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Chapter 1034 CuteCute can’t do questions (60008000)

After all, Li Xiaojuan also knew that her daughter didn't even take the child with her this time, and it was impossible for her to leave the child and stay at home for two days.

"Mom, hurry up and put the bracelet away first." Cheng Xiaolin said.

Li Xiaojuan looked at the gold bracelet in her hand and still felt it was hot. It cost more than 400,000 yuan to buy. Her family had not saved so much money in the past few years of raising cattle.

There is a large wooden cabinet in their home, which was a dowry given by her mother-in-law when she got married.

Everything inside is filled with bedding.

Li Xiaojuan directly took out the quilt and put the box with the gold bracelet at the bottom. Only then did she feel at ease.

After all, they were still very happy to have their daughter back.

After Li Xiaojuan put the bracelet on and came out, she asked her husband to kill the rooster at home.

Before 11 o'clock, Cheng Yunping drove over with his wife and young son.

The eldest son went to school and didn't come this time.

When they saw their sister coming alone and learned that she was going back in the afternoon, Cheng Yunping and Liu Yingying politely asked her to stay a few more days.

However, considering that the two children were not brought over at home, it was indeed difficult for his sister to live comfortably.

Cheng Xiaolin came back this time to visit and talk to her parents.

Li Xiaojuan and Cheng Rengui were curious when they heard her mention that the children's theme park and orchard in Caojiazhuang had long been closed and roller coasters had begun to be installed, and that Huangshan was also under development.

Cheng Yunping and Liu Yingying were very curious about roller coasters and wanted to go there and play.

But they do all the business at home personally, and there is no large-scale breeding. It is not cost-effective to find someone to look after it, and it is not safe.

However, they also said that after selling all the cattle next year and the weather becomes warmer, they would not be in a hurry to buy calves and go to Caojiazhuang together.

Cheng Xiaolin naturally welcomed her warmly.

At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, with the sun still hanging in the sky, she hurriedly drove back to Caojiazhuang.

Cao Shujie was busy in the company for a day, and he found that there were more and more short essays related to food safety on the Internet.

At this time, even a fool can tell that this is done deliberately, and even some short essays with many replies have become hot searches.

However, most netizens do not have the ability to distinguish the authenticity of news and will only follow what others say.

Cao Shujie was very angry, but he didn't show it.

When he picked up Mengmeng from the elementary school and returned home, his wife had not come back yet.

Cao Shujie was a little worried and called her. After hearing his wife say that they were almost there, he told her to drive slowly.

Children have very keen senses. When Mengmeng saw her father finish the phone call, she leaned over and asked him: "Dad, are you unhappy?"

Cao Shujie was surprised. He smiled and asked Mengmeng: "No, why do you think dad is unhappy?"

"I just feel that you are unhappy." Mengmeng said loudly.

"Dad, is there another bad person bullying you? Who is it? Tell me and I will beat him." Mengmeng shook her little fist.

Cao Shujie originally thought that Mengmeng was too boisterous, which annoyed him sometimes, but today Mengmeng made him feel very warm, and he felt that he felt a little guilty towards her before.

After patting the sofa and asking Mengmeng to sit down, Cao Shujie told her: "It's okay, Dad is fine. Mengmeng, what toy do you want?"

"I'm a big kid now, I don't want toys." Mengmeng shook her head.

"Yeah, well, when you're done in a few days, dad will take you out to play." Cao Shujie knew that Mengmeng said this, so he must have something he needs.

It's just that her vision has risen several levels from 'toys'.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Mengmeng narrowed her eyes and smiled.

When Cheng Xiaolin returned home, she saw her husband and daughter sitting side by side chatting. She also felt that the sun was rising in the west.

Her husband hadn't chatted with Mengmeng so calmly for a while.

"Mom!" Cao Yirui reacted quickly, stood up and ran towards her.

Mengmeng's reaction was not slow, and she followed behind and rushed towards her mother.

Wang Yuelan was making dumplings in the kitchen. When she heard the noise outside, she boiled water and prepared to cook the dumplings wrapped with leek meat.

"Mom, the leek and meat dumplings made by grandma are so delicious." Mengmeng began to offer her treasures.

Cheng Xiaolin drove back and felt hungry now.

After joking with Mengmeng for a while, she washed her hands and went directly to the kitchen to help.

Wang Yuelan saw her coming in and said to her: "Linlin, you are very tired after driving for a day. Go and rest quickly. I will finish it in a while."

"Mom, it's okay, I didn't do much work." Cheng Xiaolin had already started, holding the dough in one hand and a spoon in the other and starting to wrap it up.

She moved very quickly. When Wang Yuelan saw that her daughter-in-law had already started, she didn't stop her and quickly rolled out the dumpling wrappers.

Within ten minutes, the first plate of steaming dumplings was served to the table.

Cao Shujie then went to cut a large plate of braised beef and a piece of pure meat ham, making it a simple dinner.

Just joking around, Cao Shujie never mentioned anything about the company at this time.

Grandpa Cao Zhenghu likes to watch the news after eating, and this hobby has never stopped.

Cao Shujie had nothing to do, so he watched with him.

When he saw the evening news on the Provincial Satellite TV Channel and Wang Qinghui's familiar face in the news, Cao Shujie sighed that he seemed to have more white hair.

However, Wang Qinghui did not dye his hair like other colleagues. In his words, the white hair on his head always reminded him that he did not have much time left for himself, and he must use the little time to do something.

Then the scene changed, and another scene showed Wang Qinghui attending a foreign-funded company's investment in Quancheng.

Father Cao Jianguo said: "Why do those foreigners come to invest in us? I watched the news this morning and heard that they invested in a big factory."

Cao Shujie looked at his father with some surprise and asked him what he invested in?

Cao Jianguo shook his head: "I just heard it and didn't look carefully. It seemed like I was investing in some fruits and vegetables?"

"Fruits and vegetables?" Cao Shujie was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was wrong.

But then I secretly blamed myself for being a little too sensitive and always felt there was something wrong with any news I heard.

Grandpa, however, knew very well. He said, "Your dad knows how to listen to half of what he says. I saw the news. Those foreign devils said they were making pre-prepared dishes. Shujie, you know more than grandpa. What are pre-prepared dishes?"

"Premade dishes?" Cao Shujie frowned.

"Well, they also said that they came from the United States to invest, and that food safety standards are very high, but I didn't understand it anyway." Cao Zhenghu shook his head, as if he was a little regretful, because he didn't understand too many things.

"Grandpa, prepared dishes are not a good thing." Cao Shujie said this.

He said to his grandfather: "Think about putting all the ingredients together as a semi-finished product. Then you can buy it back and process it. Either freeze it or add other additives to prevent decay, so that it can be guaranteed not to go bad, right?"

"That's for sure. If you don't put anything in it, it will be broken in two days due to the low temperature now." Cao Zhenghu was not confused at all.

When the grandson said this, he also understood what this pre-made dish was.

"Then this thing can't be eaten," he said.

"It's easy to cause problems if you eat it."

"I won't even eat it for free." Cao Shujie said firmly.

While they were chatting, Cheng Xiaolin called him: "Shujie, I'll take Mengmeng and Ruirui up first. Mengmeng hasn't finished her homework yet."

"Okay, let's go." Cao Shujie said.

He chatted with his grandfather for a while, and then went upstairs to help Mengmeng with her homework.

However, he was also thinking about the information mentioned by his grandfather and father just now. He always felt that he was missing something, but for a while he couldn't grasp the key point.

"Dad, I don't know how to do this question, can you help me see how to do it?" Mengmeng called to him.

Cao Shujie had no time to think about anything else.

Start reading the questions.

The question reads: "There are a total of 26 toys in the toy store. One box can only hold 6 toys. How many boxes are needed to store all the toys?"

Mengmeng just started to learn division. She calculated that the result was 4 with a remainder of 2, so she wrote 4 in the fill-in-the-blank box.

"Dad, I obviously wrote it correctly, but the answer is wrong. Is it because the answer given by the teacher is wrong?" Mengmeng raised her head and asked.

"I'll go to the teacher tomorrow and tell her."

She was a little anxious.

Cao Shujie understood her mistake at a glance, but he didn't want to tell his daughter directly. He glanced around and saw an unpacked box of milk outside. He went straight to pick it up and took out all the milk inside.

Put the box in front of your daughter.

"Mengmeng, look, we still have 8 boxes of milk in total now. If I stipulate to him that this box can only hold 6 boxes of milk, and I need to put all the milk into the box, at least how many boxes will I need?" Cao Shujie

Start explaining with real objects.

Otherwise, even if the formula is explained once, Mengmeng's memory will not be deep.

But Cao Shujie never expected that Mengmeng would not act according to common sense. She raised her little face and looked at Cao Shujie: "Dad, this box is very big, it can fit it all."

Cao Shujie really wanted to slap her, but fortunately he was emotionally stable: "I told you, we can only put 6 boxes at most, do you understand?"

Mengmeng saw that her father was getting angry. She nodded quickly and asked, "Dad, I understand, but what should I do if there are still 2 boxes of milk left?"

"You ask me?" Cao Shujie was speechless.

Mengmeng said matter-of-factly: "Yes, there is no one else, right?"

"You're really good!" Cao Shujie gave her a thumbs up.

Mengmeng smiled "hehe" and then said: "Dad, do you need to use another box to put the remaining 2 boxes of milk?"

This time, Cao Shujie smiled.

It would be best for his daughter to understand this truth herself.

"Well, what should you do with that question just now? Do you understand?" Cao Shujie asked her.

Mengmeng understood everything her father meant: "Dad, I understand."

"We should use 5 boxes, 4 plus 1." Mengmeng smiled proudly.

Cao Shujie ignored her for the rest.

When he came to the bedroom, his wife was playing with his son.

Seeing him come in, Cheng Xiaolin asked him: "How are things in the company?"

"It's okay, it's not a big problem." He said with a smile. (End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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