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Chapter 1083 Why are there so many people? (60009000)

Chapter 1083 Why are there so many people? (6000/9000)

Zhang Hengshan is a roller coaster enthusiast, but it is a pity that there has never been a real roller coaster in Yiling City.

It’s the kind of thing kids play in the park, so I won’t mention it.

Whenever he wanted to ride a roller coaster, he would go to Quancheng Fantawild, or go to Fantawild Amusement Park in other cities. Zhang Hengshan had been thinking about when they would have their own roller coaster here.

If so, he would have to go and sit there even if he asked for leave.

After reading the news last year, Zhang Hengshan discovered that there was a children's park in a township below his city that was building a roller coaster, and the roller coaster was advertised as having a track length of 860 meters, a highest point of 56 meters, and a top speed of more than 90 kilometers per hour.

Whether it is the length of the track, the height of the track and the speed of the roller coaster, they are all very good and directly attracted Zhang Hengshan's attention.

He also made a special trip to the children's park, but he found that there was indeed a circled area in the park. It was said that it was reserved for installing a roller coaster, but it would take another year for the roller coaster to be installed.

That time passed, Zhang Hengshan was very disappointed, but he was still looking forward to it since he was sure that his city would really have its own roller coaster.

Since then, Zhang Hengshan has been waiting for the stars and the moon. This year, Zhang Hengshan has been paying attention to the news about Caojiazhuang Children's Park.

Until last October when I saw the news that the children's theme park would be closed to install a roller coaster, Zhang Hengshan felt very excited.

I have finally been looking forward to this day.

After that, it was a long wait for him. He waited until he saw on the Internet that the roller coaster of Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park was installed and planned to open to the public on March 15. He also saw a man with more than 20 people speeding on the roller coaster.

After watching a short video, listening to the noisy shouting of those people in the video, Zhang Hengshan quickly flipped through the calendar and found that the 15th was Wednesday. According to the work schedule, he had to go to work that day.

How can this be done?

There were still three days left, so Zhang Hengshan sent a message to his boss that night, telling him that he would have to take off work on Wednesday.

There were many people in their company, and the leader was not in a difficult position, so he agreed that night.

In the next few days, Zhang Hengshan has been looking forward to it. He hopes that Wednesday will come soon.

Like him, Sherina is also a roller coaster enthusiast.

She had long seen the news on the Internet that Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park was going to install a roller coaster. Later, she accidentally watched the live broadcast and discovered Cheng Xiaolin's live broadcast room. After reading the comments posted by other people in the live broadcast room, she realized that the woman who was live broadcasting was

She is the proprietress of Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park, and she has been following her account.

On this day, I saw Cheng Xiaolin posting on her account that the roller coaster in the park had been installed and would be officially opened to the public.

Xie Lina didn't want to think about anything else. She thought that the park had just opened and it was a normal working day. There shouldn't be many people going there, right?

Thinking of this, Xie Lina decided to go there on the opening day of the park.

Well, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, she would sit there at least three times. If there were not too many people, she would sit there more than four times.

She likes the feeling of weightlessness when she swoops down from a high altitude, the stimulation of the whistling wind in her ears, and the visual impact of seeing objects on the ground rapidly magnifying with her eyes.

The more I think about it, the more I wish I could hurry up and get over it now.

There are many people who think the same as the two of them. Everyone is planning to wait for the children's theme park to open and go there to play.

After waiting for too long, they were a little anxious.

But there are also people who come to Caojiazhuang to play.

Both the park and the orchard are closed, but some people who are used to playing here still miss them.

The environment is good, quiet, and there are country food. The key is that the overall consumption here is low.

The people here are also warm and welcoming, making them feel that it is not a bad idea to come here.

Moreover, many people have heard that the mountains over the orchard have also been beautifully renovated, but no photos or videos have been released. They came here this time and wanted to see for themselves what it was like.

It is the spring day in March. If the mountains and fields are filled with flowers and green trees, the scenery is really heart-warming.

March 15th, sunny!

While today's 315 party was being planned on TV, Caojiazhuang became busy again.

They have been busy since yesterday to prepare for the opening of parks and orchards today.

The farmers in the village also purchased enough supplies in advance. They rested from October 9 last year until mid-March. During this period, they had a full five-month rest period. Everyone felt that their bones were rested and crisp.

, if they don't get busy, they feel that they will suffer from "lazy disease".

How is this possible?

While waiting for the notification from the village committee that the park and orchard would officially open, many people in Caojiazhuang were so happy that they drank two taels of white wine at home the night before.

At around four o'clock in the morning on the day when the park officially opened, many people got up, washed up, and pushed their goods to set up stalls.

They don't know how many people will come to play today, but it's always better to be prepared.

It was just past 7 o'clock when Cao Shujie drove out from home to take Mengmeng to the elementary school in the town.

At this time, he discovered that the East-West Avenue, which had been quiet for five months, became lively again.

There are many cars going from west to east on the road, and people from Caojiazhuang have already gone over to help divert them.

When Cao Shujie saw the crowded traffic, he almost thought he had gone out at the wrong time.

He didn't expect so many people to come today. When he drove past the children's theme park, he saw that the entrance to the park was already full of people, and everyone was queuing up.

Mengmeng also knelt on the back seat and looked out. When she saw those people, she asked enviously: "Dad, are those people here to ride the roller coaster?"

"Not entirely." Cao Shujie told her.

Mengmeng said "Oh" and said, "Dad, I also want to ride a roller coaster."

Cao Shujie ignored her.

Mengmeng continued: "Our classmates also want to ride a roller coaster."

"Mengmeng, you can bring your classmates over to play during the break, but not during school." Cao Shujie said firmly.

He believed that his daughter could understand.

Sure enough, when Mengmeng heard her father say this, her eyes dimmed a little, and she sat back on the chair and stopped making a sound.

After Cao Shujie sent Mengmeng to school, he did not go to the company and then returned.

Zuo Yongsi called him two days ago and said he would come over today.

In addition to the park, both sides of the orchard opened on the first day today. Whether it was a barren mountain renovated according to the Hemu Kanas Mongolian Township or a park with a newly installed roller coaster, Cao Shujie wanted to see it in person.

If there is an accident, it is best to lend a helping hand as soon as possible.

When he came back, the park had already opened, but there were still a lot of people at the door.

He drove forward more and more slowly, so he might as well find a place to stop the car first, get out of the car and follow the crowd towards the park on foot.

When he arrived at the door, Cao Shujie looked up at the LED display above his head. There were already more than 6,000 people entering the park, but this was just the beginning.

However, one can imagine from this number that there are a lot of people today.

Entering the park, Cao Shujie saw many old men and old ladies on the right side exercising, some dancing, some doing Tai Chi, playing soothing light music, and the atmosphere seemed very harmonious.

There were also children running around.

Cao Shujie stayed here for a while and continued walking inside. He could see that most people were heading south, heading straight for the roller coaster.

He felt that some people might really want to ride the roller coaster, but most people were curious.

Zhang Hengshan took the only direct urban and rural bus line from Yiling City to Caojiazhuang and arrived at Caojiazhuang early in the morning. After getting off the bus, Zhang Hengshan, who had not had time to have breakfast, went to the stall next to him to buy some breakfast, and while eating, he followed

Queue in the crowd.

He thought that today was a working day and there shouldn't be many people coming to ride the roller coaster. Who knew that when he opened the park door and followed the crowd to the roller coaster, Zhang Hengshan realized that he had guessed wrong again. There were so many people here that he couldn't even count.

Don't come.

And there are people coming here all the time.

When he saw that the roller coaster had completed two rounds, Zhang Hengshan followed the people in line and walked forward for more than 20 meters. It would be his turn in the next round.

When I looked back, I realized that the queue at the back was even longer.

"Oh my god, what do you want to do? You don't have to go to work?" He couldn't complain anymore.

He was very puzzled. Could it be that these people, like him, had arranged to rest in advance and came here specifically today?

Otherwise, I really can't explain why this happens.

Like him, Zhang Lina in the crowd was confused when she saw so many people. She didn't expect such a situation at all.

Zhang Lina originally wanted to take at least three rides. In this case, after taking the first round, how long will she have to wait in line for the second round?

Not to mention the third round!

Simply incomprehensible.

She was still thinking that luckily today was a working day. What if she came here on a day off?

But there is no use thinking about it. Now I can only wait in line with peace of mind and wait for my turn before sitting on it.

Listening to the shouts of 'Ahhh' coming from the roller coaster, she felt excited. This is a game that adults should play.

Normal work is already very tiring, why not find something more relaxing?

The team walked forward little by little. Zhang Hengshan was already on the roller coaster. When the staff pressed the start button, the roller coaster slowly went up and got closer to the high point. At this time, it felt like the roller coaster had become seventy or eighty.

Going up the steep slope, it seemed that they had only blue sky and white clouds in front of them. They could not see the track at all, and no one paid attention to the back of the heads of the people in the front row.

And as they go up, the body's own gravity presses them against the back of the roller coaster's chair, which gives many people the illusion of falling at any time.

"This roller coaster is more exciting." This is what came to Zhang Hengshan's mind.

Listening to the more crazy screams coming from his ears, Zhang Hengshan just felt so happy. This is the ultimate meaning of riding a roller coaster.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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