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Chapter 1098: Pleasing to kill?(40008000)

"Wife, Wang Xueliar is going to the park tomorrow." Cao Shujie said to his wife in the evening.

Cheng Xiaolin almost forgot about this matter: "Okay, I will go to the park tomorrow to guard it, just in time to sell those melons you arranged for people to bring back."

"Okay, those melons taste good to me, but I don't know if the tourists will recognize them." Cao Shujie was not sure.

Cheng Xiaolin nodded, they had tasted it in the evening, and objectively speaking, the taste was not bad: "Let's see, I plan to sell part of it in the park and museum, and another part in the short term. Anyway, I don't want to make money, I can sell it at a loss."

Just go."

Cheng Xiaolin thought about the time when she started a live broadcast to sell data cables. This time, Cheng Xiaolin thought about selling Yuru melons during the live broadcast.

According to the feedback received so far, there is a large amount of unsalable Yuru melons in Huayang County.

The Yuru melons with several thousand acres of planting area previously reported were only from Yanshan Town.

But Huayang County is not just a Yanshan town, and Cheng Xiaolin is not a shy person. She also wants to help the people within her ability.

If this matter can be solved perfectly, it will not only help the common people sell these direct sales products, but also win honor and reputation for their factory, and also receive policy subsidies from provincial-level outstanding agricultural benchmarking enterprises.

This is also considered within the scope of reasonable policies, and they can get their own profits.

Knowing that her husband would be busy tomorrow, Cheng Xiaolin asked Mengmeng and her son not to disturb him at night and let him rest early.

But Cao Shujie was used to going to bed late and asked him to go to bed early, but he still couldn't fall asleep.

I stayed there until almost 11 o'clock in the evening, then closed my eyes to rest.

Early on the second day, Cao Shujie took his daughter Mengmeng to the town.

After placing Mengmeng at the school gate and watching her jumping into the school, Cao Shujie drove to the factory.

Cao Shujie has never dealt with Wang Xuelia so far, and he doesn't know what kind of character this person is.

However, basic greeting etiquette is still required. All three factories of Xuemeng Food Factory have been cleaned.

After arriving at the factory, Cao Shujie waited patiently in the office.

According to the itinerary given by the municipal party committee office at that time, Wang Xueliar visited the county chemical plant from 8:30 to 9 a.m. and listened to on-site reports from the county chemical plant.

At 10 o'clock, we will go to Qingshi Town to visit Xuemeng Food Factory, and at 11 o'clock, we will go to Caojiazhuang to visit the Children's Theme Park.

At this point, lunch is a no-brainer.

For Cao Shujie, taking care of food is a trivial matter.

After the time reached 9:10, Cao Shujie received a call from Zuo Yongsi, director of the County Culture and Tourism Bureau.

Zuo Yongsi called Cao Shujie and told Cao Shujie that Wang Xueliang and his party had just set off from the county chemical plant and were driving towards Qingshi Town. They could reach Qingshi Town in about 40 minutes.

In addition to the important leaders of the county, I was accompanied by factory leaders from the county chemical plant and people from the county Culture and Tourism Bureau.

The reason why Zuo Yongsi could follow him was because Wang Xueliang was going to Caojiazhuang to visit the children's theme park this morning.

Among the people in the county, he is the one who is most familiar with Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park.

Because of this arrangement, Zuo Yongsi was fortunate enough to follow.

On the way to Qingshi Town, Zuo Yongsi called Cao Shujie.

After hanging up the phone, Cao Shujie first sent a message to the company's management WeChat group, telling them that Wang Xuelia and his party would be arriving at the company soon.

At the same time, Cao Shujie called Luo Ningyou, a senior party official in Qingshi Town, and Shi Xiangdong, the mayor, to tell them that Wang Xuelia and the main leaders of the county government came to visit their factory.

Now that we have reached this point, the itinerary is no longer a secret, and it doesn't matter if Cao Shujie tells them.

Luo Ningyou and Shi Xiangdong should have received the notice in advance. They hurried to Xuemeng Food Factory and waited patiently with Cao Shujie.

For Wang Xueliang's special trip to visit Xuemeng Food Factory, Luo Ningyou and Shi Xiangdong thought it was a good thing and proved that the superior leaders attached great importance to Xuemeng Food Factory.

At this time, the Caojiazhuang Children’s Theme Park seemed particularly lively.

After Cheng Xiaolin came over early in the morning, she saw that the property management staff had been cleaning up the scene in the park, but she didn't pay any more attention to it.

The main purpose of her coming here today was to sell those Yuru melons.

You can't sell it as soon as possible. This is just the beginning. There are still many more waiting to be shipped here. If it gets stuck here, it will not be able to operate normally and there will be a problem.

In Cheng Xiaolin's view, solving this problem is far more important than welcoming Wang Xuelia.

This is no longer a question of whether it can be handled well, but Cheng Xiaolin really wants to do something for the common people.

After arriving, Cheng Xiaolin began to arrange for people to clean the ripe Yuru melons, use a special small round spoon to scoop out the melon flesh into spherical balls, and put them in a disposable plastic bowl. They looked like freshly bought matcha.

Like an ice cream ball, crystal clear.

Then arrange for people to distribute the dug melon meat to tourists in the park for free.

The selling price of these Yuru melons is not expensive.

As Cheng Xiaolin and Cao Shujie said, the purchase cost price plus the transportation freight, as well as the labor in the middle and the loss of the fruit itself, the external sales price is equivalent to 1 yuan per catty, which is only cheaper than buying it from the melon shed.

The price came out to be 8 cents higher.

From a long-term perspective, it is impossible for Xuemeng Food Factory to do these things at a loss, and in that case it will not last long.

As for profits, Xuemeng Food Factory focuses entirely on the 5% government subsidy.

Boxes of dug melon pulp were given away for free in parks and orchards, and tourists who received them had mixed reviews of the pulp.

Some people like to eat it, but others think this melon is too sweet and not as fragrant as traditional melons.

Fortunately, this thing is relatively cheap overall.

A smaller melon weighs about three pounds, which is equivalent to buying a melon for about 10 yuan. For these tourists, it is not a big expense.

As we grow older, adults don't like eating too sweet things, but children generally prefer it.

Generally speaking, these melons are sold well in the two scenic spots.

But compared with subsequent volumes, this speed is still slow.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Xiaolin took all her live broadcast equipment and set up a battle array, and prepared to return to her old business.

She, a big broadcaster, is not a vegetarian.

While Cheng Xiaolin was busy selling melons, Wang Xuelia and his party also came to the No. 1 Xuemeng Food Factory in Qingshi Town.

After the motorcade stopped at the factory, a middle-aged man of unknown age, lean and with parted hair took the lead and got out of the car.

He also wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses and looked polite and well-read.

People who got off the car later gathered around him intentionally or unintentionally. Cao Shujie had never seen Wang Xuelia, so he also checked online and knew that he was the latest top leader in Yiling City.

Qin Chuanjiang from Pingyuan County pointed to Cao Shujie and introduced Wang Xuelia, and then introduced Wang Xuelia again.

When Wang Xueliang and Cao Shujie met for the first time, they held each other's hands in a friendly manner.

"On behalf of Xuemeng Food Factory, I warmly welcome Secretary Wang and all leaders to visit our factory for guidance." Cao Shujie said politely.

Wang Xuelia is also looking at Cao Shujie.

Ever since he decided to visit Xuemeng Food Factory, he had often heard people mention Cao Shujie.

It is said that he has a good personal relationship with his predecessor, Xiang Yuheng, and there are rumors that he also has a good relationship with Wang Qinghui, Guan Guotai and others from Dongshan Province.

Carefully studying Cao Shujie's resume will be confusing.

How did Cao Shujie, who is only 34 years old this year, accomplish all this?

At Cao Shujie's age, many people are still confused about their lives and have no clue about their future development, but Cao Shujie relied on his own abilities to strategize and accomplish many great things.

The key is that he still has nearly 3,000 employees in his factory, and this scale will further expand in the future.

The turnover of Xuemeng Food Factory has also ranked first in Pingyuan County in just a few years, surpassing Pingyuan County Chemical Factory, a subsidiary company of a central enterprise.

All signs indicate that the young man in front of him is not as immature as his age. On the contrary, wearing this young man's cloak makes it easier for people to ignore Cao Shujie, and then ignore the threat of this young man.

"Mr. Cao, let's go to the workshop?" Wang Xuelia said proactively.

Cao Shujie was also unambiguous. He personally took Wang Xuelia and his party to the production workshop.

They were introduced to Wang Xuelia and his team from the source, and people from the Yiling City TV station followed behind to record and film the whole process.

Seeing the production environment in the workshop and the highly automated production equipment, with the minimum number of people in each position doing the most efficient work, Wang Xuelia nodded frequently, as if he recognized everything in front of him.

He would also stop from time to time to ask Cao Shujie about the production efficiency of the factory and how the market sales of the factory's products were.

"Does Mr. Cao have any plans for the company's next development?" Wang Xuelia asked him.

Cao Shujie thought for a while and explained to Wang Xuelia the company's goals, as well as various action plans on how to achieve these goals in the next step.

This is all dry stuff.

He was not afraid that if these data were revealed, the company's core secrets would be revealed and the company's development would be affected. Seeing that Wang Xuelia was listening attentively, Cao Shujie was still thinking that this man also seemed to be a man of work.

But this idea flashed through his mind. He had just started to get in touch with it, and it would be irresponsible for himself and the factory to rush to a conclusion.

"Mr. Cao, I saw from the news that our factory has recently purchased a large amount of Yuru melons from Huayang County, but our factory has already found a way to deal with these melons? Does our factory have any plans to purchase this type of melons in the future?"

As they were walking around the workshop, Wang Xuelia suddenly asked about Yuru Melon.

This incident has already been broadcast on the morning and evening news of Dongshan Province, and it is not a secret now.

However, Cao Shujie really did not expect Wang Xueliang to ask about this matter. He complained in his heart that this should be something you do, but it is our company that has to bear it. Have you not reflected on it?

But before he could say anything like this, Cao Shujie told him: "This is how it is. After buying these melons, we plan to distribute part of them as welfare to all employees in the factory, and the factory invites them to taste them."

"Part of it is going to be given to all schools in the town for free, and teachers and students in the schools can have a taste."

"We are going to give part of it to all the poor families in Qingshi Town and the town's nursing homes."

"After removing these three pieces, the company's R&D department is trying to find a way to see if these melons can be made into deeply processed products. If so, our company will add a new product in the future.

We will continue to purchase these melons in the future.”

"It doesn't matter if there is no way to process it. My wife and I were still discussing last night to bring these melons to Caojiazhuang. We plan to put them in children's theme parks and Mengmeng orchards and sell them to tourists at cost prices."

"If the sales volume still cannot reach a balance, we will also open an online sales hotline and do our best to help these people and solve the problem of unsalable Yuru melons."

Cao Shujie explained the matter very clearly from all aspects, and everyone present had different feelings after listening to it.

But they really admire Cao Shujie.

Especially the leading cadres of Xian Chemical Factory who came with Wang Xuelia and his party. When they heard Cao Shujie talk endlessly about the processing method of these Yuru melons, they also felt that Cao Shujie was thoughtful.

He actually thought of so many ways to deal with these melons.

However, they lamented that these channels created by Cao Shujie may seem unrelated, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that the two scenic spots that Cao Shujie invested huge amounts of money to build also played a great role in promoting the sales of their company's products.

Not only selling their company's products, but also selling other products for the same reason.

For example, data cables, and today’s Yuru Melon!

After listening to this, the smile on Wang Xuelia's face became even brighter: "Okay, okay, it's a blessing for the people in our city who grow fruits and vegetables to have an enterprise like Xuemeng Food Factory in Yiling City!"

"You're not worthy of it, Secretary Wang, you've given me too much praise." Cao Shujie shook his head. He didn't want to accept the praise.

Wang Xuelia's words were equivalent to putting him on the fire.

At this time, when Cao Shujie looked at Wang Xuelia, he was on guard.

According to common sense, there is no way you would be so complimentary to someone you just met.

Moreover, the other party is also the nominal head of Yiling City. This kind of thing of helping the people solve their difficulties should be their consideration, not Cao Shujie's effort.

The current situation is that Cao Shujie is doing these things, and the TV station has also reported on it. The people who grow Yuru melons are also grateful to Cao Shujie.

But no one has ever mentioned what the Yiling City Government has done here.

It gave the impression to others that the Yiling City Government seemed to be watching the whole process with a cold eye, which made them appear to be slow in action and have a poor sense of responsibility.

Wang Xuelia looked at the humble Cao Shujie, smiled and said nothing.

After coming out of the workshop, Cao Shujie took Wang Xuelia to the Second Factory to look at the fruit wine and juice production lines.

After reading it in a hurry, Wang Xuelia took the initiative to mention that he wanted to visit the Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park.

This was an arrangement within the itinerary, and Cao Shujie did not refuse.

Let Song Baoming drive to lead the way, Cao Shujie led Wang Xuelia and his party towards Caojiazhuang. (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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