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Chapter 1096 High sense of social responsibility (40008000)

The little boy who just spoke immediately shut his mouth tightly and covered his mouth with both hands, fearing that he would be beaten if he accidentally said a word.

"You really deserve it!" the little boy next to him said.

What is this if not a mean bone?

Wang Zhifeng really didn't expect that Mengmeng's prestige was so high. He led the way and introduced them to the scale of Xuemeng Food Factory and the products it currently produces. He also told them that he would take them to the workshop to see it later.


When we came to the reception room, it had already been arranged. All the long tables were arranged in a zigzag shape against the wall. The tables were filled with various snacks, bottled juices, and green drinks packed in disposable plastic boxes.

Small balls are all prepared for children.

These green balls look very attractive, and many children have made slurping sounds, greedy.

In addition, there are dozens of chairs with backrests placed in the middle of the reception room.

"Teachers and classmates, let's sit down and rest for a while. All snacks and juices on the table are available for free." Wang Zhifeng introduced in a soft voice with a rich smile on his face.

Children like these must be thinking about grabbing some snacks to satisfy their appetites.

On the contrary, the two teachers Zhang Xinyu and Zhang Mingtai were very embarrassed. Looking at the arrangement, they felt that it had caused a lot of trouble to Xuemeng Food Factory.

Zhang Xinyu is still thinking that she owes a lot of favors this time.

"Eat quickly. Let's eat something to replenish our strength. Later I will take everyone to the workshop. You can see how the 'preserved fruit' is produced."

"By the way, our restaurant has prepared a delicious lunch for everyone today." Wang Zhifeng emphasized this point.

When the other children heard that there would be a delicious lunch at noon, they couldn't hide it and had happy smiles on their faces.

"Uncle Wang, can we eat?" Mengmeng asked.

She didn't ask, and her classmates were too embarrassed to get something to eat.

Wang Zhifeng looked at Mengmeng with a smile: "Of course, eat quickly, everyone can help themselves."

"That green ball is the Yuru melon. It's very sweet and full of water, but don't eat too much." Wang Zhifeng thought about what Xiang Zhengyan specifically told him yesterday.

He also told the children to prevent them from being greedy and causing diarrhea.

Because of this, there are only six or seven green balls at most in each small bowl, just to prevent them from getting upset.

"Also, our Yuru melons have been refrigerated. The temperature is a little lower, but the taste will be better. Do you feel like eating ice cream? If you feel cold, you can eat other things first.

Eat this melon later." Wang Zhifeng warned the children.

He saw two teachers, Zhang Xinyu and Zhang Mingtai, standing at the door of the reception room without taking anything. He could tell that they were quite uncomfortable.

He took the initiative to take two boxes of melon balls and handed them to the two of them: "Teacher Zhang, you guys can eat too, just be casual."

"Manager Wang, you are so polite!" Zhang Xinyu said.

Wang Zhifeng waved his hand: "It's okay. Our boss said that Xuemeng Food Factory itself is open to the public. We also welcome people from all walks of life to come and visit. Teacher Zhang can also let the school know after he returns, if there are children from other classes who want to come.

If you want to visit our company, you can tell us in advance and come over at any time."

Hearing Wang Zhifeng say this, the most surprised person was Zhang Mingtai.

He is the class teacher of Class 3, Grade 2. Before coming here, he expressed to Zhang Xinyu that he wanted to bring the students in his class over to have a look, but he felt that this would cause trouble to Xuemeng Food Factory, so he gave up in the end.

This idea.

He didn't expect to hear Wang Zhifeng take the initiative to mention this matter as soon as he came over.

"If that's the case, I'll ask Manager Wang later and bring students from our class here next week to open their eyes." Zhang Mingtai whispered to Zhang Xinyu.

Zhang Xinyu thinks there is no problem.

The children were already eating melons and other snacks, and some were drinking bottled drinks.

There are so many delicious foods, and the children are very satisfied.

Cao Shujie was still staying in the office at the moment, listening to Xiang Zhengyan reporting to him about his visit to Yuru Melon yesterday.

The scale there is not small, like the middle-aged couple who came yesterday, they have similar cultivation scale. According to rough statistics, there are dozens, and the actual number may be even more.

There are some larger than them, and even smaller ones.

But the larger the planting scale, the better. They have fixed sales channels.

On the contrary, people like the middle-aged couple who are neither above nor below, and smaller melon farmers are in a very passive position, and they are manipulated by the market.

It is difficult to move forward or back.

After Xiang Zhengyan finished speaking, Cao Shujie also asked him if the purchase price last year was 2 yuan and 30 cents. After receiving an affirmative answer, Cao Shujie told him that he would still purchase at this price this year and buy anyone who was willing to sell to them.


These melons are bought and transported directly to Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park and Mengmeng Orchard for sale to tourists.

This suggestion made Xiang Zhengyan feel great.

He was still wondering why he didn't think of this yesterday.

Xiang Zhengyan is very clear about the flow of people to Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park and Mengmeng Orchard. He knows that those tourists have strong purchasing power.

In addition, Yuru melon tastes really good, so there should be a lot of people buying it.

"Boss, I think we can dig out part of the fruit pulp and let tourists taste it for free. After eating, they can also tell the difference between good and bad." Xiang Zhengyan said this.

Cao Shujie nodded, it doesn't matter if he tastes it for free.

"That's it, you make one more trip and get this thing done," Cao Shujie said.

Xiang Zhengyan nodded. He was about to leave Cao Shujie's office. When he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered another thing and turned back to ask Cao Shujie: "Boss, we are supporting production and agriculture. Do you want to report it to the news media?


"Don't bother with this little thing." This is what Cao Shujie meant.

But Xiang Zhengyan feels that this matter is not a small matter. Just like this time, Xuemeng Food Factory can help melon farmers solve the problem of at least several million kilograms of unsalable Yuru melons. This is a big deal.

Xiang Zhengyan also feels that it is really necessary to let the society know what kind of social responsibility Xuemeng Food Factory assumes.

And through this kind of publicity, other fruit farmers can also know what Xuemeng Food Factory is doing. If there are other unsalable fruits, they will also come to Xuemeng Food Factory for help. This is not only important for Xuemeng Food Factory, but also for Xuemeng Food Factory.

For other people who make a living by growing fruits, it is a matter of mutual benefit.

But if this matter is not publicized, but you choose to do it silently, many people will not know that Xuemeng Food Factory is willing to help do this kind of thing. Others may choose to remain silent if they encounter this kind of thing again.

Then they sell their hard-earned income at a low price, so that their hard work will not get the return they deserve. Over time, some farmers may not be willing to engage in these things anymore.

"Boss, one more thing. I remember when you went to Quancheng to receive the award, didn't you get a policy, that is, the fruits we purchase from the province can have corresponding government subsidies." Xiang Zhengyan reminded Cao Shujie.

This is a big deal.

According to what Cao Shujie mentioned to them in the meeting at that time, in addition to receiving half of the tax rebate and an interest-free credit limit of up to 1 billion yuan, the provincial outstanding agricultural benchmark enterprises also have a subsidy, which is based on the provincial regulations.

A 5% policy subsidy will be given to the amount of agricultural and sideline products purchased by the factory from the people in the province, with the maximum subsidy not exceeding 100 million yuan.

This subsidy is very powerful.

To put it another way, consider this purchase of Yuru melons as one of the expenditures for their factory to purchase agricultural and sideline products from the people in the province. Even if they sell these Yuru melons to tourists at cost price, they can still get money from the government.

There is a 5% subsidy, and this 5% subsidy is pure profit for Xuemeng Food Factory.

This is also an important reason why Xiang Zhengyan just told Cao Shujie that they would publicize this matter.

For excellent enterprises like Xuemeng Food Factory that have received the government's agricultural benchmarking enterprise policy, the more they do things like supporting production and agriculture, the better the government's impression of them will be, and they will receive some intangible resources accordingly.

There will be more.

Xiang Zhengyan feels that as long as this matter is reported, the official media will most likely follow up, and the local government will pay more attention to their company.

After all, what Xuemeng Food Factory is doing is to support the stable development of agriculture in the province. The benefits of this kind of thing are obvious.

After Xiang Zhengyan finished speaking, Cao Shujie thought about it and said to him: "In this case, let's publicize it well. I'll call Director Xia and ask him to arrange for the provincial TV station staff to follow up."

Xiang Zhengyan didn't expect that his boss would immediately call the provincial TV station. He was still sighing at the boss's wide network of contacts.

How many companies in general can have contact with the director of a provincial TV station?

I'm afraid they won't be able to leave behind these companies at that level.

However, their boss can do just this. This is what Xiang Zhengyan has always felt is what makes his boss different.

After letting Xiang Zhengyan sit in the office for a while, Cao Shujie directly found Xia Zonghai's mobile phone number and called him. After Xia Zonghai answered the phone, Cao Shujie explained the matter to him.

Sure enough, as Xiang Zhengyan mentioned just now, Xia Zonghai was very interested in reporting this matter.

In Xia Zonghai's view, the political significance of this incident is greater than the social significance of Xuemeng Food Factory. He even felt that if this incident was reported well, it could play a leading role in the agricultural processing industry in the province.


He feels that companies with a high sense of social responsibility like Xuemeng Food Factory should be the focus of their future publicity.

"If Director Guan and the leaders see this, they will definitely be very happy and will also be satisfied with the result of selecting the provincial agricultural outstanding benchmark enterprise." Xia Zonghai thought of these things immediately.

He couldn't help but not consider it.

Xia Zonghai knew that Guan Guotai and Wang Qinghui had high hopes for Cao Shujie or Xuemeng Food Factory. If they saw Xuemeng Food Factory doing this kind of thing, they would definitely be very satisfied.

"Xiao Cao, I will arrange for the staff to go to your side now. After they pass, you tell them the specific situation, and they will do the rest to do the relevant work." Xia Zonghai finally told Cao Shujie.

Cao Shujie was not pretentious. He told Xia Zonghai that after the people from the TV station came over, he would arrange for someone to take the TV station staff to the scene.

After hanging up the phone, Cao Shujie assigned Xiang Zhengyan a new task.

Tell him to arrange for people from the purchasing department to go over there to buy Yuru melons first, and he will wait for people from the provincial TV station to come over and then go there together.

"Okay." Xiang Zhengyan agreed. This was also an opportunity for Xiang Zhengyan himself to show his face.

He took the staff of the provincial TV station to the scene, why was he not allowed to show his face in the program?

After discussing the matter, Cao Shujie asked Xiang Zhengyan to go ahead and get busy, and he came to the reception room.

As soon as I came in, I saw children eating snacks, drinking juice, and laughing.

Zhang Xinyu and Zhang Mingtai were talking to Wang Zhifeng.

When they saw Cao Shujie coming, they all came over to say hello to Cao Shujie.

Cao Shujie was looking for his daughter Mengmeng and said a few words to them. When he turned around, he saw Mengmeng running from the crowd holding a small plastic bowl filled with Yuru melon: "Dad, why are you here?"

"Let me see how your food is. Is it delicious?"

Mengmeng nodded, and the other children also said it was delicious.

When Hu Lina, a child who had met Cao Shujie once, saw Cao Shujie, she also came over and called Uncle Cao affectionately.

"Well, you guys eat quickly. I'll let Manager Wang take you around the workshop later, and then go to the restaurant for something delicious at noon." Cao Shujie also specifically turned to ask Wang Zhifeng what kind of lunch the restaurant had prepared for today.

"There are pineapple rice, tea mushroom ribs, boiled prawns and pig's trotters." Wang Zhifeng replied.

When the children heard that there were so many delicious things, they were all greedy again.

They felt that although they couldn't sleep in or play with their mobile phones at home today, it seemed like it would be more fun to come here.

After all the children had finished eating, Cao Shujie accompanied them into the workshop and listened to Wang Zhifeng introduce their production process from the source of production to everyone, and how the product uses equipment to turn fruits into individually packaged preserved fruits.


During this period, everyone was amazed. Even Zhang Xinyu and Zhang Mingtai were surprised at the advanced equipment of Xuemeng Food Factory when they suddenly realized it.

They really didn't expect that this company located in Qingshi Town would use fully automatic equipment and even industrial robots as auxiliary production.

This result breaks their understanding of township enterprises.

But they also know in their hearts that township enterprises like Xuemeng Food Factory are very rare in Qingshi Town.

Because of this, Zhang Mingtai became more determined to bring students from his class to visit.

He thought that he must lead the students in his class to broaden their horizons.

This will be good for them in the future. (End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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