheng Xiaolin said.

Every time she said a word, her tone was a little more serious, making Cao Shujie's head twist. (End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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